Muge assassination: The powerful men he provoked Part 3

Sunday, December 30, 2007

Stop Press: All Political Leaders Gather At KICC

As I write this, major political parties and their leaders are gathered at KICC waiting for Samuel Kivuitu to announce the winner of the Presidential election. No word has come from the ECK yet.

The leaders include Raila Odinga, Kalonzo Musyoka, Uhuru Kenyatta and generally anybody who is somebody in Kenyan politics.

Unconfirmed reports reaching this blogger claim that after night-long scrutiny the ECK have arrived at the following figures:

Raila: 4.8 million
Kibaki: 3.6 million

However PNU has strongly disagreed with this tally. They have however been challenged by Kivuitu to justify their claim.

Personally my view is that the ECK is waiting for instructions from State House. Those who know President Kibaki are well aware that he is a very slow decision maker and on many occasions prefers not to make any decisions at all and this is one of the reasons why the country is in the crisis it is in today.


  1. i feel i must respond to your comment. As a member of the alternative press use best judgement and do not publish falsehoods. I am a Raila supporter and kindly request that you await ECK cofirmation. My mother is an ECK Commissioner and i have not been able to reach her since last night. Who are your sources.

  2. You are not ECK. ECK are the authorty in elections in the country. Muongo wewe

  3. Did you say 4.8 million? This is the illusionism i have been talking about.


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