Monday, February 04, 2008

Kibaki Team Now Clones Kumekucha Site As Long List Of Dirty Tricks Continue

If people can steal a presidential election without caring about the consequences, what else will they NOT do?

For a long time now, there have been several attempts to hack into the Kumekucha site. By the grace of God all have failed. Now supporters of Mwai Kibaki have gone and cloned the Kumekucha site, producing an almost exact replica of this site which will easily fool many Kenyans into believing that the contents there have been penned by the real Kumekucha.

It is now very easy to see the counter propaganda being peddled by Mwai Kibaki supporters. The latest is the ridiculous and insensitive story that ODM are killing their own MPs. Interestingly the site’s address is almost similar to Kumekucha’s except that there is an “s” at the end. The site has even already been indexed by Google.

View the site here;

The thinking that went behind this dirty trick is the same that rules Kenya today. For instance despite the killings continuing unabated, the hurriedly sworn in and constituted “government” has said that the country does not need a peace keeping force. Yet it is crystal clear that the police are overwhelmed and divided along tribal lines. Even our disciplined military are very suspect.

Still whether opposition leader Raila Odinga has appealed for foreign peacekeeping troops from either the UN or AU. Looking at the volatile situation the country is in and the continued dirty tricks being planned by some Kibaki supporters, it will be difficult for Kenya to avoid foreign peace keepers in the country. Let us wait and see, shall we?


  1. Chris, i thought you were joking!!! ati kumekuchas! i would be amused if i wasnt so repulsed by such antics.i guess your 1mil traffic had to be diverted somewhere, i bet our "distinguished" Dr.Alfred Mutua is behind these shenanigans.

  2. hilarious. now we have the other side, eh. let the readers decide.

  3. Congratulations Kumekucha! You have yourself a bouncing baby boy/girl depending. Life must be really good of late. First a million hits and now a mini-me! Blessings don't come any better than that.

  4. You have stood for the truth for the good of the Kenyan people.The goons behind this are the same ones who have refused to accept the real situation in Kenya including Illegitimate presidents and first Ladies who think state property is theirs for misuse.
    Imitation a form a flattery.Do not be shaken by their nonsense and propaganda.It'll disappear like thin air!Charles Nairobi.

  5. Keep up the good job!!That sight is a hoax and they are envious about your site.No amount of distortions and half truths will change our resolve as a people to get this regime out of sight

  6. Just why do you, Chris, promote the clone site on this forum? Could you possibly have any stakes in it? You see, it just impossible to trust any Kenyan nowadays. And that includes our very own Chris, famous for pointing out Kibaki's ills without giving any solutions!

  7. Imitation is the best form of flattery.

  8. Why lie? Say what you like but I visited the 'fake' blog and just LOVED it. I was blown away coz the site is great and their deep investigations. The writer is very well informed and sure as the sun rises is not just an ordinary man. The reason why that 'fake' Kumekucha was created was to counter ODM's arrogance displayed daily on this very blog. So I really can't blame that 'fake' blog. Someone had to take the like of (Phil and Taabu) by the horns.

  9. Anon 11.31- If you loved it why are you staying on the reall Kumekucha?
    The thing is Panua is the most foolish organisation I've ever seen since I was born!
    This is their tactic- they will now write their rubbish and then answer themselves saying oh we are Kenyans etc!
    Funny thing is they only talk among themselves hence tend to be out of touch with what the ordinary man/woman is thinking and that is why Kenya is at a crossroads today.
    Never mind them Chris hawatoboi coz we will not indulge them by reading their nonsence!

  10. They also 'took' your slogan 'You missed this'. click on profile (even Kumekucha without 's' this time) and you will find it.

    Very clever indeed. Are you sure, it is not your own 'twin' here but this time taking Kibaki's side and hence talking for the other half of Kenyans?

  11. anon @12:28
    You have a point there. I wouldn't put it beyond "we in Kumekucha" to do that!
    Come on, guys. Lighten up. If the clone has anything to offer, read it. If it's rubbish, it will die a natural death.

  12. Ha ha. what a pathetic site. Well i guess 'if you cant beat them, join them' Its ashady site with nothing new. All the info they have there is old news. We have know that for ages. Some of it has even been on kumekucha 'original' way back. What a joke.

  13. I didnt know that PANUA rats were so desperate.

    Anyway let them try what they can....their time is limited.

  14. Most replies on this post confirm only one thing, that this is without any doubt an ODM blog! Exactly what most Kenyans think. I really don't see anything wrong with the clone blog. It's all in the content, not the outlook. Cheers up guys!

  15. Anon 1.18- If most Kenyans think its an ODM blog it means most Kenyans visit Kumekucha and means most Kenyans are pro- ODM au siyo?

  16. Chris,


    Imitation is the best form of flattery, the clone site just proves how serious your blog is, it has revolutionized the way news gets out in Kenya. Even the EAS and DN ati have started blogs coz they have realized the power of free media.

    To the cloners; tunawajua, please start your own original blog if you are so offended/incensed by Kumekucha

    Chris, keep it up.

    Nico, Nairobi

  17. Chris,
    Now that Dr. Alf is no longer writing the comedy 'Cobra squad' his creative imagination must be poured somewhere. I'm convinced this is Alf aka vikii(why do you think he's been MIA)

  18. Chris,
    Now that Dr. Alf is no longer writing the comedy 'Cobra squad' his creative imagination must be poured somewhere. I'm convinced this is Alf aka vikii(why do you think he's been MIA)

  19. The bunkum that they have written in the "boyish" (Kumekuchans) has been circulating in the internet, and therefore there is nothing new. It is petty and only shows the temerity of a desperate bunch raised up with Koinange culture and the deceit mentality of theft as if stealing is honour and an act of geniusness. It is like how they were saying ODM killed Were because they want Luhyas to run amok (Luhyas already did since Kibaki STOLE the elections), only Kenyans to know that Were himself was a Luo. Why would ODM kill Luo and Kalenjin MPs? Let me tell you boys, in no way under any circumstances whatsoever will the ugliest creature on earth: Kibaki be the Kenyan President unless he gives up executive power (PM) for ODM to exercise that power. That's the LEAST he will be offered. If you don't believe, then wait for the hour is certain. You people shouldn't get busy with boys like Alfred Mutua. Do you remember when he was employed? Mutahi Ngunyi wrote in the Nation that people from Dubai are always "counterfeit like Dubai goods." Wasn't Mutahi spot on 4 years later? Anyway, who read his statements and what are they made of? I swear, I have never read.

  20. Chris,
    Please don' tell me that is also a clone! Anyway, you're doing a very good job and that is why they are looking for your form 16A to corrupt it. Keep it safe and let us keep it to the Original and genuine Kumekucha.

  21. Chris,
    A Slight redesign on your site will do. That is so thuggish (surprised?). I can not believe some people on this blog are defending them!
    Some people will really defend the indefensible. Anyway, It will die a very painful death. If I wanted to read that crap, I would read trash from NMG

  22. Has it occurred to you that Chris could actually be the brains behind the clone site? Ching! Ching!More cash from google's adsense. Chris, you must really have some Kikuyu blood in you with your money making acumen! You've pulled a fast one this time that caught some shallow brains offside. Nice job.

  23. Anon @2:31,I was also thinking like you. If at all Chris is not happy with the clone, why did he give us the link? Of course Chris could have done it so that he can express his negative views about ODM on another platform. Right now you can be sure that after reading Kumekucha, then the next blog to go to is Kumekuchas, Chris can be quite enterprising, and before we say you missed this, he will be telling us that his blog empire has hit the 5 million mark!

  24. Chris,
    Please do NOT have any sleeplens nights because of this childish act by PANUA. They are try to intimidate you and us by extension. I have read it and its content and script writing is very similar to another site which is now sudpended by the name of abunusawi. This site like our clone here are on the traits of the 'abunuwasisms' than being informative.
    Like the now dead abunuwasi, this clone will die easily and silently. No qualms. It is rubbish mate.

  25. ODM'ers, tulia, this alternative website is what we have all been waiting for. We are now tired of storytellers like chris, who write articles for the sake of it.

    Atleast for once this website has articles that bloggers can confirm for themselves.

    Stay on tune ODM'ers. Mambo bado!

  26. Then again, Chris could have created this clone website to express his frustrations about ODM. OR, it could be NSIS? LOL, ODM'ers, when will you learn?

  27. Chris, I have just tried to get on to the clone site. Heh, they have restricted readership! You have to register to read it! Yet they have not provided ways of registration! I think they have realised that they have been cauf=ght with their pants donw.
    PANUA can fool some people some times but they can fool all of us all the times. Shame on them. Aibu kwenu PANUA.

  28. Intellectual Property -

    Like Government property this crowd uses their true and tested principle of Kazi Iendlee. Somehow they just don’t get it that times have changed. Hardworking and industrious !!! Al Capone was seen as hardworking and industrious by his fellow gang members to the rest of the society he was a pest.

    It surprises me even the medium of the young is treated like the recreation plots that have been illegally allocated in the city. But then again. MTOTO UMLEAVYO ... you know the saying. I am waiting for the writer to use the blog asking PANUAWALAS to respect others property not loot or destroy them. The PHILOSOPHY OF NYAKUA has reached new heights.


  29. so now we have three Kumekuchas - the one without restrictions - the one with restrictions to invited readers only and the one ( which is called Your missed this Extra where you have to subscribe and pay a fee to be able to read certain 'even hotter articles' - two of these are for sure by Chris and my guess is also the third one is since blogpsot has accepted to register it even with the same address-name (You missed this).

    Please Chris tell us what this is all about. My guess and that of many others is that it is all the same, i.e. two will be for 'subsribers' only who will have to pay to be able to read 'more confidential articles' and the other will be the one for the 'ordinary' people.

    Am I right?

  30. Haha, yani they are so stupid they couldn't even come up with their own name? Aibu kubwa sana kuiba hata jina-that speaks volumes in itself!! A thief has forty days!

  31. You can only access the clone site by invitation.

  32. chris
    we can tell the real thing from the phonies, their are even nike shoes that look the same as the original only the fake ones are mike;and who will try to sell you the phonies for the price of the origi, your guess is as good as mine.

  33. You people and your conspiracy theories!!! If it is Kibaki, then show us the proof, its just the way ODM is purpoted to run Mashada and there is no proof so far, its political strategising if you have dick morris in your team for example that is one of the fundamental ways of korogaing things

  34. oh my goodness!! this is a new low-i mean i had placed them at lower than dirt level but they have just sank lower!!
    i hope they are 'proud' of their 'achievement'hahahaha........

  35. Buffoons in PANUA don't seize to amaze me. Anyway, someone hand me a .50 caliber sniper rifle and I will get the job DONE!!!

  36. How long will Kenyans take to realize that PANUA has a bunch of buffoons upon buffoons!!

  37. is the blog for invited people only? How can i get invited i see the content?

  38. The goons have blocked the site!which is good cuz Kenyans have had enough nonsense since kivuitu announced fake results on LIVE TV to millions across the world! i doubt he understands how many lives he destroyed!
    If the goons were honest they wouldnt have anything to hide!Charles.Nairobi.

  39. i think i love pnu people their stupidity knows no bounds!!!


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