Muge assassination: The powerful men he provoked Part 3

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Annan Conditions Kenyans for Bad News

So Kofi Annan will tomorrow deliver some form of SIGNED agreement between ODM and PNU yet the talks have been adjourned to Monday next week? That statement leaves more questions than answers. Solving the paradox doesn’t require the brains of a genius.

Annan is taking his responsibilities seriously. He knows the whole weight of Kenya rests on his shoulders and any vacuum for speculation will open the floodgates for another round of bloodbath. The good diplomat has therefore enlisted his experience and knowledge to condition an expectant nation for devastating news tomorrow.

The truth of the matter is that Annan will NOT announce anything worth the label news or breakthrough. Granted, Kenyans have been through hell these last five weeks and HOPE remains the only treasured asset in their souls. I have been labelled an alarmist by simply reminding my dear countrymen/women of the grim prospects in these talks given the principal’s past.

Truth never mutates and speaking it does not make you a doomsayer. The talks have predictably failed the way Kibaki and his cronies planned. Annan is only giving himself time to exhale and consult further while throwing a straw at Kenyans to keep them afloat. Annan is a polished gentleman. He promised us good news in less than 72 hours and so he had to give us something to ruminate after the talks flopped.

Rumour therapy
The intensity of international pressure in the last two days betrays any hope of a truce. Behind the stern warning and threats from the UK and Switzerland lies intelligence pointing no deal. Bush would never send Condoleezza Rice to Nairobi to beef Annan’s efforts if a deal has been reached. Add to that the sight of Kenya armed forces and GSU taking strategic positions in potential trouble spots and you get a peep into the impeding chaos.

Substituting optimism for reality in the face of a crisis is to unwittingly court a heart attack when the truth finally hits home. The two words are NOT synonymous and CANNOT be used interchangeably especially on anything involving Kenyan politicians. Annan is simply conditioning us for bad news.

The script is that when Annan finnally reports NOTHING substantive tomorrow, the national disappointment shall have mellowed thanks to 24 hours window for speculation and rumour therapy. How I wish this was only a bad dream.


  1. kudos taabu.....this is well thought out.

  2. for once a post that makes sense and is well reasoned. It's not really what I Want to hear but the way the story is well presented gives it some , infact alot of weight.
    this is what kumekucha should be about, unlike other posts that are totally b.s.

    whoever wrote this piece, good job is all i can say, post more incisive, well analyzed pieces like this in the future..

  3. From what I heard from people in Kenya PNU hardliners walked out of the meeting with long faces. I dont know if that says anything about Annan will announce. I think Annan will make his announcement and PNU as usual will claim they dont know what Annan is talking about and then Chaos will follow that is my take on the whole situation

  4. Sorry who ever wrote this is wrong!!

    Read my post again!
    Parties already agreed on coalition government!! they can't remove their signatures from that document- power sharing will be Equal- check all the other countries that went through the same process- through international pressure- Kenya is no difference- who ever keeps writing this post pretending to care or know what they are talking about is the worst alarmist and I think Kumekucha - even you I'm doubting now whether you are looking after \kenyan interests- when you know your site is read by many and you keep on engaging in Koffi Annan talk failure- This is not any more about PNU or ODM! this ia about what is best for Kenyan- and the coalition government is going to be in place by next week!! trust me! you can wish for failure all you want but it wont happen...

  5. Time will tell, let's wait with baited breath.

  6. I second you on this one now again another alarmist post^^ seem like KAMEKUCHA is looking like PNU now hinting for failure at every corner?
    I think it is like trying to push Kenyans to start Riots this of course will be in the best interests of PNU

    This morning we had another post citing "Armageddon" and wishing kenyans well in the same breath?? seems like the same author and alarmist of certain Posts on here-
    I agree with the person who says
    Coalition government is a done deal already- PNU and ODM were told to go back and organize themselves to choose their representatives in parliament-

    Too bad you don't wish Kenya well (Alarmist) posts on here!!people can read your thread between the lines as much as you are trying to hide that you are a PNU sympathizers^^^^^^^^^^

  7. Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Time will tell, let's wait with baited breath.

    1:27 PM

    Keep Holding your Breath-
    Kenya won't wait for your negative thoughts and wishful thinking of the destruction of the people of this country- Kenyans -together with Koffi Annan and the international communities are too smart for that! do you really think Kibaki, Martha Karua, Mutulo- are smarter than- Kenyans-ODM-International community (Foreign Governments and then Add on Koffi Annan with all his expertise???
    Them you must be dumb!!Sorry I can't think of anything else to tell you!! this tells me your blind faith in PNU to cause destruction on Kenyans in their own country is like having Iddi Amin in Uganda! "Blind Trust" of Ugandans Did it before they realized-but it was too late!!

  8. Taabu, Actulally, Condi will not make it this Monday. There's more important 'wire tap' issues going on at home.

  9. What is with all this Kumekucha starting to become an alarmist?
    You sound now like Kumekuchas!!

    With all the countries that went through coalition government -like someone mentioned on here- I think Germany japan, Liberia, Chad, e.t.c through mediation and pressure from other foreign entities?? I sincerely don't understand your post on here??

    Since it is indeed PNU who are being difficult (not wanting to share power) do you really believe that PNU is more powerful than first and foremost:

    1, Kenyans who Kenya belongs to
    2 all the foreign powers from
    South Africa

    to name a few whom some are super powers who have refused to recognize Kibaki's government and insist Democracy has to be brought back to the kenyan people (Quoting President Bush)

    Please give me an answer- so are you trying to say PNU is mightier than all above??

    If so then it is you who is in dream land and you better hold your breath longer because PNU WILL TOE THE LINE FROM NOW ON!!!

  10. Pals, Kumekucha has almost always been right! As much as I wish they arwe wrong on this, I have a feeling that they may be right on this one again!
    Time will tell. But looking at how arrogant and bullish Martha Karua is, I do Not see PNU giving in to pressure.
    PNU hawks do not see sense and think that peace has returned and there will be peace forever. How I wish they are right but I DON'T think they are. Their thoughts are clouded by power that they can NOT think freely.
    God help Kenya and her people.

  11. Kenya's government and opposition party have agreed to write a new constitution within a year, a government negotiator has said.

    Mutula Kilonzo told Reuters news agency that the parties had "reached agreement on a wide-ranging sphere of issues".

    The deal comes after talks aimed at bringing an end to the post-election violence which has left at least 1,000 people dead.

    Mr Kilonzo gave no further details about the contents of the deal.

    The talks, led by former UN Secretary General Kofi Annan, have been seeking a resolution to the disputed elections held in December.

    Kenyan President Mwai Kibaki was formally declared the winner, but supporters of opposition leader Raila Odinga and his Orange Democratic Movement (ODM) argued that the count was rigged.

    More than 600,000 people have been displaced in the ensuing violence between rival ethnic groups.


    The deal on a constitution could pave the way for a power-sharing agreement and possibly the introduction of a prime ministerial post in Kenya's political system.

    Both the ODM and Mr Kibaki's Party of National Unity (PNU) have put forward power-sharing proposals.

    Opposition leaders have not yet commented on the deal, which is likely to be only the first step in the complex negotiations.

    The announcement comes shortly after US President George W Bush said he was sending Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice to support Mr Annan in the talks.

    "There must be an immediate halt to violence, there must be justice for the victims of abuse and there must be a full return to democracy," Mr Bush said earlier today.


  12. I honestly don't see PNU Power sharing with ODM. I do not see Kibaki accepting to share power with RUTO....

    I want the country to get back as soon a spossible but let's not have fantasies..I mean this is kenyan politics we're talking about.

    The gava will wait this thing out and let Annan do his thing, after all is said and done, they'll go heavy on all the perpetrators, and they'll make sure they've brought that machinery down.

    Kofi says they are stil meeting on monday ? this thing wa ssupposed to be over, but let's wait and see, I don;t expect to see anythng radical....lakini wait and see, kibaki won't share power with no one.

  13. there is no power to share; that is what kibaki is too senile to understand. the country has already broken up on the ground and I don't see how that can be reversed.

  14. Pals
    You are not thinking like Kenyans!!
    You all seem to think Kenya belong to Kibaki, Martha Karua and thier cronies?? let me asure you it does not?? I sincerely don't understand how you all educated \kenyans can think like that -\look what happened to Mobuto of Zaire? everybody thought that he was going to die on that seat- he was removed with the help of foreign \powers and I can name a few examples Haiti e.t.c.
    The Point I'm trying to make is that \kibaki and PNU will not be allowed to hi-jack Kenya from Kenyans by force!!
    Read the British Ambassadors Speech follow it with Presidents' Bush's speech- that was specifically directed to PNU-
    The Message is "

    Share a coalition government or you are out- and believe me- hearing whispers in the corridors of Power this foreign Governments mean Business- you people are forgetting the amount of investments all this super powers have in Kenya-
    Kenya is not Durfor- why do you think all this countries are taking a hard line?? have you stopped to think?? go back and calculate how much each country has invested in Kenya or has it's people with investments in Kenya??
    It is like the example of Durfor and China! who has been voting against UN mission in Durfor?? China Why- they have full blown oil production going on in Sudan-Protecting their interests-
    Why do you think that China is quiet and is not getting involved in Kenya?? because they have no voice they can't even dare open thier mouths because China investments up to date in Kenya is minimal compared to all super powers

    So let me say this again- This foreign powers will not allow Kibaki to hold their investments in Kenya Hostage- they mean business- he will toe the line or he is out!! I;m sure they have already told him this! watch and wait!!read this space!!

  15. ano 3:17, I hate to see us relying on foreigners for help but it seems that some people will only understand English or US language. But no matter how much pressure they apply, at the end of the day, it is upto Kenyans to find a solution because they can't be forced unless Kikuystan separates. Also Chinese ambassador spoke today and said he is more worried about the roads they are constructing and reiterated his government's policy of non-interference in other countries' affairs.

  16. Anon at 3:17

    It is foolhardy to believe that China has no investment in Kenya. Please do your research and you will understand what i'm talking about. Hint, dig out and find out how many deals were signed in the last 5 years. What was that one deal about? How many times has Kibaki made a State Visit to China, visavis UK in his 5 term. Why did the Chinese President and Premier visit Kenya?


  17. Pal I agree with your analysis- my take on this is once they all agreed to work together to change the constitution the this meant that they had to have a coalition government to work on it together**** So I don't know why you Kenyans are confused stating that Kibaki can not agree to share power?? he has no choice -

    Actually look around the world at countries that have had similar problems even worse; Liberia e.t.c those were hard core liberation army in opposition -but with external pressure they sat down and formed a coalition government

    To this foreign powers -do you think the 71 years old Kibaki can give them a run for their money?? or Martha Karua(So undiplomatic) Nope wanajua how to handle hardliners it is what they do everyday policing the world governments - and if any African Leader is in their way then they are removed- Kibaki is lucky he has been given several warnings- some presidents were never given warning.

    In the case of Kibaki- sending his mouth pieces Martha Karua- wetangula and Kilonza is an insult to ths world leaders- they actually have seen his weaknesses leaving others to do the dirty work for him- the buck still stops at his door step even though he tries to hide- ata oneshwa adabu wait and see.......

    Look at chad? why didn't Super powers allow the rebels to win the coup?? who are sponsored by Sudan??and I understand China??
    Chad possesses one billion barrels of proven oil reserves and this provides another powerful incentive for disposing of Mr Deby.

    So this is another ball game in the international arena!! people it is not as simple as it looks to the eye- Kibaki went to the Chinese and abused the rest of the super powers -forgetting china is known for it's human right abuses!! it is in Sudan drilling oil- it is all over Africa corrupting Governments in exchange for mining & oil rights e.t.c After what it has in Sudan and the genocide happening their- do you sincerely think we want china in Kenya?? then we are fools

  18. t is foolhardy to believe that China has no investment in Kenya.
    Pal Actually that is part of my work- following investments in Africa especially Chinese Investments - Oil and Minerals- I know exactly what they have signed with kenya from offshore exploratory oil drilling e.t.c

    Nope signing concessions and investments $ in place is not that much- money only start flowing once the concessions are in the stage of production- should I say more??

    and don't be proud of it- Kibaki sold Kenya down the tubes looking at the deals he signed with China and be knowing most of that money is with him and his cronies very little went back to the government!! that is why I was happy when Switzerland said it will play ball- go ask Kibaki where the Oil and Mineral concessions he signed with the Chinese government went to- what the government has shown Kenyans is peanuts compared to the exact price of those mining concession!!! next time post what you know!! not gossip from PNU government!! facts are there- they will come to light in time wait and see!!!!

    Anonymous said...

    Anon at 3:17

    Please do your research and you will understand what i'm talking about. Hint, dig out and find out how many deals were signed in the last 5 years. What was that one deal about? How many times has Kibaki made a State Visit to China, visavis UK in his 5 term. Why did the Chinese President and Premier visit Kenya?


  19. Again I insist do your research.

  20. My research is made out of facts!! this days one can't hide money made out of deals with government -

    maybe Jimmy forgot to tell his Dad and his cronies not to leave paper trails- that money will be given back to Kenyans- Do you sincerely think that all those visits were not monitored by other governments wh don't like China surge into Africa? and took that information and noted all Kibakis Dance with the Chinese?

    why hasn't china endorsed his presidency if they love him that much (business wise)?? I know that was what he was counting on!! sorry he made the wrong move!! china ca not go head to head with the rest of the super powers namely Britain, USA, Canada EU block e.T.C Kibaki Miscalculated!! and he was arrogant about it- so let as see if china accepts him as the president of Kenya??

  21. Anonymous said...

    "" Again I insist do your research.""

    4:05 PM Anonymous

    I don't have to do any research -I already Know all the deals and even monies!! You tell Kibaki he's offshore accounts in the name of his kids will be frozen- he doesn't know how to hide stolen money !poor guy!

    Coalition Government is a must- this is the only way we can collect all the stolen money and return it to Kenyans- even Moi is crying!!

    I like Blogs sometimes people have no idea who they are chatting with and what knowledge they have!!

  22. I am the only one who thinks that the nation is no longer viable. We shall waste too much time bickering. Why don't we just disband this proto-banana republic?
    Can't anyone smell the vicious conflict that is coming? I will say this again as long as some people want to lord over others, there shall be no peace.

  23. One thing am thinking is that the people seen in uniforms are actually the mungiki being positioned strategically for the announcement on Friday that PNUhave refused to share power and that ODM should go to court. Thereafter shall be demos, their mision is to shoot to kill and creata fear so as to rule the country. They could not contribute all that money for mungiki without a reason. Its business they have to protect. What do you think of the corrupt businessmen who gave a million per empty plate? It is not democracy here, it is not the nation here, it is partisan interest that is being served. The only thing we are sure of is that these pple ,panua, have vowed to hold for five years. Oh GOD when Kenya goes down, we all go with it, can they see this? Whatever we say, whatever international community says, however well packaged it is or it shall be, THEY HAVE DECIDED TO GRAB THE POWER AND KEEP FOR GOODS. Convince me otherwise! Read signs beween the lines.

  24. You Wish?? Have you looked around you?? DO YOU KNOW WHO IS POSITIONED WHERE?

    ha!ha!! check who is ready and positioned to come in to remove Kibaki?? you guys are in dream land- Foreign powers don't joke- to them mungiki is child's play- like i said wait and see- Kenya ain't Durfor controlled by China!! there are big players in this- Kibaki is in dream land! and like I said you PNU Alarmists are wasting your time here:):) So keep posting your propaganda - I actually feel sorry for you thinking Mungiki's can protect you and your kikuyu clan- and kill other tribes in Kenya!!
    Everyone reading your posts can see that you are PNU 's pretending to care to what has happening in Kenya: and we are glad that you have come out right saying that you will refuse to burg- hey Kenyans and Foreign powers are aware of this already - that is why KIBAKI was given a warning!!! So let as see if Mungiki can protect him!! ha!ha!! his Mungiki army which just last year he killed 50 of them- mmmm!! maybe it is pay back time for them!

  25. I'm thinking that Kibaki will be removed from Kenya and flown to Uganda- I understand Museveni has agreed to give him a safe Heaven In Uganda with his family- so where will Martha Karua and Saitoti run to?? Somalia?

    Ati the word is if he refuses power sharing- they will do the Haiti style on him! This is good news a breath of fresh air- Kenyans we can start our road to Democracy afresh...... No thieves.....all monies stolen brought back to Kenya..... it will be used to rebuild Kenya.....Good News people Good News

  26. wapi!! this is good news? give us more details?? No power-sharing no kenya for him --I have joy joy joy joy down in my heart! this is what he needed to be told- way to go Bush- Britain!


  28. Siku ya Mwizi ni 40 I guess the count is nearly over, My dear Kenyans
    This is the best news I have heard for a long time- let him be removed and sent to Museveni= both thieves!!and murderer's they deserve each other.

  29. why do I feel so sad for my country and my people? I want to have hope but the truth remains, I feel so sad. What is coming might be so unprecedented that I am no longer predicting anything. I see an Ivory Coast situation coming here

  30. Come on guys!!! Read Kenyan newspapers online. Let us not wring our hands before there is even a funeral.

  31. This week was supposed to be one of the toughest. So it is no surprise that it has turned out as reported.

    The process is still moving along so don't give up.

  32. TAABU; Surely, do you read the papers? Have you visited Standard and Nation today?

    I agree, this post is way off the mark for the second time this week.

  33. People, we just have to wait and hear from Annan. The papers are reporting an agreement on a coalition govt. to oversee reform but it seems the specifics are still being ironed out.

    You see, it is already Friday morning in Kenya and people will soon be at their work places and the announcement will come later in the morning.


  34. Here is the best deal so far

    1.An interim government (with non executive President and executive Prime Minister) to last not more than one year be constituted after necessary constitutional amendments.Equal Powers

    2.Cabinet positions to be allocated based on Party strengths.

    3.The power sharing deal to include only PNU (and its pre-election affiliates) and ODM.(No ODM-K)

    4.Constitutional reforms (with Bomas draft as the blue print).

    5.Vital reforms of the Public
    Service (starting with purging of all parastatal heads who were actively involved in campaigning for either side and prosecution of any who used corporation funds towards the campaigns).

    6.Total overhaul of the Judiciary.

    7.Disbandment of ECK (new commissioners vetted by parliament).

    8.Appointments to all public offices be on merit after careful vetting an keeping in mind the regional representation.

  35. Anon @ 7.21; I am happy with all the 8 points but no. 4 makes be the happiest.


  37. No. 1 makes me think that @ 7.21 is mere speculation because even ODM has been talking about elections in 2 years and not 1 year.

    I prefer to wait and hear from Annan.

    It is actually easier for pple in the States to wait coz all we have to do is sleep and switch on our comps in the morning. Annan will have definitely spoken by then.

  38. Taabu, wacha wewe! Condi is coming to Kenya to have tea with Kibaki. They have been friends for years and are agemates! hehehe PNU

    Rabet Maatari!

  39. Can some one tell me whether Kikuyu's have ever voted for anyone from another tribe during elections as a Bloc?? since Kenya gained independence ??Remind me Please??

    Talking of tribal chiefs, how did President Kibaki’s tribes people (the Kikuyu and others around Mount Kenya) vote in December 2007? They voted overwhelmingly as a bloc for him. The Kikuyu are NOT known to vote for anyone outside their tribe, contrary to the Luo, who voted wholeheartedly for Kibaki in 2002. Note that behind every tribe or region in Kenya, there is always a powerful political leader. This will not change until we reform our Constitution and relevant institutions, to debunk the theory that politicians are the only people who can chart our lives.


  41. Let me remind Kikuyu's let us go back 5 years ago?? remember when Raila was a Hero to you???? you called him a Hero ??? Why?? continue reading!!!!

    Approximately five years ago, Kibaki was accompanied by Raila during his first meet-the-people tour around the Mt.Kenya region (home to the Kikuyu), to thank them for voting him as president. Scores of people shouted out Raila’s name calling him HERO, because of his 2002 vigorous and selfless campaigns for Kibaki, who had been injured after a motor accident and could not campaign. At that time, Odinga was not seen as a tribal chief, but a nationalist. However, during his bid for the presidency in 2007, he was met with open animosity by the same people while campaigning. He got the least votes in this region.

  42. ...then despite all the killings by police the clergy from the central Kenya who made a lot of noice during Moi's rule kept so silent.
    ...despite all the signs of the wrongs done during the vote tallying all the clergy and second liberation guys kept silent.
    ...despite Kibaki's single handedness in appointing the ECK commisioners the once garrolous clergy kept quiet is democracy there only when we have their guy at the top?? that is kind of hypocritic to me.

  43. Anglo Leasing Billions Traced to Kamani in Jersey, Guernsey and Switzerland in partnership with PNU
    members of parliament

    you think you can fool Kenyans?? where have you kept the money you already collected?? from some of this accounts- when you send your cronies to meet "KAMANI" THE THIEF?? we know you did- well will find it?? just watch!!

    My Fellow Kenyans Look at what they tooK?? and some are still in PNU----KIBAKI AND HIS CRONIES MUST GO!! IT IS LIVE OR DIE- FOR KENYANS -HE MUST GO!!

    the Kenya Prisons Security Telecommunications Project Phase II (January 2002) worth Euro 29.7 million (Ksh 2.6 billion plus); and the National Early Warning and Security System for the Meteorological Department (June 2002) worth USD 35 million (Ksh 2.6 billion plus).

    Fax instruction RC Kamani to Investec April 13th 2004 transfer 2.848 miliion Euros to numbered Swiss Bank Account at HSBC Geneva (beneficiary Midland Finance & Securities Limited)

    Globotel Admin Police Telcom Network contract
     LBA Systems Ltd - 102005 Telegraphic transfer instructions of USD 218,496 to Swiss bank for Yugoslavian arms, and UK£ 45,614 to UK arms dealer

     Assistant Manager File note on fax instruction from Mr. R. C. Kamani of Nairobi “informing us that we were about to accept US$3,158,750 and requesting we transfer US$3,136,250 to Apex Finance Corporation in Zurich

     Fax instructions Rashmi Kamani to Ian Burns of Investec 9th February 2004 Transfer US$2,960,180 to Shroders Bank Zurich Switzerland

     Fax instruction from Rashmi Kamani to Ian Burns of Investec instructing him to transfer US$3,118,281 from LBA’s No. 2 account with HSBC to Schroders & Co Bank in Zurich, Switzerland. Apparently he was a signatory to LBA’s No. 2 account

    WHY?? why?? are we all that foolish to let it continue happening- I say NO!!NO!!NO!!NO!!

  44. Kenyans this happened under KIBAKI'S WATCH- What type of human animal can order this to be done to any Kenyan??? Do you want to be ruled by such an animal?? by the way - this were his own tribesmen "KIKUYU" so can you imagine us other tribes?? what plans he has in store for us!! if we let him take the presidency illegally??
    Not on our watch dear Kenyans --not on our watch -we have children and grand children to fight for!!!

    Kenya KNCHR Report on Extra Judicial Killings November 2007

    The Kenya National Commission on Human Rights is investigating a large number of alleged executions and disappearances. Preliminary investigations suggest that between June and October 2007 close to 500 bodies of young men have been deposited in various mortuaries in the country by the police and the KNCHR has evidence suggesting that other bodies were dumped in the wild for hyenas and other wild animals to eat. Almost all the cadavers bear classic execution signs of a bullet behind the head exiting through the forehead.

    KNCHR started the investigations after receiving reports from residents of Ngong on corpses being dumped in the area all of which bore gunshot wounds. KNCHR was further told of a common pattern in the killings; witnesses first saw Land Cruiser vehicles, similar in make and colour to those used by the Kenya police being driven around the area, where on different days, after hearing gunshots, they stumbled upon unknown dead bodies bearing gunshot wounds. In one case, KNCHR learnt from two witnesses how they met and talked to a handcuffed person who unknown to them had escaped from police custody and was being pursued by the police only for his dead body to be found dumped within the area hours later. None of the deceased persons are known to the residents of Ngong and Kiserian areas.

    The preliminary findings by KNCHR lead to the inescapable conclusion that the Police could be complicit in the killings. KNCHR is also extremely concerned that the emerging pattern points to possible complicity of State security agents in disappearance of persons. If these allegations turn to be true, they would constitute Crimes against Humanity and mirror the reign of the State Research Bureau of the Idi Amin era in Uganda.

    Kibaki is worse than Idd Amin!! Kenyans Mark my words- he has to go!!!look-his own tribe executed!!!

  45. Contimue reading- how proud are the \kikuyu's do they accept this from this person called \kibaki that they Follow blindly- next it will be their own brothers , sisters, husbands who dare cross Kibaki and Lucy plus Martha Karua-

    OCTOBER 2007

    10. Almost all the deceased are young Kikuyu male adults. Records of the bodies that
    have already been identified by relatives indicate that the deceased are mainly
    from Kiambu, Muranga, Nyeri and Nairobi slums such as Mathare, Korogocho,
    Huruma, Dandora and Kariobangi. Majority of the deceased died from gunshot
    wounds most of which are concentrated on the head which is corroborated by a
    number of post mortem reports by the Pathologist Dr. Peter M. Ndegwa an expert
    in Diagnostic Medicine who is categorical that the cause of death in many of the
    cases has been execution on account of gun shot wounds at close range.
    11. Further, KNCHR found that there were some months when the entries in the
    register shot skywards. In the months of June and July after the Minister for
    Internal Security Hon. John Michuki announced a crack down on the proscribed
    Mungiki sect, the police register at the mortuary indicated that the number of
    bodies brought in by police rose sharply to 223. This is compared to a figure of
    189 recorded in the register for the 5 months from January to May 2007 before
    the crackdown. For instance on 7th June 2007 following the infamous Kosovo
    Raid in Mathare, a total of 8 bodies were booked that evening in the city mortuary
    register all of whom were of young Kikuyu males while on 22nd June 2007, the
    police register recorded a total of 13 bodies booked by police as having been shot
    around Nairobi area.
    12. Further analysis of this register shows that from August 2007, the rate of bookings
    in the register considerably declined. This coincided with the period when
    residents of Suswa and Kiserian reported the dumping of bodies in nearby forests
    when these bodies were discovered as they had not been taken to the mortuary as
    had been the practice before.
    13. KNCHR is also disturbed by the large number of bodies categorized as having
    been collected by police after alleged shoot-outs. Can it be mere coincidence that
    11 bodies reportedly collected from Yatta; Machakos between 5th August 2007
    and 30th September 2007 were all established to be of Kikuyu origin? Clearly,
    there is more than meets the eye and KNCHR has been informed by some of the
    family members that the deceased persons were arrested in various locations by
    Police in Nairobi before inexplicably surfacing up dead miles away in Yatta.
    Indeed all the witnesses of the Yatta incident concur that none of the deceased
    was from the area and that deaths by drowning in this area are very rare.
    14. There is a striking similarity in the pattern between these incidents; they coincide
    with the period after the month of June 2007 when the government declared the
    war on Mungiki and on wanted criminals. It is also noteworthy that this is the
    same period when a large number of people have disappeared without trace. The
    fact that no official action has been taken in response, notwithstanding the
    numerous reports made to the authorities, raises a lot of suspicion. Those who
    spoke to KNCHR regarding the dumping of bodies in Ngong stated that they
    reported the matter to the area chief who promised them that he would report the
    same to the police for action.
    15. From the KNCHR visits to 3 mortuaries in the country, a pattern is discernible
    where bodies have been booked in by police all of which exhibit a regular degree
    of methodical and meticulous consistency as to the cause of death-shots from the
    back of their heads at close range- which is attested to by postmortem reports

    No body deserves to die like this- for heavens sake - put them in jail for life- Kibaki that is what jails are for!!! you murderer!!!

  46. Guys! Why has Ruto -the fire starter- shut his big mouth for so long?? We now only hear Musalia and Nyong'o!

  47. Why can't you ask kibaki, Karua -Saitoti and Michiku why they are MUrderer's - what are jails for??

    From a sick KIKUYU!!!

  48. nd Jeff's answer - also still very early in the morning:

    .... not only am I smiling, I'm as 'STIFF AS A POLE' right now and will have to quickly take a cold shower to 'cool things off' !!!!!!!!!!

    My GOODNESS, Marianne, I'm really IMPRESSED ..... I can't wait for ALL THIS to happen .... for us to be in each other's arms, lips locked together, hands exploting each other, finding those places we both long to be .... in a word, I can't wait to be INSIDE YOU .... first with my tongue ..... and then ......

    I am glad, I helped awaken the 'Tiger' in you ..... somehow, like you said, you were waiting for the right man to come along ..... and I'm honored to not only come along, but CUM and CUM and CUM !!!!!!!!

    And like you, I LOVE early morning LOVE-MAKING ..... Goodness, I'd better stop or I'm going to go CRAZY just thinking of that .........

    We're still waiting for our Darfur permission ....... hopefully we'll get it later today or tomorrow ...... we also might get an interview with the President here ..... but that's a BIG maybe .......

    In the meantime, stay ready for the time of your life (which is very arrogant of me knowing who you've been with in the past) .........

    I may be arrogant ......... but GOODNESS, am I CONFIDENT !!!!!!!!!!!!!


    When I read his mail, I had to smile - and then I wrote:

    .... I am glad, I did excite you ...... I am proud I did ...... I only hope, you are not driving or in a meeting - otherwise I am afraid, you will either crash or blush now .......

    I know, you will be a good lover - would I have 'chosen' you otherwise ??????????? Or did you 'chose me' ???????????


    And Jeff's immediate answer:

    No, I wasn't driving or in an interview ...... I'm getting ready for an interview we have in two hours with Jan Pronk, the United Nation's top man in Sudan ....

    In the meantime, I'm smiling and smiling ....... and getting HARDER and HARDER and HARDER again thinking of what we're GOING to do with each other .........


    For more cum here

  49. Puh-lease 10:53, no-one gives a rat's ass anymore about JK and MB. The website reads like a cheap tawdry novel. Who cares?

  50. Kenyans this happened under KIBAKI'S WATCH- What type of human animal can order this to be done to any Kenyan??? Do you want to be ruled by such an animal?? by the way - this were his own tribesmen "KIKUYU" so can you imagine us other tribes?? what plans he has in store for us!! if we let him take the presidency illegally??
    Not on our watch dear Kenyans --not on our watch -we have children and grand children to fight for!!!

    Kenya KNCHR Report on Extra Judicial Killings November 2007

    The Kenya National Commission on Human Rights is investigating a large number of alleged executions and disappearances. Preliminary investigations suggest that between June and October 2007 close to 500 bodies of young men have been deposited in various mortuaries in the country by the police and the KNCHR has evidence suggesting that other bodies were dumped in the wild for hyenas and other wild animals to eat. Almost all the cadavers bear classic execution signs of a bullet behind the head exiting through the forehead.

    KNCHR started the investigations after receiving reports from residents of Ngong on corpses being dumped in the area all of which bore gunshot wounds. KNCHR was further told of a common pattern in the killings; witnesses first saw Land Cruiser vehicles, similar in make and colour to those used by the Kenya police being driven around the area, where on different days, after hearing gunshots, they stumbled upon unknown dead bodies bearing gunshot wounds. In one case, KNCHR learnt from two witnesses how they met and talked to a handcuffed person who unknown to them had escaped from police custody and was being pursued by the police only for his dead body to be found dumped within the area hours later. None of the deceased persons are known to the residents of Ngong and Kiserian areas.

    The preliminary findings by KNCHR lead to the inescapable conclusion that the Police could be complicit in the killings. KNCHR is also extremely concerned that the emerging pattern points to possible complicity of State security agents in disappearance of persons. If these allegations turn to be true, they would constitute Crimes against Humanity and mirror the reign of the State Research Bureau of the Idi Amin era in Uganda.

    Kibaki is worse than Idd Amin!! Kenyans Mark my words- he has to go!!!look-his own tribe executed!!!

    9:53 PM
    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Contimue reading- how proud are the \kikuyu's do they accept this from this person called \kibaki that they Follow blindly- next it will be their own brothers , sisters, husbands who dare cross Kibaki and Lucy plus Martha Karua-

    OCTOBER 2007

    10. Almost all the deceased are young Kikuyu male adults. Records of the bodies that
    have already been identified by relatives indicate that the deceased are mainly
    from Kiambu, Muranga, Nyeri and Nairobi slums such as Mathare, Korogocho,
    Huruma, Dandora and Kariobangi. Majority of the deceased died from gunshot
    wounds most of which are concentrated on the head which is corroborated by a
    number of post mortem reports by the Pathologist Dr. Peter M. Ndegwa an expert
    in Diagnostic Medicine who is categorical that the cause of death in many of the
    cases has been execution on account of gun shot wounds at close range.
    11. Further, KNCHR found that there were some months when the entries in the
    register shot skywards. In the months of June and July after the Minister for
    Internal Security Hon. John Michuki announced a crack down on the proscribed
    Mungiki sect, the police register at the mortuary indicated that the number of
    bodies brought in by police rose sharply to 223. This is compared to a figure of
    189 recorded in the register for the 5 months from January to May 2007 before
    the crackdown. For instance on 7th June 2007 following the infamous Kosovo
    Raid in Mathare, a total of 8 bodies were booked that evening in the city mortuary
    register all of whom were of young Kikuyu males while on 22nd June 2007, the
    police register recorded a total of 13 bodies booked by police as having been shot
    around Nairobi area.
    12. Further analysis of this register shows that from August 2007, the rate of bookings
    in the register considerably declined. This coincided with the period when
    residents of Suswa and Kiserian reported the dumping of bodies in nearby forests
    when these bodies were discovered as they had not been taken to the mortuary as
    had been the practice before.
    13. KNCHR is also disturbed by the large number of bodies categorized as having
    been collected by police after alleged shoot-outs. Can it be mere coincidence that
    11 bodies reportedly collected from Yatta; Machakos between 5th August 2007
    and 30th September 2007 were all established to be of Kikuyu origin? Clearly,
    there is more than meets the eye and KNCHR has been informed by some of the
    family members that the deceased persons were arrested in various locations by
    Police in Nairobi before inexplicably surfacing up dead miles away in Yatta.
    Indeed all the witnesses of the Yatta incident concur that none of the deceased
    was from the area and that deaths by drowning in this area are very rare.
    14. There is a striking similarity in the pattern between these incidents; they coincide
    with the period after the month of June 2007 when the government declared the
    war on Mungiki and on wanted criminals. It is also noteworthy that this is the
    same period when a large number of people have disappeared without trace. The
    fact that no official action has been taken in response, notwithstanding the
    numerous reports made to the authorities, raises a lot of suspicion. Those who
    spoke to KNCHR regarding the dumping of bodies in Ngong stated that they
    reported the matter to the area chief who promised them that he would report the
    same to the police for action.
    15. From the KNCHR visits to 3 mortuaries in the country, a pattern is discernible
    where bodies have been booked in by police all of which exhibit a regular degree
    of methodical and meticulous consistency as to the cause of death-shots from the
    back of their heads at close range- which is attested to by postmortem reports

    No body deserves to die like this- for heavens sake - put them in jail for life- Kibaki that is what jails are for!!! you murderer!!!

  51. Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Kenyans this happened under KIBAKI'S WATCH- What type of human animal can order this to be done to any Kenyan??? Do you want to be ruled by such an animal?? by the way - this were his own tribesmen "KIKUYU" so can you imagine us other tribes?? what plans he has in store for us!! if we let him take the presidency illegally??
    Not on our watch dear Kenyans --not on our watch -we have children and grand children to fight for!!!

    Kenya KNCHR Report on Extra Judicial Killings November 2007

    The Kenya National Commission on Human Rights is investigating a large number of alleged executions and disappearances. Preliminary investigations suggest that between June and October 2007 close to 500 bodies of young men have been deposited in various mortuaries in the country by the police and the KNCHR has evidence suggesting that other bodies were dumped in the wild for hyenas and other wild animals to eat. Almost all the cadavers bear classic execution signs of a bullet behind the head exiting through the forehead.

    KNCHR started the investigations after receiving reports from residents of Ngong on corpses being dumped in the area all of which bore gunshot wounds. KNCHR was further told of a common pattern in the killings; witnesses first saw Land Cruiser vehicles, similar in make and colour to those used by the Kenya police being driven around the area, where on different days, after hearing gunshots, they stumbled upon unknown dead bodies bearing gunshot wounds. In one case, KNCHR learnt from two witnesses how they met and talked to a handcuffed person who unknown to them had escaped from police custody and was being pursued by the police only for his dead body to be found dumped within the area hours later. None of the deceased persons are known to the residents of Ngong and Kiserian areas.

    The preliminary findings by KNCHR lead to the inescapable conclusion that the Police could be complicit in the killings. KNCHR is also extremely concerned that the emerging pattern points to possible complicity of State security agents in disappearance of persons. If these allegations turn to be true, they would constitute Crimes against Humanity and mirror the reign of the State Research Bureau of the Idi Amin era in Uganda.

  52. Anon 10:40 Akufukuzaye hakwambii toka, why would the MP for Othaya make countless trips (UK) to where he is not invited...You anly go to a place where you are tolerated

  53. I agree with Kumekucha on this one. Kibaki as well as everyone involved knows that what changes a corrupt regime are the people of that nation, not foreigners. If the froregners could, Mugabe would be out by now. The person who will remove him are Zimbabweans. What Kibaki fears is ODM and not US, UK EU or others. I can tell you that's the reason the army and other security personnel are being sent top Western, RV and Nyanza. I think we have tough times ahead. kenya is slowly drifting to be another Zimbabwe. Watch this space.

  54. just once and for all:

    it's not me posting these mails about Jeff Koinange here ....

    This is an imposter and I can - as for sure you all do - imagine who is behind this.

    This is disgusting - but maybe also demonstrating the sick mind of certain people.

    And that's why and how Kenya has landed itself in the position it is now: because of the mind structure of certain sick power-hungry people who would not stop at anything.

    Sad, but true .........

  55. My comment referred to Anon 10.53 - just for the records -

  56. Unconfirmed reports circulating in the city indicate that traitor-in-chief and bandit veep Kalonzo Musyoka was slapped by Lucifer. It is said that in her usual fits of anger Lucifer could not understand why the whole world is still yelling that bandit president Kibaki stole the vote even after Kalooser burnt money in his recent trip abroad. Lucifer can't understand why iron lady Karua should be doing more spade work for the besieged bandit regime while Kalooser simply rocks in his seat. What does this mean for the embattled president?

    Having survived several serial slapping enetertainments including a threat to former dictator Moi and a junior civil servant Musyimi who has since been demoted, Lucy is yet to deliver a he-goat to the Nchuri Ncheke to appease them for slapping Gitobu Imanyara.

    The mad bandit first lady is embarrassing the country while one of her potential slapping victims and US Secretary of State Condi Rice is set to arrive in Nairobi to give the stalled Annan talks some impetus. The world's superpowers are impatient that the bandit government is not ceding enough ground to the cheated winner, ODM's peoples' president Raila Odinga.

    After moving to a secret location in Kilaguni for the last 48 hours, Annan was reported to have made little progress. Included in the deal is a new constitution to be written in one year. However, the most contentious issue of transitional power-sharing was stone-walled by Martha Karua of PNU. The talks resume on Monday. Annan is to hold a press conferrence today at the Serena Hotel at 5pm during which he is expected to make public the contents of an agreement that was signed by the parties in the dispute.

  57. The 4-paged document Annan will read speaks of generalitis:
    1. Agreement to review last years votes - an audit of what went wrong and where by whom
    2. Power sharing premised on change of constitution after 1 year.

    So what is the breakthrough? Well let the horse mouth that live in 30 minutes. What a whimper?

  58. As a kid I heard many pple constantly say that an African kid needs a good beating inorder to get the point.
    Talking does not help- even the bible says spare the rod and spoil the child?
    So Anan aishiye so we can sort out this problem once and for all.
    Even with those armies being sent to Western does not mean a thing.
    Kutangulia siyo kufika!!!

  59. Now that the cops are being recruited from NYS, who knows if the quota system will ever be followed, or is it a scheme to flood the police force with the "right tribe" ?

  60. How can China ever interfere in the current political impasse considering that it is a COMMUNIST country and not DEMOCRACTIC one that has a long history of suppressing democratic aspirations of its people..remember TAIWAN, a stumbling block with the US about the one China policy or the lack thereof? That is why China cannot begin to meddle in this affair.

  61. I have been informed that my name is being tarnished in this blog. Let me say this

    I DID NOT HAVE SEX WITH MARIANNE BRINER. I repeat, I did not have sex with her.
    When I went to London, I went there for a business deal by CNN. It was not because of her, and it was not because she had asked to masturbate before me.
    I repeat, we did not do it, though she wanted to do it. I am a successfully married man.
    There is a blog out there saying I am a serial rapist and cocaine user.I ask for the Okellos to support me and show me what I need to do.
    Thank you and IGNORE MARIANNE BRINER, we did not have SEX Together!!!

  62. Anon 5:13 am: About this bit about Judas Iscariot (Kalonzo) being slapped by "Lucy the terrible" . Is it true or is it just a rumor? Could somebody with credible evidence please prove or disprove this.



  64. Hey, has the press conference started? Please update as soon as possible. Damn Africast is down (again!!) and I can't watch KTN.

    And I doubt the abouve "Jeff Koinange" is the real Jeff. I second Anon @ 6:23 above. Please get rid of these Mariannes/Okellos etc. I don't know why their nonsense is being entertained.

  65. nothing new from press briefing.

    Parties have agreed that they have to continue to pursue a political resolution. Talks to resume on tuesday as Annan/Rice meet Kibaki/Raila on Monday.

    Parties agree that TRC has to be formed.

    Parties commit to Constitutional and legistlative reforms to be undertaken

    Annan will stay in Kenya for as long as the talks progress to an irreversible point....

    Parties agree to form independent team of local and foreign persons to investigate electoral malpractices.

    Retallying or a recount ruled out as impractical.

    Annan still pursuin a grand coalition option

    Press conference just ended with local and international press stille ager to ask more questions.

    Annan clearly hiding truth about what actually is holding up the coalition deal.

    Predicts deal may be done by end of next week.

    Meanwhile, heavy troop presence in Kisumu and sorrounding arrears.

  66. Phil, thanks for the update, and like you said...nothing new. Why did have to wait till today to update on what we all know?

    Well, I guess it's gonna be another week of watch and wait.

  67. what watch and wait!! these talks ended a long time ago!! what we have now are delaying tactics so that certain people can entrench themselves well in their theft!! disgusting!! and also so that anan can give up and go home.....people know what they are doing

    let us wait for the united states to come and say whatever on monday....that would either be the beginning of the talks on a transitional government or the end of kenya as we have known it and consequently the start of war.

    anan has just been here on holiday for the past weeks.

  68. Jeff - the real Jeff Koinange and not the one of 6:12 a.m. - just called and assured me that he never wrote this post. Although he is not happy about my blog Distantlover, he understand why I had to publish it. He also asked my forgiveness for having said in an interview published in the Saunday Times last year that he never had sex with me. He did this to save his marriage and not because he wanted to hurt me.

    Regarding the Okellos, he told me that he never asked them to help him nor does he think he would need their help in the future. He reminded me of something he said regarding them already last year:

    The Okellos are bastards who make me feel ashamed being a Kenyan .....

    And then he added - just in case I do not believe him: just check the time this post was sent - i.e. 6:12 am in the morning - do you really think that I get up that early to check on comments in Kumekucha and then even write ? It is obvious that this was sent by somebody in the States using my name.......

    I agreed because it was something having come to my mind also ......

    The rest of our conversation is private and not a subject for this post.

    Only that much: Jeff gave me the advise the ignore those comments in Kumekucha. He and with him many others know who I am and what I really stand for - and I should therefore not listen to those few who like to spill their dirt on me because they and that refers mainly to the Okellos and their bunch of lowclass friends do not count and never will.

  69. Taabu: Ngoja ngoja huumiza matumbo but at the same time Haraka haraka haina baraka!

  70. Can this bullshit about MB be purged from this blog. When Kenyans are deliberating on weighty issues, MB and this other guy Koinange are just posting irrelevants. Who cares what you guys have beef about???? PLEASE, GIVE US SOME PEACE!!

  71. Can this bullshit about MB be purged from this blog. When Kenyans are deliberating on weighty issues, MB and this other guy Koinange are just posting irrelevants. Who cares what you guys have beef about???? PLEASE, GIVE US SOME PEACE!!



  73. Message to Marianne Briner or most likely the PNU propaganda machine.

    Kenyans are currently going through a most harrowing political crisis. While it can be said that your relationships with some of our Kenyan sons may have subtly influenced and maybe led us to this very crisis, I think you are doing us a disservice by lambasting us, during this very sensitive time, with past scandals that do not add any value to our anxiety.

    With that in mind, I respectfully ask you to stay away from the fray of accusations and counter accusations with regard to the said scandals on this blog. Please let us fix our country so we can welcome you back on vacation.

    That said, this porojo is clearly a manifestation of the PNU propaganda machine to shower Kumekucha with irrelevant comments. We know your intentions. We also know that you have been infiltrating this site posting numerous off topic comments in a bid to disrupt serious conversation. YOU HAVE FAILED.

  74. The post by Jeff is Marianne Briner. Jeff Koinange is not stupid. He is too smart to consort with a woman who can never keep the slightest secret. What Marianne has proved herself to be is a sleazy lier, a woman with the kind of morals that make the devil seem like an angel. She can attack the Okellos all she wants, but one thing I know for sure, is that Sam Okello is a young kenyan writer who is charting a smart path to success. He never fell for her bullshit and never will. I say so because I know the man. Kenya will be proud of him.

  75. For HEAVEN'S SAKE please stop impersonating people and posting nasty, childish and inciting posts.

    Why always Marianne and Jeff and the Okello. It is cyclic now. Haina ladha jamaa.

    We are now tired. This is one reason why people keep away. Please why dont you write about Raila replying to Kibaki and so forth. Stop it now. Whoever is doing it. It costs nothing. I am equally a victim of that diatribe. STOP.


  76. Phil and Chris: What is wrong with you guys?

    MB is turning Kumekucha into Mashada. I am so fed up I have cut down my visits to this website.

  77. I think Kibaki is not willing to relinguish power because quite frankly he has nothing to lose...come to think about it, how much longer do you think he has to live a cognitive life without needing someone to change his diaper? He will hold on to power to the detriment of all of us. He doesn't CARE. Simple. That is why it is important for us to put the power in our own hands as a people and make sure that nothing like this ever happens again.

  78. Chris, Marianne Briner is sending visitors away from this site. You better start deleting her comments or your blog will be a Marianne Briner self discussion blog.

    Listen to the voices of your concerned readers and get this woman from this blog. You know her intentions. She wants to make this esteemed blog be a good-for nothing piece just as her so called blog. No wonder no one visits her blog.

    So please Chris, promise to get her comments off the air.

    We need to discuss our country and its future not MARIANNE BRINER.


    True, there's really nothing new to what Annan has said. He made it sound like it was going to be a breaking news type of press briefing, but it's what we already know.....TRC,Commission to look into ECK, yada yada yada....

    and now we're to wait till next week ? I sense these talks maybe a waste of time.

    Last week, Annan assured us they'd be over by today, FRIDAY.

    Now he makes an announcement that most people already know.

    yesterday, he said the meeting would go till Monday, and now he says till end of next week.

    Surely, something is cooking.Worse still, the recommendations are saying that the commitee to look into "what went wrong" will start work March 15 ?
    R U freaking kidding me? We all know what went wrong, there was blatant rigging on both sides.

    and now these Committee will start work when, a month from today, and it will take upto 6 months plus two weeks for the findings to be presented to the I dunno whether to laugh or cry , coz that means Kibaki will entrench himself deeper and deeper into the presidency.

    March 15 will come, Kibaki will be president, after 6 months, kibaki will still be president, plus people woild have gotten tired of being anxiuos and tired of unnnecesarry violence.

    The lonegr this thing delays, the more Kibaki entrenches himself into power.

    That's why I'm laughing at these recommendations, coz all the while they'll be going o, Kibaki will continue with his presidential dutes.


  81. Statement by Dr Kofi Annan on 15-2-2008


    Serena Nairobi Hotel, 15 February 2008

    Good afternoon, Ladies and Gentlemen.

    We have just returned from 48 hours of intense and fruitful negotiations at a secret location outside of Nairobi, which all of you now know was the Kilaguni Lodge in the Tsavo West Game Reserve.

    I want to thank you for letting us work there in peace, even after you discovered where we were.

    The parties worked well together during their two days at Kilaguni– often in mixed groups and by themselves – showing their strong commitment to peace and reconciliation in Kenya.

    They reached agreement on a range of issues, and narrowed considerably the options for a governance structure.

    Some of the points of agreement are:

    --The creation of an Independent Review Committee.

    --This Committee would be mandated to investigate all aspects of the 2007 Presidential Election and make findings and recommendations to improve the electoral process.

    --The Committee will be a non-judicial body made up of Kenyan and non-Kenyan recognized electoral experts of the highest professional standing and personal integrity.

    --The Committee will submit its report within 3-6 months and it should be published within 14 days of submission. It should start its work not later than 15 March 2008.

    --The findings of the Independent Review Committee must be factored into the comprehensive electoral reforms that are envisaged.

    Through the discussion, it became apparent that there is no viable way, either by re-count, re-tally or any other measure, to determine the outcome of the 2007 election in a way that would be expeditious and that would not further divide Kenyan society..

    However, the facts have to come out and Kenyans have to know what happened. We agreed that the system must be reformed so that such a crisis never happens again.

    The Independent Review Committee will allow for this to take place in an environment of tranquility and transparency, thus contributing to further healing and reconciliation of the country.

    We did consider the options of a re-count or re-tally and concluded that:

    --A delay of the several months needed for a recount could significantly increase existing tensions and delay resolution of the current crisis, and we recognize that the result of a re-count might not further Kenyan unity.

    --A re-tally could not determine the correct result in stations or constituencies where problems or irregularities were identified.

    On the need for a political settlement to resolve the current crisis, we agreed on the following:

    --Recognizing that there is a serious crisis in the country we concluded that a political settlement is a necessary and effective way to promote national reconciliation and unity.

    --We also agree that such a political settlement must be one that reconciles and heals the nation and reflects the best interests of all Kenyans. A political settlement is necessary to manage and implement expeditiously a broad reform agenda and other mechanisms that will address the root causes of the crisis and deepen and broaden Kenyan democratic foundations.

    Such reforms and mechanisms will comprise, but are not limited to, the following:
    Comprehensive Constitutional reforms;
    Comprehensive electoral reform – including of the electoral laws, the electoral commission and dispute resolution mechanisms;
    A truth, justice and reconciliation commission;
    Identification and prosecution of perpetrators of violence;
    Respect for human rights;
    Parliamentary reform;
    Police reform;
    Legal and Judicial reforms;
    Commitment to a shared national agenda in Parliament for these reforms;
    Other legislative, structural, political and economic reforms as needed.

    On the issue of governance arrangements, the parties discussed the matter intensively and have developed a number of options, on which they have agreed to consult their principals and leadership and come back to continue negotiations on Monday, with the hope that a final conclusion will be reached shortly after that.

    This is the only outstanding issue on Agenda Item 3—How to Resolve the Political crisis. In summary, we have defined the reform agenda for a new government and are now discussing the “how” and the mechanisms required for implementation.

    While we are making considerable progress on Agenda Item 3, we have also agreed that settlement of the issues in Agenda Item 4—Long-Term Issues and Solutions--are fundamental to a viable long-term solution of the crisis.

    The implementation of the following reforms should commence urgently in concert with reforms of Agenda Item 3.

    · Consolidating national cohesion and unity;
    · Land reform;
    · Tackling poverty and inequity, as well as combating regional development imbalances, particularly promoting equal access to opportunity;
    · Tackling unemployment, particularly among the youth;
    Reform of the Public Service;
    Strengthening of anti-corruption laws and public accountability mechanisms;
    Reform of Public Finance and Revenue Management Systems and Institutions;
    · Addressing issues of accountability and transparency.

    The parties agreed that this settlement is not about the sharing of political positions but about addressing the fundamental root causes of recurrent conflict. Therefore, the parties have reaffirmed their commitment to address the issues within Agenda Item 4 quickly and comprehensively.

    Milestones and benchmarks for the implementation of the reform agenda will be defined in our continuing discussions.

    I know that many of you have been eager to write the headline, “We have a deal” on all the political issues. But I again advise patience. The issues are complex; reaching compromise is difficult. But let me assure you that there is real momentum. We are at the water’s edge and the last difficult and frightening step will be taken. I am confident that, in the interests of Kenya and its people, the parties will show the wisdom, flexibility and foresight to conclude an agreement.

    Over to you!

  82. I have visited this blog for about two months now. Some of the discussions here have been informative, some enlightening. Some I agree with, others I don't. Some are too repetitive, irrelevant to the topic that you wonder why someone is on the web - is (s)he a wind up merchants (WUM)? Most of the latter type of posts go under the 'anonymuous' name or forged names. Now I want to suggest to the hosts/moderators these people can be exposed in a simple way. Here is how:
    1) Use the IP address to identify every poster so that people can know these annoying geeks.
    2) Encode ('mask') the IP so that it is difficult for others to decode the actual IP. This you can do by shifting the octets that make up the IP address. I suppose this can be helpful in protecting the IP of the poster from malicious attack but people here will be able to recognise posts from the same IP whether (s)he call her/himself the Moon, Sun, Jupiter or whatever.

    For example, if my IP is, you can decide to encode it to 3F-57-FE-FE. There are people who can help write a small routine to automate the task. - Just my two pence worth...

  83. Good post, though i hope the talks bring positive results

  84. People people!! did you listen to Koffi Annan carefully?? go back and listen to the press - his wording was very selective with under-tones-
    PNU- will come on the table whether they like it or not and they will form a coalition government - whether they like it or not and the power sharing will be equal whether KIBAKI LIKES IT OR NOT.
    That was the exact message!!
    Why do you think MARTHA KARUA is behaving like a MAD woman?? does that show you that PNU is in control or they are running scared?? that is a dying horses last kick!!
    Ati British Government is Irrelevant- Mouth piece messenger of Kibaki!! (BIG MISTAKE) take a lesson from CHAD!!- when the rebels went in to remove the president who is a friend to the French Government? they were right at his door step? what happened?? French send in Re-enforcement to help him!! and he is still the president. Britain is the first major voice in Kenya- not Americas and The USA is in full support of the British government decisions
    Martha Karua should read on Globalization & International Politics I think her head is buried only in the Kenyan -

  85. Anonymous @ 10.10, Very good suggestions. I am sure you are not in Kenya since that is what Kenya has done to such brilliance! We have many brains in here, we just need to put all these together. Perhaps even come up with an automated way of the ECK reporting the tallies so that no such crap like what happened in Dec 2007 is ever repeated. Any suggestions Anon@10.10?, For instance the U.S tallies as you vote since the voting is computerized but even then they still have issues, 2000 and recently in New Mexico democratic primaries. We have come from far as Kenyans, the future is bright and we shall harness all these brains lost to the West.

  86. There are so many things wrong in Kenya and the 2007 bungled election might have been the clean break that we all wanted. Everything good comes at a price though and we have people who are constant stumbling blocks, even in the current mediations. Read my lips, Kenya will never be the same again. Once the dust settles, we shall begin on a clean sheet. We have the calling to lead Africa to it's rightful place.

  87. I have a dream of a Kenyan where every person will be judged equally. Where jobs will not be dished on tribal basis, where businesses will start easily and succeed. Where discoveries will be made, where our universities will be becons of success. I am sure these among many other dreams, I dream not alone.

  88. I know some people loath Raila and the ODM. It's natural. Tribalism has been so ingrained in us that we never see someone for who he is. Ask yourselves these questions if you are one of those who loath him. If it wasn't for him will Kibaki be president? if it wasn't for him, will we ever have removed Moi and his clique from power? if it wasn't for Raila........

  89. Friday, February 15, 2008
    Kenya’s Police Chief Can Be Investigated For Contravention Of Law And Disobedience Of Public Duty

    The performance of the Kenyan Police Commissioner Major General Ali in matters of high public importance and his stance on political issues are determinant factors for the conclusion that his actions are in contravention of law and disobedience of public duty.

    Major General Ali failed to eradicate corruption and inculcate efficiency in the Police especially at the Traffic Department. Ali disregarded any major steps, such as setting up an investigative team to investigate and eradicate corruption. The outcome was that due to lack of serious traffic law enforcement hundreds of Kenyans continued losing their lives in road carnage majority of which involved Public service vehicles and heavy commercial vehicles. Even now it still remains evident how Matatus continue contravening laws with impunity under the noses of the Traffic Police.

    Combating armed crime was a display by police officers of their capability and willingness to perform and offer their services to the public and was not an act of benevolence from the police chief. The fact being that it is part of the police chief’s job requirement to instil professionalism, impart a conducive working environment and ensure efficient performance of staff under his command in return of his services he gets an agreed salary.

    The recent [pre-election] invasion of Nairobi city streets by hawkers and pickpockets brought about disorder, congestion, thuggery and anguish at the expense of peace loving and law abiding residents. It led to a situation of a public outcry with the Town Clerk admitting that the situation had reached a level which was beyond the council’s control and he blamed the police for failing to heed his request and intervene and enforce the law (the law empowers a police officer to enforce bye-laws). It is common knowledge that the hawkers were in fact potential voters being wooed by the Party of National Unity (PNU) and we also witnessed PNU members holding government positions coming out with all excuses for not being able to remove this nuisance. Some party supporters and members are even on record as having supported the hawkers actions of defying the law. One of the reasons given was that the Police did not have enough manpower to deal with the situation as they were busy with the election planning. In the recent [post-election] crisis the public have witnessed the extent of man-power and equipment the Police chief has at his disposal.

    During the vote tallying the Police commissioner in his position as the highest ranking law enforcement officer within physical proximity of KICC, had the responsibility of stepping in to investigate complaints pointing to commission of criminal offences which were incessantly being raised by Orange Democratic Movement (ODM) party members. This was an issue of national concern and his was the absolute authority and under the premises of the law there was no authority at the ECK that could have stopped him from carrying out his lawful duty by ordering the respective CID units under his command to carry out on the spot investigations to verify the complaints raised.

    Major General Ali ignored his public duty and did not intervene and initiate immediate investigations. He assumed the role of a subordinate to ECK and continued lending security support unquestionably and in complete ignorance of what had transpired. This was a blatant disobedience of public duty.

    In law any law enforcement officer who possesses the required powers conferred on him by law and has at his disposal man power and equipment is required to intervene and discharge his duties when, during the possession of all said facilities, a crime is being committed in his presence; or is required to investigate and apprehend offenders after commission of the crime.

    When such an officer abdicates this duty he stands to be charged for abetting that particular crime.

    Major General Ali’s evident display of favouritism to the PNU in discharge of his duties and his post election period actions (executed by those under his command) have exascerbated the political crisis deeper. Major General Ali’s actions remain questionable and in violation of various laws of the country one among which requires him to maintain political neutrality.

    In such circumstances by way of justice and when the environment is conducive and neutral, an independent inquiry requires to be set up to investigate the conduct of Major General Ali and the apparent laws contravened in particular the Public Officer Ethics Act [ 8, 9a,10(1), 10(2), 16 (1) a &b, 22 a &b, 24 (1) a &b ] and also the Police Act , Penal code, Constitution of Kenya (including Freedom of speech Part V) and oath of office among others.

    K. Khan
    21st January 2008

    Some of the sections of Law which the Police Chief contravened:-

    The Public Officer Ethics Act 2003

    8. A Public officer shall, to the best of his ability, carry out his duties and ensure that the services that he provides are provided efficiently and honestly.

    9. A Public Officer shall_

    carry out his duties in a way that maintains public confidence in the integrity of his

    his office

    10.(1) A Public Officer shall carry out his duties in accordance with the law

    10.(2) In carrying out his duties, a public officer shall not violate the rights and freedoms of any person under PART V of the Constitution

    16.(1) A public officer shall not, in or in connection with the performance of his duties as such-

    act as an agent for, or so as to further the interest of, a political party; or

    indicate support for or opposition to any political party or candidate in an election

    22. A public officer shall practice and promote the principle that public officers should be-

    selected on the basis of integrity, competence and suitability;or

    elected in fair elections

    24.(1) A public officer contravenes the Code of Conduct and Ethics if-

    he causes anything to be done through another person that would, if

    the public officer did it, be a contravention of the Code of Conduct and
    Ethics; or

    he allows or directs a person under his supervision or control to do

    anything that is a contravention of the Code of Conduct and Ethics.

    Criminal Procedure Code

    62. A Police Officer may interpose for the purpose of preventing, and shall, to the best of his

    ability, prevent the commission of a cognizable offence.
    P.S. (cognizable offence is an offence which allows a police officer to make an arrest without a

    Penal Code

    5.(2) Every Police Officer shall promptly obey and execute all orders and warrants lawfully issued to him, collect and communicate intelligence affecting law and order and take steps necessary to prevent the commission of offences and public nuisance, to detect offenders and bring them to justice and to apprehend all persons whom he is legally authorised to apprehend and for whose apprehension sufficient ground exist.

  90. Kenya Government & China Government
    8.5 Billion!!

    Kenyans- check this- story goes millions were paid to the people who owned the land the bypass is passing through!!all from let seeee!! One tribe and there is more- some names on the list of land ownership didn't not own the land but names were added to forged title deeds and money exchanged hands!!!

    PNU- thieves thieves- We must have a coalition government- Kenyans want the truth out of this 8.5 billion bypass!!! it must table all the names and title deeds and all the people who received a cheque from the government must be interviewed face to face (NO GHOST FACES)!!!!!!!!!!


    The progress is as follows; Nairobi Eastern Bypass and Nairobi Northern Bypass – contract signed in February and construction to start in May 2008. Construction to take 30 months after which there will be a defects liability period of 12 months. The contractor is China Road & Bridge Corporation and the contract price is KSH 8.5 billion.

    The Nairobi Southern Bypass starts at junction with Mombasa Road near the former American Embassy and runs in a southwesterly direction to overpass Langata road, pass through the Ngong Sanctuary, overpass Ngong road, and pass through Dagoretti Forest, Thogoto location and Kikuyu town to end at Gitaru on the Nairobi-Nakuru road (A104). The Southern Bypass is about 30 Km long.

    The corridor has been opened from Mombasa road to Ngong road to traffic. Land acquisition has been finalized for the section between Ngong road and Gitaru with land owners having received their compensation and signed vacation notices. Indeed vacation notice were expiring on 1s February 2008. As such the bypass corridor will be cleared, made motorable by gravelling and opened to traffic.

    The Nairobi Southern Bypass is earmarked for concession and the progress is as follows:

    Bids for the concession have been received and evaluation is at an advanced stage to be followed by contract negotiation and financial close

    The concession will include the following:

    Construction of an overpass, interchanges junction improvements and upgrading to 8 lanes on Uhuru highway
    Upgrading of Nairobi Southern Bypass
    Construction of Toll Plazas, road furniture like street lighting
    Rehabilitation / maintenance of the agreed road sections that will form part of the concessioned road
    Construction work is expected to commence during the second half of 2008 and term of the concession contract is 30 years.

    There is some encroachment on the Eastern Bypass corridor which is being addressed
    The land acquisition for Southern Bypass in Kikuyu Division was outstanding but has now been finalized

    The land acquisition for Southern Bypass in Kikuyu Division was outstanding but has now been finalized

    The land acquisition for Southern Bypass in Kikuyu Division was outstanding but has now been finalized

    The land acquisition for Southern Bypass in Kikuyu Division was outstanding but has now been finalized

    The land acquisition for Southern Bypass in Kikuyu Division was outstanding but has now been finalized

    The land acquisition for Southern Bypass in Kikuyu Division was outstanding but has now been finalized

    The land acquisition for Southern Bypass in Kikuyu Division was outstanding but has now been finalized

  91. Those who know Kibaki will tell very clearly that he cares less for anybody.He will never die for anybody,until you step on his vindole.Ask Munene Kairu, Matu Wamae,FT Nyamu,Matiba and whole lot of them.Very unacceptable to them, that their "friend" has been in power.
    Those who dont follow their mandates like confused Kivuitu, Police comm Ali etc are digging their graves
    we will not be surprised when all of them face their music and the insensitive Kibaki survives.
    Dont you see how he quotes the existing bad but legal katiba-ati "powers bestowed on me, chpt,sect...."when issuing orders?
    The dude thinks of himself.
    No wonder PS Murage came back to the House on the hill when many thought he was out.when all goes any way, he will be personally responsible for what he does.
    The other thing that is very noticable is how the government is trying to prove to the world that they will "punish" perpetrators of violence.This is a defence line that the ODM has gone to the Hague.trying to show that they are capable and no need for Hague.Thats Kibaki in his true colours.The law is an Ass.
    And michuki can get back to Nairobi Hospital.Tell Karua that she is being very stupid.when chicken comes back to roast, only Wamugunda will be around, I guess!

    Uhuru knows all this..Without a friendly "Grand coalition, who can lose more than this first House.Not only in Rift valley but also in Central,coast...".They hold land that belongs to Kiambu people, and further on, the Kikuyus.

    Whateverthe outcome of and without Annan, Kenya has changed.For good.

    It is a class war, but politicians want it to be seen as a tribal thing.
    Kenyans are very enlightend these days.Just look at how they turned out for voting.It was revolutionary

    Those killing others are simply desperate nd being paid. Mungiki knows it.They dont like Uhuru or Kabogo but their money.What when Kibaki never got them jobs that he promised in 2002?-0.5m an year for 5 years, Kenya would be importing workers.

    Let us watch the game

    which is desperate to protect its investment in neighboring Sudan, which ships the majority of its oil to Chinese markets. Most of Sudan’s oil fields are in the centre or south of the country and Kenya has recently suggested building a pipeline from these fields to the port town of Lamu,

    I 'm ashamed of the Kenya government!! Rght business as usual with China- which is against stopping the genocide in Durfur because of thier oil investment!!
    Kenya even offers them to build a pipeline to Lamu from Sudan!!!
    Kibaki out out!! we Kenyans care for the suffering of the people of Sudan- you thieve and murderer!!!!

    Fu Chengyu, chief executive of CNOOC Limited, announced last week that its subsidiary, CNOOC Africa Limited, would take on six production-sharing contracts (PSCs) in Kenya. These six PSCs cover Block 1, Block 9, Block 10A, L2, L3, and L4 in three basins of Lamu, Anza, Mandera, with a total area of 115,343 square kilometres. This marks the first time that CNOOC has explored in east Africa
    . Kenya also received a grant worth US$8.7 million from the Chinese government to help fight malaria, while the Chinese will also provide much-needed investment in Kenya’s roads.
    The deal with Kenya can be seen as an insurance policy for the Chinese government, which is desperate to protect its investment in neighbouring Sudan, which ships the majority of its oil to Chinese markets. Most of Sudan’s oil fields are in the centre or south of the country and Kenya has recently suggested building a pipeline from these fields to the port town of Lamu, which could protect Sudanese marketing routes in the event that the south decides to succeed under the terms of its six-year interim peace agreement with the Khartoum government.






    it emerged last week that the state-owned National Oil Corporation of China - CNOOC - has quietly put out notices offering to farm out to third parties some of the oil exploration blocks granted to it by President Mwai Kibaki in April last year.

    The EastAfrican has seen a brochure the Chinese company distributed at the London Africa and Mediterranean Scout Check meeting recently.

    In an unprecedented act of generosity, the government of Kenya last April gave the Chinese exclusive rights over a total of six out of 11 available blocks, including the hotly contested Blocks 9 and 10A in the Mandera area.

  94. anon @11:02,
    Yes, I am not in Kenya but very much identify with what many level heads write here. I just think it is not intelligent to behave like a fly on peoples' faces by repeating silly arguments/statements over and over again.

    Let me say that rarely does a dedicated (wo)man set her/his eyes on something and fails. I hear some of the disputed results were computer generated in Nrb. Those computers didn't decide that it is fun to top up some votes, someone did and people who work at the ECK computer section should be honest enough to say so. That highlights my point - computer and computer programs can take us only so far. We still need human beings to operate them.

    The massive failures you cited about the e-voting systems in US and Mexico only illustrate the fact that such large and distributed computer systems are very expensive and challenging to build. Cost consideration is the major factor for these failures. In summary, yes a robust computer system can be built but someone will pay for their enormous cost and, users of these systems must be stopped from feeding the system with wrong data.




    Gitahi has never hidden his deliberate and systematic intentions to ensure only news content that was music to President Kibaki’s inner circles was churned out by NMG products since he arrived in Nation Centre slightly over a year ago.

    He often turned up in the meetings to ensure President Kibaki got better coverage over his rivals Raila Odinga of ODM and Kalonzo Musyoka of ODM-K.

    However, Gitahi’s camp carried the day in pushing its agenda for President Kibaki. NMG’s Editorial Department, and most other departments within the group, suffers from imbalance in key appointments. Key posts within the Editorial Department are headed by the Gema.

    Look at this: Editorial Director - Wangethi Mwangi (Murang'a), Managing Editor (Daily Nation) - Bernard Nderitu ( Kiambu), Managing Editor, (Sunday Nation) - Mutuma Mathiu (Meru), Managing Editor (Business Daily) - Nick Wachira (Nyeri), Managing Editor (Daily Metro) - Julius Maina (Central province) and Managing Editor (Taifa) - Wainaina Kiganya (Kangemi). NMG's only publication not headed by GEMA is The EastAfrican. With a strong tribal army like this behind him, Gitahi’s wishes flooded NMG publications.

    The consequences are clear – the Circulation Department has been reporting a marked drastic drop in sales of newspapers. Daily Nation’s rival, the Standard, has taken advantage in the tribal infighting within NMG and gained a big market share in Nairobi, Rift Valley, Coast, Nyanza and Western provinces. Readers predominantly ODM regions prefer buying the Standard rather than the Daily Nation.

    The worst manipulation of news by the Gitahi-Wangethi axis has taken a dangerous precedent in the post-election period. Gitahi and Wangethi have taken it upon themselves to go through stories before they are published to ensure President Kibaki’s interests were taken care off. We have seen a deliberate and shameless campaign to misinform the public by doctoring the real truth on the ground or the number of ODM supporters and other innocent people shot dead by the police.


  96. See REported Stories From Nation Newspaper- Kibaki supporters on the won't work

    This professor should shut up!!
    Who gave him a right to talk for Kenyans- there is no government in Kenya only Illegal crooks-known as Kibaki- KaruA AND THEIR CRONIES!
    Foreign diplomatics who live in Kenya can not close their eyes to thuggery- and Kibaki's mercenaries called Mungiki- killings Kenyans!! they speak for Kenyans who don't have the power in high offices to fight crooks!! Down with Munene kibaki's hatch man!!

    Prof Macharia Munene, the dean of History and International Relations at the United States International University in Nairobi

    Diplomatic rows blow to economy, experts warn

    Publication Date: 2/16/2008

    The heightening diplomatic row between Kenya and some foreign countries is likely to deal a severe blow to the country’s economic growth, experts are now warning.

    However, they say the foreign governments are over stepping their mandate.

    The crisis occasioned by the disputed presidential election has attracted widespread concern with some donors suspending funding.

    Prof Macharia Munene, the dean of History and International Relations at the United States International University in Nairobi said the warning by the UK was nothing new in the diplomatic circles as London has always been critical of President Kibaki’s Government.

    He, however, noted that envoys should not be used by their countries to dictate how the country should solve the current political crisis.

    Britain has maintained that it does not recognise the re-election of President Kibaki with its high commissioner Adam Wood saying the Kenyan Government did not reflect the democratic will of the people.

    In his reaction, Foreign Affairs minister Moses Wetangula said Mr Wood’s comments had shown “total disregard” for diplomatic etiquette and threatened to take unspecified action.

    Karua’s reaction

    The Justice and Constitutional Affairs minister, Ms Martha Karua, has also lashed at the foreign governments arguing that Kenya was not a colony of any other country.

    “The fact that some of the foreign countries have said they do not recognise the Kenyan government may adversely affect bilateral relations between us and them,” Dr Ben Sihanya, a lecturer at the University of Nairobi Law school said.

    Dr Sihanya added that the “no business as usual” tag placed on Kenya was likely persist until a viable government is put in place.

  97. Just for record: When Raila Odinga was Minister for Energy (under Moi) he started the talks with China which at that time had an even worse human rights record than now. Raila continued his contacts with them when he became Minister for Roads and Transportation under Kibaki. He announced the building of a railway line from the Sudan to Lamu to transport the oil to that harbour and announcing that Lamu would would become a harbour bigger than Mombasa - he also announced - in continuation to the time he was Minister for Energy - that from his point of view China was the perfect partner for Kenya to develop its gas and oil resources.

    Now that Kibaki follows in Raila's 'footsteps' it all becomes a sin - a cheating?

    So it was right when Raila said it - and it is wrong because Kibaki says it?

    This is double-mouth talking and at the end of the day will let Kenya end up in the mouth of the devil (whose name will be either Kibaki or Odinga - but what's the difference?).

    Don't you think so?

  98. I agree with Anon 1:04 - let's make all Kenyan leaders feel accountable for their decisions and not like in the past regard Kenya and its people at free will.

    If that's the lesson they have learned during these last weeks - than the death of more of 1.000 Kenyans have not been in vain although not justified - and let us ask the future leaders of our beloved country to also reply to this.

    I saw a report on the German Television showing the German Ambassador in Kenya Lindner visiting Kibera, sitting down with some Elders to talk, without bodyguards ..... and an old man - obviously very poor - telling him: 'you do something not one of our politicians has done, you have come here to listen to our problems - something not even our elected MP Raila Odinga has done - he only came here accompanied by some TV crews - but he did not take one minute to talk to us ... you are the first one who gives us the impression that you are really interested ..."

    This is a very sad statement, don't you think so ?

    And just for the record: This man spoke Luo - but the German Ambassador went there with people helping him to translate so his Kenyan counterparts did not feel embarrased or shy to speak in their own language ..... it was a very moving scene.

    And then the most moving one: Ambassador Lindner had invited Kenyan musicians at his residence - he played the piano and the Kenyans were singing - about peace and their love for their motherland Kenya .....

    When I saw this, I had tears in my eyes ..... because that's the Kenya I always dreamed of ...... the Kenya close to my heart.


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