Muge assassination: The powerful men he provoked Part 3

Wednesday, January 02, 2008

Kenyans’ Blood is Crying Out

Mungiki-related murders; beheadings,
Violence, chaos, lawlessness,
Rivers of tears wept,
Hundreds of hearts wounded, punctured, frayed.

Parentless children,
Widowers, widows on the increase,
Dreams, aspirations, shattered;
The stark aftermath.

Extra-judicial executions,
The Force hauled over the coals,
Lambasted, cornered, quizzed
Denial came just naturally.

Mt Elgon, Kuresoi,
Pre-election violence, machetes at the ready,
Blood spilled, hundreds dead,
Homes fled, despair looms.

Post-election, Pandora’s Box’s yanked open,
Mayhem, anarchy, chaos, conflict,
Tribalistic chauvinism at its best,
Senseless killings reign supreme.

Innocent children, men and women,
At the mercy of unruly youths,
Nay, the Police with a tall order,
An order to shoot and kill.

Churches, not a safe haven,
Refuge seekers’ lives ‘strangulated’,
Burnt to ashes, they are,
Men, women, children.

Bullet-ridden bodies lie in morgues,
Hungry citizens await respite,
To start living again;
A murderous resolve solidifies.

Charred stumps,
Dot the hollowness in our hearts;
Smoldering embers,
Keep our latent emotions alive.

Sirs, Messrs Kibaki and Raila, save us from a possible full scale tribal conflict. Kenya is much larger than the political differences of its people.


  1. Who caused this? Mr Kibaki, not President Kibaki. He has no mendate to call himself president.

    Let's think deeper. The problems will not end by just asking leader to declare peace.

    How will Kibaki rule with only 35 MPs. He will bribe, threaten and kill the opposition to enable him to finish the 5 years. Kenyans will accept bribery and political assassinations between 2008 and 2012. I predict that there will be more chaos until Kibaki finishes.

    Let's be realistic Kenyans. Do we need a corrupt minority government who will rule with the help of GSU? Just to let one man finish a second term? Are we all that backward to accept this? Are Kenyans not educated to predict this mess? Can Kenya only exist when Kibaki is in power?

    Kenyans must force Kibaki to resign. Kenyans must ask for new presidential elections in order to restore democracy in this wonderful state.


  2. Thanks for that-emotive- well written piece.

    In Africa, you have to win decisively with over 1 million votes. Anything else under that will be a recipe for chaos. You have to be seen to be winning.

    Let me take you back to Nyayo era, Moi always said tribalism will eventually finish this country just like all her neighbours.

    The current executions and rapes being perpetuated in Kenya have absolutely nothing to do with elections. That's just an excuse. It's all about hatred, envy, jealousy of one community. It's the quickest way to recruit for armed gangs as many youths will be lured to them for revenge and protection. God forbid if armed Mungiki death squads start revenging.

    Somalia and Rwanda will be a cake walk. When the floodgates of hell and terror start to open, even politicains will not be able to contain the anarchy.

    It's sad that a nation that has known peace since it's birth is now toying with a dangerous idea of war.

    When two elephants fight, it's the grass that suffers.

    Today is the turning point, let's wise up and seek dialogue while giving peace a chance. If we miss this turning point, we might look 5 years from now and say that 2nd of Jan 2007 should have woken us all up but we failed.

  3. Let us not act like victims here when we have the intellect and the resources to make a difference. Let our clarion call be one of peace, use your connections, reach out and beg to those you know who have a say somewhere upstairs. This land must be restored to calm. Let's not talk about the victims of the violence like they are just statistics... these are people, human beings, men women and children who we are related to. As they die...what are we doing? inciting one another to more anger? anger is counterproductive. Seek peace, please please please...

  4. When 2 weeks ago Raila started talking about how no one can stop river Nile, that ODM would not accept anything else but victory, that Kenyans should think about anarchy and turmoil in Ivory Coast due to rigged elections.... I just knew he was not up to any good.

    Now look what his supporters are doing! The Pentagon is stained with blood of innocent Kenyans since they can't control their murderous supporters.

    I urge all Kenyans to remain calm and peaceful. Revenge will only bring Rwanda style genocide in this beautiful country.

    Don't die for the sake of your ethnic chief!

  5. Please - Raila's comment was in light of the blatant usurpation of power by PNU. Something that has been confirmed by Kivuitu's confession and the EU monitors. Even if you are biased, at least be honest. Don't insult people's intelligence.

  6. The person whose hands are stained is Kibaki! Don't blame ODM and their supporters for the violence. Let's not give Hedex to someone suffering from Stomach-ace. Let's address the root cause of the problem.
    Why are PNUists in this blog afraid to confront the reality; that Kibaki rigged the elections? All we hear are barbs and loudmouths vomiting some nasty things about ODM. If Kibaki won legitimately, why was the swearing in rushed? Why was it not done like 2002? Why is Kibaki afraid of a vote recount/ retallying? And so many questions!!

    Let's face it guys! Kibaki was rigged in at KICC. And unless this is addressed, you guys will make lots of noise, kick yourselves, hurl insults, etc but the violence will continue!

  7. One, Kimani u r stupid.
    Two, Raila has the larger share of the blame than Kibaki(whether he rigged or not). Am saying this because, I saw it long ago, that Raila never taught his supporters to be tolerant and reasonable enough to accommodate a defeat, whether farely or rigged. Phil leads the list of illogical odm supporters who fell gullible of Raila's "tsunami"(to finish kibaki, "Kibaki is a caretaker president"(Raila said this when starting his campaigns), "pentagon" (a force huge and mighty enough, in whose presence PANUA was like a housefly which you kill with a slap), etc. I mean, Raila taught his followers to disregard Kibaki and his administration. He still does even today. One time Raila pissed me when he figuratively described how Kibaki broke the 2002 mou as "Kibaki going with the mou to the toilet, wiping .... and ....." Shit talk. What Vikii once said that Raila will never be president of Kenya could turn true.
    If elections went Kibaki way as they did, RIGGING WAS THE NATURAL CLAIM. And ODM has perfected the act of claiming rigging. Damn! Everyone, the world at large, is made to believe the election was rigged. THis is shit, coz I voted for Kibaki and many others. Raila is calling for Kibaki to publicly declare that he LOST. Some other amount of shit. He should be calling for a recount, rectification of the flaws of VOTE07 rather than declaring himself the president-elect.
    I was in Thika on 28th Dec, when the tallies showed Raila way ahead of Kibaki, and I had conceded, like many others of the pals I talked to. Kumbe Raila's strongholds had been tallied first. In short, if Raila won, there would not have been skirmishes. But because he lost, violence is the result. Thus the Kimani above is being silly, u see. I actually think he is Osoro, not a Kimani.
    Raila has said he does not recognize the Kenyan judicial system. Let him take the Mass Action route if he thinks that is the way to go. And bigots in this blog have supported this!
    What I have always feared could be true. Than ODM supporters could be fewer in numbers, but they shout a lot. When ODM keeps claiming that Kenyans have rejected Kibaki, which Kenyans are you talking about? I am a Kenyan and I voted back Kibaki.

  8. Phil pray we never meet...its because of people like you and Mashada that ethnic tensions have been rising....i would be willing to go to jail after doing something nasty to you...Raila or Kibaki doesnt concern me but dead innocent Kenyans do.

  9. Kimani, don't be intimidated by some bloggers here. They should not call you stupid. Its them who have now got a myopic eye! they have refused to see, and reason the way you are doing. Thanks for your well thought comment, I hope many others will see it the way you are seeing. Who is this person saying that you are stupid? I am sorry to say that whoever it is he/she has a closed mind!

  10. The blogosphere is a microcosm of what ails our society. Because we disagree with someone's considered words engage in ad hominem arguments.

    Kimani is not "stupid", and Phil's words are not the reason that "ethnic tensions are rising".

    When will we be able to have dispassionate discussions.

    (Disgusted by some of my compatriots)

  11. GEMAs continue to be mass slaughtered in rift valley, nyanza, western and coast as Kibaki continues to cling to illegal power.

  12. GEMAs continue to be mass slaughtered like hens in rift valley, nyanza, western and coast as Kibaki continues to cling to illegal power.

  13. anonymous 3.57 am, Stop over reacting for us in the blog. Being emotional will not help you. YOur man stole, he is a master thief, we will tell you and drive the point to you even if you do not like it. If he won honorably, why did they rush swearing him in. Thugs dont rule the govement, he must face the consequences of increased pressure on him. What the hell is he hiding , why is he running away when noone is chasing it. Use your heads men, and stop perpetuating hatred. I am not a Jango, but I hate thuggurry that was done infront of the international community. This time, you will not get away with it

  14. Mike: Victims are GEMA, Kamba and Kisii from what I have heard.

  15. people, be reasonable! I've just been told about how people are dying, your house is set on fire, and as you try to escape the flames there are people waiting outside for you with pangas, to chop you up. So you pick your method of death... flame or blade. This is YOUR country!! No one else's. Stop trying to make like it is a high ideal that these souls are perishing for. IT IS NOT! It's a bunch of selfish greedy politicians, the whole group of them. All of them are spinning tales to twist you up and get your support.
    The priority is the nation. My friend just sent a text that in Kitale kiuks have been issued with a 6hr warning to vacate or else... is this the Kenya you want??
    Any responsible LEADER worth his salt who knows that he has the ear of the nation would go around, door to door ordering this STUPIDITY to stop.
    Can't you see what's happening? People (not dogs or goats or cows) human beings are DYING let us put our collective ego aside and save them. WE can deal with the details later but not mess around with lives.

  16. anonymous 3.57 am, Stop over reacting for us in the blog. Being emotional will not help you. YOur man stole, he is a master thief, we will tell you and drive the point to you even if you do not like it. If he won honorably, why did they rush swearing him in. Thugs dont rule the govement, he must face the consequences of increased pressure on him. What the hell is he hiding , why is he running away when no one is chasing him? Use your heads men, and stop perpetuating hatred. I am not a Jango, but I hate thuggery that was done infront of the international community. This time, you will not get away with it

  17. People,

    The final tally is known to everyone. Stop blaming Raila for this mess. Kibaki decided to cling to power and people are having none of it. That Naive Kenya where people were being told to back off for the sake of peace is long gone. Those of you who can should tell Kibaki to give to the people what is theirs.

  18. Sure, it is not good to see people dying, that violence must not be tolerated. It is not acivilized way to deal with the situation. It must stop. It horrifies me to see it going on, on inocent wananchi for heaven's sake. It might not be good for us to look at our politicians , they might still fail us. They have their own intrests. Please Kenyans, let us put aside our tribal orientations aside. I guess there are some people who are taking advantage of the situation to settle their own problems.

  19. The final tally is known to everyone. Stop blaming Raila for this mess. Kibaki decided to cling to power and people are having none of it. That naive Kenya where people were being told to back off for the sake of peace is long gone. Those of you who can should tell Kibaki to give back to the people what is theirs. Why should we be taken back to the 90's by this old man?

  20. Raila is the cause of these chaos. If you are offended, the ball is in your courts. Now with the claims of Kibaki's rigging, Raila ought to have responded peacefully. But saying that Kibaki is not the president of Kenya(Even after he has been sworn in), is simply being lawless. And when the head is lawless, expect the masses to follow. And mind you, out of the 4.3m who voted for Raila, it is only about a thousand or so of ODM supporters who are rocking violence across the country. Am sure most ODM supporters of goodwill regret the vote they gave Raila, like it or not.
    Please tell Ruto that when he has evidence against ECK, the place to take the evidence is not a press conference(OR Kicc, where he shamelessly takes the chair of Samwel Kivuitu). The natural result is incitement of an ODM supporter who would have otherwise conceded defeat peacefully.
    Please tell Raila when he has claims of rigging, he should not be "a credible source of the presidential result" so as to claim that Kibaki lost while he won. Its not wise to do so. We all know that the authenticity of the results can only be verified by an independent party and not Raila. He should only go as far as saying he doubts the results, provide evidence he has etc rather than declaring that we should subtract 300K votes from the ECK's final figure to get Kibakis final result. So he(Raila) is the more credible one? WHO IS FOOLING WHO?
    Kenya will only go forward this way - ODMers come down, because a sworn in KIBAKI aint coming down. ODMers are lying to their supporters by indicating that there is any other avenue to a Raila Presidency other than the corridors of justice. Unfortunately, Kenya, we as a people, has to pay the price for this kind of approach. You see, the key to peace and calm is entirely with Raila.
    Please tell the East African Standard to behave. Today their headline insists Kivuitu's inability to authenticate results. While this is alright, over 35 women and children who were burnt in a church where they had sought refuge. Daily Nation gave this story priority. But East African Standard headlines only flame the passions of allegations of rigged elections, therefore more violence. All along, Standard has been an ODM paper. I hate headlines like "HANDING OVER" they published long before the elections. They only served to show that ODM victory was guaranteed. As a Kibaki supporter, I was like, "let us wait for the ballot". One mistake ODM and Raila has done is having a mindset of victory and nothing less than that, knowing very well this was a democratic election, very closely contested. Even the polls showed that it was too close to call. And yet the likes of Phil went ahead to publish their findings of a 60% plus win of ODM. Shock on them. They disputed the polls of institutions which showed close contest.
    RAILA HAS TO CONCEDE DEFEAT, OR ELSE GO TO COURT AND PROVE RIGGING. HE CAN ALSO GO TO PARLIAMENT AND ISSUE A VOTE OF NO CONFIDENCE. WHAT HE MUST STOP IS MORE INCITEMENT BY CALLING ILLEGAL RALLIES AT UHURU PARK, WHOSE NATURAL RESULT IS bloodshed! AGAIN, ONLY THE FUNNY ODM SUPPORTERS WILL TAKE THE RISK OF BEING PART OF SUCH RALLIES AND MANY OTHER FORMS OF INCITEMENT FROM ODM, while me and you who are blogging here know that Raila is wasting his time and that of Kenyans coz there is no way Kibaki will step down or something like that. Actually, I have been following politics very keenly, but from now on, I know we have President Kibaki reigning, so am resigning from close scrutiny of politics. I will only be watching news to see if Raila got the senses of going to court, coz I know Kibaki is not bowing. However, I pray for peace, and hope Kibaki forms parliament as soon as possible so that these other concerns can be dealt with while the nation is at work. But if Raila wants to continue keeping a tense moment in Kenya so that it is impossible for Kenyans to work, we may have to persist a little longer.

  21. Supafly, the root of the matter is known, Kibaki stole the elections. You are telling people to deal with the fruits, yet ignoring the root. As long as that man is in power, he will bear the fruits of lack of transparency. Please let us deal intensively with the situation, and tell our people not to involve is such acts. But this lack of transparency should be dealt with, by both sides of the political divide.I personally keep appealing to my siblings and friends to keep off violence.

    Secondary....... if guys dont deal with the root cause of the problem, that is lack of transparency in electoral tallying, I fear this might continue. A tree is still alive as long as its roots remain on the ground. If it is uprooted, then you are sure it will never live again.

  22. TO ANONYMOUS above: Stop writing a lot of nonsense. As long as kibaki continues to cling to illegal power, GEMAs will continue to be slaughtered in rift valley, nyanza, western and coast.

  23. TO ANONYMOUS above(4:38 a.m): Stop writing a lot of nonsense. As long as kibaki continues to cling to illegal power, GEMAs will continue to be slaughtered in rift valley, nyanza, western and coast.

  24. Anonymous of 4:38, you should not insult the intelligence of Kenyans. Unless you were living in Mars over the election period, you know who won. Go to court? Please. How unintelligent are you?

  25. Those of you who are using words like Kibaki should give the people what is rightly theirs is simply the bigotic approach ODMers have haboured for so long. The millions who voted for Kibaki are not people? ODMers have always refered to themselves as Kenyans. So they will say, "Kenyans have been short changed" at CLAIMS of rigging. Mind you, RIGGING so far is just but a claim being championed by the so called pentagon.
    Lawfully, Kibaki is a legal President till proved otherwise through peaceful and legal means. Meanwhile, I doubt whether we will ever have a "Your Excellency Amollo", because it is NOT A MUST!!! Get it ODMers?

  26. For how long anonymous 4.38am are you going to cover up your shit, stinking everywhere in the name of seeking for mercy to be heard, just to defend your helpless guy. Cant you see it rocking the nation into chaos. I voted something far from ODM or PNU, but I am embarrased at how greedy PNU thought they snatched power..... then the consequences..... then a comouflage telling guys to accept it. .. and looking for pity. You cannot vomit on people and thumb your nose on them in the name of leadreship. Face it, that thug is not worth leading the nation.

  27. Ok guys, let us continue pushing for peace, right? Let us not see Kids, who would make great future leaders falling victims, or women/ men dying, we are responsible for talking with our friends about it.

  28. The Anon of 4.55, if Raila won, take over the Presidency. He did not win.
    The Anon of 4.54, GEMAs are being slaugheted, your joy? So it was an election to root out Gema? Flame up your passions if you like, but Raila wont be President of Kenya. But am more intelligent to accommodate such a presidency if it came, unlike some of you who could not and even now can not comprehend a Raila defeat. Raila is has lead you to this. No retreat.

  29. TO ANONYMOUS above: As long as kibaki continues to cling to illegal power, GEMAs will continue to be slaughtered in rift valley, nyanza, western and coast.


  31. People, please calm down and think rationally. There are people being killed. Have some humanity. This is a precarious time. Don't incite. Don't make things worse. Wait 24 hrs to see what political solutions are being proposed. Kenyans are a bright bunch and Kenya has not been a model for nothing. Bite your lip (at least for now). Say a prayer instead for those who lost their lives.

  32. All: I think it would be acceptable to everyone to say that BOTH Raila and Kibaki got about 4 million votes (mas or menos).

    I don't think anyone can indisputably say which one of the two won the election, and at this stage it is not terribly important.

    Kenyans are losing their lives. Kenyans (for the first time in as long as I can recall) are refugees in Uganda. We need to step back a minute from our brinkmanship and try to find a middle ground. We all must, Raila, Kibaki, Kalonzo and us.

    Sunny Bindra has some great words today:

    History is likely to cast a very harsh judgement on some of the key players of December 2007. If any of them wish to be remembered kindly, let them still step forward and do the right thing. Let them push for the truth to be known, whatever it is. Let them place their inflamed egos to one side, and do something bigger than themselves. There is no victory in ruling a country reduced to ashes.

    I pray that years from now, a history lesson will be taught in the classrooms of Kenya. That lesson will say this: that in December 2007, our country went to the edge of disaster. But it stepped back from the precipice, just in time. It stepped back because heroic Kenyans emerged, to save it. Those heroes were little and large; they were rich and they were poor; they were powerful and they were modest. But they all came to their senses and did the right thing. They recaptured the values of decency and righteousness. And so the country was saved.

  33. Guys, we have to deal with the root of the problem. As long as we pretend and take a higher moral ground, this thing will continue. We need the Truth and reconcilliation committee as had been proposed. We have pretended a lot as a nation yet we have had deep seated issues among the tribes. We just need to remember the vitreol that was being poured during the campaigns eg Kihii, house of Mumbi etc. to know where bitterness is coming from. I also think some other scores are being settled that have nothing to do with the outcome of the elections. Somebody put it very nicely on BBC, it is like you are starving and your wife prepares food for you and then somebody comes and takes it away by force because they feel they are stronger than you.
    The truth my brothers is the only one that shall set us free.

  34. For those of you who think we are fanatics following Raila, you are wrong. This is bigger than Raila. Kenyans wanted change. Kibaki, by stealing the vote, stole change from Kenyans. Meanwhile his apologists in this blog are telling us to kuvumilia for another 5 years? No way.

    It is about time Kenyans stopped burying their heads in the sand. This blatant rape of the country must stop. Kibaki, give back to kenyans what rightly belongs to them.

  35. Refugees flee into Uganda
    Published: Wednesday, 2 January, 2008, 02:42 AM Doha Time

    Hundreds of Kikuyu tribespeople have crossed the Kenyan border into neighbouring Uganda to escape escalating tribal violence sparked by disputed presidential elections, officials said Tuesday.
    Fleeing Kikuyu have been entering Uganda through the Malaba and Busia border posts, the officials said.
    “From the first day, we have received 450 refugees in our location, the numbers continue to grow. There is a similar influx at Busia border,” an official returning from the Malaba crossing said.
    He said some border areas had seen vicious ethnic violence.

    Refugees in Kenya

    At least 70,000 people have been displaced in western Kenya by the post-electoral unrest, the Kenya Red Cross said yesterday.
    “This is a national disaster,” Abbas Gullet, the agency’s secretary general, told reporters. “From the area we visited today there are roughly about 70,000 (displaced).”
    Aerial video footage taken by the humanitarian group showed hundreds of houses on fire, farms set ablaze and road blocks every 10km.
    He added that only those from “the right ethnic group” were allowed through the barricades.

  36. And where is Moi now? One would think he would have said something by now. Is it true he is not even in the country?

    It is about time Kenyans stopped burying their heads in the sand. This blatant rape of the country must stop. Kibaki, give back to kenyans what rightly belongs to them.

  37. anon@5:16, I hear you. Raila has 100 seats. He's in negotiations. The AU is involved. Trust his judgment. Wait to see what political solutions are being proposed. I lost a friend aged 7 in Kisumu in 1969 to a bullet during riots when Jomo came to open the Russian Hospital. I have been there. I know about Luo marginalization - Tom Mboya, Robert Ouko. No matter how close Raila came and no matter how unfair it seems, I implore you and everyone to control your passions. Do not incite. The world is watching. We don't know what solutions are being negotiated. I know it's not addressing the root cause but this is not the time to make things worse.

  38. From most of the ongoings, its the GEMAs who are suffering more (killings, refugees, fleeing e.t.c). Kibaki please return the peoples power you have stolen.

  39. To anon@5:31. You miss the point by a mile. This is not about Luo marginalization. This is about Kibaki stealing kenyan votes, not Luo votes. For your information, i am not a Luo.

  40. Raila is interested in improving the lives of Kenyans, not in a name like "His Excellency". How long will some people take to put Kenyans problems ahead!!

  41. To anon@5:46 - I hear you. This is a very serious breach of trust. It is treasonable. But political solutions must be explored first. The alternative is too grave to contemplate.

  42. We dont need emotions to bring Kenya back to her world recognized peace in Africa.

    Why are Kenyans turning to violence? The reasons are known. Moi oppressed us for too long. In 2002 we, ALL KENYANS, elected a man we loved. It is only in Central Province where he got less votes. Raila never became a hero in Taita nor in Kakamega not even in his native Bondo for having assisted Kibaki to power. My tribe, and to be specific, my area around Mt Kenya thanked him. The Kiambu people could have killed him for letting Uhuru in the cold. These are facts. The coalition didnt go well and Raila was shown the door. This is politics.

    The whole country was shocked to see their saviour Kibaki make a U turn. He started tolerating corruption, threatened Githongo, accepted thugs to come to Kenya (Artur Bros), lied openly not be a bigamist although she gets a better gov protection and income than a senior minister. Appointsments were only on the basis of region. I was offered a good job for which I was not qualified for because I come from one area. THIS IS NOT THE WAY A CIVILIZED AND DEMOCRATIC country should be.

    The Kenyans yearned for a real change, esp after witnessing the new Moi-Kibaki unity. This unity had hidden intentions. My view is that Moi needed protection very badly and Kibaki made the promise. Both agreed even to use force to make Kibaki stay in power. THIS IS why Kibaki and his people had to steal votes.

    The problem now in Kenya is not between Kikuyus and Kalenjins or Ki and Luos, or Raila and Kibaki, as many would like to see it. IT IS THAT: KENYANS, ALL KENYANS, are tired of CORRUPT polititians. AND KIBAKI is one. He doesnt deserve to rule Kenya. He must resign. I dont care from which region or which town the legitimate president comes from. My intelligence and my 3 university degrees enable me to judge what is right or wrong and am above tribal issues.

    A long lasting PEACE would return to our motherland ONLY if Kibaki would resign immediately. Let's all find a peaceful way of sending him into retirement.

    Thanks for those who have insulted me. I, like Githongo, am above petty tribal arguments. Am a Kenyan first and then a Kikuyu.


  43. Well said Kimani. Now, who is going to tell Kibaki this? I doubt he reads blogs.....

  44. Mike, I can see you are having fun. Continue! ODMers I have a question for you. Esp the fellow called shaza on this blog. If Raila was the incumbent, and the elections closely contested as these ones have been, would he have Rigged? I bet much more than Kibaki. I believe if Raila was the incumbent and he rigged out Kibaki, no violence could have resulted. Those of you calling Kibaki a thief, think twice! Ni ile story ya nyani ambaye haoni kundule. Therefore, Raila is to blame for the violence. Period. Let us face it, because the bloody Kenya we are witnessing today is a creation of only two people - Raila and Kibaki. I hope the Mungiki thugs wont regroup to try and take revenge, coz those guys work under oaths!
    Peace please. My fellow GEMAs are dying, yet they did their democratic duty of voting peacefully. No matter what happens, Raila wont get the seat, so he had better take control of the passions of his supporters. They are the ones perpetuating the killings. ODMers again, if Raila was in Kibaki's shoes, am sure we would have a LESS democratic nation. so shaza, cover your shit.

  45. Anonymous 6.13 above, you know very well that blaming will not help no one around. You cannot be emotional and expect to reason at the same time. It even seems that you are temporarily out of your mind. I will excuse you for a moment. I have lost a friend in this violence.... If you understand the pain, you will stop talking GEMA and start talking Kenya. I neither want Raila nor Kibaki to rule if they cannot solve the situation of Kenya today. Leadership is not about being greedy. It is about listening to the problems of people. Now be sober and see what is happening today to inocent people, why is tribalism showing up? For heaven's sake It is running away from a problem. Let them sort it out among themselves.

  46. Kimani,
    If it is about corruption in Kibaki's govt, then Raila and his click of corrupt Rutos, Mudavadi's, Kosgei's aint an option. Raila himself, we will always sing about Mollases till he comes clean on it. So give us a break from a corruption talk. The 2002 MOU that was never is the likely problem that haunts us till today.

  47. Those of you calling for resignation of Kibaki are being unrealistic. What are the chances of it happening? Even Raila knows it aint easy for it to happen. Would Raila do the same if he were in Kibaki's shoes? Dont call for his resignation because it is easy for your to do so. Look at its practicality.

  48. I find it interesting that P.N.U. supporters are now saying that 'Raila's supporters' are the ones killing Kikuyus. Aren't these the same people who said Raila's supporters were the 'violent' Luo? Most Kikuyus have been killed in Rift Valley. Does this mean Raila's so called 'Violent supporters' now include the Luhyia, Kisii, Kalenjin, Maasai and Coastal tribes i.e. people from Nyanza, Western, Rift Valley, Coast, Nairobi and North Eastern? Raila's support base must be huge. he must have won the elections then. There must be an illegal 'Curator' at the 'Museum'. Kibaki atoke.

  49. Let us embrace the diversity of our ideas to build a better nation, not to tear it apart

  50. Raila and Kibaki supporters, give us a break. We voted neither of them, now we are suffering. Please when will this be sorted out so that Kenya can move as usual ?

  51. Anonymous 7:29 AM - You didn't vote for Raila thats why you are suffering. Don't let us know your mistake. O.K ?

  52. Too late you fucking cunts. For months you have spewed hatred on these boards against Kikuyus.

    You reap what you saw hijos de putas.

  53. People please be sane. At least be honest. Did you read what Kivuitu said? Let us deal with this issue honestly for people to heal. The more they try brushing it under the carpet, the more the killings. If only one person in kibaki's camp could be honest, I think rail would accept the position not defeat because he was not defeated. Therefore, those calling raila to accept defeat are on some reversed psychology. Raila was not defeated. Kivuit even said he does not know if Kibaki won. Kibaki sympathisers need to get this. BE HONEST FOR HEAVEN'S SAKE!!!! I am not askin you not to support kibaki but just be honest. some of you are abusing people on the blogs. It is the same arrogance that people are retaliating in Kenya as we speak. The same same kind of arrogance from one community.

  54. If i were a Kenyan, luckily i`m NOT, I would preach peace in the country and shun ethnic shallow minded discussions.
    France, USA, Russia elections were all flawed but no blood was spilled because of Elections.

    When Opposition beat their chests and tell Kenyans they is no way out and the Kibaki party do the same, what would be the consequences?
    Every one knows in the world that the champions of democracy USA rigged Bush as the president. Did we hear blood spill in America because of Elections?

    Africans and in particular Kenyans need to realise that tribalism is a disease like cancer. It should not be encouraged and it seems this fracas in Kenya has nothing to do with elections. ODM even before the elections on their campaign they were championing hatred and that is the reason they ganged together to defeat PNU which is Kikuyu dominated. I wonder why people on this blog keep blaming Kikuyus for voting Kibaki in, while Nyanza and western and rift Valley voted for Raila as a block. What is Democracy? Can someone define it before accusing Kikuyus for voting overwhelmingly for their Leader.

    Africans i think are slow learners irrespective of whether they are Professors or intellectuals.

  55. Folks, it is evident that something went wrong. All you have to do is listen to Kivuitu's statements. Nation has clarified some reporting error regarding voter turnout in some areas but no....we want to justify the indefensible. No matter which candidate you support, understand that there is too much to be lost by a certain group of politicians (NOT all Kenyans) and therefore, they will hold on to power at whatever cost. While Kenyans are dying for their right to self determination, some people are just holding on long enough so that the Safaricom IPO is held and they can cash in their billions, avoid prosecution for all manner of economic crimes and human rights violations against the PEOPLE OF KENYA.

    For those who think that nothing's amiss, understand that you essentially waive your right to complain about future violations of the law when you endorse the current events. Next time you may not be on the gloating end!

    God speed to all Kenyans!

  56. When Moi rigged himself back to power in 1992 and 1997 why did the country not disintegrate into ethnic cleansing?

    It is my belief that whichever way the results would have gone, ODM had long planned this ethnic cleansing and they're now usin "rigging" as the excuse to unleash their true character..Kenya under Raila Amolo Odinga will be reduced to the

    * poverty of his constituency _ Kibera
    * Looting - I hear Luo tenants have not been paying rent in anticipation of an ODM victory
    * Ethnic cleansing in the name of Majimbo

    Evil has an interesting way of camouflaging itself in the name of "democracy", "justice", what is so just about burning up women and children in a Church compound - and then blaming Kibaki for it? Give me a break!

  57. While Kenya is in chaos, this is what some bloggers are writing on jaluo dot com.

    It`s a pity...!


    Wed, 2 Jan 2008 08:05:02 -0500
    From: Maurice Nyaware

    It’s right to keep each one of us in Diaspora who has access to our beloved web “”’’.As you know we are all astonished with the self declaration of Jaraboun’s win.What I can say is that some of the reliable source back from home says that, the peoples President is not locked in and his fellows like Ruto and Orengo Jimy is also not in,they are all expected to hold THE PEOPLE’S PRESIDENDT INAGURATION at the venue that have not been mentioned at 2pm, so far it is that the deaths fom Dagoreti.Mathare, Kariobangi, Kayole and some other estates in Nairobi may be 50 in number’s there have been fights through out the night since Kibaki imposed him self yesterday .The forces are also devide and this is said to couse more havoc scince the majority of the foces are wakale and this are pro Aguambo. Otherwiase this is the time when force should be implemented to achieve the demand of the people as it is said when diplomacy fails Force should be implied, the reasone why am saying this is for the reason that the Court will not solve this situation and if some body is thinking of international community this still will fail couse Okuche as you know they are nincompups who do not look at this as a national concern but away of making more “”Mbesha”” .this is way I say lets find a way of making use of our forces THIS IS THE ONLY WAY OUT.

    Listone O

  58. there is no question about this. this country has gone to the dogs. kibaki won with a clear mandate in 2002..ask urself, what happened in 5 years that his approval rate deeped? this man is clearly not a leader and he can continue remaining in state house-i'm sure he hasnt been to his harambee house office..thats the leader we are being forced to accept.

    displacing blame to ODM and Raila is laughable; Raila has reached out to the affected and profusely requested that peace prevails. he has ondmned hooliganism and looting; yet raila is still to blame..

    truth is kenya has gone to the dogs, lets not cheat ourselves that because kibaki is from our backyard he should be, ur only cheating urselves. this is about kenya and its future; kibaki will go eventually..

    kibaki toka.bado mapambanoo

  59. Kumekucha brothers and sisters, tell all the non-kikuyu people travelling to Nairobi to weigh their options as regards recurity because sources indicate that travellers are being stopped at Naivasha and being beheaded by the mungiki. Please tell all the people you can reach to weigh all options before riskimg their lives. Remember all morgues are being guarded so that nobody can tell how many are killed. Also remember the incident where the Uganda soldiers collected the youths from Kisumu and shot them at the RIAT area. Pass it to save lives!

  60. ENYANS, Please do NOT forget ODM members are the same OLD KANU Crooks that Kibaki Government is dealing with at the moment who have been in power for 24 years.
    5 Yrs of Kibaki Administration is not enough to eradicate them.
    This fracas have nothing to do with elections. It`s basically, tribalism and jealousy. PERIOD..!

  61. Mali of rwanda, in those 24 years you mention Kibaki was Vice President for 10 years and Chief Executive of Kanu during Kenyatta years. Now Moi and Kenyatta kitchen cabinet are also members of this government. So please clarify what you are talking about...

  62. john oilepo,

    I`m talking about % yrs of Kibaki as the President of Kenya.

    REMEMBER Kibaki used to be General Coward. Now he the poweres to hire and fire, the so called Moi warloads.


    Don`t even mention the well knon thug Ruto


    Wed, 2 Jan 2008 08:05:02 -0500
    From: Maurice Nyaware

    It’s right to keep each one of us in Diaspora who has access to our beloved web “”’’.As you know we are all astonished with the self declaration of Jaraboun’s win.What I can say is that some of the reliable source back from home says that, the peoples President is not locked in and his fellows like Ruto and Orengo Jimy is also not in,they are all expected to hold THE PEOPLE’S PRESIDENDT INAGURATION at the venue that have not been mentioned at 2pm, so far it is that the deaths fom Dagoreti.Mathare, Kariobangi, Kayole and some other estates in Nairobi may be 50 in number’s there have been fights through out the night since Kibaki imposed him self yesterday .The forces are also devide and this is said to couse more havoc scince the majority of the foces are wakale and this are pro Aguambo. Otherwiase this is the time when force should be implemented to achieve the demand of the people as it is said when diplomacy fails Force should be implied, the reasone why am saying this is for the reason that the Court will not solve this situation and if some body is thinking of international community this still will fail couse Okuche as you know they are nincompups who do not look at this as a national concern but away of making more “”Mbesha”” .this is way I say lets find a way of making use of our forces THIS IS THE ONLY WAY OUT.

    Listone O


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