Monday, January 14, 2008

ODM Works Hard To Prevent Kaparo's 4th Term As SNO

After being 'awarded' presidential votes by Samuel Kivuitu, President Kibaki through his PNU party and affiliates are due to make another 'award' to Mr. Francis Ole Kaparo, as Kenya's 'permanent' Speaker of the National Assembly (SNO).

Information reaching this blogger indicates that the the vote count for the race for the speakers seat 'is already out in the open', in the same style and manner as when Kibaki was sworn-in at the presidential polls whereby Kivuitu irregularly declared him president prematurely in a secluded room somewhere in KBC studios. Indeed, the leaked SNO result shows a very close contest - much closer than the presidential polls, with less than 5 individuals separating the contestants.

Although the young Emuhaya MP Kenneth Marende would have been a perfect replacement for the older Francis Kaparo, the power of the incumbency is just too strong for Marende's backers. Perhaps Njoki Ndun'gu would have been an agreeable compromise candidate for both PNU and ODM even if only for the history of parliament as the first woman MP to be elected into the speakers seat. Despite pressure from PNU to drop her bid in favour of Kaparo, Njoki says she is in the race till the end.

In the course of this past week, well known PNU foot soldiers have been busy buying the votes from MPs elect who are only too willing to sell to the highest bidders after a strenuous and expensive campaign period. Some of the foot soldiers have been busy trying to infiltrate the ODM camp with promises of cash and cabinet appointments. With a total of 207 (206 minus the president himself) MPs already elected into the 10th parliament, it will be a very close race, because ODM has 99 MPs plus 3 others from NARC. Assuming all the rest will vote with PNU it is not hard to take a wild guess. Some ODM MPs are rumoured to have already crossed over either by coercion or compromise. It is unclear which ODM MPs have already 'defected' even before being sworn-in and it is also unclear which MPs Njoki has convinced to vote for her.

Unless ODM/NARC changes the tide and infiltrates the PNU camp tonight, it is almost a foregone conclusion that Kaparo will start his record 4th term tomorrow by swearing-in MPs and continuing to play to the whims of the executive for the foreseeable future.


  1. Yeah and please don't cry rigging. I can assure you Francis Kaparo will be the speaker of the tenth parliament. He will be confirmed winner in the second or third voting after Njoki is pushed out of the race by performing dismally in the first voting. Kenneth MaKende should probably wait for 2028.

  2. Vikii!!!, did you say Kenneth MAKENDE?..mhh, I thought so.
    Ole Kaparo needs to swear them in and have them pledge allegiance and loyalty to the PRESIDENT OF KENYA---H.E KIBAKI. No swearing in, no MP-ship, no Ksh.700,000 salary--many will leave RAO crying as he usually does...
    but seriously Vikii...the MAKENDE part was hilarious!...

  3. Vikii,

    I thought maybe initiallY I was in haste to rush to call you a filthy bitch, but after going over your previous blog entries and comments the past week, I can see that my initial opinion of you was correct. You are an arrogant inciting bitch and your girlfriend should take the earliest opportunity to smack some sense into your thick skull.

  4. Whats in name? kibaki should be then referred to as Mwizi kibaki! how about that?

  5. Mwizi Kibaki, Raila A-liar Ojinga, Michuki Wa Chuki, Balala Muleta Balaa, Ruto "I organized the killings in Eld" Shimoli.

    We got all these...but as per Vikii, the best one is this...Kenneth MAKENDE!

  6. One day Vikii will stop laughing...when he realizes that the seeds his side have planted in Kenya have a long-lasting effect.

  7. Vikii BB here. Just imagine your brother or dad being referred to derogatively as you do Kenneth. It is not the first time you have done it and I would implore you to do the necessary worth your name, ama you mutated?

    It is one thing to be hilarious and quite another to be distateful. Not lecture that one. But you MUST remain civil bro and you can do better than playing to the gallery because I know it you can.

    Back to swearing and sweating, well, nobody suffered constipation from eating humble pie. Recall vows on one Ngilu? I better say nothing lest I join the queue with egges plastering my face. Politicians are SCOUNDRELS and you only swear on their behalf after being conned of your conscience. All the same it is your right and I respect your right to do so.

  8. Taabu, I will unconditionally apologize for any disrespect on my part. If Mheshimiwa is reading this, please accept my apologies.

    My calling Hon Marende Makende has nothing to do with the current stand off. Those who have read this blog long enough will agree(like Taabu did)that I have been calling him Makende even when we shared parties (LDP and ODMK). Of course it is not in anybody's interest. My dislike for him started some time in 2004/2005 when we were organizing LDP elections. My camp was backing Chairman David Musila, SecretaryGeneral JJ Kamotho and Treasurer Lucas Maitha. The other side(the Odinga faction) was backing Mudavadi for Chairman and Prof Larry Gumbe for Secretary General. When they tested the waters and found the going tough, they used Marende(Whom they sometimes call a brilliant lawyer)to frustrate the elections. At one time, Marende and Jakoyo Midiwo threatened to rough up Hon Kalonzo forcing Charles Kilonzo to violently intervene with the words 'Mr. Makende or whatever, you either shut up and listen now or you go'. That is where I picked up the name. I am not defending myself though, I apologize unreservedly. I will henceforth call him Hon. Kenneth Marende.

  9. keen makende

    you really tried but the more you tried the more foolish you seem to be!

  10. TUT...TUT...TUT. Vikii wewe ni wetu. Nani kama wewe. Kazi ya Coalition iendelee.

    Tomorrow, Raila Odinga and Musalia Mudavadi will swear their allegiance to the government of Kenya, the president Mwai Kibaki and parliament...

    How can life be sweet at times.

    Kazi ya Marende iendelee


  11. Vikii, I heard today from a countryman that the VEEP's post is a lesser one.

    So, it means that MUSALIA MUDAVADI was being oiffered a lesser post and William Ruto was being offered a non-existent post, which leaves me wondering whether the current constitution could have been changed to tomorrow (not even 100 days) to allow for the two blokes to serve their powerful pre-election posts promised during the campaigns.

    Vikii, it is now more than TWO WEEKS, someone from the States said that the government will not last five days. Remember I said, Kibaki was elected to serve FIVE YEARS not five days.


  12. Forget about Sam Okello. He has resigned to fate and is seriously considering defection, at least that is what he told me.

    The post of VP is a lesser one, but these guys were offering Kalonzo the same at Panari. Even the ambush at Ruto's home, remember? They were pleading with KAlonzo to accept the VP's post and wait to become President when Raila decides it after serving for one term. I am not suprised though, everything that is not sanctioned by the ODM strongman is treated with a wave of hand. How long are we prepared to live in delusion, brothers?

  13. I give him 5 more days at most.

    Kenyan president lost election, U.S. exit poll indicates

  14. guys just letting you know that vikii is the son of a well known family in kenya invovled in corruption, and thats why he reasons as he does.

  15. Maina, can you please grow up. Why are you always on about Vikii. Vikii alikula nini ya nani. Hata kama ni dada yako, tafadhali muombe ngombe amd mbuzi au mahari. THO!!


  16. Vikii, did you say that Sam Okello is considering defecation? from ODM to PNU? wow...I thought so

  17. Yeah, Sam Okello is defecting, but he told me he is buying time because they will call him a traitor. About this fellow called Maina, I said I would love to engage those who have been through some sort of schooling. A high School drop out is last in my list.
    And if I am a son of a "well known family in Kenya", what about you? Son of an obscure family in Kia Maiko?


    Mon, 14 Jan 2008 10:15:06 +0000 (GMT)

    Attention all Kenyans!! Uganda soldiers are now in Kenya under the protection of our own armed forces. And do you know that all non-GEMA Kenya Army soldiers are being sent on compulsory leave as we speak?. Pray for our country and people

  19. Propaganda spreading is worse than HIV.

    I prefer facts in this age.

    I`m a kenyan but i panick when i hear things like this after loosing my uncle in this stupid Raila and Kibaki instigated violence.

  20. I think Vikii is revenging when people call Kibaki`s wife Lucy Wambui.

  21. More Evidence

  22. Vikii,

    The Makende part is hilarious. Here in TZ a church elder had the congregation is stitches when he inadvertently referred to Rais Kibaki as Rais KIBAKA

  23. Vikii shame on you...I wonder who ur mentor is and what u teach ur kids if you have any and those who found his sentiments hilarious....I can only describe u as those with filth and immoral sentiments ..Shame on you

  24. ODM is a Mob Psychology thing! They enforce Marende on all ODM MPs elect, so that if you have a different opinion, you are seen a traitor. Tell me what democracy that is.
    I am a PNUist, but Vikii, clean your language. Some respect for that fellow being fronted by the "OtheylostDM"

  25. Ha! This is not the first time someone has used same name. Vikii has already stated no pun was intended. Move on an watch your ODM as they swear allegiance to the president! Wonders will never cease.

  26. Makende is the NEW SPEAKER.
    YOU either like it or NOT.

    Tribalism apart. This was purely voting.

  27. I got serious information about this Ugandan special forces in Kenya. Word from reliable Ugandan Intelligence refutes this claims. The story is that Ugandan are very less likely to kill a luo in support of a Kikuyu. Museveni would never kill a luo as he is closer to luos than kikuyus.

    This are purely kenyan forces- the take is that they are mungiki boys who have been given army uniforms but to give it a different spin are coming through uganda to slaughter our luo brothers. Expect a very serious statement from museveni about this soon.


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