Monday, January 14, 2008

EXCLUSIVE: Kirui the Whistleblower Exposes How They Stole the Presidency

By Kipkemoi Arap Kirui

My name is Kipkemoi arap Kirui, 40 years on January 24th. I am a Clerk Assistant at the National Assembly working at the Table Office. I am a lawyer.

This is my statement of activities that took place at the Electoral Commission of Kenya’s National Election Centre at the Kenyatta International Conference, Nairobi in December 2007 during the nomination and voting exercise.

I am writing this statement on January 2, 2008 in hiding. I am not able to lay my hands on a number of documents which would provide further evidence of the irregularities that I witnessed during the vote tallying exercise.

Sometimes late in November 2007, after I proceeded on my annual leave, I received telephone and later written instructions from Principal Clerk, Mrs. Consolata Munga, on behalf of the Clerk of the National Assembly assigning me duties at the Electoral Commission of Kenya to assist in the General Elections Nomination Exercise and later at the National Tallying Centre after the voting was concluded.

The nomination exercise was orderly. At least at the ECK nominations processing centre. I was in charge of Coast and Nairobi. Though I was apprehensive about Lang’ata and Kamukunji constituencies, the exercise went on smoothly.

On December 19, 2007 I got another phone call from Mr. Mutungi a colleague from the National Assembly Hansard Department asking me to report at the KICC. He told me that I had been assigned the duties of a Team Leader of Team II (Night Duty). I was at my home in Western Kenya. I took a bus the next day for Nairobi. I arrived the same evening and reported at the KICC National Tallying Centre. Work had not started. So I proceeded to my residence to rest. I reported to work early on December 21st and found a slow briefing process going on. The officers in charge of staff were a Mr. Simon Njoroge Inegene (a nice gentleman I later learned was a Human Resource Officer with the ECK, and effectively in charge of staff at the venue temporarily hired by ECK for the election exercise), and others were Mr. Njogu, Mr. Laichena, Mr. Koech and Mr. Chepsat who I never got to interact with so much except in their course of issuing instructions. They took us through some briefing.

The staff at the National Tallying Centre were largely school leavers and students in colleges in town. They were handpicked by officials from ECK. The briefing process was haphazard and wanting in many ways. Recruitment of staff continued until the eve of the Election Day.

Duties: I was made the Deputy Team Leader of Team II (Night) under a Mr. Chris Musyoka. Things later changed and a Mr. Malonza was posted. He never stayed long and a Mr. Njuguna was posted as Team Leader. At one time on the night of 28th Mr. Njuguna admitted to the team that he did not understand what he was expected to do. He asked that I assist. I was already apprehensive because around this time, a number of my colleagues who were in other teams were smelling mischief. We went round whispering. It was tense. We were expected to make calls to Returning Officers (ROs) to start receiving preliminary results where vote counting had been concluded.

For the Presidential Elections, the ROs must deliver physical copies of the statutory declarations. The ROs are not empowered to vary results declared at the tallying level. Most of the ROs had been allocated satellite phones, mobile phones and adequate airtime for the exercise. They also had Fax machines. Each Team at the KICC also had five telephone/fax lines. The process was supposed to be smooth. We were supposed to have received the preliminary results by midnight.

I was in charge of Galole, Bura, Lamu West, Lamu East, Taveta, Wundanyi, Mwatate, Voi, Dujis, Lagdera, Fafi, Ijara, Wajir North, Wajir South, Wajir West, Wajir East, Mandera West, Mandera East, Moyale, North Horr, Saku and Laisamis constituencies as a Deputy Team Leader (Night).

On the night of the 28th we sat for long hours without any call from the Returning Officers. We attempted to call them one by one. There were 21 constituencies under my charge. There was no response until about five in the morning when some who sounded sleepy and uncooperative refused to give any information saying they had nothing to give. They would then hang up. Some rendered themselves completely unreachable. I left work at 7.00 am. Concerned.

I left the Hall to find strong General Service Unit (GSU) police officers within the building on every floor and outside the building arranged a metre a part round City Hall Way, Parliament Road, Harambee Avenue and Taifa Road. They had sophisticated weapons, namely, powerful machine guns, grenades and teargas canisters. [It was a scene of tension building up typical of what I saw in the famous movies ‘Hotel Rwanda and ‘100 Days’.

I must also indicate here that I had accompanied officials of the KNCHR and Kenyan Members of Parliament to Rwanda in 2004 on what I regarded as a ‘pilgrimage to conscience’. I still went back to Rwanda in 2006. I decided to commit myself to the course of human rights and justice]. I went to sleep. I did not have a wink. I watched the news coming in in consternation. The results were coming in too slowly.

I took some light lunch and proceeded to work at 5.00 pm. I never used my car. Matatus were hard to come by. So I left early. I alighted at the Times Tower bus stage and walked up the few metres to KICC Harambee Avenue gate. It was barricaded by the GSU. I was asked to go round to the City Hall Way gate. It took me around twenty minutes to get through the GSU stops and questioning (This would ordinarily take a minute). I got to the office at 7.15pm.

December 29th. It was tense. The day staff had left in a huff. Never handed over to me. They handed over to my new Team Leader. Constituencies received: Lamu East, Lamu West, Wundanyi and Dujis. The statutory documents Forms 16A, 17 and 17A did not accompany them. I refused to deal with them. For most of the night, we kept calling the ROs. The Ijara, Galole, Wundanyi and Dujis statutory documents were never received at all.

Why? The Day Team Leaders responsible did not sign for receiving them. They left it to us. Form 16As had not arrived. There was word going round that we do not accept results without Form 16A because my colleagues doubted the incoming data. Work stopped until around midnight when one sleepy looking guy was ushered in. He was from Moyale. He started with a quick doze. He did not have his Forms 16A, 17 and 17A. I asked him to rest while I consulted. I talked to a Mr. Chepsat who advised that I do not receive the results. I did not. Hours later Chairman Kivuitu would be going public with Moyale results.

After Moyale, we received Saku and Laisamis. No Forms 16A, 17 and 17A again. I refused to receive them. My Team Leader went ahead to receive them nonetheless. ECK Chairman went ahead to announce them. The figures were in a number of instances overstated. I was perturbed. There is no reason why the ROs did not get back to us with the statutory documents three days after the vote tallying at the constituency.

My colleagues informed me of reduction and suppression of results in some constituencies. This is when I raised the alarm. I hit the roof. I pulled my Team Leader Mr. Njuguna aside and I started by saying “My brother, this is an important national exercise. I am concerned that we are not following the law and we are letting down Kenyans …” He told me that he was recommending to his bosses that I be removed because I was proving difficult. He actually went ahead to report me to a Mr. Koech who dismissed him and asked him to cooperate and work with me. He went back to the work station. I came back to find him addressing the team members. I informed them that I regarded the work we were doing as an important national exercise and it demanded patriotism and a non partisan approach to issues. I told him that I demanded his respect and cooperation. He said I should leave if I so wished. I left in a huff…

I feared for my life. I never took the matter up with ECK Commissioners.


  1. Not long ago was Githongo. Now it is Kirui.

    I salute these gallant sons of this country.

    How can someone call this this incitement to violence?

  2. Kweli Kibaki has to go.


  3. And the next one to run is......., yes Maina Kiai!

    Watch this space

  4. We are not all going to run away, but wait for the guys who know how to slaughter to do the executions. In any case they have been over due.

    This is not advocacy for genocide, but absolute truth.

    Kenya still remains ours whether we fight or go dialogue.

    Oh God of all creation, did you give Kenya some leave to crush itself?

  5. Bravo Kirui,

    Yet another son of Kenya whom we can all be proud of. Let him join John Githongo in that honored list. Kenya shall be free with just a few more guys like these.

    Bravo Taabu, another Kumekucha exclusive. No wonder they fear ths blog so much.


  6. Raila and Ruto should be arrested and charged with genocide!! It seems that the Rift Valley killings were planned well in advance. As for the presidency, let Raila face the truth... that he shall NEVER be president of Kenya... yes, just like his father the late ojinga odinga. He stupidity of inciting his foolish stop throwers to cause chaos in nairobi can never lead to change of government. Kioko. BC, Canada. Kazi iendeleee and long live President Kibaki.

  7. Charge Michuki and Kibaki with treason. Arrest and charge all those thunderheads who altered the poll results with the appropriate law. Charge Kivuitu with neglect of office and finally, charge the police for genocide and mass murder of harmless women and children. Lock them away until the end of time.

  8. Kile unacho panda ndicho utakacho vuna.

    Repentance is needed.

    When you dig a hole for someone you have actually dug it for not only yourself but also for your children and your grandChildren.

    Let us not forget that we are all on borrowed breath(God's)

    Ask Pharoah & Saul.

    Watch the Hand of God Work mightly in Kenya.

    Effective,Fervent prayers of Righteous none partican people of God have reached the throne room.

    The hand of God is not too short to deliver.
    WATCH AND LEARN.Only God is Mighty.


    For your info,KENYA belongs to God not to any of us.We are only stewards.One day we will give an account of everything we did.

    Kumbuka,malipo ni hapa hapa.

    Kenya,May the blood of Jesus prevail on your behalf.You will fulfil your destiny.May the Hand of God be upon you this week and forever.

  9. One day you will hide no more, Mr. Kirui and Githongo and others. It may look bleak now, the forces of evil may seem to be entrenching themselves, but a day is coming when they will run but won't hide. Good always prevails over evil, and so I know that we shall overcome. Kenya will emerge again. And the men and women who've done this to our beloved country will be dealt with at the Hague. May they say jambo to Charles Taylor when they get there.


  11. Kirui, these fools should be told that we will fight to the end!!! Kibaki killed his father and after drowning his sorrows in alcohol for so many years, he is trying to quench his thirst for real blood! Lucy, do you remember one Antonio Manuela Noriega? Ferdenand Ramos? Mobutu? Watch how ugly life in Othaya is gonna get! No flying out for you, you can slap those kikuyu "shudren" who will be the only ones serving the illegitimate government!!!

  12. Bravo Kirui for confirming what we already knew but had nothing to base it on. There should be more of you coming out. Kenya needs the true story. It's the wrong era to be telling Kenyans that they are fools.

  13. Thanks kirui if only you could encourage few more to come and make an international press conference on this matter.

    ODM must push kibaki and gangs even further for them to vacate statehouse.




    Mon, 14 Jan 2008 10:15:06 +0000 (GMT)

    Attention all Kenyans!! Uganda soldiers are now in Kenya under the protection of our own armed forces. And do you know that all non-GEMA Kenya Army soldiers are being sent on compulsory leave as we speak?. Pray for our country and people

  16. ODM and PNU MP elects are locked up in different locations strategizing about the election of a speaker.

    PNU, ODM-Kenya and small parties are at Simba lodge in Naivasha strategizing what they call their parliamentary agenda starting with the election of a speaker.

    Vice-President Kalonzo Musyoka is leading the meetings at naivasha where reports indicate Njoki Ndungu has been offered a nomination and suport for deputy speaker to step down in the race for speaker.

    At KCB Management Karen ODM MPs were relieved of their phones and movements out of the Management centre were curtialed only Chris Okemo was allowed out to pick their entry cards from Parliament.

    The idea we learnt was to block wooing communication from PNU.

    The stakes for the speaker seat are high.

  17. Surely annonymous 3:32 ...The Deputy speaker must be an elected MP.....And Njoki was not elected nor nominated....And who will nominate her Kalonzo already has Maanzo and Ojiambo ....Kibaki i guess he already has sleepless nights on who to nominate.....Dont you think you should gather your facts before dwelling on rumour mongering

  18. Why is it that when cops kill a few destructive stone throwing youths it's genocide, yet when citizens murder masses from one tribe no one comments????? Kenya's problems stem from issues deeper than Kibaki or Raila, lets stop pretending

  19. kirui was pid to lie

  20. No offense, my fellow countrymen but we are fools indeed! I am tired of whinny cowards who pretend to speak for the poor and oppressed mwananchi. I am tired of being a member of a society that thrives on rumor mongering and allows itself to be manipulated by these cowards. Bwana Kirui jitokeze with your so called evidence or shut the f*** up. Enough of the sleazy stories already.

  21. One of you anonymous people here are the root of all the problems going on in kenya and you seem to be working as a government agent. Why should raila and ruto be arrested! The killings going on in rift valley are as a result of unfair land policies that have plagued that province since kenyatta came into power. They are just using the current situation to get rid of the kikuyus there. It is not raila or rutos fault. What about all the people being killed in kisumu by 'police officers' that dont even speak swahili.(Those cops are musevenis soldiers) If you have proof that the killings were premeditated then produce it. Put up or Shut up! Kenya is ours not just for a few like michuki and kibaki

  22. The western govt would never tolerate the kind of violence we are seeing in kenya. The police would kill the stone and macheti rioters without mercy. Raila and Ruto would be in jail too. No wonder the western journalists are celebrating..

  23. Now, this so called president sworn in by his mafia friends - is currently our president - whether we like it or not, his bloody hands and tainted old face remains on our national potraits for another 5 years, the thing is, he claims he is a president of the entire Kenya, why didnt he go to Kisumu to see the affected? or Kakamega or Busia or Homa Bay, he only visited selected affected people...hmmmm....We all see this and Mr. President, you sit on that thing for 5 years, but it will be the longest 5 years of your life, an ofcourse, I expect someone to inform Biwott, that though he thought Kibaki (read Kubaffu) was good for him, let him re-think again his own kalenjin community is on a hate path by this gema mafias, we need his skills in stopping this onslaught on innocent Kenyans...he is skilled in certain areas of interest to all of us....but we cant say!

  24. Dear readers,
    We kenyans should ashamed,kibaki has done well for last five years has been in power.ordinary kenyans got rich stabalise our economy n much more.The west were not happy the way our economy stabalised.kenyans arise n support our president kibaki.

  25. 2 kipkemoi Arap Kirui - How long was Moi in Power - 24years - during that time what were you people not given - jobs / money / food/cars/business and you literaly raped Kenya economy.

    Last 5years we have seen a U turn on Kenya economy. Just why you believed that Raila will come and do same as Moi did to you beats my understanding.

    I dont care what happened to elections but all i now know is that you people are cold hearted, calculated, full of hate, poor and you will die in your misery. If you did not succeed when MOI was in power, forget it mate.

    For those you have killed and burned there houses, justice will prevail, you will pay with your own lives.. this is for real.

    Kenya is ours all - if you are fed up with living with diversity, go to Sudan or Somalia - you can create your own little poor isolated peace of land there.

    your comments or observations are sooo yesterday and irrelevant.

    Angry Kenyan.

  26. Nothing comes easy.Its unfortunate we have been taken back to the dark days of dictatorship but we have to brace ourselves for tough times ahead.Those who are dreaming that things will come back to normal and it will be business as usual please wake up.

  27. A very sad state of affairs for kenya......this is way beyond grief.

  28. first I would like to convey my sympathy to all kenyans that have been affected by the violence in our beloved country.
    why is it that most businesses/land are owned by the kikuyu? Is it that the goverment
    dishes out to them? Ofcource not,they just seem to be enterprising and agressive in everything they do. Is this a bad mentality to have? when Moi rigged the 2002 elections and Matiba lost,
    did the kikuyu burn down their own towns in protests? did they kill members of the kalenjin or any other community? NO they did not.
    why is it that the luo and kalenjins are burning down their own towns, who stands to loose?
    I think it is sad that the so called leaders are giving this un educated kenyans a raw deal.Isee them all the time trying to organise demonstrations while their
    4x4's cars are waiting just incase it gets dirty.Then the uninformed,unpaid,unemployed and lastly broke youths are left to fend for themselves when it gets dirty. Surely President Kibaki is doing the right thing to get a new generation of youths with at least basic education to avoid such manipulation in future.
    Nobody can deny that this elections had irregularities but to suggest that this was only done by one party is ignorance. As the diplomat to Africa from the US said all parties are guilty and no one should be casting the first stone since they don't have the morality to do so. Odinga should accept defeat,simply because he was defeated in an election that himself played foul,only to realise his lost.This election was very close and for him to act as if he got a landslide victory is despicable. Ordinary kenyans want to go on leaving and building the nation without killings, destruction and fear. If he is a nationalist,he would be out there like Mandela asking his supporters not to associate his name with the violence we are seeing in parts of the contry,mostly the slums where people have nothing to do and he's been their MP for over 15 years.

    Finally GOD decides the leader and however much anyone wants you cannot impose yourself. it is all in GOD.

    May GOD bless our loving nation,and give as wisedom to rise above the manipullation of politicians that hunger for power ,and will stop at nothing to fulffil their ambitions.

  29. its interesting what comments rich people will post from the comfort of their computers and one here is affected thats why we can say whatever we want....
    Kirui,move on with your life,get some hook up and forget kenya we will never get justice. If githongo got nowhere then you will not even get a hearing with

  30. As a concerned kenyan living in london we have all forgotten that it does not matter what tribe we come from. You keep talking about kikuyus being kicked out of the Rift Valley, Western and other regions yet other Tribes are being kicked out from these regions eg Kisii, Kambas, Asian, luyas and others. These are people who bought land/property with their hard earned money.

    Personally, this ethnic cleansing has been unleashed by Raila and his cronies. If this is what they are doing while in opposition how could anyone ever trust them in government in the future. Wake up kenyans, our country was growing by 5%or more every year . We have been a force to reckon with in Africa.

    Whatever the truth of the election results we have seen it before eg with Bush and Al Gore. Did you see any fighting, killing or destruction of property in USA .




  31. Kirui is not honest as he protrays himself to be. He is acting on selfish intrest and promises made to him. Both ODM & PNU stole votes and their is no small or big thief, both are thieves and this should be the point of reference as they discuss.

    Meanwhile its very unfortunate for the likes of Ruto to arrange a genocide and worse to lock people in a church and burn them alive. Even if he does not fear man he should fear GOD and leave the holy place alone. Even Kaya Bombo tribal clashes which were severe at the coast in 1997 did not tourch churches.

  32. All these guys posting abusive comments without using their names should be barred from this forum.

    If you believe in what you are saying then you should not be afraid to give your name just like Kirui did when he spoke against vote robbery. Unless you do not want the world to know how dumb and insensitive you are,in which case post your comments on the walls in your house. Kirui put his life on the line for you and me who couldnt speak out of the vote looting.

    You Annonymous guys cant even disclose your names yet you have nothing to lose apart from your reputation, if you have any.

    Suggesting that the elections were rigged would be giving credit where it is not due. Kibaki's cronies backed by ECK simply robbed ODM of their victory.

    Bravo Arap Kirui.


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