Friday, January 04, 2008

A Minute of Honour

Away from the sickeningly boring and seemingly unending mediocrity bedeviling Kenya, it is only fair for us to take a minute to congratulate Barrack Obama for his loud victory in the first primary in Iowa. We can only hope that he continues to put up the same show starting with New Hampshire on Tuesday, onto the other states and even the election proper in November.

As much as Barrack is not Kenyan, we should be proud of the association we have with his family roots.

We are proud of you Barrack, congratulations!


  1. here, here, Barack! Well done and all the best!

  2. Excuse me... while I agree that it is great that Obama made history, I have to humbly disagree with a chunk of your post: the situation in Kenya is neither BORING nor MEDIOCRE.

  3. CNN says Iowans voted for change. Kenyans also voted for change but they were robbed. Obama talks about hope and standing up etc in most of his speeches. Can someone stand up for us?

  4. Vikii,

    I like this article, as it is just straight to the point and positive with no hidden undertones like many of your other articles. I apologize for insulting you on your previous article, but will continue to do so when I feel it is warranted. At the end of the day they are only words, and I hold nothing personal against you since number 1, I do not know and 2, we are both Kenyans and I believe we want what is best for the country even if we may not agree on what that might be. So kudos to you once again on this article, and I encourage you to be more direct in your writing as that it what blogs are about say how you feel if you feel but do not try and sugarcoat or have a hidden agenda, save that for the newspapers and/or magazines

  5. You are entirely entitled to your opinions and so there is nothing to apologize about. I cannot think for u and I cannot pretend to.

  6. Obama is fake. Check his voting record out. He talks change, vots against it.

  7. Breaking News!!

    After losing the Iowa caucus by a large margin to Barack Obama, Hilary Clinton has enlisted Kivuitu and Kihara to stem the 'luo' tide sweeping America.

  8. Here we go again! My jamaa's is not how you start, it how u finish! For your information, look at the number of votes that Obama got and then count the number of votes the Gov Huckabee got and u will soon realize that Obama still has a mile to catch up! This is still the beginning and the end is what counts. My two cents!

  9. I did not say Barrack got more votes than Huckabee. How I wish we can argue from a position of knowledge? The Obama votes you are talking about are not the actual number of votes he got. They are the "delegates equivalent". You have to admit that the Democratic primaries are different from the Republican ones.

    While Obama has a chance of winning the Democratic nominations (just like Hillary), I can tell you for free Huckabee is an outsider in the Republican Party. Watch out for McCain and Romney.

  10. Barack obama was abandoned by his father. He and his mother were left to fend for themselves as his father pursued a series of "marriages", fathering children all over the place that he did not care a whiff about.

    It turned out to have been a blessing in disguise as he was brought up within the context of a civilised society and by decent people.

    Had he and his mother come back to Kenya with his dad he would probably be running for kenyan parliament, praising Odinga as one would a god, singing ODM songs and blaming kikuyus for everything even when the rains fail.

    As it were he appears to have overcome his pain of abandonment and done very well with his life.

    Kenya and kenyans have no business appropriating for themselves or even taking any credit for his successes because it was his Kenyan parent who abondoned him without even a word of good bye when he was just two years old.

    His father was typically Kenyan; a self centred user; but then the good Lord had other plans. As he has written that he is indeed the father of the fatherless.

    Let us not contaminent Obamas campaign with undue emphasis on his Kenyan roots. Voters in the states may became weary of a person whose roots are in a country known for ethnic intolerance, looting of stores and genocide.

  11. Obama's father is a LUO who left him alone because he was selfish...things have not changed much...still selfish luos in kenya.


    Even if he doesnt win in Nov he is our son. We are proud of him.

  13. Ignore the Mutuas. We don't need elitism or arrogance, we need democracy and humanity.

  14. Child abandonment is not humanity as anonymous 2.58 pm suggests. And he is no longer your son as you abondoned him. Anonymous 2.55 pm, Claiming an abandoned child when he starts to do well is plain dishonest and is known as "using".

  15. Vikii aka "Wolfe Blitzer wannabe" and several other things I can think about has just landed in the West and now wants to teach us the difference between Democratic and Republican primaries, caucases, etc. I wonder what lie you told the immigration officers who checked you into whatever country ( the US which I read you earlier mentioned you don't quite fancy)did you file for asylum, taking advantage of the tragedy you now refer to as boring??? I hope you plan on going back to Kenya because your brand of madness must be contained to your block or compound in Kibera or wherever you live.


  16. obama could never win. America is conservative, he is not.

  17. Anonymous 3.56, I fully agree with you, but which Immigration officer is that you are talking about? I don't quite get it.

  18. If Obama were running in Kenya, he'd be called an unelectable Jaruo 'Kihii' and if he were winning, the elections would be rigged and his opponent declared the winner. The Electoral Commisioners and their Chairman would later say they didn't know who won the elections as the country was on fire.

    Politics made in Kenya.


  19. Some never before seen images of the kenyan election situation ( unbiased)

  20. Vikii,

    Your cynicism is nauseating. Stay at whatever foreign country you are at and leave those who care for their country to do something about it. You have neither the balls nor the wisdom to truly love your country.

  21. OK I will let them "do something about it". Starting with you, what exactly are you doing, besides being here to tell me how much you love your country?

  22. DID you say a Minute of Silence to the DEAD in Kenya or a Minute of what?

    i DON`T get it.

    Vikii please clarify


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