Muge assassination: The powerful men he provoked Part 3

Monday, December 31, 2007

Why Kalonzo Musyoka Should Turn Down A VP Appointment From A Fraudulent Regime

Interestingly the feeling amongst the Akamba people in Eastern province in the run up to the recently stolen elections was deep hatred for Raila Odinga whom they felt had denied their son Kalonzo Musyoka the presidency.

Amazingly that has now changed and there is a lot of sympathy for Raila in Ukambani at the moment and many are even loudly declaring that if the polls were to be repeated they would vote for Raila.

This is just one reason why ODM-K and Kalonzo Musyoka should turn down all advances from the evil PNU government that wants to rule against the will of the majority of Kenyans.

It should be obvious to Kalonzo that the new Kibaki government will not last, no matter how many Kenyans are shot dead and no matter how many media houses are shut down. If Kalonzo wants to keep his eyes firmly focused on 2012, then joining the PNU vote thieves will be the worst political mistake of his career.


  1. I agree. The worst mistake Mr. Kalonzo will make is be part of an unpopular government. Partaking of such a fraud for him would be his political demise.

  2. You forgot to mention Mutula Kilonzo in all this - he was the driving force to 'convince' Kalonzo to continue with his ODM-K instead of joining Raila Odinga's ODM ..... and as I said many times, Kilonzo is Moi's mole in all this.

    So - at least that's how I feel - the real 'Man behind the scenes' is Daniel arap Moi .... and everybody including Kibaki is dancing to his tunes.

    He has even 'crucified' his own sons ..... but he got what he wanted: a Kibaki doing what he told him to do. Did nobody ask himself why all of the sudden Kibaki became so 'courageous' ?

    Moi is in all of this - he is directing the whole 'game' - this is obvious and very clear.

    And here we come to the point: Kenya is still fighting the Old Man (Moi) - Kibaki is only his 'brain-child' ..... but the one he knows will protect him until his death and for this he was even willing to 'sacrifice' his own children ..... but knowing them he was sure they would understand .....

    This is the real 'Kenyan Tragedy' we are facing now: the country is still in the hands of this Old Man - Kibaki is only his more than willing puppet .....

    Marianne Briner

  3. I hear BBC is broadcasting that many towns in Nyanza (and I believe Kisumu) have their streets strewn with bullet riddled bodies of innocent Kenyans.

    Is this the Kenya we want? A cowardly president (sorrounded by pre-colonial neanderthals e.g. Michuki 'home guard who participated in state of emergency against fellow Kenyas on behalf of colonials' and Karume 'who has been rejected by voters but still chills out in state house') who cannot stop such blood letting that is happening across the country?

    On this day, I am deeply ashamed to say that I am Kenyan because all this is happening and there is nothing I can absolutely do other than seethe in anger!!!!!

    I have no word to describe Kibaki right now!

  4. Briner and cronies: You give Moi far too much credit. Have you stopped for a minute to think that things are not really as they seem in your minds? I'm neither for Raila nor Kibaki; but Raila's propensity towards violence and his entitlement to power is such a turnoff. When will the wool be pulled off of Kenyan's eyes? How will the healing begin? Our challenge is not Raila or Kibaki, it's overcoming the ills of tribalism. My family lives in Kisumu and being non-luo, they've had to shift to a Luo neighbor's home for safety as the young men burn their homes. I read a comment by one young Luo in Kisumu who said he didn't understand why they were being shot for defending their rights--I mean, seriously, how do you defend your rights by burning other people's homes? Someone commented here earlier that why are people dying just to have Kibaki serve another five years. By the same token, why are people dying so Raila can serve as president? He is no Mandela.

  5. Kalonzo Musyoka: if you dare take part in the Kibaki government it WILL be the end of your political career.

    Be wise and learn the lessons of this election. Kibaki's pre-election cabinet was emptied by unhappy Kenyans.

  6. Kazi atapata msijali. Akitaka, atajichagilia, Derek said here yesterday. Silly Derek

  7. I'm so encouraged every time I read that the Kibaki government will not last. Please somebody tell me, what options does Raila have? Other than the vote of no confidence and the petitions in courts, does he have other avenues?

    Someone please explain.


  8. Who has called me silly? What is your name please. Silly because I support Kibaki? If yes, then Kazi inaendelea...

    On Wednesday, guys are back to work and we shall forget about all the skirmishes. You see, this is all about poor planning by the Commission.

    They were overwhelemed by the turn-out and delayed announcing the winner. On the other end, this similar siatuation has happened in America, where delayed election results cause anxiety. the problem is that in Kenya, there is little civic education abuot such occurences. Please desists from any wars, in the streets or on the web and we shal prevail for out country, KENYA.

    There is no other KENYA. Great, place to be born in.


  9. this derek guy
    i think you need to change your diet. then maybe and i say maybe, you would be able to think rationally.

  10. Kalonzo Musyoka should be left alone to make a decision on the path he wants his political career to take. It is a shame the same Raila hooligans who were heckling him all over are lecturing him on what is good for him. If I were him OI would take it up if for nothing else to spite these crooks. Chris after all the lies you have written here about Kalonzo, you are the least qualified to pretend to care for him.

  11. If Raila was that power hungry, he would not have supported Kibaki's presidency in 2002!!!

    What about the economic violence perpetrated on millions of Kenyans condemned to life in slums cities? Why are those people living in these huge slums. Who created them? Why are rich elites setting up businesses in these slums instead of building livable houses with running water and sewage treatments? Are these slums Raila's creation? If he is the creator of these filthy places, he should be run out of town, fast!!!!

    If you do not know, Raila's late father had the opportunity to take the presidency handed to him by the colonial powers before the release of Jomo Kenyatta and he declined because doing so would have betrayed the causes many people fought and died for as team.

    The Kenya government officials are now working as security guards for foreign powers while pyhsically and economically beating the heck out of fellow Africans. They are quite proud to doing these guard jobs. These guards do not care about African citizens.

    I do not condon violence or looting by anyone, including the ones done behind closed door by elites in the government. It is those behind the scene lootings that are the results of what we are seeing on the streets right now.

  12. Derek is a low life snoop dog fishing for information on fellow africans. There are quite a bunch of them on this blog.

  13. Derek is a low life snoop dog fishing for information on fellow africans. There are quite a bunch of them on this blog.

  14. Derek is a low life snoop dog fishing for information on fellow africans. There are quite a bunch of them on this blog.

  15. Derek is a low life snoop dog fishing for information on fellow africans. There are quite a bunch of them on this blog.

  16. people like derek do not need their comments dignified with a response. If they insist that Kibaki won fairly, then I shudder to think of what winning unfairly is in Derek and friends' minds.
    People all over the world know the election was stolen. The only people who rushed to congratulate Kibaki were Bush and Museveni; grateful receipients of flawed counting. It really is true. Birds of a feather really do flock together.


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