Monday, February 25, 2008

Gang Raped and Maimed, Can Kenya Survive?

So what was all the heat about since December 27 last year? Kenyans have enjoyed the circular ride and lo the destination is where it all started. Karua has driven the last nail on hope’s coffin on behalf of Kibaki. The smart iron lady and gate keeper of STOLEN PRESIDENCY made sure she conditioned Kenyans well inn advance by flanking herself with three political flower boys during her stinging press conference on Sunday.

Kenya is a nation betrayed by Kibaki and consumed in deception. “No deal and Kenyans can go to HELL on one way ticket because return flights are not guaranteed”, so declares the straight shooting Karua to a besieged nation. Well, we all saw it coming and by the way you don’t steal an election to give it up in under 60 days. The talks were designed by Kibaki to be all heat and no light. It provided the much-needed breathing space for PNU to entrenched her illegal regime. After filling the police force with pliant officers (from you know where) the job is done and kazi iendelee.

Game over and poor Annan is left on a cliff dripping wet and exhausted. Welcome to deception made in Kenya. The plot hatched on the slopes of Mt. Kenya was to have ODM give ground believing in movement. Well the motion was well-crafted as process to have ODM expose all her arsenal. With that her hand innocently and fully stretched PNU came with laser guided axe wielded by hawk-eyed Karua. In a flash ODM lies down limbless gasping for breath with the Kenyan weight on her shoulders.

This is not a bad dream folks. Neither can it be reduced to mere pessimism. We are Kibaki planned to have us. Forget past experiences because all the bad memories we nothing but rehearsal. It is here. Ultimate product of deception dressed in neat gab of industry. It couldn’t get nastier and bloodier. While the decoy 6% kite flew the mast we were persuaded to bend over one more time as the masters rode our backs. Will we say enough is enough with our aching back? Time cannot tell because the lips have been chopped. The analogy of raping a willing lady was not apt but also prophetic.


  1. The West prides its self for being anti-terrorism yet it is supporting ODM members who have killed hundreds and evicted thousands. They are openly preaching hate as the West negotiates big seats in government for them. The West is giving them kichwa kubwa (a big head).

    The President, the police commissioner, the head of NSIS and the AG should resign if they cannot enforce the Kenyan law and provide security to Kenyans. The president has an obligation to protect every Kenyan citizen. Of what good is it to have a president who buries his head in the sand as ODM openly promises to unleashed violence on Kenyan citizens?

    Whereas I understand that the president has no powers to introduce charges against suspected criminals, the president still has an obligation to ensure that those charged with the duty are carry out that duty without favor. Our constitution gives the police powers to arrest and act to prevent a crime. Section 26 of our constitution gives the Attorney General powers to introduce charges, take over an criminal case introduced by private parties, and drop any charges introduced by him of private entities.

    It is sad to note that not a single soul has been brought to account for the slaughter of innocent citizens even with the availability of photographic evidence. The police force is making no effort –by use of the internet or TV- to identify the identity of people caught on camera slaughtering innocent Kenyans. I even doubt that the police know how many citizens have been slaughtered or roasted. Functions and duties of the state have been taken over by civilians who are collecting evidence of human rights abuse. A good example is and, among many blogs compiled by Kenyans who are sick and tired of the impunity.

    The National Security Intelligence Service (NSIS) was in place years before this genocide. The agency was there was Raila Odinga was inspecting a guard of honor mounted by the Kalenjin militia. The agency’s website boldly claims that it “has a mandate to identify threats against the security of Kenya, collect and analyze intelligence on these threats, and advise the Government accordingly through appropriate intelligence reports.” If indeed this is their solemn duty, then they failed. More that 1,000 Kenyans have been killed in the most brutal manner; thousands are nursing physical and psychological wounds; thousands of houses have been reduced into ashes; and millions of Kenyans live in refugee camps. Above all our country is no longer one of Africa’s power houses; we are now a travesty of a state! All this happened under the “watchful” eye of Maj. Gen. Michael Gichangi and his army of officers who enjoy an annual budget of over Sh4 billion.

    It is interesting to note that the NSIS has no clue of what is going on in the country yet journalists predict events before they even happen. Long before Burnt Forest was attacked, I read a report on the Nation (I am trying to trace the link) that thousands of armed raiders were heading to burnt forest. There was a massacre a few hours later. The Telegraph recently published a story with details about a Kalenjin army. One Mr Cheserek told the journalists “We are waiting the results of Mr Annan’s talks, but if they do not go well, we will make sure there is not one Kikuyu left in the Rift Valley.”

    Cheserek’s warning is similar to that given by the ODM-Pentagon’s Najib Balala saying, that they would reduce the Kikuyu into a Lesotho. Raila Odinga also warned that we should expect violence should the Annan team fail to secure him an executive PM post in the Kibaki government. Such warnings only reinforce the report by Human Rights Watch that said that the organization has “evidence that ODM politicians and local leaders actively fomented some post-election violence.” Similar observations were made by the US Department of state that said, the Kenyan case was “clear ethnic cleansing.” Koffi Annan talked of “gross and systematic human rights abuses.”

    With all that information available to newspaper readers like me, the NSIS is yet to use its resources to get to the bottom of the massacres.

    On his part, Attorney General Amos Wako is operating as if business as usual. Amos Wako was in office during the ethnic cleansing of 1992 and 1997. Amos Wako cannot point to a single case he prosecuted. The 1992 and 1997 killers are the ones doing the killing today and God forbid they will be free to continue their work. Amos Wako has gone missing since the slaughters began. His office is a big joke because it cannot successfully prosecute a village chicken thief. I think his stay in that office is long overdue. He has presided over the worst human rights abuses in post independence Kenya but he has no shame receiving a pay slip at the end of each month.

    Since the Attorney General has failed to do his work as mandated by the constitution, the president owes it to the Kenyan people to set up a tribunal of judges to review if or not the AG should resign or be fired. Failure to do this, the president will have failed to use his powers to the benefit of Kenyan citizens.

    A president that serves his own -and his fellow politicians’- interests is of no use to the masses. He should therefore not take their support for granted by negotiating with terrorists. He should not let violence be used as a bargaining chip. The president’s solemn obligation is to listen to the Kenyan masses in IDP camps and not bowing to the interests of the UK or Germany. Those killing Kenyans should not be pacified by being given power. They should be brought to account lest the killing with impunity continues.

    The UK cannot share power with Osama bin Laden and institute Osama's version of Sharia Law to guarantee the safety of her citizens. Why should they push William Ruto, Raila Odinga, Najib Balala and others down our throats yet the so-called pentagon has said that it committed to “reducing them (the Kikuyu) to an island like Lesotho?” Why didn’t the civilized world bow to Slobodan Milosevic’s demands?

  2. Anon@3.49 FYI the constitution SECTION 00.0 permits THEFT and getting away with it. Thank you for the lecture, but no thanks we don't need it take it where it belongs. Or you can fax it to Gordon Brown and Bush as another memo and tell them Kenyans will starve to death because they have uprooted the only hard-working Kenyans.

  3. Kibaki and his clique think that they will have the presidency forever.

    It will disappear like it was never there.They will spend an eternity regretting why they sabotaged power sharing.

    The GREED of this mafia is shocking;it's not even human.Akina Martha Karua are just demons which escaped from hell. Their greed will destroy them all, sooner than later

  4. Kibaki and his clique think that they will have the presidency forever.

    It will disappear like it was never there.They will spend an eternity regretting why they sabotaged power sharing.

    The GREED of this mafia is shocking;it's not even human.Akina Martha Karua are just demons which escaped from hell. Their greed will destroy them all, sooner than later

  5. oh yeah!! taabu tell them, actually i just read the section you quoted and it is indeed true that theft is permitted in the constitution and subsection 2 says stuffing ballot boxes is a fundamental right of the incumbent president.

    and dont forget to tell brown and bush that after uprooting hardworking kikuyus and confining them to their 'lesotho' the lazy luos are just sitting on the shores of lake victoria looking as the fish swim by!!

  6. anon 3:49, kbks is a liar, a thief, a scoundrel, a conman adn an ethnic chauvinist. his friends ditto, his appointed officers, ditto, his sycophants ditto. those opposed to this are only terrorists to people with the same mind set. i.e a thief would consider an honest judge, prosecutor or police officer a terrorist.

  7. Domo domo domo domo!!!

  8. anon 4:50 ditto

  9. Mungiki thieves wanting their victims to smile as they watch them steal.Even if they retain the presidency until 2012 it will be the most painful thing ever.

  10. Be ready for Kalonzo/Uhuru axis come 2012 , na tutafanya hivyo hivyo na hakuna kitu muta do.

  11. Anon @4:50 and 4:58 you must be drug addicts or crazy. Why do you visit this blog if it's all domo? Go to your beloved blogs where you'll read b.s about how Kibaki won the election and ODM and lazy Kenyans who oppose him are just jealous and want to bring Kenya down. What a waste of space! Sheeish!

  12. Kenyans have watched their children being raped and killed by mungiki- and the government orders(KIBAKI)
    Kenyans have buried thier loved ones in mass and when they wanted to fight back for thier loved ones and democracy - they were told wait let us try to reason with this thief, thug and murderer and from the respect and the love for their country they decided to wait while their children were still being raped by mungiki and their young men being circumcised by force by mungiki and as they waited they sharpened their minds and soul and they all song we shall over come- this time we will prevail with or without Koffi Annan
    And now the darkest hours in Kenya history has come to bare- Kenyans will be fighting Evil for good and they must do it or else all will be lost for generations to come!!

  13. The next few days are bleak indeed.


    Nobody wins in a Kenya that is ablaze.

  14. In kenya the terror started with the mungiki machine- with membership that goes as far as the members of parliament of PNU party- many people were killed last year and the government did nothing until kenyans started shouting on top of thier voices for protection- the kibaki government went ahead and executed 50 or more of the mungiki gang members!! Alas !!but this mungiki sect has recruited millions even from the diaspora!!and they even were boosting to have sponsored some of their members in the kibaki's PNU today!!we know who they are!!BUT THEY HAVE IMMUNITY -NO PROSECUTION
    but wait then they were told to go out and slaughter any kenyan that said the elections were rigged!! that mean from a 2 year to 1 70 year old kenyan - they did exactly that!! now dear Kenyans!!are these the people (terrorist even worse than Bin ladin) you want running Kenya??
    Rise up my brothers and sister - we have to fight this evil beings and get our democracy and our country back from their evil claws !! we have to do this foe our children - we have to fight for our kenya!!

  15. I Believe with all the information out there kenyans know who kibaki is behind closed doors people have nicknamed him "THE HAND OF DEATH" do you sincerely believe that kenyans will let kibaki rule them??

    that is all I can say!!

  16. dear sir- this was forwarded to me by a PNU member who is not happy with the way their leaders are handling things
    my guess as of many other people they were never going to share power with odm it was just a delay tactic


    Action Point - Truth Prevalence or Lack thereof
    PNU and Kenya Government need to rise up NOW! If they can’t find any in their midst, hire the worlds top guns in the field of public propaganda and media savvy-ness. Media Perception needs to be TOP of everything. Get the truth out in all the media and those who refuse to carry the story, pay for the adverts! That should be done in ALL the media outlets, with intensity especially in the neutral and ODM areas. The Goal is to inject doubt on the ODM victory in preparation of the TRUTH coming out. Insist on results from the PNU media strategy think-tank. They are being paid for results.

    Action Point – Publicly Challenge ODM
    Rather than just pay for Adverts seeking the truth and challenging Raila and ODM, these are the very exact questions Kibaki; yes the President himself. And he needs personally ask those questions on national TV and Radio. He needs to keep saying the same things over and over in English (Yes, English, his Kiswahili awful). Arrange for well publicized press conferences with question and answer English. The man is extremely eloquent and needs nobody to write speeches for him, as long as he does them in English. Others around him can do the Kiswahili versions on his behalf. Then let him mention and challenge Raila and Ruto by name. Yes challenge them personally and put them on the defense. Other PNU and PNU friendly officials go after their counterparts in ODM. Kibaki takes the challenging lead role and others follow. Let Kalonzo talk peace and show dictatorial tendencies of the entire ODM leadership and hence his jumping ship with ODM-K. Make public tours and repeat the same challenges over and over.

    Action Point - ODM Rigged Big time
    Get folks in ALL suspicious ODM areas where the vote was stolen in favor of ODM to file petitions in court. Prevail on the courts to move with speed and urgency to nullify the elections if the voters are indeed dead or could not have voted. This is a public safety issue and public security. Give it top priority. Hire more Judges if necessary to handle other cases while the more respected and experienced judges handle the election petitions. This is part of the negotiation ODM is pretending to ask for - speedy resolution of election cases.

    Action Point - Preaching Peace
    Get ALL religious leaders and community leaders preach UNITY like NEVER before. For example, get popular pop stars, local and international to participate in peace rallies. So what the government pays for them directly or otherwise. It’s about endearing the masses for the sake of peace. Get the Muslim leaders to condemn violence. Islam is a peaceful and compassionate religion, not the radical fundamentalism painted by the west. The government should embrace and echo that fact over and over. Have interdenominational prayers by all major religions. Condemn ODM style violence and senseless loss of life. Use Burnt Forrest as an example - always.

    Action Point - Demonize Majimbo
    Make MAJIMBO synonymous with VIOLENCE and discrimination and an excuse for wanton destruction of life and property. Mount similar campaigns like those by ODM and condemn violence and insist on peace and amicable resolution of disputes in courts. Get all the top-guns to go for peace and ONE nation, One Country under the rule of law NOT lawless disputes on the streets as rallying points. Always mention Majimbo on the same sentence with Raila, Ruto and Chaos and loss of life. Show that it is a hate campaign designed to bring chaos. Repeat the church burning and tossing of the 3yr old as what Majimbo means. We are all brothers in one family called Kenya. Show how Kibaki has been all-inclusive president but was railroaded by a disgruntled minority after the referendum to snatch power illegally. Drum it in, over and over.

    Action Point- Act on Corruption
    Get all those corruption cases on the likes of Ruto, Mudavadi and Murungaru on fast track. Show that ODM is a worthy opponent with good points but those good points are being tarnished by corrupted individuals. Name them by pointing to corruption cases. Make them pay for the corruption. Please the West that cries for corruption cases and jail terms. Kosgey and Ruto should be first closely followed by other dirty individuals even in Kibaki camp. The country is much more important than a few rotten but friendly eggs. The point is to be seen to be taking action on corruption…remember the perception factor?

    Action Point - Act on Violence Masterminds
    With the Intelligence on hand, prosecute RUTO, Alexanda Sitienei and accomplices on RV clashes. Damage has been done in RV so, no worse could happen with the Kalejin vote. Get others on incitement charges. Make tribal clashes look REALLY BAD AND BARBARIC. Let everyone frown on the primitive nature associated with it in this day and age. Several people must face the law and indeed long jail terms, really long. They should be highly publicized cases.

    Action Point - Public Thoroughfare
    Make blocking public roads look so bad and make bandits blocking such roads as economic saboteurs and potential murderers and robbers. They are basically criminals up to no good. The motive for such closures is always to cause trouble, rob, maim and even kill in the mayhem. Execute shoot to kill orders for blocking roads. Move with speed. (Try blocking I-95 in the US with barricades and see what will happen, human rights will be forgotten!)

    Action Point - Increase the Police Force
    It’s a known fact that in Kenya, the police and armed forces in general are seriously outnumbered per capita (to the general public) going by world standards. Hire extensively and fast track police training to maintain peace. Have local policing to maintain peace and above all avoid local thuggery. Borrow a leave from the extremely functional Tanzanian policing system: Security is everyone’s concern; national police is a supplement to help the locals as they maintain and manage peace, not the other way round as it is in Kenya.

    Action Point - International Mediation
    Invite International mediators and show the facts and especially as they favor the government side. If for instance President John Kafour was railroaded with un-orthodox documents out of character and disingenuous procedures, let the government have President Kafour talk about it to the world media. Let the Kenya public hear it over and over again. Have public debates on it. Always focus and shape the public debate in PNU favor. Never play catch up to the opposition. Senior government officials participating in such talks should give a public report as much and as often as necessary. You know the opposition will rush with biased information, act to beat them in the press game.

    Action Point - Look to the future
    With VP Kalonzo secure on the government side, let him take the lead in the Peace initiatives with the President taking a commanding role and being publicly visible. Have an internal move to put ODM-Kenya and PNU friendly parties into one. This becomes a HUGE advantage to Kalonzo who should be preparing for the 2012 Presidential elections. Get the Coast and Western Provinces fully behind the new unity party, whatever its name. DO NOT RELENT on the Media and wooing the youth in the new-Kalonzo unity initiative. Always give a forward looking, confident, inspiring and highly optimistic future with the young fully incorporated.

    Action Point – Keep Central Out of the limelight
    Central and GEMA tribes, the so-called Mount Kenya Mafia are Kenya’s favorite punching bags in the political arena. Keep the GEMA group in crucial supportive roles behind the scenes. Kamba and other non-GEMA tribes to be seen leading the imitative but not prominent in its formation. Have GEMA 100% behind Kalonzo with Western Kenya, Coast, N. Eastern and Rift Valley prominent in the new unity outfit. With such Strong unity and a corruption free progressive government, ODM will be struggling. Kalonzo should take that lead with public blessings of the president. With KANU left as a skeleton, a single strong united party, extremely disciplined should be the force required to confront ODM in the coming and inevitable battles in parliament and public Perception.

    Action Point – The Raila Factor
    Get the public talking about loss of life in the abortive 1982-coup attempt and the Dec 27, 2007 election aftermath. Connect the dots with public utterances on Raila to mean disgruntled, willing to kill and circumvent the law for leadership sake. The ODM adherents went with the winning propaganda party that looked like it would win with GEMA as the poster boys of ridicule, and it worked. Never relent on the violence and Raila’s desire to be president whatever the cost, including loss of life. Do whatever it takes to turn tables around for all to embrace each and all, irrespective of tribe. It can be done!

    Action Point – The Youth Factor
    The Youth must be incorporated in this new unity initiative. It needs to be fashioned in such a way to look like it is the Youths initiative, progressive, non-tribal and chic! If a young person has to be progressive and forward looking then one has to be made to be spearheading the new initiative that truly condemns and shuns violence and dismiss it. Strengthen the Women and Youth Development funds. Give credit to the Government.

    Action Point – The Western World Motive
    Insist on the motive for the Western government to ridicule and point a finger at Kibaki. Show publicly with convincing figures and graphs what the West lost in terms of no-bid government contracts with business moving to China. Show how they refused to support Kibaki after the contracts were cancelled. Show high tax collection and how it has been put to excellent use. Show budget supported by 95% local revenue. Show development was across the land before the violence. Show pictures of before and after. Show the West motive is to subjugate and domineer the poor countries and Kibaki managed to break free. Breaking free meant that the rest of the Poor countries were being shown the way forward by Kenya, and that the West can’t afford that. Show the WTO policies and how Eastern facing by Kibaki (Read China) is bad for the West and Great for Kenya and poor nations. Bring the contradictions of Raila courting Muslims by day and the West by night.

    All the actions should be thoughtfully timed with the public debate always insisting on peace and progress. Encourage others to acknowledge the Kibaki splendid record. YOUTH MUST of necessity, be at the core of the all these initiatives. After all, the future of the country (and indeed the kingdom of God) belongs to such as these young… Actually work has been cut for PNU side: just use the now infamous ODM Poll Strategy document only this time for positive outcome. Use similar SWOT analysis and above all, have the outcome ACTED upon. Swing this thing around using their weapon, clearly thought out action plans with specific goals and objectives with action-oriented operatives.

    This is serious business to be executed corporate style. No roadside or broadside statement declarations. No statement to be issued unless approved by the core think-tank. It’s a high stakes game by very senior management professionals.

  17. Breaking NewsUgandan commentary says Kenya's diplomacy "embarrassment"

    Feb 24, 2008 (BBC Monitoring via COMTEX News Network) --

    The rejection of renowned conflicts mediator, Mr Cyril Ramaphosa, is so far the biggest diplomatic let down in the Kenyan crisis. Archbishop Desmond Tutu, Mr John Kufuor, Ms Jendayi Frazer, Mr Kenneth Kaunda, Mr Khetumile Masire, Mr Joaquim Chissano, Ms Graca Marcel, Mr Benjamin Mkapa was not quite such a long list of international intervention that Kenya could not absorb into their strategic diplomacy.

    After all, Kenya is the home of the UN in Africa and many other supranational headquarters stationed in Nairobi and its environs. All these actors in the international relations arena came in to make a quick diagnosis while presumably being in solidarity with the Kenyan people. The international community; Africa Union, UN, NEPAD, the EU and so on combined their diplomatic strengths to do something about Kenya.

    Therefore, it makes many commentators wonder why the initial and consequent responses of intervention were ignored or treated with trepidation by the current government. The reception these leaders got ranged from confusing to shameful.

    Mr Kufour was apparently here for a cup of tea. Now, Mr Ramaphosa is a key influential figure in international politics, what does Mr Alfred Mutua, Mr Kibaki's mouthpiece-in-chief thinks he came for, another cup of tea? From the Bantustans of the apartheid era in South Africa to Belfast, the capital city of Northern Ireland, the man carries enough mediation experience to be bothered by the suspicious theatrics of Mr Kibaki's team in the peace talks.

    From the petty policy frameworks and rules of engagement at the Foreign Affairs Ministry on Harambee Avenue, it does not surprise many that the eminent position of Prof Wangari Maathai in the local and global arena is valued only outside Kenya.

    Prof Wangari's enviable contribution in world environmental affairs can still be used by opposing sides in the peace talks to bring some sense of understanding. Some die-hard PNU [President Kibaki's Party of National Unity] politicians have vilified Ms Wangari since the Memorandum of Understanding (read Kenyan transition 2002) days for drumming up a pro-Mr Raila Odinga message. Ms Wangari has simply been downplayed because of her strong feminist voice in a jungle of dominant male politicos.

    In world affairs, any government that makes Archbishop Tutu's intervention look irrelevant is perhaps one that suffers some chronic amnesia on the subject of peace, justice and reconciliation. Archbishop Tutu and Mr Ramaphosa both brought their experience to the intractable conflict of Northern Ireland. Archbishop Tutu and Ms Wangari are in the rare list of Africa's glitterati in the Nobel Peace Prize club. Something must be seriously wrong with Kenya's foreign relations officers; they have let down this country big time.

    In international and local conflict resolution, the most important contributors are not simply the official state appointees who gather around the peace table. It is not even the top officials of opposing sides that make the painful impartial roadmaps. Indeed, the people who carry the heaviest burden in conflict resolution and transformation are international actors who in this game, are modestly referred to as Track Two diplomats. Mr Ramaphosa is a prominent example.

    The claims by PNU that Mr Ramaphosa has close business links with Mr Raila Odinga are tedious to say the least because the man himself has confirmed he has trade networks with PNU politicians. Mr Ramaphosa is known to be shrewd, focused and not easy to manipulate.

    During the beginning of decommissioning of paramilitary weapons in post-conflict Northern Ireland, Mr Ramaphosa and former President of Finland Martti Ahtisaari were drafted in to bring their experience in pacifying the two sides of the conflict.

    To date, the transformation in Northern Ireland, in what was one of the deadliest conflicts in Europe, is partly because of the negotiation, intervention and supervisory roles of Mr Ramaphosa. Most track two diplomats keep a rather low profile and do not easily dispense with their intentions during peace talks for fear of risking a backlash from opposing sides.

    In the Kenyan crisis, some of the track two ambassadors hardly got the chance to show their ability to inject a peace momentum. Within a few days of hanging around Nairobi "Waiting for Godot" the truth finally reached them; the Kibaki government did not feel comfortable with their presence.

    Remember in Samuel Becket's Waiting for Godot play, our recent international guests would be playing games, swapping hats, mulling over suicide, arguing, laughing, crying and even preparing to go back to their respective countries. Mr Ramaphosa went home barely 48 hours after he had arrived. Removing Mr Ramaphosa from this contested debate is the same as killing strategic intervention and long-term solutions with a single slingshot.

    The discovery of the bugging of Annan's hotel room at Serena by his security officers two weeks ago reveals yet another great embarrassment to the shenanigans of government and foreign relations in Kenya today. Who bugged Mr Annan's offices and hotel room in Nairobi?

    There has to be a new approach to our foreign policy, who is our ally? Are we non-aligned? Is China our core buddy or is it the old Western carrot and stick model?

    Is Pan-Africa the only real solution in intervening or are Kenyan Wananchi [citizens] now relegated to a mere audience of their useless politicians? May be these questions are not worth asking when the issue of legitimacy of authority is still hanging in the balance post 27 December elections.

    Source: Daily Monitor website, Kampala, in English 24 Feb 08

    BBC Mon AF1 AFEau 240208/ag/job

    BBC Monitoring. Copyright BBC.


    Despite keeping details of his private companies under lock and key, investigations reveal that Kibaki and family own shares in various blue chip companies trading at the Nairobi Stock Exchange. It is estimated that the Kibaki family controls an investment empire worth as much as Shs 2 billion.

    Apart from investing at the Nairobi Stock Exchange, it is said that the family has also invested heavily in farming, owning huge farms in several parts of the country. Among these include one in Nakuru, a ranch in Naro Moru area near Nanyuki, farming interests via a holding company in Mweiga and in his rural home in Othaya.

    Apart from having family business, records show that during the early 80s, Kibaki teamed up with the likes of former president Daniel Arap Moi, former powerful Attorney General Charles Njonjo and formed and investment company which they named Heri Limited.

    It is said that the company invested heavily in property with its flagship properties such as Norfolk Towers, College House and Kolobot Gardens. The company also invested heavily in quoted securities at the Nairobi Stock Exchange (NSE) and was for many years among the top 20 shareholders of ICDC Investments (now Centum Investments), Nation Media Group, Jacaranda Hotel, Standard Chartered Bank, Lonrho Motors East Africa, Housing Finance Company and the Barclays Bank, Clarkson and Southern Ltd and Taisho Monarch Insurance Company.

    It is also said that Kibaki also has an interest in International House Limited, the company associated with businessman Chris Kirubi and the one that owns the prestigious International House.

    It is said that even when Kibaki fell out with Moi and Njonjo their business links remained intact and sustained by the fact that they operated mainly through investing companies. This arrangement meant that the did not have to meet in order to transact business since the firms were run by hired professionals and all that the shareholders did was to wait for their dividend cheques.

    Another company associated with Kibaki is African Liaison & Consultants Services Limited (ALCS). According to financial analysts, today African Liaison is among the major shareholders in such public quoted companies as CFC Bank, Barclays Bank of Kenya, CMC Holdings as well as Heritage Insurance Company.

    For political survival Kibaki is said to have not only relied on family business to finance his campaigns, he has since his first attempt on the presidency in 1992 elections relied on a network of wealthy businessmen and professionals. Some of the big names include Joe Barage Wanjui, the Chancellor of the University of Nairobi. He is fabulously wealthy and owns a huge stake - together with business magnate Chris Kirubi - in UAP Provincial Insurance, one of the largest Insurance companies in the region.

    Another big name is that of Nathaniel Mbugua Kang'ethe who runs the MCL Saatchi and Saatchi. He also runs Kang'ethe and Associates and IA Consulting Kenya Ltd. Also in the list of those who have been giving Kibaki financial support is Jeremiah Kiereini who ahs a considerable stake in Unga Group Ltd, CMC Holdings Group of Companies and CFC Bank Ltd. Others are cabinet minister John Njoroge Michuki who is also the owner of the exclusive Windsor Golf and Country Club. Eddy Njoroge the Managing Director of KenGen, Peter Tiras Kanyago, the head of the multi-million giant freight-forwarding firm, Express Kenya Ltd, and East Africa Elevator Company (OTIS). He is also the chairman of Toyota Kenya Foundation. Others are former Defence Minister Njenga Karume who owns the country's largest beer distribution firm.

  19. No! Someone who is worth Kshs 20 billion doesnt care about Kenya but one who is worth over Kshs 4 Billion does. You see most Kenyans are worth between 2 billion and 5 billion and raila is pretty much within this bracket. He is poor like us and that is why we feel he is president of the poor.
    Hahahaha, you guys are so stupidly thick you will continue being taken for a ride many many years to come

  20. Raila is to reasonable to deal with this Mt Kenya problem.

    We should begin the search for a leader who can solve the problem head on once and for all.


    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    No! Someone who is worth Kshs 20 billion doesnt care about Kenya but one who is worth over Kshs 4 Billion does. You see most Kenyans are worth between 2 billion and 5 billion and raila is pretty much within this bracket. He is poor like us and that is why we feel he is president of the poor.
    Hahahaha, you guys are so stupidly thick you will continue being taken for a ride many many years to come

    12:17 AM

    Kenyans will NEVER THEMSELVES to continue to be DUPED by A ROGUE GOVERNMENT! We first threw stones on election day-a whooping 4.5 MILLION of us..obviously driven by blind greed for power Kibaki and fellow goons had other ideas!
    Seeing their plans were BOUND TO FAIL They called us protestors and shot,maimed and raped our women...CORDONED OFF UHURU PARK AND THE WHOLE CITY,ORDERED CURFEWS IN NAKURU...generally unleashed mayhem on THE SAME INNOCENT KENYANS who voted them in 2002!WHAT A SHAME!
    The Annan talks have been ambushed,the DRAGONS IN PNU,totally BLIND TO REALITY cannot understand WHAT POWER SHARING IS!!!
    These thieves have turned Kenya into an OLIGARCHY-a system of GOVT in which a small groups hold TOTAL POWER based on wealth,military power and social position!

  23. Anonymous Anonymous said...


    I second you on that -read this passage i copied from this blog!! this guy is nasty- i hope he gets it soon - so that he can never be hateful again!!he is one of those who read and did everything according to PNU MASTER PLAN- YOU SHOULD CHECK HIS BLOG SITE!!NASTY!!


    According to the provincial administration PS, Cyrus Gituai, the changes would: “ ensure the District Intelligence and Security Committees and other departments were operational” {reorganizing of the security forces}. Folks, these guys are getting ready for the retaliation; they’re not negotiating.

  24. ''Oh how I love our new country:
    No lazy buffoons to bother us, only hard working people of like mind...
    No more uncircumcised pple to bother us...
    We can shout at other countries at the top of roof tops about our Sovereighnity after all our new country is heaven.
    No more people to compete with us for political power after all our own will always be president hence we have no dilemma about voting for our own.
    Our Economic growth is now in double digit figures never mind thousands of street families...
    We can buy all the shares after all we are all business minded since getting rid of those lazy pple.....''

    People from the rest of Kenya do not want Kiabki they do not want to even hear his name... Why then is he forcing himself on us???
    Since he is so superior intellectually and MUST be president- let him be president but of the pple who will die for him. Enough of the nonsence that this xtry is for all of us, everyone sticks in their geographical origin and life continues. Split this xtry yesterday- ENOUGH IS ENOUGH AND WE ARE FED UP OF THESE ARROGANT FOOLS.
    Let them go and make their own wonderful country with Milk and honey where people go to church but do not really beleive in God....SICK & TIRED I TELL YOU.....

  25. Relationships and friendships are always amongst EQUALS, that being said, to EQUALS YOU GIVE EQUAL SHARES, TO UNEQUALS YOU GIVE UNEQUAL SHARES. Why don't these kikuyus leave the rest of us Kenyans alone. Form their own country, where no one is "lazy" like the rest, where they are all honest and from the same "house." Pumbavu, Mavi ya kuku !!!!


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