Muge assassination: The powerful men he provoked Part 3

Thursday, February 21, 2008

PNU Accept Creation of PM Post As Visa Bans Are Withdrawn

ODM and PNU negotiators under the chairmanship of Mr Kofi Annan (centre) pray at the beginning of Wednesday's session at Serena Hotel, Nairobi. Photo/PETERSON GITHAIGA (NMG)

Surprise, surprise as the season of climbing down reaches Kenya at long last

After last night’s ‘burning midnight oil’, Kenya Government aka PNU have this morning in principle agreed to the formation of the position of the prime minister’s post, according to sources close to the mediation team. Reuters have also published the news here.

While going for a break last evening, most of the negotiators declined to talk to the press who have for the last one and a half months set up permanent camps outside the Serena Hotel where Kofi Annan resides and where the mediations talks are being held. William Ruto, however, could not help it, but flash a wide grin! Last evening session which went on to this morning was primarily to discuss the contentious PM's post.

Mediation teams ‘held by the balls’ – literally

The detail are still sketchy but it is not lost on observers that US President George Bush has spoken about the Kenyan Crisis at nearly every press conference he has addressed ever since he arrived in Africa on February 15th. More importantly, Secretary of State Condi Rice visited Nairobi on orders from her boss and held meetings with both Mwai Kibaki and Raila Odinga. Rice is said to have privately reprimanded Kibaki and issued an ultimatum that the US President wants to see an agreement reached before he departs the African continent. Bush is due to depart Africa today 21st February 2008 after visiting Liberia, his last stop of the African tour. Will a deal be reached today?? Probably. Listen to this: “We all want a peaceful Kenya, so let us all agree on a common agenda for our country. This is the reason I want us to work with even those we competed with in the last general elections,” said President Kibaki.

Interestingly, in a classic case of ‘you scratch my back and I scratch yours’, diplomatic sources in Nairobi reveal that following Secretary Rice’s visit to Nairobi, the dreaded visa bans imposed on Martha Karua and William Ruto have now been withdrawn from the list that included who-is-who is Kenya's lucrative political and business circles. Whether this was a precondition of reaching an agreement as demanded by the international community remains unclear. The visa ban threat had affected power brokers within government so much so that two teenage children of a powerful cabinet minister were reportedly ‘deported’ back to Kenya from their US universities last week.

Back to the creation of the Prime Minister’s post, it will be interesting to find out if PNU has bowed to pressure and accepted ODM’s demands for a PM’s post with executive powers.

If this is the case, Kenya's next parliament session will be interesting to watch because, for instance, Kalonzo Musyoka (and his ODM-K brigade) will cease to occupy the leader of government business seat and give it up for the in-coming Prime Minister.

More updates on this later.



    Again PNU is trying to fool everyone. They call it concession when they agree to a NON-EXECUTE prime minister. But we all know so well that this is totally unacceptable and still leaves all executive powers with the almighty presidency.


    You will never see Kibaki give up any of his powers. Please be real!

  2. Phil,

    Please stop this naivety of being easily carried away. Remember things are not always as they look. Remember Raila said to all his followers and the international community that he will never be PM under Kibaki. Why did Raila fight so hard to be President if all he wanted was a PM. I guess he trully believes what he once told Moi, "Hata mkia ni nyama." That is why I say this is not about democracy, it is about tribal chiefs, high sounding positions and govt limos and security. Moi once said every body has a price. But some people can be bought so cheaply that they are a disgrace to humanity. Remember this man sold our NDP for the Kisumu Molasses and then told us that he was strategically getting into Kanu to destroy it from within. The he told us Kibaki Tosha. And we have been believing him all along, isn't it, Phil?. Tomorrow, he will come out and justify his cheap greed with a parable or two - and as usual fellow ODMers will buy his talk. What is wrong with Kenya? Don't we have a leader who can sacrifice for us at the bottom. We fought in the streets and lost lowly jobs, and now our chiefs are busy sharing out the spoils of our blood with Kibaki. And what do I get in return? A loss of a Kikuyu friend from high school days. Next time it is going to be every man for himself and God for us all. We can't continue sacrificing for this big families. We were also born like them.

  3. @anon 1:43

    Once again a PNU die-hard, who wants to load all problems Kenya faces on RAILA although it is and has been for the last 5 years always kibaki who holds all powers. Why don't you accuse kibaki of not reforming Kenya; why don't you accuse kibaki of holding on to power for whatever means although everybody saw the rigging.

    And what is wrong with RAILA declaring "kibaki tosha" and by that removing moi and showing Kenyans the power of voting!?!

    RAILA AND ODM has to fight for real executive powers, because they are the only ones who will deliver the reforms Kenya needs. FULL STOP!

  4. Anon 1:43, The die has not been cast, i thought even Phil said the details are sketchy......keep your itching fingers from the keyboard

  5. Update, Kofi Annan about to give an press briefing on mediation talks, which apprently have been 'adjourned' till tomorrow (Friday) 08h30.


    While I appreciate your comments, I do not agree with your insinuations that Raila did not fight for the presidency merely because he wanted the premiership. Remember Raila beat Kibaki hands down at the polls and it is Kivuitu and others who assisted Kibaki to steal the vote from Raila/Kenyans. Further, these mediation talks are no longer about who won/stole the elections. Negotiations are all about moving the country forward in unity and peace.

    Your allegations about tribal chiefs and how Raila 'sold' NDP is an insult. Infact, it also tells me you have no idea of the intricacies of the KANU/NDP negotiations that ended up to the formation of a new KANU. I put it to you that if it was not for Raila, no party would have ever edged KANU out of power. Incidentally, in as much as Moi/KANU had its shortcomings at that time, it also enjoyed the support of millions of Kenyans who just like you and I had their right to support whoever they wished.

    As far as I am concerned, Raila is above the Matibas of this world when it comes to sacrifice and patriotism. Please give credit where it is due. We all know what Raila has done and what Kibaki/Kalonzo/Moi have (not) done.

  6. I though Raila was elected president of Kenya and said that he will not serve under Kibaki. He said that he cannot be part of a corrupt government.

    Who appoints the PM if it is there in the Kenyan constitution and where are they drawn from.

    Phil, Kibaki will remain president whether you like it or not and in Kenya, the president is the all-powerful and your wishes to have Kalonzo Musyoka step down will not work at all. He will remain the VP and any other appointment will be done by Mwai Kibaki.

    You have avoided talking about the Balala thing.

  7. Raila and Balala must be doing something good for them to get all the hate they are getting. Wait... they are preventing internal colonialisation.

  8. @anon 2:38 (I thought ...)

    You have not understood a thing. If PNU was willing to negotiate honestly, then an executive PM, which is answerable to parliament, would make a lot of sense. You would clearly separate the executive powers of a president and the one of a PM. And you could still keep a VP as well as introduce new deputies to the PM.

    BUT: PNU will never allow this to happen! And this is the problem. Kenya could have a great new parliamentary system, but PNU is standing in the way of a prosperous and peaceful Kenya.

  9. Anon 2:38 ..Yes Raila is elected president of Kenya by 4.3 million Kenyans and remember not inflated, not imagined....If Raila is to become Kibaki's PM it will be coz the people who elected him have given ODM the mandate for them to go on a coalition with thieves...You dont steal a cow then you cut it and tell the person you can only drink the milk, do that to white man but not an african especially a kenyan mwenye amegutukua. Raila will be the PM only because ODM has the majority in parliament and not because the MP for Othaya has said so...It will be equal footing..They take it or leave it and ODM will decide who will be appointed minister from the ODM side, na kama hawataki i second Balala in calling for secession, Kosovo has done it, so we can also do it.

    On that note : I just got this from a group of classmates ..Might be very intresting to read...It has been the cries of many in this blog....Do you think it can be true?

    Date: Thu, 21 Feb 2008 05:01:18 -0000
    Subject: [Infosciences] Balala's declaration of separation

    I haven't scoured all the papers but I know not many will report what
    Balala said on TV yesterday. I seemed to get the message that he was
    calling for a secession. You and I know, though, that this has been in
    the minds of many and has been spoken about in hushed tones. It is the
    first time a public utterance has been made of it by a man of stature.
    It is arguable that, by attempting to legitimise an illegitmacy,
    Kibaki himself seceded from the larger Kenya. Except for the visit to
    Eldoret church that was burnt, he has been unable to travel much
    outside State House.

    Here below is a document I came across on the Internet that speaks the
    same language. I think it is an adaptation of the American Declaration
    of Independence.

    The Declaration of Independence: A Transcription


  10. Anon@2.38am.

    You have a right to your opinion. But I will not make matters easy for you to understand them.

    Which Balala 'thing' are you referring to? Could it be the press conference he addressed yesterday after the ODM PG? You obviously have not read my post "Annan Mediation Failure: Beginning of Self Determination Struggle" which was published right here at Kumekucha even before Balala addressed the press conference.

    What baffles many is that ODM MPs made a statement at parliament and expressed their displeasure at the government lack of commitment to Anan talks. That statement has widely been ignored by the so-called mainstream media.

    While Balala was making an off the cuff comment, he alluded before the local and international press that if the individuals in government do not see the sense in moving the country forward by sharing power, they can be shrinked into a corner like Lesotho. This is a very serious remark coming from forum like that which enjoys massive local and international goodwill as well as a majority in the national assembly. However provocative, it is a sense that should come out. How come it has not been reported in any news channel, except the international ones?

    If some individuals would rather die, kill other Kenyans for Kibaki and Lucy's illegal powers, it would be fairer if they did it in their own country and let other Kenyans have their own decent and just way of running their federal state, with shared powers and resources.

    Everybody (except those riding on the back of others now) agree that this is a war worth fighting / dying for.

    Looking back, in his five years in power, Kibaki has nurtured a country where armed robbery of banks, cars, state coffers (and now votes and political assassinations) are all part of business as usual. Remember the two arrogant foreigners who took over our security forces and airport just because one of them was humping the daughter of powerful people in government? Disgusting, isnt it? It wasnt a dream, it actually happened.

  11. So the People President will not be sworn in and witnessed by One Million People in Uhuru Park. How times change.

    From a PResident to a beggar, and extortionist and subjugation. Kibaki will SIGN a documnet that will create the PM's post. He can as well give it to Kalonzo Musyoka in the name of COALITION and appoint Raila Oding his deputy.

    From a King to a MOUSE. How can life be unfair. ODM, what went wrong.

    Wakwanza watakuwa wa mwisho na mtaka cha mvunguni sharti ainame.

  12. Ivy, did I call you a word sometime back. Now, war-monger Number 1 Phil has confirmed that Balala said that and Phil (of all the people regrets it) and you are denouncing it. TROLLOP

  13. Anon @3.04, you still don't get it, it's NOT Kibaki signing the PM position into our constitution, it's the WILL of the international community. The thief from the slopes of Mt. Kenya has bowed before the will of the world.

  14. PNU have not reneged. They have just accepted to have a deal to stop the uncertainty and confusion in the country. At least some Kenyans can start earning a decent living without being paid by politicians to throw stones and extort motorists or burn churches.

    Who benefits from the deal? As usual, the great Kikuyu tribe. Say that agai...the great KIKUYU tribe. Our businesses will continue from where they were this morning and things will change even for the better.

    Mbari ya MUMBI OYEEE!!!!
    Mbari ya MUMBI OYEEE!!!!
    Mugithi ya KIBAKI move s PNU...PNU...PNU and Kazi goes on. Thye burnt all theor hopitals, great schools, ambulances, businesses, cars, town. Kiambu, Nyeri, Muranga and Embu were not touched at all.

    Clever People we are! take the war to their homeland. They suffer and accept anything you offer. Not different from what they write on this blog about people from Kirinyaga or Tharaka.

    PNU wins, tomorrow, they move out of the houses. Raila promised them free houses? Sorry to them they have to move out. Sleep in shacks again!!

  15. Signing to please the International community you said? But who retains the powers Kibaki or the international community. KIBAKI will run the country from Nairobi. Not Washington, London or Brussels. He will make the appointment. If anything, the deal was done to appease a section of the population.

  16. All this high faluting language will come to an End once Raila becomes the non executive PM, which is what he has always wanted. After that, it will be back to normal.
    I saw wajaluo wakilia pale kisumu "Sisi aunataka Kibaki na Raila Yote wakaliswe chini waongee kuhusu hizi majambo ndio sisi anawesa pata imani (amani?). Sisi anataka kusugulika na mineno ya biasara tu hapa kisumo dala"
    Even his own people are tired of his poor antics.
    Raila, one million people match, conjures of his dad's failed Match to the State House. This foolish luo family has a thing with power. However, other Luos are good intelligent thoughtful people...Raila ni punda sana!

  17. I think you meant "Mediation teams ‘held by the balls’ – literarily"

  18. Anon @3:25, I don't know what you are celebrating when 300k of your kinsmen are languishing in camps. Where do want them shipped to? Kakuma camp in Turkana District?

  19. No, back to their legally acquired farms in Eldoret and their businesses in Kisumu!

  20. If you really believe that will happen your are thicker than I thought.

  21. Dream on an 3:36 dream on.
    This is the kind of arrogance that is making your kinsmen to be fukuzwad in the first place. Who can stomach such arrogance? I wonder.

  22. Mama kapiranya

    Literarily is not an English word. However, Literary is an English word, meaning 'relating to literature/books'.

    On the other hand; literally (in my post) means practically/actually. Used figuratively.

    Lakini hiyo ni lugha ya mubeberu, kwahivyo usitie shaka sana. Tuna elewana, au sio?

  23. Anyway, you have to live with it like your neck between your trunk and head that Kibaki is the president and all displaced Kikuyus have a right to go back to their homes and ricght of access to cash to restart their lives.

    But the sweetest thing is that Kibaki beat Raila Odinga and Kalonzo Musyoka to be the president of Kenya. No denying that.

  24. Anon 3:10 Lol


  25. Anon 3:10 Imagine i am not having sleepless nights coz of you....Imagine i feel nothing just the way Americans felt when your brothers were burning the flag.

  26. Anon 3:10 Imagine i am not having sleepless nights coz of you....Imagine i feel nothing just the way Americans felt when your brothers were burning the flag.

  27. Ivy, did you lie to a former boyfriend or did you turn down a request from a potential suitor?


  28. Mediation talks postponed
    Written By:Emmanuel Kola , Posted: Thu, Feb 21, 2008- kbc

    The national dialogue and reconciliation committee has adjourned until Friday 8:30 am after AGREEING on the creation of posts for an EXECUTIVE premier and two deputy premiers.

    This is to give the members time to attend the burial of the former Special Branch Boss, James Kanyotu who will be laid to rest at his farm in Kirinyaga.

    Chief Mediator Koffi Annan is scheduled to give a press briefing on the progress of a legal sub-committee discussing modalities on proposed power sharing and governance structure.

    President Mwai Kibaki has expressed support for comprehensive constitutional review, adding that there is no constitutional vacuum in the country.

    The Orange Democratic Movement wants parliament summoned in the next one week to enact the necessary constitutional changes that will enable the implementation of a power sharing formular.

    Kanyotu, who died aged 72 years, is survived by two widows, eight children and several grand children.

    On Wednesday, a memorial service for the late Intelligence Boss was held at All Saints Cathedral in Nairobi.

    President Mwai Kibaki described Kanyotu as a hardworking and patriotic officer, in a speech read by National Intelligence Service Director Brigadier Gichangi.

  29. aNON 3:29 Luos will never boast about their flair in knowing swahili coz we dont know it and we are not having sleepless nights just coz of that..Anyway by calling us intelligent i can only say that is bribery for us to allow you to start doing your illegal business in Kisumu....Sorry Kisumu is still out of bounds...Until yes until you sign in a certificate of good conduct and another thing, the names you have found in kisumu were well thought out names and they have their significance so please you must also promise that you will not come and start christening some estates some funny names just the same way luos were comfortable in staying in Othaya without calling it Nyahera or koru ndogo...Last but not least only clean business will be tolerated.....THAT IS THE MOU...TAKE IT OR LEAVE IT

  30. All those making noise don't understand two fundamental things.
    1. This was a MEDIATION, so yes, ODM has stooped/compromised, but there is no shame in conceding (the fact of the thief stepping down) for the sake of continuity and peace. In my view, that is not begging. After all, a wise man changes his mind.
    2. Raila is to be PM because he is the leader of the party with parliamentary MAJORITY. Not because Kibaki decided to give him a hand out.

    People always make noise about PM post being created for Raila. It is being created so that the Executive is delinked from the Legislature. After all, Raila will not live forever. Who knows who will be PM (if the post is created) in 5/10/20 years time. And YES people vote for the PM - by voting for his/her PARTY. It is no coincidence that ODM has majority of parliamentary and civic seats. The people spoke, did you listen?

    Ole Seki

  31. I hope this is the beginning of the end of an Error!

  32. So, having Kisumu ndogo in Nairobi, Nyeri, Eldoret and Mombasa is legal, while having Gitari Marigu, Kwa Njenga etc is illegal. One rule for the man and another one for the animals. Lakini, Naivasha hamukanyagi. Kambas can come and do their thing there, Merus can travel all the way and work in the flower planations and the Embians can find work there. Kazi ziko. Kazi watapata. Hiyo isiwshida kwao. Na tutawalinda. Afterall, we get our share from the 4X4s that you fuels, other taxes that you pay and did you will take 20 years to reach where Thika is. And please, I was forgetting Thika, Juja, Ruiru out-of-bounds.....

  33. Phil,
    Considering the people we are dealing with, can we be confident that there is nothing behind them agreeing to the creation of the PM position? I don’t want to look a skeptic, but I think that we need to ensure that there are no loopholes. If shortchanged ODM may not be able to face Kenyans again. We now know how power hungry PNU people are that I doubt, until proved wrong, that they would easily let go of some of the illegally acquired authority they have. I am surprised at how sudden there has been `a change of heart´ from them when just yesterday they seemed far from such a decision. I will keep watching.

  34. Anon 5:02 ...Relax Luos/luhyas begged to be taken back home...Dala that is where they belong and they promised not to come back...Naivasha we will let Kales deal with you it is their jimbo....I stay in Nairobi but i have never heard a matatu going to an estate called kisumu ndogo, ..We migrate but one thing we know is that.East or West...Home is best ...At least we have a place called home

    sorry twenty years, ...Nuh that is a wishful thinking...dream on we are up...clean business

    Quoting you "Hiyo isiwshida kwao"
    what is this? i thought it is only Jaluo with Attitude who had a weakness in this are

  35. People riot, kill, loot and burn their workplaces and then they go jobless, begging for food and shelter. Meanwhile thier tribal chiefs, AKA Raila,Balala, Anyang,Mudavadi etc, continue pocketing Ksh 1 Million per month as MP salaries while living in Runda and Karen palaces. Stupid Domos!

  36. Phil,

    Ndiyo tunaelewana. Lakini with respect, 'literarily' means in a literary manner or respect, while 'literally' means in the very words, word for word as distinguished from any metaphorical or merely suggested meaning.

    Up to you to decide which one you meant to reach for.

    It must be said though, this is the one blog one cannot afford to miss for cutting edge Kenyan news and commentary. I love the work you are doing and respect you for what you do.

    Maroonie EH!.

  37. Anon 5:02 You have mentioned 5 tribes..GEMA + Akamba so i am wondering this thing i have heard people say US vs Them is true...coz it actually means 46 tribes including ogieks & illchamus vs you, u mean kisiis and bukusus mumewakata...Just the way you used Tuju and dumped him, si you guys adopt him just the way you promised

  38. Anon 4.42 falsified the KBC story by inserting the following : “after AGREEING on the creation of posts for an EXECUTIVE premier and two deputy premiers.”
    See the original story below.
    Mediation talks postponed
    Written By:Emmanuel Kola , Posted: Thu, Feb 21, 2008
    The national dialogue and reconciliation committee has adjourned until Friday 8:30.
    This is to give the members time to attend the burial of the former Special Branch Boss, James Kanyotu who will be laid to rest at his farm in Kirinyaga.
    Chief Mediator Koffi Annan is scheduled to give a press briefing on the progress of a legal sub-committee discussing modalities on proposed power sharing and governance structure.
    President Mwai Kibaki has expressed support for comprehensive constitutional review, adding that there is no constitutional vacuum in the country.
    The Orange Democratic Movement wants parliament summoned in the next one week to enact the necessary constitutional changes that will enable the implementation of a power sharing formular.
    Kanyotu, who died aged 72 years, is survived by two widows, eight children and several grand children.
    On Wednesday, a memorial service for the late Intelligence Boss was held at All Saints Cathedral in Nairobi.
    President Mwai Kibaki described Kanyotu as a hardworking and patriotic officer, in a speech read by National Intelligence Service Director Brigadier Gichangi.

  39. Anon 5.02 why are your guys begging to continue biz in Kisumu and other areas come kazi watapata?
    Why are they rushing back to Oyugis to sell Veges at exorbitant prices and getting chased away?
    Why is eldoret express struggling so much it now plies route 17B?
    And by the way all the quarries in Naivasha , Juja and those other places you mention are closed as there are no Men with Ujuzi and strength to work on them...
    And for your info guys in Kisumo and Katch are very happy as prices of maize have drastically dropped as our cousins fron Nandi and Kericho are not exploiters.
    When all is said and done all of us will suffer i just wonder who will suffer more bcoz of the Ugly Thief's stupidity!

  40. These KBC guys are a joke they have just edited their site and removed the phrase

    "after agreeing on the creation of posts for an executive premier and and two deputy premiers."

    How ever if you do search on google the phrase is clearly there in the search results......

    That is what KBC is shapeshifter galore

  41. we heard again kanyotu was 76.... he grew younger?

    am not hating..just asking.

  42. Phil, can I ask an off-the-topic question. I asked this question before and am yet to get a reply. As you might well know, Maina Kiai's statements almost always are ant-gov't and he speaks for Kenyans and not the gov't. But it is the gov't that employed him. So my question is, what is really preventing Kibaki from sacking him? I mean what exactly. I don't understand *-)

  43. It is a catch 22 my friend he can not sack Kiai, otherwise he looks like a president who does not tolerate dissenting views. from his own human rights commission or do they have a tenure of office I am not in the Know?!

  44. Abass,
    It's bcoz Kibaki has never made a single decision in his life. Lucy decides when he wakes up and how he goes to sleep. He moves like a zombie and bcoz his handlers don't think much of Kiai sort of like- wachana na huyo mpumbavu apige kelele- so no one bothers with him. Also he is not a threat to their thieving ways bcoz he can only comments on Human rights issues...
    You see as one wise old lady used to say masomo ya kitabu does not make you wise.
    Kibaki might have been a brilliant student but lacks leadership skills.

  45. I Googled Emmanuel Kola just after the paste by Anon 4:29. It led me to The story is headlined "Mediation talks postponed" Anon 4:29's version is, indeed, the original version - I have a printed copy. The article has, however, been edited in the last 90 minutes to remove the words "after agreeing on the creation of posts for an executive premier and and two deputy premiers."

    Kheng.fu 5:46 is spot on.

  46. maina kiai ni kikuyu thats why they wont touch him.

  47. githongo was also not sacked he ran...kiai will or has done the same

  48. Original document cached on GOOGLE SEARCH SERVERS
    Kenya Broadcasting Corporation:
    ... reconciliation committee has adjourned until Friday 8:30 am after agreeing on the creation of posts for an executive premier and two deputy premiers. ... - 3 hours ago - Similar pages - Note this

  49. Abass, my understanding is that Maina Kiai as KNCHR Chairman cannot be sacked because he enjoys what is known as security of tenure. Incidentally, this is similar to what is keeping Kivuitu and his incompetent commissioners in office, more than six weeks after showing this country the path to hell.

    Please get more details from on KNCHR at this link.

    Thanks for the compliments mama karipanya. Keep visiting and keep contributing.
    Just a correction: KNCHR and ECK are state-funded bodies, but their Chairmen are not like civil servants who answer to the whims of Muthaura. Both were created by acts of parliament which give details on how both can be removed from office. It is a long process. The difference is Kiai is doing his job while Kivuitu is screwing us up all !!!

  50. He is doing his job because he is speaking loudly. I thought you Luos do not like anything Kikuyu. Has he changed his tribe?

  51. PNU isnt trying to fool anyone anymore, PM post is very contentious, its stupid to assume that you can just plonk a PM's post without hashing your own terms. I think PNU have actually been forced to swallow their pride! Any political scientist would tell you that simply adding another leadership post in government doesnt mean that you achieve equity for all citizens. Machiavelli states that the Prince has the interests of the republic but wields power so that a sense of fear is instilled, and thus respect from the citizens for a leader. All of our top leaders have a machiavellian streak, they will wield power to maintain respect

  52. I will repeat, Raila as executive prime minister pretty much becomes the de-facto president. By accepting a coalition/transitional government, Kibaki is also accepting a safe exit from the illegally acquired presidency.

    Kibaki will not only be a lame duck 'president' but his irrelevance is about to be magnified.

  53. Raila will be the executive PM who will wield so much power and be a very powerful ruler in the country.
    That is very good.
    Who will be the executive powerful PM in 2012 when Raila becomes the weak president?


    In what is seen as a break breakthrough in unravelling the mysterious murder of former Embakasi MP Mellitus Mugabe Were, police Thursday arrested three suspects and recovered a firearm believed to have been used in the murder.

    Questions: Why go to hide in rural home Eldoret? Does Ruto know more than we do? RUTO, why did WERE die?
    Two other suspects were arrested Wednesday as police intensified the hunt for the legislator's killers.

    Detectives investigating the killing are said to have tracked the suspects to their hideout arresting two of them at a Nairobi suburb while the third was arrested in Eldoret.

    Police sources told KBC's Channel One that the pistol recovered from the suspects is believed to be the one that fired the killer bullet that abruptly ended the former Embakasi MP's life. Investigators are now probing the suspects to determine the level of their involvement and the motive behind the killing.

    However, information on where they are being held and when they will appear in court remains unclear.

    Were was shot dead shortly after midnight outside his Woodley home on the night of January 28 barely two weeks after his being sworn in.

    The latest development is seen as the closest yet breakthrough in the three week police investigations on the murder.

  55. story can be found here

  56. PNU KILLED WERE and is now hunting for more ODM blood.

    Jukwa…wacha ujinga ya kupindukia. We all know that the guy was nabbed in Eldoret where he had gone to hunt for Ruto and other ODMers.

  57. Just to remind you that Naivasha is in Rift Valley and NOT Central. So do not brag that some people have left to their homeland, you probaly need to leave too.

  58. aaiii....people propaganda haiishi?

    odm killed were and ainamoi mp and then asked that independent investigators namely FBI do the job?

    you want me to believe what police wa rambo are saying? hahaha

  59. Anon @ 7.01 and 7.03.
    Yeah right! How does this story link the murder to ODM? Give us a motive. Make your tale sound real, put some beef to it.

    In the Ouko murder, the police treated Kenyans to crap that was insulting to the intelligence of Kenyans. The police has adopted similar tactics with Were. The signs are there for one to see, including telling the public the motive without any investigation at all. I would be surprised if the police is even pretending to be investigating this case

  60. 7.42 hahaha......there is really no need to pretend.

  61. Kenyan Kenyans be patient- we as odm are making our own investigations with help and on who ordered the assassinations- we learned from the previous assassination in kenya that you don't allow a government to investigate it self!!
    we are happy with the progress-
    We expect Ali to resign the face charges
    big heads will rule watch this space and be patient!! we ODMers are smarter than that and we will not allow our fellow ODM MP die in vain -

  62. ODM thanks for the clarification I was worried that you were trusting the government to investigate- now I can take a sigh of relieve- although I heard that some police talked and gave some information regarding the plot? I mean Key information.

    in this case I guess the individuals the police have in custody is another smoking gun??

    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Kenyan Kenyans be patient- we as odm are making our own

  63. YUP!! READ BETWEEN THE LINE!! but this time it won't be another OUKO saga- we have mechanism & people in place and we are confident. we will solve both assignations...

    Anonymous said...

    ODM thanks for the clarification I was worried that you were trusting the government to investigate- now I can take a sigh of relieve- although I heard that some police talked and gave some information regarding the plot? I mean Key information.

  64. Hey people -you see and the plot thickens!!government thinks it can fool Kenyans!! ODM I'm happy that you moved in fast to do your own investigations!!

  65. Phil and the Rest of ODM Support group, breaking news, RAILA, Just ordered all odm supporters to jump off a cliff and not worry about landing..

    reports are streaming in that the masses of ODMites are flocking to the nearest cliff to heed these orders without fail....

    RAILA : "When I say Jump, u jump, no question...haiyaa one..two..thre... RUKA.."

    and all the ODMites foolish sheep.

  66. How can one individual overpower millions? How do you resolve to seccession just coz of the acts of one individual? Remember that if you there is succession in Kenya, it will affect many Kenyans who live in central Kenya and other parts of our country. They are also Kenyans except their leaders want everything for themselves. Do what you must to get the country back to the people, not to the person. People, don't give up too easily! God bless.

  67. Anon @ 8:17, you sound like a "woman scorned." Meza wembe.

  68. I suggest you read the oneline-edition of the Standard with the headline 'Talks facing uncertainty' - where they say that inspite of a seemingly breakthrough last night, things are again not certain.
    Just read before continuing discussing here the If and Buts of something which might still collapse at the end.

  69. Raila ni PUNDA sana!

  70. Ha ha !!PNU you think ODMers are so foolish like PNU to allow their mothers, daughter to be circumcised by mungiki while sitting back watching and clapping for a few shillings? get a life PNU follow murderers and thugs who spew shit on their faces and then kill them!!

    nonymous said...

    Phil and the Rest of ODM Support group, breaking news, RAILA, Just ordered all odm supporters to jump off a cliff and not worry about landing..

    reports are streaming in that the masses of ODMites are flocking to the nearest cliff to heed these orders without fail....

    RAILA : "When I say Jump, u jump, no question...haiyaa one..two..thre... RUKA.."

    and all the ODMites foolish sheep.

  71. Kibaki ni Mwizi- Malaya ya Othaya-
    thieving slut- go tell him to go and rape people in central province becuase they are stupid enough to allow him

    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Raila ni PUNDA sana!

  72. we need voice of reason hapa not people scorned.

    thing will change and Pressure is on PANUA to stop this sillyness

  73. After all's said and done, who will be the one to have been seen sa championing better government, better rights, democracy, a voice for the voiceless, I guess not the "duly elected", feel sorry for that guy. At this moment he is in between a rock and a very hard place, oouucchh.


    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Anon @ 8:17, you sound like a "woman scorned." Meza wembe.


    SO MY KENYAN LEARNED FRIENDS- who do the police have in custody?? you get my point?? after prof received a warning Ali commissioner rushed to pick anyone and the gun they say they have?? no such thing ati it was used to kill- police sources confirm -THIS IS A SMOKE SCREEN TO CONFUSE KENYANS- THAT MUNGIKI ADMITTED THE KILLINGS IN THE TEXT MESSAGE TO PROF WANGARI MATHAI

    Nation newspaper
    Nobel laureate Maathai claims her life is in danger

    Publication Date: 2/21/2008

    The death threats, according to the messages, are from the outlawed Mungiki sect, and are apparently provoked by her position on the ongoing peace process.

    Prof Maathai has consequently demanded the immediate reinstatement of her security which was recently withdrawn in unclear circumstances.

    The message sent to her mobile phone at 12.47 am says: “Because of opposing the government all times, Prof Maathai we have decided to look for your head very soon. You are number three after Were, chunga maisha yako (watch out for your life).

    The message sent to her personal assistant’s mobile phone number a minute earlier says: “Tell Prof Maathai awachane na serikali kwani tunataka kichwa yake haraka iwezekanavyo.” (Tell Prof Maathai to leave the Government alone because we want her head as soon as possible.)

    Prof Maathai said she has never received such threats despite her unpopular positions, and hence did not take them lightly. Her security was withdrawn three weeks ago and according to Prof Maathai, no explanation has been given by Police Headquarters.

    “I have written several letters to the Commissioner of Police and indeed made countless telephone calls to his office in an effort to reach him without success,” she explained Wednesday.

    The former Tetu MP said the threats were politically motivated. She claimed a police officer who wished to remain anonymous had told her that instructions had been given by some people in the Government to withdraw any security attached to her and that only the Police Commissioner can reverse them.

  76. You know what amuses me about Domo-lites?

    For some strange reason, they think that the louder they are, the more righteous they are (kind of like those nauseating press conferences they are so fond of).

    I'd go by Anan's words, "its time for sober dialogue, not idle rhetoric!"


    """"""The message sent to her mobile phone at 12.47 am says: “Because of opposing the government all times, Prof Maathai we have decided to look for your head very soon. You are number three after Were, chunga maisha yako (watch out for your life). """""""


    Nobel laureate Maathai claims her life is in danger

    Publication Date: 2/21/2008

  78. ANNON 8:48, It seems I hit a nerve for you to come out spewing that hate and bitterness....slow down, kunywa maziwa to dilute the acidity in your mouth.

    the fact remains that ODMItes are like blind sheep, following their leader Mr Odinga without question.

    At least in central province, alot of sitting MP's were shown the door. Despite those MP's being Kibaki die hard supporters, they did not perform to their constituents satisfaction and were thus dismissed.

    See In central, we adapted to capitalism while you guys were busy being blinded by empty promises and sweet nothings from Raila, and in Capitalism, it's all about results. Thus these Mp's may have been kibaki's foot soldiers, but they neglected our needs at the constituency level.

    Bye bye Mr Mutahi Kagwe, Murangaru, Wangari Maathai, P.G. Mureithi etc,

    welcome new blood like Mr Kabando who'd better perform or he knows what awaits him next.

    So all y'll ODMites it still beats me why yu follow a blind leader ? it's like a blind person helping yu cross the street, and y'll still don't see the folly behind that?

    and pleae learn to argue your points instead of reverting to matusi ya peni mbili...

    Offcourse there are some rogue elements in central like the dreaded Mungiki, and trust me, there's no love lost when michuki eliminated these guys. Mungiki is a menace, just the way the looters in kisumu started robbing middle class luos coz they were the easy target, despite them (middle class) having voted for ODM.

    Luo Nyanza needs new opposition leadership that is not linked to the Odinga Family.

    There is definitely leadership void there. I'm sure any of you guys can do a better job that Odinga...


    Blogger bloggeratti said...

    You know what amuses me about Domo-lites?

  80. YOU PNU SKUNK!! YOU DARE TO TELL ME TO SLOW DOWN WHEN YOU CONTINUE TO SLAUGHTER INNOCENT KENYANS AND EVEN THREATEN YOUR OWN TRIBE(prof Mathai) for standing up for the truth!!!! shut your filthy beak of a mouth

    And then you even praise a MUNGIKI GODFATHER KABONDO WA KABONDO??
    MURDERER AND RAPIST OF INNOCENT KENYANS- I hope you are next or your family to have your head chopped of like they have threatened Mathai!! only then will you wake up from your sleep fool!!

    Anonymous said...

    ANNON 8:48, It seems I hit a nerve for you to come out spewing that hate and bitterness....slow down, kunywa maziwa to dilute the acidity in your mouth.

    welcome new blood like Mr Kabando who'd better perform or he knows what awaits him next.

  81. Hey leave this PNU fools alone- they will never learn- they follow murderer's blindly- people who force circumcision on their own women blindly- people who still from them blindly- I mean they are known not to have their own brains- look at them following a 71 year old senile fool- who is widely to be a thieve and a thug with his cronies?? ......................should I say more??

  82. Raila is power hungry, the only thing that can tame him is old age, and maybe just giving him the power like you would give candy to a spoilt child

  83. Phil, I just wanna thank you for that reply. I now know why. Thanks to others also who contributed.


    Why are you deleting my comment in response to ANNON 9:18??

    There was nothing vulgar in my response, all I did was counter his/her points -point by point. what is wrong with that ?

    you should be deleting Marianne Briner comments not those that don't tow your line!!

  85. We told you a few days ago. Raila will accept a non-executive PMs post and life continues. We had also said before that if Raila does not become President, he is finished as the pre-eminent Luo politician.
    A Luo challenger to his authority is now going to come sooner or later. As we speak, Luo councillors in Nairobi have already defied him on his preference for Passaris as Mayor and wonder of wonders, are now teaming up with PNU councillors(mostly Kikuyus) to get Majiwa(a Luo) into the Nairobi Mayors office.
    Did i hear somewhere that Kikuyus can never vote for any body except a fellow Kikuyu?
    As we have said before and will say again, contrary to some bigots and tribalists views, Kikuyus have had a problem with Raila, and NEVER with Luos as a tribe.

  86. KIMI,

    For the record, it's not that Kikuyus can't vote for a Luo, They simply WILL NEVER vote for Raila.

    If RAILA was a kikuyu, they'd still not vote for him.

    I agree, it's time a new Progressive Luo leader emeregd coz Raila is getting lame. But that's no easy task. Raila, like his dad does not like compe. Remember how his Dad hated one Tom Mboya ? Tom Mboya was a real nationalist, a real hero.He was loved in central much more than the people around kenyatta, and he even made it to the cover of time magazine in the 60's.

    I can only imagine the green monster in Jaramogi at that time consuming him so much. Jaramogi, like Raila are the worst Luo leaders ever, they are retrogressive minded, never want maendeleo for the common Luo, they always want the common Luo to be bonded in poverty and no progress.

    If it were differnt, Kibera would not be how it is today. Odinga family has really been dinyaing Luo's for a long time and luo's have been quietly accepting this harsh treatment

  87. ODM Guys,

    Raila is callin on everyone to protest their spouses if they continue to work for the kibaki gvt

  88. Kimi rai=whatever

    Lets wait and see if your prediction on Raila will come to pass outside your imagination.

    On Kikuyu's pretending to vote for someone else for mayor. The mayoral election is a mere side show. Kikuyus have not voted for any none Kikuyu in presidential elections(the election that really counts) and it is unlikely they will do so. I look forward to the day when a meru or Embu will vie for presidency, and fail to get any support from Kikuyus. That will be the end of the gema alliance.

  89. Kimi rai whatever

    another thing, Kikuyus have problems with Luos and many other communities. We have had the negative comments against the Luos. Remember there are Luos too who can understand and speak Kikuyu language

  90. Na hata 2012 mzee aendelee tena,kazi iendelee beyond 2012 , muta dooo?


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