Wednesday, January 02, 2008

Remember Moi's Comment About Not Knowing Defeat?

Welcome to Kenya's Unofficial Monarchy

KANU will never die a pact was made with the Wazees with blood and water and in their death beds...whether or not there's a coalition with other parties "Kibakis", " Musyokas", "Kombos" and Nyachaes, they will always answer to the main body, The Queen Mother "mama KANU" just like the ants colony. Everyone has its duty to fulfill to exist. It is beyond the common Mwanainchis grasp "they are merely nonentities, voices in the wilderness". Some ants are just there to mate then die others are workers that fuel the main body of the colony to nourish and flourish it. Kazi Eendelee! Hapa Hapa!

The Odingas therefore are also a great asset to The Queen Mother; they rally up the "common mwanainchi" and secure the main seat, then relinquish it "Due to their Good Nature", to the mightier governors "names withheld". It has been so since the "Kapenguria 6" days. In every colony there has to be casualties, sacrifice and duty…again, no need to name names.

Whatever it takes "PNU" oh sorry! "KANU" will always stay in power! The common mwanainchi needs to wake up from their dim slumber…Kumekucha! "Let us dwell in peace and liberty, plenty be found within our borders"

Rumored Vice President Honorable elect Kalonzo Musyoka's miracle will indeed take place "somewhat short lived if all goes as planned"; there's no need to reiterate what some would consider common sense…history repeats itself once it began in 1963…Whether EU likes it or not, as Cesar Augustus Kivuitu "the fugitive with a home somewhere else" mentioned, hopefully China will be more than willing to ignore the flaws in light of the expected EU sanctions and still be in business with those who really matter most…as he was dangling the results at the nonentities.

Fuata Nyayo! Kazi Eendelee! To UHURU 2012!

"Hi KANU, inakaa inawenyewe basi tumewawachia" Disillusioned, Lieutenant William Ruto in a state of reverie during the conception period of ODM…

The Anyang' Yong'os accolades have once again, been trampled and outwitted by Nyayo's "Professor in Politics", mastery of Machiavellian Politics…a mere care taker to the Queen Mother's throne while she is in labor.

"Pahali niko nime wai shindwa?" He asked wanainchi as he campaigned for UHURU sorry "Coup D'état Gentleman and Economic Whiz, President Kibaki"…both candidates…the common mwanainchi laughed and even drew cartoon about it…HA HA who's laughing now? Ask yourselves!

Let's pray for at least a peaceful colony, sad or not we need not kill each other as we are brothers and sisters with no stake at the big Queen Mother's cocoon…

Guest post by Kombo George


  1. ZERO information, hastily written article.
    I dont know about other Kumekuchans, but I did NOT get anything from this article...what point are you trying to pass across???????????

  2. ODM members - please sign up at

  3. Thanks, I am heading to kenyanzuri to see

  4. This site is nothing short of a hate mongerer. Kibaki may have rigged the election, but why were ODM'ers (and NOT ODM-K'ers) handing out cash for votes on election day? ODM is in contempt of the constitution of Kenya just like PNU, KANU and others. And what exactly is Raila offering to us the people. Can he explain how he enriched himself and has become one of the top 10 richest persons in Kenya. All the corruption he was responsible for in his ministry when he was Minister of Energy.

    This site should stop filling people with hate and learn that they are not above any other humans.

  5. Here is a peace spreading blogger whose theme Kumekucha so uniquely misses out on.

  6. Let us not just blameb Kibaki for what is happening in Kenya. ALL LEADERS WHO STOOD FOR ELECTION NEED TO TAKE RESPONSIBILTY.

    Check these statistics out for some ODM strongholds:

    (1) SIGOR – 46,566 Registered Voters – 115% Voter Turnout
    (2) ELDORET NORTH – 143,729 Registered Voters – 116% Voter Turnout
    (3) MOSOP – 60,548 Registered Voters – 97% Voter Turnout
    (4) GEM – 61,526 Registered Voters – 103% Voter Turnout
    (5) BONDO – 62,349 Registered Voters – 102% Voter Turnout
    (6) NAROK NORTH – Registered Voters – 120% Voter Turnout
    (7) KISUMU TOWN WEST – 97,878 Registered Voters – 102% Voter Turnout

  7. Our resolve remains strong. Let me remind every patriotic Kenyan that we will not accept anything other than the swearing in of the democratically elected president of kenya, the Hon. Raila Odinga. We cannot start going down a path where impunity is allowed to rule the day. Period.


  9. Tthe fact that there was over 100% turnout in OD consituencies is just the icing in the cake. Mr. Raila's campaign was absolutely successful to the extent that there was a voter turnout in excess of 100% in al constituencies. How can this be practicable? His PR campaigns were even outstanding. He was able to shift election rigging focus to PNU even before the elections started. Does anyone see some anomaly here?

  10. based on what information anon 8.11? this was corrected by Nation imeditely after. get your facts right by watching TV and reading papers. Same correction has been repeated several times here if you follow this blog

  11. anon 8.34 those results have just been confirmed by standard and one of the defecting ECK officials

  12. One thing for sure, If raila is counting on an audit to re-assure him. He's in for a big shock!

  13. Now I understand why….
     Now I understand why Uhuru decamped from ODM-K to PANUA
     Now I understand why Uhuru said, “We have to go where we are sure we shall be in the next Govt.” This he said even when the opinion polls were showing that ODM-K was the most popular party and Raila’s popularity was on a steady increase while Kibaki’s was declining.
     Now I understand why Uhuru said “Let us (GEMA) all put our eggs in one basket.”
     Now I understand why Uhuru who had said earlier that Kibaki was a president who saw no evil, heard no evil and felt no evil decided to follow him all the same.
     Now I understand why Uhuru who shamelessly joined the Government side, although he was the official leader of opposition
     Now I understand why Uhuru boasted that he had directed the Speaker of the National Assembly to repaint the office of the leader of official leader of opposition because he would not be occupying it again.
     Now I understand why Uhuru began insulting and belittling akina Raila and Ruto, the same people he had praised and co-habited with very closely from the referendum days.

     Now I understand why Lucy was the first one to confirm that Kibaki would be running for a second time for presidency.
     Now I understand why Lucy left her house desolate and went gallivanting round the country with the message that Kibaki would be the next president mpende msipende
     Now I understand why Lucy’s salary would be increased just two weeks before elections.
     Now I understand why Lucy had the guts to slap a high ranking Government just a few days to the elections
     Now I understand why Lucy never answered to Ida Odinga’s request to invite her to State House for orientation sessions
     Now I understand why Lucy would threaten that, “Msipo chagua Kibaki kuwa rais mara ya pili mtalia na jicho moja na lingine mkifunga” (Actually the country is literally weeping as we speak at the mere “refuting” of Kibaki’s second term).

     Now I understand why Kalonzo never met with resistance when he campaigned in hostile Mt Kenya region.
     Now I understand why Kalonzo pestered Kivuitu to quickly announce results, even when he could see glaring irregularities in the tallying process, some of it affecting areas in his stronghold.
     Now I understand why Kalonzo was quick to offer mediation services to Kibaki and Raila even when he had been soundly beaten at the ballot by both of them.
     Now I understand why Kalonzo’s sychophant, Kilonzo, could sit with PANUA members and Uhuru to issue a press statement blaming Raila for the bloodshed in the country and conveniently forgetting to admonish Kibaki for clinging to the seat despite being beaten at the ballot. This is also despite the fact that ODM-K is an opposition party
     Now I understand why Kalonzo never threw vitriol at Kibaki as much as he did Raila during the campaign period.

    • Now I understand why Kivuitu delayed in giving out presidential results and was quick to give out parliamentary results from the same areas.
    • Now I understand why Kivuitu refused to listen to requests by ODM to publicly tally the presidential results in the disputed areas.
    • Now I understand why Kivuitu hid himself in a room, chased away all independent media personnel and read the presidential results to only the (dependent) KBC.
    • Now I understand why Kivuitu was hurriedly and under very heavy security taken to State House to deliver the presidential results at 6pm on a Sunday.
    • Now I understand why Kivuitu was so tense, uneasy, giving stale jokes and unnecessarily harsh whenever he would address the press at KICC.
    • Now I understand why Kivuitu, in his confused state, gave very revealing statements like,”I want to get those returning officers and tell them to return them to their masters who are directing them to change results” and “Some returning officers have switched off their mobile phones so that they can falsify results” etc
    • Now I understand why Kivuitu delayed in coming to the press center to announce results

    Police Commissioner Ali
    Now I understand why Ali was very harsh while addressing the press one day before the results were announced.
    Now I understand why Ali increased security hundredfold in the city just one day to the day of announcing results. (Think about it-if the popular president was to be announced, why would there be need for enhanced security? Was there any security risk when Kibaki was pronounced president in 2002?)
    Now I understand why Ali talked of preparations for “inauguration” when he was asked if he was ready for “transition.”
    Now I understand why Ali suddenly became very visible, authoritarian and no-nonsense two days to presidential results.
    Now I understand why Ali announced that no rallies would be allowed after the “new” president will have been identified and inaugurated.

    o Now I understand why Moi, after rejecting the Wako Constitution and voting NO in the referendum, suddenly changed and began supporting Kibaki
    o Now I understand why Moi said that the word “defeat” does not exist in his vocabulary.
    o Now I understand why Moi encouraged all his three sons to stand for parliamentary seats in the hope that they would be well rewarded (and protected) thereafter.
    o Now I understand why the pattern of announcement of presidential results in 2007 was very similar to that of 1992 in which Matiba was ahead initially and was then overtaken later when the Rift Valley results came in last.

     Now I understand why Kibaki woke up 2 months to election and moved all over the country as a smokescreen to cheat the uninitiated that this is how he got the votes
     Now I understand why Kibaki kept on saying that elections is a one-day affair (he actually meant that vote fixing is a one-day affair)
     Now I understand why Kibaki appointed judges to the court of appeal and high court only one week to elections (you may want to recall that presidential petitions are carried out at the appeal court straightaway and the judgment is final and not subject to appeal. Something of interest: one of the judges appointed as high court judge was one Ms Nancy Oginde. Don’t be misled by the name to think that she is a Luo. She is a Kikuyu, but the wife of Snr. Pastor David Oginde of PAG Valley Road Church. Mr. Oginde has been the spokesman of Evangelical Churches of Kenya and has been on record supporting the presidency of Kibaki. He happens to be a close friend of Rev. Mutava Musyimi who was the PANUA candidate for Gachoka, the constituency of ODM Pentagon member, Joe Nyagah)
     Now I understand why Kibaki continued to belittle Raila (I never once heard him saying anything against Kalonzo). Every time he talked against majimbo, it would always be an attack against Raila, even though Kalonzo (forget about the word “economic” he later added) also advocated for majimbo.
     Now I understand why Kibaki refused to go for a one-on-one televised debate with Raila. He said it would not add value to his campaigns (read, it would not add value to the plans he had of winning (rigging) elections).
     Now I understand why Kibaki when asked to intervene in the tallying fiasco by his fellow presidents around the world, would tell them to ask the ECK.
     Now I understand why Kibaki when asked by a foreign journalist if he would hand over power peacefully, he answered in Kiswahili, “Don’t ask me silly questions.”
     Now I understand why Kibaki was always accompanied by Michuki in his campaign tours, even when all other Ministers had been allowed to go and campaign in their turfs.
     Now I understand why Kibaki gave Michuki direct nomination for the Kangema seat on PANUA ticket.

    Now I understand why. Now I understand why. NOW I UNDERSTAND WHY!!!!!

    Voice of Reason

  14. This is no time for the hecklers I see above. Let it be known to those who support the Kibaki rigging that we are not going to allow Kenya to be ruled by another dictator. Those days are gone.

  15. Who does this guy think he is! Taking Kenyans for a ride or something. He’s been invited to take an election audit but he’d rather create more bloodbath by taking Kenyans to UHURU park.

  16. Let Raila and his entourage walk the streets of Nairobi. In the first place ODM supporters never contemplated losing the election and it is about time they faced the reality. Kibaki is the peoples president and he shall continue to be regardless of any ones opinion.

  17. We're not looking back. Onward to Uhuru Park tomorrow. We'll not rest until President-elect, Raila Odinga, is sworn in.

  18. Where is Moi now. Anybody has any idea?

  19. Hellen. I had that 90% of the mass at UHURU park tommorow are bargain hunters. Typical of Raila.

  20. Who elected Kibaki president? Your propaganda can only come from someone who had been in Jupiter and just dropped into Kenya a day ago. But even such a person may have seen the paralysis in the city and throughout Kenya. If that's good enough for you, why do we waste time talking to you?

  21. Okello your resolve for what? Bloodshed and taking the country backwards. Do you realise how much economic destruction is going on right now let alone the tragedy that is the human destruction. We have gone from a 0.2% GDP growth in 2002 to 7% in 2007. More Kenyans are employed now than in 2002. Wage disparity may be greater, but wages only go up after unemployment is brought down. Otherwise the unemployed undercut each other's wage demands so that they may have a source of income. Kenya's infrastructure is better off. We are hosting global conventions. Basic services are more accessible like health care and shelter. Children have free primary education. An educated society is what is in Kenya's best long term interest. Do you disagree?

    I also want to see a New Kenya, but Gandhi, Mandela, Martin Luther King all showed that there was a way towards a new era WITHOUT bloodshed.

    Raila is no more democratically elected than Kibaki. They both engaged in mass rigging, period!!! How else can you explain to me the spending of KShs 15 billion in the just concluded elections? Where are all these new Machetes and Rungus coming from?

    I truly respect those individuals who want a New Kenya through a peaceful process. But I cannot respect leaders who preach water and drink wine. Kibaki has a lot of explaining to do. But so does Raila. 'IF' he truly is the people's president, then why after his call for peaceful demonstrations were 35 people (whatever their tribe) killed in a church?

    My only question to Raila is: Since 2000 you have gone on to become one of the richest persons in Kenya (with an estimated net worth of KShs 4 Billion). Yet why are the residents of Kibera (which is in your constituency) worse of now then they were in 2000? They have limited access to basic necessities esp clean running water? Why Raila Why?

    Do we not expect Mungiki (Kikuyu) to engage in revenge attacks and then the Taliban (Luo) to react.

    Where do all of you get so much hate filled hearts from?

    The choice is simple:
    We can chose a peaceful manner to get back what was stolen from us, or we can use civil war. Your Choice!!!

  22. Anon,

    That's why I said you're not worth debating.

  23. Hellen. Your comments don't have nay basis nor foundation. I don't think you have slightest clue of what will happen if Raila goes down that path.

  24. hellen. Infact, try to make sense out of you is like trying to take a donkey to the river! I am not PNU supporter but i value humanlife and respect for democracy.

  25. Impressive stats, but they are beside the point. The issue at hand right now is the theft of our election.

    I see this new effort by Kibaki apologists to paint Raila with the same brush...that Raila also engaged in rigging. It won't wash. This is about our rights. And should we allow this injustice to stick, there will be no need for 2012 or 2017... for what will be the guarantee that results will be respected?

    That's why it's now or never. The choice as to how things turn out rests with Kibaki. He can give us peace or give us war. Either way, we shall prevail. Watch!

  26. Sam, whose rights? You speak like 4.5million voters who vited for kibaki do have any rights at all. Don't forget, There was rigging on both sides and that Raila more than Kibaki had betwwen 90%-120% turnout in his constitucies.

    I don't have to provide you with the facts, please read the newspapers.

    If its war you want, then democracy has a way of dealing with people like u.

  27. I also value human life. But unlike you, I value human dignity as well. A person without freedom has no reason to wake up in the morning. If that's your choice, try life in a dictatorship. You'll be glad there are people like me calling on kenyans to save our democracy at all costs.

  28. Hellen, I may not be worth debating, but I raise valid points to which you can only say "Not worth debating". Educate me instead of just repeating Raila for presidency and Uhuru park tomorrow. Show me what exactly Raila has done to end the bloodshed going on right now.

    Common theme: Raila is the people's president, which is not the truth. Kenya has 35+ million people. If we estimate that people under 18 are 40% of the population, then out of the remaining 21+ million Kenyans, only 10 million or so voted. That is less than 50% of eligible Kenyan voters voting. Whose president is Raila or Kibaki? If you want to know the people's opinion (those 50% eligible voters who didn't vote) then its simple, we currently don't have an able leader who the majority of Kenyan's would vote for.

  29. ODM supporters never thought they would loose this election, the last opinion polls showed Kibaki well ahead of Raila; for which Raila dismissed while he was ever eager to embrace earlier polls. Pole, but ODM supporters have to realize that in an election there is a winner and a loser.

  30. Hellen, your comment "You are not worth debating" may have been guided at someone else. I am not trying to insult you. My comments was the long 8.55 one. Maybe you were referring to the other 8.55 comment.

  31. Democracy has a way to deal with people like me? I don't take marching orders from the NSIS or whatever the nefarious government agents' acronym is. Are you telling me you want to revive Nyayo House and still call it democracy? Work with us to save Kenya, my friend. you'll be glad Mr. Odinga is there to save even misguided people like you.

  32. voice of reason @ 8:39am - Thank you.

  33. youn, were you present when Mr. Kivuitu gave an interview to the press? Can you believe the ECK chair saying he has no idea who won the election?

    What do you do when he says that in 2012?

  34. Ha! NSIS??? ODM Supporters here are hilarious.

  35. Sam, you seem intelligent enough to recognise what global history has shown. Past liberators turning into dictators once in power. Raila may not go that way, but what if he did. Now that would truly scare me. I see Raila for who he is, which is he has left people in Kibera continue languishing in extreme extreme poverty. Sure he has done good things in the past, but that was before be became engaged with MOI in 2000ish. Now I see him as just another corrupt member of Kenya's ruling elite.

  36. We as Kenyans should continue the hard work and let the politicians solve their differences. This should not be at the expense of Kenyans. Mr. Raila has no mandate at all to call for chaos and bloodshed buy leading ppl to Uhuru park.

    Anyone who takes arms on their fellow countrymen is not patriotic and does not belong in Kenya.
    The notion that our country is wounded is just absurd. Our country is hurting now, being dragged to the mud and destroyed by some power hungry ego maniacs. Raila should show some direction and follow the appropriate democratic steps to avoid a bloodbath. Kibaki has been elected as the ppls president and we should be looking at steps that will create some understanding from both supporters of the political divide. Period!

  37. Thank you anaweza! Voice of Reason's NOW I KNOW more pertinent now than ever.

  38. Hellen, I can see your point. But we have to end today's bloodshed today. And clamor like we are doing now for an end to all partisan politics, corruption, greed and hate. We need to find leaders who are the people's leaders, not the voices of the elite. I think we can do that by 2012. But right now "NO MORE BLOODSHED, ONLY PEACE"

    Don't you enjoy music from all over Kenya no matter what tribe sang it. Do you not eat the foods of other cultures? We are one people, not 40 tribes.

  39. How can we trust our economy with presidential candidates who have no credibility? Think about it,
    • What has Mr. Raila Odinga done for the country let alone his constituency while as minister or Member of Parliament? The Kibera slums have been there for a while now and still going strong.
    • As member of Langata constituency he has not been able to advocate or represent the people of that location in ways that would benefit them. The question is, how will he be able to advocate or represent the wider Kenyan community? Can we trust him to deliver the results? Is he an agent for change or we going to dig our own grave yards?
    Look on the brighter side:-
    • Our economy is getting somewhere and the past two years we have seen a lot of investments both internationally and locally.
    • Kenyans were beginning to find some confidence in the economy. Although the rate of unemployment is still high the prospects of getting a job now are far much better than it was before. Of course, I don’t need to remind Kenyans about that famous brown envelope that used to be prominent in every job-seeker in town.

  40. Anon, no amount of repeating the KIBAKI WON MANTRA will make it so. He manufactured votes. And we shall not accept it. Not now, not ever and no matter who.

  41. Sister Hellen. Inspiration comes at a cost. Utagundua very soon!

  42. Hellen,

    What about the votes Raila manufactured? Lets look at both sides of the coin. No coin was ever created with two heads or two tails.


  44. Youn and anon,

    If it wasn't for RAILA we'd all still be under the MOI dictatorship. You've chosen to wear huge blinders. My fear is that if all Kenyans thought like you, and believed that peace without freedom was better than peace with freedom, then Kenya would quickly take it's place as just another African Nation that's descended into despotic leadership and deserves no place at the table of the democratic nations around the world.

  45. Bw Kombo has apparently missed the point that the new KANU is ODM. Look at Rift Valley and you will find all the KANU time Moi and Biwott cronies in ODM not to forget mention Hon William Ruto.

  46. Forget his party affiliations. Kenya needs visionaries like him, yet we vote him out?

  47. We are not advocating violence. We are calling on President Kibaki to turn over power to the Democratically Elected President of Kenya. That's it.

  48. Who said that Kenya can be run by a communist. Someoine who has been involved in a coup. (1982). Please stop this rubbish. Raila will never rule Kenya. Forget. Tell him to concentrate on other things. NEVER SHALL HE RULE. What is it that their family only thinks of being president in Kenya.

    No monarchy. The one in Bondo is enough

  49. Raila should not have been allowed as opposition leader, let alone becoming president.
    This guy will have more bloodshed on his hands.

  50. Sam,

    Blinders??? Did I not say Raila did good things prior to his elevation into the MOI government. After that, we lost a peoples leader to the elite. That was when Raila crossed the bridge. HE HAD DONE MARVELLOUS THINGS FOR US PRIOR TO 2000.

    Please do read what I say in its entirety.

  51. This is to annonymous at 8.55 am. Your reasoning is seriosly skewed. People who see things in your view can only be likened to Warthogs. Forgetting only too soon. Points:
    1. Economic growth is only being felt by the rich. Most of the boom is due to illegal money finding its way into Kenya by you know whom.
    2. Only the prople from one community have gained from jobs.
    3. Infrastucture worse off. Travel in the R.V and KSM or KK and you will attest to this. Unless you come from central and you will see the improvement.
    4. Who are you to question Raila's riches? What of Kibaki's?
    5. You claim Raila has not uplifted Kibera from slum status. We all know the projects Raila had initiated which were seriosly rejected by gov. "He will be too famous?" Slum upgrading is a government policy of which Raila has very little control over as a mere MP. Given the presidency am sure he had very good pans for this.


  52. anon,

    You'll eat your words in a few days. RAILA will be sworn in soon.

  53. And may I add, anon and co. This is not the campaign season. KIBAKI lost. He should be the gentleman we all knew him to be and leave.

  54. rhyymemeaster, a Leader who cannot even overcome resitance to change is no leader at all. Every leader will have pple who are against him. IF this leader is not able to drive his decsions effectively so as to benefit his people, how will the he be able to do that for Kenya as whole.

    In short, Raila leadeship qualities are limited. Raila is only a charismatic leader who only lokks to ispire his followers. So can we really trust that Mr. Raila will be able to drive through such policies and pick up from where Mr. Kibaki left of? Or is he going to sit down and hope all will be well. We need a leader who will take initiative. An initiative that will not only benefit a smaller segment of the community, but the wider Kenya. Transformational leadership is all about charisma and action.

  55. I franlky don't understand why we're having this discussion. Is anon trying to say that a man who was elected is unelectable? We go down a dangerous path if we say the ruling elite will only allow certain people to be elected. Every Kenyan who succesfully campaigns is electable. It's about one's position and policies. as of this last election, the Hon. Odinga won.

  56. Rhyyme...

    My thinking is seriously skewed?

    Prior to 2000 I had one shop with 2 employees besides myself. Both were from western Kenya. Since then, I have been able to emply 6 more from various other communities.

    People from one community have gained in what public jobs? The private sector contributes to over 70% of Kenya's GDP and hence is bigger than the public sector. Every business I visit, from the shambas to the hotels has seen employment growth. People from all tribes have had the ability to start their own business. Additionally, the Kikuyu population has not grown as rapidly as employement has. You are free to criticise me, but I am relaying to you what I witness in my travels throughout the country.

    Infrastructure wise, what do you want? Infrastructure to be developed in KSM, KK or R.V. before it is developed in our major economic cities?

    Who am I to question Raila's riches? I question how he accumulated his wealth so fast. Maybe you are not aware of all his oil related enterprises he started in 2000 when he was minister of energy and oil was at $20 a barrel.

    Uplifting Kibera from slum status? NO that is not what I said. I said why do the Kibera residents still languish in extreme poverty. Could he not have brought some development to them and spread even 1% of his wealth to alleviate their misery. I donate 10% of my earnings to poverty reduction every month. All I ask is why can Raila not do the same?

  57. Sam/Hellen, have a nice day at the park tommorow. The weather forecast is fine but heavy cloud cover in the later hours of the day.
    Ofcourse, perfect day to catch some good bargains if you get in early.

  58. All this discussion about who rigged, who did not etc is really missing the point. Doesn't the fact that people are still debating outcome of this presidential election not illustrate that we, the Kenyan people, are the real losers in the process(we are fighting amongst ourselves while the political elite share their spoils).

    Since 2002, we the wanainchi, have come to accept that our only weapon against the political elite was the power of our vote and that we had systems in place to ensure that our votes would count.

    Does not the fact no matter who ultimately sits in state house, approx 50% of the population will feel cheated not mean that we no longer trust the electoral system to accurately reflect our voices?

    If we do not address the situation now, why should anyone line up for 3 hours in 2012 to vote when they will believe that the outcome of the election has already been predetermined.

    On a more worrying note, why would the poor and those who have felt disenfranchised for so long decide to wait until 2012? Can people not see that this disillusionment is the source of the violence now being seen in parts of the country? People who had nothing else but their vote feel that that has been taken away from them.

    We need to do something to restore confidence in the integrity of the electoral system. We are only postponing our problems if we do not.

  59. The day Kenyan people will wake up one morning and think they are Kenyans, will be the day they will start thinking what neo-colonialsm is doing in Kenya at the moment.
    As my friend from the Caribbean told me, black people suffers from the effects of slavery, colonialism and its the high time "21st century" that we address this issue and stop thinking Jaluo, Kikuyu, Kalenjin, Kamba, Kisii the list goes on to Ibo`s and Zulus etc.
    Election only took a day, and the stupidness of uneducated in Kenya sorry to say and Intelectuals abroad have been compromised by two people, Kibaki and Raila "millionaires". They are now spilling poor people’s blood for their own selfishness, greed and power hunger. What do you think they want to accomplish? Protect their ill gotten wealth some of which have been stashed in foreign banks (safe deposits) while poor Kibera voters slaughter one another and others in Eldoret and Nyanza burn their loved neighbours houses, because they are from different tribes. And as we speak, Kibaki and Raila are tossing champagne and shouting loud "cheers". Probably with UK, US and Canadian Ambassadors. They all go to bed together. These guys are crooks, I quote John Kerry when Bush was declared the USA President the second time. After rigging Florida votes where his brother was Governor.

    KENYANS, I PLEAD WITH YOU. LET US WORK, STUDY AND GO BACK TO KENYA AND DEVELOP OUR NATION. KIBAKI IS 76 YRS come on, RAILA 62 YEARS hihi getting there, PLEASE GIVE ME A BREAK. These people have never experienced poverty and the people dying are hardly 30 years old. ARE WE BUILDING OR DESTROYING OUR FUTURE?
    These guys are senile, and the reason i`m saying that is because of the lifestyle they have. Ordinary Kenyans should come together as brothers and sisters and oust these guys out of office and out of our way and take charge of our country.

    They have so much money; they can live wherever they want in this world without working until they die.



  61. The saying in democratic politics is that you can fool some of the people some of the time, but you can't fool all of the people all of the time (or you loose elections).

    In autocratic states like our Kenya, the saying is now turning out to be 'you can loot some but not everyone all the time'.

    Kibaki did grow the economy. But seriously, it only took marginally lowering the level of looting and spreading it out a bit more. Growing from nothing to 6% on the base of nothing is not hard (that someone think that is an achievement says it all - we're ridiculously poor or not, yet Moi is the richest man in Africa?).

    No Kenya leaders since independence have anything to be proud of - including Raila.

    So then what: I do not think we are capable of being independent and I have no other way of telling my children why they have to live poor in Kenya. Think about it, even our brothers in South Africa are better off than we are even though they had to live under Apartheid.

    However, we have not choice but to stay independent; hence: Shame on our leaders - but Raila is the only one saying he will change (Mwai said he would, but did not - he had his chance).

    So onwards with Uhuru - the rally has a double meaning!


  62. Marianne aka abdulla, get away. You are full of shit

  63. I have a very effective proposal. For as long as Raila is digging in, Kibaki and his people will dig in more and the situation will get worse. I hate it every time I see Kimunya and Karua on one hand and Ruto on the other digging in so hard. Kamunya has even said on BBC that the Kibaki Government will not allow an outside mediator (referring to president Kuffour of Ghana who is said to be on his way to Kenya tomorrow. He is to come in his capacity as AU Chairman). One proposal is for those who voted for Kibaki to put pressure on him to step down. I heard a lady who voted for Kibaki pleading with him on BBC to let go so that there can be peace (she was running away from her burnt house in Eldoret). This is the most effective and practical option. The second one is for those who voted for Raila to ask Raila to let go this time but get a guarantee that he will be the next president in 5 years' time. This can be passed by parliament unanimously but Kibaki be the first one to say it and reaffirm it until it is passed by parliament. I strongly support the first option. By the way I am very sure that there are many Kibaki supporters whose conscience is burning them as they see blood being spilt yet their man is sitting pretty and illegitimately on the throne.Please Kibaki supporters, put pressure on your man. Things are getting out of hand. By the way, did Kibaki sincerely think and want Raila to come to his meeting as one of the incoming MPs? These are the kind of moves that are not making things any better.

    Voice of Reason

  64. Anon @10.44=Sam Okello

  65. Marianne Briner, you have a war to fight with Sam leave it out of this blog. Sam is a distinguished character. You come up with all kinds of names of this blog. anon, ombati, g girl, abdulla, just to mention a few in order to attack. Girl...shove it.

  66. the last flight out of JKIA will be the Swiss Air Flight to's about to leave soon.

    Hilarious when Githongo will be back - let the thieves then go spend their money in Europe, but no more stealing in Kenya!

    Kibaki Gang must go. Half the cabinet has been voted out: the gang has been voted out, but the gang leaders (Moi and Mwai since forever) are still trying to stay on.

    OK, they may stay on, but then they will miss the last flight and the future will be murder (this is not meant as incitement but a statement of the present fact: our so-called elected and non-elected (Moi) leaders have brought murder and rape to the streets of Kenya - shame on all of them).

    Swiss air: bring a large plane this time round and take them away 4good.



  68. Despite everything one thing everyone seems to agree on is that ODM has 112 MPs making them the majority. By law therefore Kibaki as president will end up representing Othaya only. According to section 2(a) of the constitution and Form 16A.Not the republic of Kenya.Even if Kalonzo becomes VP.

  69. 11:35 - who's name?

    Don't just incite. The man should be able to step down. If Michuki gave the shoot to kill order he must pay; however, the longer they wait, the harder it will be for them, so much is true. But he must be able to stand down - anyway he is almost senile (or maybe not)?!


  70. We need to realise ODM has other tribes Kikuyu inclusive. Raila campaigned and endorsed Kibaki while he was on a wheel chair, donated 300 million to Kibaki's campaign. People are dying for the wrong reason today, but tomorrow they will die for their democratic right at Uhuru Park!

  71. It's sad and almost hilarious how clueless the common citizen is about what has been going on since 1963. Every regime had its total man, Kenyatta had Koinange, Moi had Biwott and now Kibaki has Michuki.Their job is to make sure their bosses stay in power at all
    costs. Even if it meant asking Kivuitu nicely to read the results with a gun on his head.

  72. As Moi and his sons enjoy cavier overseas,rumour has it they fled to Germany...people are dying because he had a meeting with Kibaki, Uhuru and Biwott...he brokered a deal with them. For the protection of his sons and to fulfil the promise he made to Kenyatta on his death bed that Uhuru had to be next in line when he came to age.

  73. I want to appeal to the few ignorant tribalist to read their history books so we can end the bloodshed.Many will argue that the Mau Mau fought for freedon in the bushes while everyone else sat back.Arwings Kodhek Mau Mau lawyer and a luo helped advocate for the release of the detained prisoners pro-bono.When Kenyatta and the "kapenguria 6" were in detention, the british asked Raila's dad to be president...he said NO stating " without kenyatta there cannot be Uhuru". Therefore giving power to kenyatta.

  74. there has been no uhuru for the majority; not only did the english never leave their bases in the highlands (military advisory they call it today, hunting lions from helicopters with impunity), yet their land was taken by a few and then the happy valley lifestyle of the uhuru gangs could start; the new gang learned from and live like the colonialists. Only now are we ready for uhuru - we are no longer ignorant (an official british policy was not to educate people too well). the time has come, but uhuru is not a personal fief - jomo was wrong to make it personal and give a person that name as if the republic of kenya could and should be run like a monarchy.


  75. Pandora, actually you should not blame Mzee Jomo...Kibaki is the one who gave "Uhuru" his name after jomo asked him what he was to name his son...we "common citizens" have no clue on whats really going on but we are learning fast...

  76. Uhuru2012 and Rhymeaster,

    Thank you for the reminders. Some people forget how Raila helped Kibaki get to where he is today, first time round.

    I feel there is a parallel process, here in this blog. On the one hand people are calling for peace and a way forward.

    On the other hand, we have all the mud slinging.

    We are here to share views, and our views are not all the same. That is the way it is.

    I discovered this blog last week. I keep on reading about Sam and Helen inciting hate and violence. I find it interesting that their comments are being interpreted in that way. I do not share that view.

    But hey, there are some people on here who are very rigid about Mwizi Kibaki, being the people's president, and who feel strongly that the whole process was free and fair. That is their concept of reality. Plain and simple.

    I believe when issues are not within our level of awareness, and too threatening, we distort reality to sit comfortably, with how we believe things should be.

    Abdulla, I cannot speak for all the people in the diaspora. I am very aware that people are suffering.

    *Sidenote if Abdulla is Marianne, Jeff and I were in the same class in secondary school.*

    My family is mixed. Extended family, is Luo and Kikuyu. Some have been targeted this week, thrown out of their homes. I speak to people at home five times a day.

    To suggest that all people who are in the diaspora are sitting behind computers, not giving a rat's ass about what is happening is outrageous.

    We are all hurting, and angry.

    It is clear from what is going on in this blog that the hierarchy of oppression, is at play here.

    Could someone also point me to links where Raila has instructed his supporters to go out and kill?

    Were the people who killed the women in the church in Eldoret Luos???

    How can Raila ask him people to stop killing, when he never asked them to start killing in the first place?

  77. We all can agree that Raila track record does not have any murder allegations linked to Kenyatta with Tom Mboya's murder, like Moi with Robert Ouko's murder and Kibaki with Owiti Ongili's and Ambala’s murder. We cannot accuse ODM pentagon of being the Nyanza mafia since they are multi-ethnic but we know of the Kiambu mafia "headed by Njenga Karume Minister of Defence" plus newly recruited "John Michuki mercernary henchman" The new Koinange and Martha Karua the new Sir Charles Njonjo and the Kalenjin Mafia headed by Nicholas Biwott and Moi's sons" who also are linked to Julie Ward's murder the theme to the movie "The Constant Gardener".

  78. Who is Museveni to Interfere in our Problems ......???? Does he know he is congratulating a "Fake" president who Only got some few votes from all over Kenya except Central province where his families stay?

    Had it NOT been Raila, this Kibaki will Never have been the first place.

  79. Ladies and gentlemen.

    while we argue here. whoever finally retains that thing called state house let me assure you. To them me and you are just pawns. We can argue all we like and support whoever we like. Were missing the point. Its not about us its about them. Its about the political elite in kenya and how they can share the cake between themselves. Thats it. Anyone who does not believe this... Time will tell. I've said it before and i'll say it again. Have a billion shillings in your account...look at the bank statement and see how it changes your way of thinking. All of us here would suddenly have better things to do then be arguing on Kumekucha. Our opinions however diverse, are all valid. But ultimately..Who cares? If Kibaki pulls through Raila will cut a deal with him and if Raila pulls through...vice versa. Those who are thinking of some utopian rescue scheme for the average Kenyan. Forget it. Not while we argue like we are here. There are only two tribes and two parties. And their names are the rich and the poor. And as it has been said, 'the opium of the poor is religion' i would alter that slightly and say for Kenya. 'The opium of the Kenyan is tribalism'. Until we, the commentators here, the Kikuyu, Luo, Kalenjin, Kamba, Kisii, Luhya, Mjikenda, Meru, Embu, Samia, Kenya Cowboy, Muhindi, Shelli shelli and all others in Kenya realise that our voices are just shouting in the wind. We have still failed to recognise our real enemy. The political elite. In all its various and ugly manifestations.

    lucas mboya.

  80. I think you should set to comments approved to filter crazy theories put forward by the likes of Uhuru2012 projects who think Kikuyus will get somewhere with their "Ill" gotten presdiency...

  81. Again, Uhuru2012 is Ms. uhuru2012@1:14PM

  82. @uhuru2012 in your state of selection amnesia, you deliberated avoided mentioning the Ruto army that yesterday murdered innocent women and children in a church of all places.

  83. There's always been tribal clashes in Rift Valley before ODM, immediately after Kenyatta's regime...Unfortunately people in Mt.Kenya region were displaced first by the British and taken to the reserves just like native indians in America. Due to their leaders like Senior Chief Koinange who burgained with the British for power...then after independence the lands were not returned to the original owners hence their displacement from their ancestral land till todate.Let's not give Ruto too much credit

  84. All of you guys are writing a pile of rubbish here. In the first instance, the topic you people are commenting on has no standing. Meaning it is crap. There is nothing in thebpast, by whoever wrote. Unless it was sent like that to the blog author, it is rubbish.

    Secondly, people like Helen, calling on people to go to Uhuru Park are just fanning the fire. What is needed now is those leaders to stop the violence. It is bad that unless it touches you, you will not know how painfil it is.

    Thirdly, there is no reason to fight over nothing. Kibaki is the president. That is final. Nothing will change. Whether Kivuitu says what, whether who says what, the situation will not change and will never be reversed. The man was sworn in and there will be nothing to reverse the situation.

    Talk Peace, talk reconciliation, talk wisdom. Avoid verbal diorhea. You are making it worse.

    Where is Derek?? Still celebrating. Talk peace bwana. And Vikii, Still sulking?? Come face reality.

  85. So most people on this board who are vigorously trying to convince everyone of tomorrow's rally will be attending it from the luxury of their pads or businesses in the U.S.

    How sad to send others to their death beds, while they will happily eat Nyama Choma this evening and tomorrow.

  86. Sam /hellen n all those agitating for war........Yes Raila might have been voted by 4 million same as Kibaki might have been voted by 4 million......the solution for this was a new constitution which the Kenyans refused in 2005......according to the law Kibaki was sworn in n has the certificate...I would advice u to take real care cos even if Kenya plunges in an ethnic war wont last more than 3 years....n when Kenyans soberize up ...they will come for the INCITERS it in Kenya ,Britain U.S.A.... and from your remarks here are qualified as ones...............Check the RWANDAS SITUATION......Think of your actions first

  87. I have a question.

    Is this current fiasco a set-up by our elitist politicians from all divides. Aren't the businesses they have set-up going to benefit the most when reconstruction of Kenya starts. Could this be the smoke-screen enabling for the billions brought into the country for the elections to be sent back out. I have yet to see one of these so called presidential candidates go out into the streets and face the people. I mean it must be super exciting hiding in their bullet-proof limo's and mansions while Joe and Jane get murdered. What is the game that the elite are pulling on us while making us think they are fighting for we the people?

  88. I post the above comment based on the fact that the shilling has seen a sharp sell-off today. So the demand for shilling has dropped against major foreign currencies. How many billions were sent out of Kenya today? How can the shilling depreciate so fast in a day when it has taken so long for it to grow strong? All the major international investors see this as a short term problem and hence are not panic'd into selling their assets here.

  89. These people (PNU) are not going to give in. Ever heard of drug cartels and blood diamond traders giving in? How about Oil barons? There could have been a "blad" birth on Thursday, but Kenyans understand what they are up against, and so there will be no well attended rally.

    Kenya is officially a drug kingdom where there is no freedom.

    If i were in the military, i would take power immediately, jail every Politician, then divide the country up to as many pieces as needed. Then let the fools have their self-reliance and charter their own destiny in peace and poverty.

    I read and like the suggestion by

  90. Museveni may want to intervene. It is affecting his country, stupid.

  91. People of my beloved motherland, most of your arguments are totally self-centered. You have to face it. PNU and ODM-Kenya robbed the Kenyan their God-given right.

    What was the rush in swearing Kibaki when these goons knew the Election results had been compromised?

    Was it not for their selfish reasons?

    None in the pro-Kibaki class of thought has addressed the Kivuitu factor.

    I will urge my people to march in millions and reject this gov't by all means.

    If they take innocent life, they will pay. Charles Taylor paid. It's just a matter of time.

    Tutu is Nairobi. We'll see what Mr. Kivuitu tells him. We'll see if Kibaki has guts to meet Tutu.

    For now, we'll march! We'll march again, and march...

    Our democratic rights are a gem!


    As we sit behind our 19+" flat screens debating on who's right and who's wrong, the only people hurting are the common wananchi (THE KENYANS). Inciting violence and division amongst group affiliations is senseless. We need to figure out ways to promote healing amongst ALL Kenyans regardless of tribe affiliations, age, sex, gender etc. It saddens me to see that our economy is currently loosing 2B Ksh a day in revenue. Further, the local economy has been paralyzed by the turn of events. We were on the right track and we need to move forward.

    Let's all UNITE and promote unity amongst ALL KENYANS. At the end of the day, we are the ones to loose.

    We need to move forward and support the leadership that has been installed, whether we agree with the politicking that took place. Our relatives, our families, our people are hurting. Let's put an end to this madness.

    A Kenyan and a Kikuyu.

  93. We'll have Raila installed and then this madness will be over. Kibaki should step down. Period.

  94. Why should I worry about the economic growth when I have no freedom?

    Let Kibaki step down! He lost. A matter of fact, he's too old for the presidency.

  95. Kibaki should not step down when a Pentagon member by the name of Ruto has unleashed his murderous militias on innocent Kenyans in a desperate bid to grab power.

  96. anon@4:32, Ruto has no militia. Kibaki's militia is slaughtering Kikuyus, luos, kalenjins, kisiis etc...etc...

    We'll frog-march him from the people's house. He can run, but he won't hide....familiar?

  97. helen and others

    lets not allow our anger get the better of us. We can still do this if we focus right. A great wrong has been done. The violence/killings right now are targeting the wrong people. And even if the right people are targeted, violence will not solve the problem.

    Yes we need a sustained, high pressure, determined and effective approach but we need to stop the ethnic talk. We need to find a way to protest and possibly nullify the ECK results, sadly this will not happen. Asking Kibaki to resign is also not going to happen. Civil protests are the way out but we need solid plans that will not be abused either by criminals or current govt to further deny not just ODM supporters but all disadvantaged communities.

  98. @hellen okello you are in denial!! Anyone in the know knows that it is the Ruto financed militias that are murdering Kenyans. It would not be beyond anyone's imagination that the Okello's are working day and night to cover up what has been uncovered and will soon be public knowledge about ODM's involvement in the massacre of innocent Kenyans. This is not the first time Ruto has been involved in the genocide of innocent Kenyans, Ruto worked hand in hand with other ex-KANU politicians, now ODM members, such as Ntimama in the 1990s to perpetrate the ethnic land clashes that were caused so as to ensure KANU's stay in power. The same technique is being used here only now that it is clear that these militias are well financed and organized thanks to Ruto's corrupt proceeds and experience when he was in KANU which is now being used to kill innocent Kenyans on behalf of ODM.

  99. uhuru2012@2:35p you stated "There's always been tribal clashes in Rift Valley before ODM," but neglected to recognize that the William duo, Ntimama and Ruto who were competent in perpetrating the ethnic clashes in the 1990s under KANU are now key figures in ODM and doing what they know to do best. Ruto has now launched his ethnic cleansing campaign with the cruel genocide by his militia of innocent women and children who were sheltering in a church. Perhaps the Okellos could confirm for us if Ruto's Rift Valley militia includes or excludes the Sabaot Defence Land Force (SDLF) that was murdering Kenyans in Mt Elgon before the elections and has now resumed doing the same after vote tallying ended.

  100. Since pockets of trouble erupted in Kenya after Kibaki was sworn in, we have seen all foreign outfits come out from their hideouts with all manner of interpretations of the situation, others even threatening Kenya with sanctions if we do not recount all the votes. I wish to appeal to all my fellow countrymen to view this foreign interest with the utmost suspision. This does not mean that there are no foreigners who honestly love Kenya/Africa and wish us well- indeed there are, but they are in the minority.
    -Most western governments and their media have selfish interests in developing countries. They love to see puppet governments, like i feel Raila had promised to form, so that they can indirectly run those countries and milk their resources dry. Those who resist this behaviour must be run down- as they have done to Mugabe.For those who are not already aware, more than 50% of the Kenyan economy is foreign-owned and if allowed, some of these countries would love to own 90% of our economy-and then they continue singing the song that more than 50% of Kenyans live below poverty line- on less than a dollar a day.
    -Once Kibaki came to power, he withdrew certain contracts that certain western governments, and particularly the British had enjoyed since Kenyan independence. These included the money- printing Dela Rue Company, purchase of British-made Land Rovers for the Kenyan police and military and the purchase of Kenyan navy ships and equipment. This did not go down very well in the U.K. for it was loss of business worth millions of pounds and also loss of jobs in the U.K. When the British were asked to put in their bids for the same contracts, they either refused and in others like that of Navalships they lost to Spain, and then, as expected, cried foul.This has caused a lot of bad blood between Kibaki's government and many foreigners. This has been made worse by the fact that the Kenyan budget is now run almost solery on taxes from Kenyans, meaning foreigners have less room to meddle and rock our boat.
    - Given, we want to do business with these great nations, but this should be on our terms and not theirs. This is exactly how they do it themselves. So, when they talk on BBC, CNN, Sky and other media about a serious crisis in Kenya- please let us read between the lines. When they talk of mediation led by President Kuffour of Ghana, let's remember how he was fetted by the Queen here in the U.K. just the other day (OBE) and let's know he is not an independent broker. When the E.U. observers speak, lets know that there could be vested interests.
    -Like in all great countries, Kenyan problems will be resolved by Kenyans and not foreigners. Foreigners should mind the diplomatic boundaries at all times and respect Kenyan laws. If Raila is aggrieved, let him also respect Kenya's laws and constitution and go to court. There is no provision under Kenyan law for electrol disputes to be resolved at Uhuru Park or on the streets by stone-throwing and looting riotous mobs. With due respect to peace loving ODM members, such acts are criminal and must be met with the full force of the law.
    My appeal is therefore to all my fellow countrymen- we are a reasonable people, lets all urge, pray and advocate for peace. Killing our neigbours or looting their properties will not change the electrol results- but a court of law can. Let us look for solutions from within ourselves and not run to foreigners with crocodile tears for they too have, by and large, their own vested and selfish interests.

    Quote from Mwanakenya. this info is good to know..I was wondering why the international community is making the loudest noise...

  101. Abdi, you are wrong. Hellen and Sam, didn't mislead, they are right.Kibaki is and ILLEGITIMATE president and we will fight him through peaceful means to get him out of the office, period. Whatever we can, peaceful protest, online petitions, international pressure. Hellen and Sam never said they will kill nor did they say innocent blood shoudl be spilt. They said that there should be sacrifice and that is 100% true. There has to be sacrifice for this. The thief called Kibaki will do this in 2010.. He is a hypocrite, irresponsible and can't be trusted. Enough is enough. From your name, I guess you are a Muslim and the last person you should support is this guy who sent poor Kenyans to Gunatanamo. Raila (for Kenyans) is oppressed and we will do everything we can to have our rights back. Helle and Okolo, youa re not alone, we are with you. We are all Kenyans fighting for our future and a better Kenya. Kibaki, here we come!

  102. And why do you all talk of Raila, Ruto and others. Aren't the hundred shot at the police and whose bodies are guarded in the mortuary human being. Aren't the many who are forcefully circumcised humans? C'on, tribalism can't be that blinding?

  103. Kenyans please stop the hatred. It is the poor killing the poor while the so-called leaders are comfortable in their mansions. Wake up no kenyan politician is worth dying for. does kibaki care for the kikuyus being killed now? it is a good lesson to us, we should vote for individuals not tribes. a kikuyu presidency does not add ugali to all kikuyu's tables, look at the last 5 years, half my family is kikuyu and they worked hard the same way they worked hard before kibaki. The same for a luo presidency.
    These leaders will soon work out a power sharing plan and they will be wining and dining together and we go back to our hard labour minus the ones who died useless deaths and plus a country scarred permanently!
    To the ruthless murderers, i just heard on bbc how a baby was thrown into the burning church, how can you pupport to be fighting for democracy when you are killing people for the simple reason that they have exercised their fundamental democrati right?
    Let's all call for peace regardless of our tribes!! The real enemies are the riggers of these elections and the corrupt ones who have raped this country from 1963 to date.

  104. guys please note that UPDF uniform is very similar to GSU..i have a friend in kakungulu whos gonna confirm that museveni the dicator (another mwizi who perveted uganda's katiba to stay in power) of uganda is in collaborating with mwizi kibaki..UPDF has no shame we know what they did to DRC.
    as for luhya MPS who opted to back PNU and are trying to come back to fold..please realize that you are rejects as you have been exposed as self seekers..

    peace in kenya. but kibaki has to hand over to a transitional government-hana mandate huyo mwizi.

  105. @abass, those shot by the Police were engaged in looting, burning and murder. A few innocent people including children were caught up tragically, the vast majority had to have posed a danger to other innocent Kenyans, we saw the news broadcast locally and around the world, those with machetes were chanting, "ODM", "No Raila No Peace", these are the ODM supporters killing innocent Kenyans, any mass murderer who exhibits such intent deserves to face deadly force to protect the life of innocent Kenyans. Unfortunately during security operations collateral damage is bound to tragically occur. Ruto and by extension Raila through his association with Ruto have now sought to do what the looters and murderers in Kisumu could not manage to do, and that is the genocide of innocent men, women and children.

  106. Kumekucha brothers and sisters, tell all the non-kikuyu people travelling to Nairobi to weigh their options as regards recurity because sources indicate that travellers are being stopped at Naivasha and being beheaded by the mungiki. Please tell all the people you can reach to weigh all options before riskimg their lives. Remember all morgues are being guarded so that nobody can tell how many are killed. Also remember the incident where the Uganda soldiers collected the youths from Kisumu and shot them at the RIAT area. Pass it to save lives!

  107. look here u very ignorant kibaki apologist@ anon6.17..the moment we have people like you displacing blame to a group of individuals without concrete facts and quick to defend the root of the problem (kibaki) kenya will be headed no where.

    i'm angry because it amazes me that people are blaming ODM when its clear that kibaki is RESPONSIBLE for this bloodbath..spin it like you want; the truth never changes..

    in kisumu the shoot to kill order was effected on rioters and looters..

    in eldoret and greater uasin gishu, where there is open ethnic cleansing they cannot..why? go figure..

    mwizi kibaka's 'government'is a failure

    and please start thinking like a kenyan for a change..geez u PNU people..its always 'our tribe, our people'..nonesense!

  108. @ anon, even if they are engaged in looting and they shout 'No Raila, no peace' you can't really use LIVE bullets to shoot at them? You see how short-sighted you are. And this is exactly one of the reasons why we need proper change, from the shoot to kill order to a legal process.
    And just another update, some apparently reliable sources are now confirming that there are indeed Ugnadan militia in Nyanza province. Check out this link:

  109. Yes Hellen, why should you worry about economic growth when you have no freedom. Well I am sure you have both economic growth and freedom sitting in your luxury Raila sponsored pad in the U.S.

    Finally I realise, you need to see a therapist. All those drugs you are on are not doing you any good. Come back to Kenya and start your insanity here instead of inciting people while you feast on your McDonald burgers.

    You make us locals look bad. BTW, did you have to wait long to get your rights to the U.S. after you moved there?

  110. @kijana ya limo, does everyone who exposes what ODM is really about, a Kibaki apologist? You must be totally ignorant and close minded to think so. Rioters who riot violently deserve to be put down, Rioters who murder violently also deserve to be put down, all you can think in is in tribal terms, just because peace loving Kenyans are capable of exposing Ruto and his ODM outfit for the genocide they are carrying out in Rift Valley does not mean they have to be PNU, there is swahili saying kikulacho ki nguoni mwako, ODM's waterloo will come from within and not without, much to your disbelief there are Kenyans in ODM who have a conscience and cannot stand and support what Ruto is doing to their fellow wananchi in Rift Valley.

    @abass you conveniently forget that those ODM supporters did not have twigs in their hands but machetes. Why don't you go to a major western city and attempt to do exactly what the looters were doing and then attempt to run away with stolen merchandise while threatening the police, you'll be lucky not to get a bullet in your back. What do you think machetes are used for? Why don't you pick a machete and go running around hacking at people and see how far you get? From the same blog you sent one can see images of people with wounds from machetes, don't try to defend the indefensible. Murderers deserve to be put down to maintain the peace.

  111. Again the drug addict Hellen makes a blanket statement...Ruto has no militia. You are right he doesn't have a militia, does that make you feel better. Now retreat back to your paraphernalia in your Raila sponsored luxury pad in the good ol' U.S.

    BTW when you coming over for your every 2 year 3-week visit?

  112. Guys everyone should read the blog titled "Kenyan Couple Trying To Shut Down Kumekucha" at the following link

    Wow these people really do look evil. Sam wants to run for presidency and as regards comment!!!

  113. Sam Okello was asked the following question by By Jane Musoke-Nteyafas
    during an interview on December 26 2005 (Please note he didn't refute the fact that he is Ugandan and how he is safely grounded in the U.S.)

    How has living in the USA affected you as a Ugandan writer? Would you say that it has opened you to new experiences? Can you still relate to Ugandan issues?

    Living in the USA has obviously broadened my perspective. I follow very closely what goes on back home and all over Africa through the newspapers. I'm safely grounded.

    If anyone wants to read the interview it can be found at

  114. You cannot share the contents of your purse with a thief you have just caught. Kibaki must go.

  115. @Anon 7:34PM & @Anon 7:14PM

    I don't agree with everything that Hellen and Sam Okello say but I do acknowledge and respect their right to say what's on their mind.

    When I disagree with something and I feel inspired I respond with my views on what they have written. I recognize and respect them as fellow Kenyans who have passionate views.

    I wish I could say the same for you, engaging in ad hominem arguments behind the convenient cloak of anonymity. Let's be mature about this.


  116. KENYANS! KENYANS! KENYANS...we are all brothers and sisters leaving in this beloved country for God’s sake. Our character and economy is the envy of western economies and an inspiration to other African countries.
    I’m sure the west will be watching and hoping that our country ends up in the dogs. We are now in the global spotlight and every soul out there is watching on how the downfall of this great nation will eventuate.
    Are we going to allow this to happen to our beloved motherland? Our leaders have failed us so far. Raila is still adamant to proceed with his campaign at Uhuru Park. Will this be a venue for prayer or a venue for bloodshed and beginning of the end? Can raila and kibaki work together and show some direction? Can we us Kenyans speak the same language and call for an end to this chaos and violence?
    Are we going to prove the west wrong and set an example never seen before in Africa politics? My dear Kenyans, either way, the result of this will spell the fall of Kenya from grace or the beginning of a new era not only for Kenya but for Africa. Let us be the benchmark for the not so fortunate brothers in Sudan and Somalia. Let us be their inspiration that the best can sometimes be harvested from the worst of times. i believe we are in a brink of a very significant change.

  117. Silaha, I agree I was not inline with those comments. But people who stay thousands of miles away, are detached from the situation, and keep calling for people to rise up and arm themselves, for those I cannot have any sympathy. They need to be exposed for who they are, and I didn't post those statements blindly. I did do some background searching.

  118. Odinga will NEVER be President! Just because he spoke to Gordon Brown he thinks he will be sworn in? Tough! Kenya has a president. BTW, in Odinga's speech earlier, he referred to Kibaki as PRESIDENT KIBAKI!
    He got the point!

  119. Joseph Obiero: But people see the likes of William Ruto in your team?

    Raila Odinga: The matter of bringing in corrupt leaders was started by Kibaki, and in truth, do not be surprised if you find that the likes of William Ruto find themselves behind bars after the elections, because he has cases pending against him. I will not interfere with the courts at all. For now, Ruto is a political necessity, but you know in politics we do have blind loyalties and if we are to win this battle, we have to use all options available. With Uhuru running against Kibaki, the Kikuyus will be divided for sure.

  120. Joseph Obiero: You seem to have won over Western province, with Musalia as a running mate, but are you sure they will not blackmail you like they did Kibaki when Kombo forced certain key appointments on him especially after the referendum?

    Raila Odinga: In my case, this will not happen. Musalia has a much weaker character in person than Kombo, and you know the joke about humble Luhya servants as cooks and watchmen…Anyway, jokes aside, Luhya disunity is a blessing for us and I would never have wanted it any other way.

    Had the Luhyas united, my plans would have been impossible to fulfil because my nomination was at stake, and if someone like Musalia ruled Kenya, he would not be able to effect the radical changes I talk about. His father was a Moi loyalist and even now if you look carefully, Musalia, like Kalonzo, still behaves as if he is beholden to Moi and cannot talk ill of, much less put Moi behind bars where he belongs. Musalia was created by Moi and given his seat after his father’s death since Musalia’s was one of Moi’s key men and a beneficiary of the grand corruption of the day. I am aware of this but I recognize that I cannot get perfect partners, and truly my friends; there is an election to be won.

  121. I am no Raila supporter, but this interview has so many thought and creativity flaws. The author needs to try again. And where are the author's friends who were part of the interview. None of them seem to have said anything similar otherwise it would have been all over the blogosphere.

  122. Breaking on E.A Standard:

    The Universities Academic Staff Union (UASU)has called for the resignation of President Kibaki.


    Obama's statement on the ongoing violence

    Also on

    Kibaki was ready to step down yesterday...Lucy stood her ground!

  123. Rehashing the same interview for me? The blogger says him and his friends interviwed Raila. Again, there are thought and creativity flaws in this constructed interview. And the silence of the bloggers friends, what do you make of that. Would they not also be trumpeting their golden discovery. Find me other blogs that rehash the interview along similar lines, not identical lines.

  124. KENYANS, Please do NOT forget ODM members are the same OLD KANU Crooks that Kibaki Government is dealing with at the moment who have been in power for 24 years.
    5 Yrs of Kibaki Administration is not enough to eradicate them.
    This fracas have nothing to do with elections. It`s basically, tribalism and jealousy. PERIOD..!

  125. It is NOW Clear why Kalonzo, Kombo and Uhuru decamped from Old KANU crooks (ODM).
    I don`t think these young men, sorry Raila is 62 yrs old, can lead 37 million people if all they do is to propagate violence with loose tongues because they know they have crimes pending in court to be answered. Ruto and his militia have been salivating to be in power so that they can tamper with the judiciary.

  126. at this rate Ruto will also take the fall for mungiki's outburst...Nyamweya and Kimunya will see to it.


    Wed, 2 Jan 2008 08:05:02 -0500
    From: Maurice Nyaware

    It’s right to keep each one of us in Diaspora who has access to our beloved web “”’’.As you know we are all astonished with the self declaration of Jaraboun’s win.What I can say is that some of the reliable source back from home says that, the peoples President is not locked in and his fellows like Ruto and Orengo Jimy is also not in,they are all expected to hold THE PEOPLE’S PRESIDENDT INAGURATION at the venue that have not been mentioned at 2pm, so far it is that the deaths fom Dagoreti.Mathare, Kariobangi, Kayole and some other estates in Nairobi may be 50 in number’s there have been fights through out the night since Kibaki imposed him self yesterday .The forces are also devide and this is said to couse more havoc scince the majority of the foces are wakale and this are pro Aguambo. Otherwiase this is the time when force should be implemented to achieve the demand of the people as it is said when diplomacy fails Force should be implied, the reasone why am saying this is for the reason that the Court will not solve this situation and if some body is thinking of international community this still will fail couse Okuche as you know they are nincompups who do not look at this as a national concern but away of making more “”Mbesha”” .this is way I say lets find a way of making use of our forces THIS IS THE ONLY WAY OUT.

    Listone O

  128. Hellen,
    I am not Mariane Briner...don't make assumptions you cannot support! Just because I don't agree with your opinion doesn't mean I am the same person taking on different identities....

  129. Great site! Please continue the useful posts.

  130. Mr. Expert,

    Are you going to have a follow up post or article about this anytime soon? :)

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