Muge assassination: The powerful men he provoked Part 3

Sunday, December 30, 2007

State Security Agents Invade Kumekucha Blog!

Dear Kenya,

Majority of THE ANONYMOUSES YOU SEE HERE posting comments today, especially in the last few hours after Kibaki was purportedly declared president and including our famous Deroo, are all NSIS or something close, trying as much as possible to masquerade as ODM/PNU supporters. We have IP addresses to back-up accusations. Dare to challenge me Derek?

Anonymouses are commenting and publishing pro and anti messages to torpedo ODM and confuse the world and innocent , patriotic Kenyans who are reading this blog and have done so for the last few years, but more because they have relied on this blog for the last few days for election updates.

These are the same fellows who mixed up and threatened Kivuitu, going as far as kidnapping members of Kivuitu's family so as coax him to read pre-typed results, then escort with armed guard to state house to hand over a pre-typed nomination certificate, with KBC and Citizen cameras in tow.

GOD IS WATCHING, and he will certainly not let down this mighty country - DEREK!


  1. Phil, can you confirm the IP address. I am using SDC intrernet from my house. That is a bad accusation. I have never been a state agent and will never be. Confirm it an I will show you a liar.

  2. Derek,

    We shall prevail. I sort of suspected you were with the government, that's why I didn't respond when you lied that you live abroad with me. Kibaki lies and you lie! When will you guys learn to tell the truth?

  3. The Telephone NUMBER for the UNI is ****1223 425309. BT INTERNET. TEll me another lie and a false accusation. I can give you the number to call now or give me your number i call you now. That is an innuendo.

  4. Lol. Not surprising. PNU loves to doctor things. First they doctor the election results, now they try to "doctor" blog comments. Wondered about the interesting IPs on my blog stats after I posted comments here and elsewhere. Surprising? Pas du tout!

  5. +4475137385 can you call that number now anybody who feels I am a state agent

  6. Why is this not suprising. The government has its filthy hands on everything. China??

  7. Phil can you remove my name from that item you have posted

  8. this is a shame..never in my country's history has everyone from all corners of the nation risen up to say no to an IMMINENT DICTATORSHIP AND FASCIST GOVT>

  9. Deroo, I just tried and did not get any reply. You are definitely a state agent!



    Well, most Kenyans agree that If Raila was to hold a parallel government; they will not forgive him for the bloodshed.
    Raila needs to respect the will of the people and conceded defeat at no costs. Any matters should be handled through the avenues outlined.
    However, as i stated, if 4million voters are not satisfied with the outcome of this election, a full audit of the 210 constituencies will need to be carried out to bestow peace and order.



  11. mgash@ 12.07 check that out

    democracy? only when definided within the narrow/nefarious confines of a thoughtless tribalist mind. the rest of the world sees it otherwise and are calling it what it is-RIGGING- even when some -like the u.s ambassador would have been compelled to use diplomatic language.

    and for the umpteenth time old boy. hakuna kazi itaendelea. not even the KAZI BURE of before. this time. we're gonna fight each other for a very very long time bro. and your myopic mind can't see that hence your senseless gloating. please yourself little man.

  12. PHil, What do you get from lying or brandiung someone a stae agent. Do you know how emeotions are high now. Can you please call me now or give me your number. It is that serious or remove my name from your post. 004477151537385 Now

  13. Chris, that's alarmist. I mean its not the first time you have claimed that anyone opposed to this ODM blog or by extension to you is NSIS. Remember the time I asked you to tell me what exactly is NSIS.

    Its baout time you asked your online forensic experts to do thier job, and reveal all the IP in broad Kumekucha light bro. I was just wondering when you saw the light in freedom of speech/expression and stopped regulating the comments.

    Yeah, I, too can call on Ngai to deal with all esp the liars.

  14. Phil dont eve go there. Please keep the respect. Next time you will be calling me an NSIS agent. Leave Derek out of your frustration and grow up. I want to respect you, I do BUT you have to respect yourself first. You have to behave you ODMer

  15. mgash

    you don't sound very clever yourself and that is being generous! bet you're one of the people at nsis who are responsible for advising kibaki. still what would one expect of one who does the job that is the political equivalent of a pimp(in a gay redlight district if i may add)- repulsive and un kenyan

  16. mugash is a meru a prominent supporter of kibaki. meru were the same people saying that moi should go because he was not honest, why the double standards when it one of your own.

  17. Sam Okello you owe Derek an apology. I know where he lives. A different country from yours but abroad. Dont allow youself to be reduced to this level Sam.

  18. phil you can check my IP. i'm in london. i'm on here just coz i am so angry at these thugs and can't show it otherwise

  19. This gut Mgash is one true Kenyan and I can guesse his school of thought, God forbid. Is Kivuitu a Kenya? greater than the 4m? You are too myopic man. open youe eyes and see the reality coz you subscribe to the old school of let it be...

  20. Kumekucha editors are not credible. People should question everything they post and approach it with some sense of caution.
    We Kenyans are not going to fall into such unsubstantiated material.

    Please don't abuse the freedom of press.

  21. I am George Wahome and I have posted comments like five or six times today as anonymous and wish to inform you that I have never worked for the Kenya Government....nor any government for that matter. All Iam appealing for is sanity at these tense times and beseech you Kumekucha to do the same instead of fermenting civil unrest. I wont get tired of reminding you that if Kenya sinks, we all sink. The Rutos, Kibakis and Mudavadis of this world will never live in a refugee camp but you and I have high chances of doing so. Think about it and do the right thing. Let the rule of Law prevail for the sake of millions of Kenyans who can not afford a months rent in a foreign country.
    It is time for sanity. Street riots will only result in bloodbath and then what??? Kibaki, Raila, Ruto, Michuki, Mudavadi, Dalmas Otieno, Karua, Nyaga and other Kleptocrats will form a coalition and leave the rest of us in the cold. It has happened before and believe you me, it will happen again. Are you forgetting recent history? These people are all the same and the sooner you realise that the poor will shed blood in proxy wars, the better for us all.
    Iam still anonymous.
    Many thanks.

  22. Phil, can you get my name out of your post please. Is it because I am opposed to your political view. It is serious.

  23. So my claim is not just a claim, its true that most of you guys are living the good life abroad while you keep inciting Kenyans to fight. Shame, shame, shame. For some reason, I'm relieved, sort of (deep breath!)

  24. mugash is a meru a prominent supporter of kibaki. meru were the same people saying that moi should go because he was not honest, why the double standards when it one of your own.

  25. could someone update us on pentagon member arrests and the status of unrest in nairobi, rift valley, nyanza and coast

    lives are being lost while some here callously thump chests

  26. OK Derek ask this human being called Phil what is wrong with being NSIS. The truth is that Mwai Kibaki was voted by the majority of Kenyan voters and I am not sure they were all NSIS agents. It is some of these accusations that are simply idiotic

  27. Shame on KUMEKUCHA. Nothing but a blog of civil unrest.

  28. tbh all these tribalist twats on here are getting on my nerves. you are not denying that the elections were rigged! just gloating and causing havoc coz your 'side' won. this is not an ODM blog it is a KENYAN blog so don't drag us into the mud you're shamelessy paddling in. i know it is a lonely place right nowask us to join your nihilistic pleasures please

  29. No, I am writing a personal email to Chris right now. Chris knows all about me and Phil is trying to sooth his perceived pain by branding peopel in the most uncouth and hillibily way. Only hillibillies do what he has done. That endagers my family, my parents and even carrer and reputation.

  30. KUMEKUCHA may or may not be an ODM BLOG. Nevertheless, IT HAS INCITED A WAR OF WORDS BETWEEN KENYANS. SURELY, how can that be patriotic. Wherever these editors are they do not value kenyans nor share in our spirit.

    I am proud to see that the bloggers here are more fothcoming in this issue.

  31. Hello All,


    THE RALLY is on for tomorrow where we, like kenyans will ALSO elect our OWN PRESIDENT.


    Nairobi, 30th December 2007
    21h00 EAT.

  32. Phil, I have just made my phone number public and more than ten Kumekucha reader have called me and you who knows people is not calling me. Can you have my name out of that post. If I am NSIS, where am I stationed?

  33. Propaganda ya kumekucha is just hilarious.

  34. Phil, don't call this dude.

  35. Deroo, chillax! Its below you to beg Phil to remove your name from this claim-its just a claim! you've proved that its his credibility at stake not yours. If he can bend so low, you and some Kumekuchans should know to take his every word with a pinch of salt.


  37. Proud Kikuyu woman,I suppose if it was your Kibaki that was in Raila's place today, you wouldn't have being different from us. trust me, it is painful to be robbed of your right. It is even more painful when you are killed when you want to fight for your right. Try to put yourself in our shoes, at least for a second.

  38. Kumekucha is a brave fighter!

  39. Derek, if that is your real name, plus those other anonymouses who have taken cover after this post exposed them.

    - Let Kenyans debate here freely.
    - You people are employed and are answerable to your own masters
    - Where were you when we were queuing in 4 kilometre election lines on 27th, while at the same time posting updates on Kumekucha, only for us to be robbed of outr votes?

    For obvious reasons, I shall have to consult Chris before I publish IP addresses. I have no interest whatsoever in calling any number posted above.

    With cellphone roaming now a worldwide practice, phone numbers published here do not help us nor do they prove anything.

    Partriotic Kenyans, please take note of that, and further note that;

    Most of those anonymous postings - one sentence (abusive) comments - have now disappeared.

    Kibaki should know, this froum is no ECK and certainly not a place for GNU to invite the Arturs of this world to insult our intelligence - online!

    Thank You.

  40. Don't be a KumekuchA statistic!

    Let the rule of democracy prevail. If Raila really cared about Kenyans he will not be making such a move. But it’s a democracy; if he wants to go down that route, that’s his choice. He will have blood on his hands. Kenyans have decided.

    Kenyans have been through difficult times and this is no stranger. In an election, there is a winner and a loser. A Full audit of all the 210 constituencies will need to be carried out under full media coverage as requested by Raila (for the sake of the 4.5m voters who think otherwise). Calls for calm will need to be ushered from both sides of the political divide as the process is done. It is a great country, let democracy prevail.

  41. How did Mwai Kibaki steal the election? Can someone who can write in good English explain it to me? The fact that he emerged winner does not mean he stole the election. All I am seeing here is a lot of cries that are baseless.

    Derek, don't bother with the Phils of this world. Please do not engage a sick person.

  42. Kumekucha is a freedom fighter. Those blogging state agents are welcome to mingle with free thought. Justice will prevail!

  43. mgash you can't in a million years pretend to moralize people on here coz you are a pea brained irrationa TRIBALIST. our (or my) having views opposed to yours does not mean i am engaging you in an empty war of words. you are assuming i am coz that is where you are coming from! how else would you explain you gloating about victory and ignoring all the evidence that the election was stolen.(the u.k government has just said so). coz you're a TRIBALIST.

    this is not a football match where HOW one wins is irrelevant. it should be about WHY one wins! you can't conviniently pretend to be patriotic asking people to be calm while at the same time ignoring the real reason why they are agitated in the first place! aren't there PNU sites where people are gloating about winning for winning sakes at the mo? no the fatalist in you compels you to come on here and preach to us. you have no idea how ridiculously stupid and repugnant your tribal posturing is my dear friend

  44. Kenyans are not stupid to follow irrelevant material posted here!!!!!!.
    If this is an ODM website, let it be. but it is not a good thing to post such material when our country is in limbo.

  45. Anonymous,how dare you? Tell me to put myself in your shoes. I'm Kenyan.And trust me, I know where these shoes pinch the hardest, otherwise I wouldn't be here. For I'm walking in those shoes as of right now. The 'us vs them' attitude has brought us where we are this minute.

  46. call it an odm website or whatever. if it is then what are you doing here? it is interesting and thus you presence. kenya malo

  47. I support ODM, but i do not agree with Kumekucha about some issues being addressed.

  48. VIKII. don't be silly! i guess you can't help it anway! i'll tell you again. KIBAKI STOLE THE ELECTION. don't insult peoples intelligence on here claiming ignorance of this fact! and don't ask us to explain to you something that you have CONVINIENTLY your consciense-if your tribal mind has one-ha chosen to ignore. nobody is here to indulge your infantile, primitive pleasures. GO TO A PNU BLOG WHERE no one is interrogating falshoods

  49. I am Kenyan as well, and i do not support the idea of kenyan fighting with a kenyan. I have been visiting this sight but the idea of me taking arms against my fellow contrymen is a NO.

  50. Hey proud Kikuyu woman. You know exactly who to blame. You know why people feel like this. You know how hard the gov't is cracking on people. According to Aljazeera, at least 18 dead now. And you know Michuki isn't the man to bridge that gap. Accept it or not, the 'us vs we' has being created by Kibaki and Michuki and his cronies and all signs are they are hellbent on continuing it. We demand equality among all Kenyans. And get over it: price has to be paid. It was paid to have this very same democratic process that Kibaki has rejected it. I am bitter but I deserves to be. We don't want peace only, we want FAIR peace. And I am 21 if that excites you. FAIR peace for Kenya.

  51. PROUD KENYAN WOMAN- you are not a kenyan! you are a KIKUYU, by your own definition,and only conviniently kenyan!

  52. ODM blog or not, it at least purports to stand for freedom of expression, save for the lies masquerading as opinions, and alarmist posts. Lets refrain from throwing stones, though, shall we?

  53. Kenyans lets calm down.This the same witch hunting which we do not want on the ground.

    Nobody is more Kenyan than the other. Even if we live abroad we have friends, family, property in KEnya. and above all we have a deep love for this country and a great fear of seeing it going to the dogs.

    I support Raila and I have campaigned for him. But I hereby appeal to him not to call people to a massacre. We will be counting bodies tomorrow after this rally, not only in Uhuru Park but all over the country.

    Please let reason prevail. Raila please call for calm by the same channels you called us to vote for you and we heeded. If you do so you will go down in history as a true kenyan hero and we shall not rest until you are declared president!!

  54. Yes, Dezee I'm proudly, unapologetically Kikuyu. AND Kenyan, FIY. So are are all the other tribes including the Luos that voted ODM, but do I say!

  55. Calm will resume after Raila's wearing in tomorrow. How about that?

  56. listen you bloody KENYAN IBO or JEW whichever takes your fancy! don't come to me with that nuanced tribal nonsense. i can't stand your likes and i hope the rest of the population teaches you guys the lesson tribalists like you need and deserve to be taught!

    gloat all you want but don't goad me with it!

  57. Dezee I am not here to take your insults motherfucker. I asked for an explanation from an informed person, not a preliterate hood with a serious fixation on 'tribes' like you.

  58. Anonymous, 21-year-olds excite me alright, but there is more to democratic elections and peace than excitement. That's one of the issues some people have failed to recognize.

  59. Dezee, if and/or when you ask for it,you'll get it as it is. Deal?

  60. There is nothing to be concerned about. The election has been held and disputed. Raila will get his election audit. Kibaki or Raila may concede defeat after this audit.

    I believe this is the true democratic process. The media will be invited and there will be transparency never seen before.

    What kenyans will not accept is Media (KUMEKUCHA) calling on civil unrest. true democracy is where all parties are satisfied.

    I believe if wants peace and order, as he wishes, he will not go down that routE.

  61. Jeez, people are about to get to blows here. Let me leave. Calm down guys, you are better than that!

  62. VIKII and i am not here to talk to PRIMITIVE TRIBAL INBREDS like you. Do your own bloody homework idiot. why do you think no one has answered you? coz you're an imbecile, overgrown baby who thinks everyone is as provincial as you are. IDIOT

  63. This ODM BLOG is an insult to kenyans.

  64. hey guys you should read this article .one western ambassador said the election was rigged and the observers tried to convince the eck to recount but fell on def ears.

  65. As idiotic as you Luo mother. You have forced me to get tribal for the first time in this blog. They nothing is foolproof to a sufficiently talented fool like you. Your sisters, mothers, and cousins will die tomorrow at Uhuru park you fool

  66. gotcha you JEW. i doubt you know your history tho'.

    and btw being as silly as you are, i doubt you know who you are refering to when you refer to me as 'you' and 2

    - you probably took my using the word 'lesson' literally. i don't blame your INBRED brain for being simplistic. continue having fan KENYAN JEW. it won't last. you'll remember i told you that someday trust me

  67. Very true, tom, dick and harry who did not even vote. Yet they have the right to edit articles that are non-sensible.

    Shame on you Kumekucha

  68. LOL. i did not force you to get into anything bro. YOU ARE IN YOUR ELEMENT my dear. and to prove how silly you are. HOW DO YOU KNOW I AM A LUO?

    you on the other hand are a KRENYAN JEW. fact. and history will sort you out. NOT KIKUYUS, just your like bro. have fan while dear inbred( do you know what that is?)

  69. Proud Kikuyu woman. Definitely, there is more to a democratic process than cooking results at KICC (alright, I may not be impartial, maybe you can trust the international observers?), there is more to a democratic process than a 160% turnout, there is more to a democratic process than media turnout, there is more to a democratic process than a shoot to kill order. Why are you so blind about all these? Times have changed. Those pot bellied old guards have no place in 2008, we have rejected them, why shoudl they shoot us? We will overcome this. I am just saying, I know as a good Kenyan, you support the change (afterall, not all Kiks are Panuas)
    Please those who are swearing, please try to refrain from that, it is immature, let us debate but no swearing please.(of course, I don't mean you)

  70. I threaten to close down this blog

  71. I am Kamba who voted for Kalonzo Musyoka if that fancies your little emotions. I asked for a structured explanation of the alleged rigging and you came up in arms with trade mark Luo insults. Mobody is insulting your intelligence. U have done it far too many times yourself.

  72. Wow, Kumekucha, you are just too funny.
    How do you know this are state security agents?
    I think the Goverment has more important matters to deal with than these petty websites.
    If this is linked to Raila, wow!, this thing is a circus.

    Well, it is are what you are

  73. VIKII
    you are on bro. remember it's not about what happens tomorrow. no. we know what will happen tomorrow.tribal neo-colonial kleptos are going to mobilise the agenicies of violence to kill people we know that. what matters is what will happen in the fullness of time my dear.

    that your inbred brain can not comprehend so rest easy. again you're mistaken if you think it's a LUO thing coz I AM NOT LUO! it's kenyans (including kikuyus) against KENYAN JEWS/IBOS/SUDRAS/UNDESIRABLES like yourself. CAPISH? i don't think so

    in any case you have homework! go find out how you stole the election

  74. Let nobody attempt to offer me tutorials when I express my opinions. I will not sit back and watch mentally sick hooligans hurl insults at me. That wont just happen because I dont g o insulting people

  75. sam just kick out the guys who've gone tribal coz they have no mental foot to stand on.

  76. VIKII

    nobody is lecturing you. your inbred tribal brain is too thick for that!

    go mingle with your like bro. you're in wrong territory!

  77. I dd not steal the election fool. My candidate was third in the election. Ask those who have been reading the blog and they will tell I did not vote for Kibaki. What I refuse is this ODM stupid mentality that u also have that you can impose your will on peole with stones. That cant happen, It will never happen. Do u understand what I am saying Lunatic?

  78. Thanks anon, now we are talking! You are coming up with facts.
    While you are it, please look into claims that APs were killed in ODM strongholds and why. That some ODM 'areas' actually used violence to chase away PNU agents. Just something to look into.

  79. Use the Power of Social Networks to Condemn Kibaki for Rigging Kenyan Elections & Spread the word

  80. Sam, ni nini vitisho vya peni mbili?
    What will you achieve by playing Michuki on Kumekucha?

  81. proud KENYAN JEW

    and what are you going to achieve by peddling tribal superioriy on here huh?

  82. How come nobody is saying anything about those PNU agents blocked in Nyanza and Kibera if you fellows claim to uphold democracy. This stupid belief that elections are ony rigged when 'we' lose has to come to an end if you want to be seen as something more than an adolescent fool who is hyper-excitable

  83. VIKII

    no I DON@T get what you're saying coz you ain't saying nothing. I REPEAT if you PRETEND not to know how the elections you are an IDIOT. period. now I am going to bed. SEE ya in the fulness of time bro. not tomorrow! in the fullness of time

  84. Dezee, (assuming I'm the so-called proud Kenyan Jew) I hope to let everyone know it is OK to be proud of who they are, all the way to their tribal heritage. If you call that tribal superiority,I hope it can spread all over Kenya and we can be proudly Kenyan. Does that suit you? If not, just twist it this way and that way until it does.

  85. Stupid Luo. What makes you think I would want to ever see you? I dont want to get stoned. And by the way my question was addressed to a Lunatic not u. Are u cnfirming you are that Lunatic?

  86. Yh, proud Kik, thanks for bringing that to my attention, I will look into those allegations ;) The bright side is that change is going on. You see, even me, a proud Somali from Mandera(yes, a Somali and a Kenyan. If you never heard that before, hear it now), despite years of marginalisation is fighting at last. So change. Nothing can stop the will of the people. Michuki is too feeble and too old to stop us. Let him rot in hell forever!

  87. Vikii

    those PNU agents were APs. their buses are on video exiting Embakassi base

    it is an electoral violation to employ members of the police or armed forces as election agents resulting in disqualification of the candidates and/or parties involved, thats why PNU cannot own up to it right now.

    we need to tone down here and seek solutions. insults are easy, chest thumping easy, crying easy. solutions require commitment.

    lets not behave like literary drunkards

  88. there's also a marked difference between civilian uprising and violence. civilian uprising against imposed leadership such as rejecting inflated vote count and rigging to force public servants adhere to ethics do not directly translate into violence, its when state organs are used to smother the peoples voice of protest that skirmishes occur. govt is supposed to listen to grievances and if not just ignore it. oppression is an admission of guilt. criminal elements or gangs on either side (state or protestors) will always naturally take advantage.

    some maturity in the discussions is required. those hurling written insults are just exhibiting literary violence.

  89. Atmosphere is hot. PKW good of you to identify with the tribe called KENYAN. Its what matters and I will repeat myself hoarse. I challenge all other Kenyans to identify with that.

    Let the OLD men of the 60's identify with taita, kamba, kikuyu, luo, now apparently there are about 46 ethnic classifications accoding to some UN agency!

    We should all be above this, ama PKW?

  90. Vikii you really and truly are one sutpid bitch.

  91. Phil mavi ya kuku weeewe .kumangana tu kam mbuzi jinga type , waru faga ng'ondu eno, gui ya mohaisho daimono shia Deya.

  92. Kindly, please this is not misterseed. We do not entertain Kikuyu on this blogspot. Can you go away

  93. I agree lasting solutons need to be found. But that cannot be achieved in a situation of stone throwing and heckling. My point is very simple; It was wrong, very wrong for the ODM to hold Kivuitu captive. Until someone agrees to that one fact, you cannot pretend to be sobre in this whole saga. U just cant

  94. i must say that when i read the kumekucha blogspot previously there was humour, mirth, common sense with occasional bigotry and insults sneaked into the otherwise passionate discussions. this has turned round completely and even moderates have taken to wanton hurling of insults. it is the expected pressure release for those who won or lost.
    noone accessing this blog is either illiterate or stupid, but may have some strong prejudices while others are just curious. cool off the pressure and revert back to issues. kenyans are about issues

  95. I watched events unfold on all nine live tv channels available at home for the last three days. Both sides had a point. Kivuitu should have not displayed the arrogance that he did. He should have approached issues with the Wisdom of Solomon, and the Patience of Job. Exchanges with Orengo, Kosgei, Ruto and Martha Karua should have been off camera.

    Whether ECK was right or wrong the voter saw and believed what was convinient to them. The result, unreasonable expression of emotion. I doubt there is anyone in the region of 60 yrs of age expressing themselves in the mayhem.

    I think the situation was handled badly. I am still not taking sides, but I believe there is a way things should be handled. Clearly this was not it.

  96. Hmmm... when I first read this entry I did not believe it. But I have just seen evidence of GOK officials (albeit with their names) on another blog, so another of my naive illusions about this government has just vanished.

  97. Somebody just used my name and was brave enough to mispell it. Keep it on the issues at hand. This is a kenyan affair and your unsolicited advice is not welcome.

  98. SHIT IS GOING TO HIT HTE FAN TOMMOROW. jaluo jeuri will get clobbered tomorrow.

  99. By all accounts, what really happened was that Raila's much hyped tribalistic campaign to isolate the Kikuyus backfired on him. As others have very soberly explained elsewhere, Raila and his Pentagon were all this time working on the understanding that, like the 2002 NARC wave, they would sweep every Province (short of the 2 GEMA heartlands) clean. Unfortunately, this backfired on them: Out of close to 1.5 M votes in his very own Nyanza for example, Kibaki was able to get over 250,000. The same story was repeated in Western with an amazing show of strength by Kibaki and ditto for the Rift Valley and the Kenyan coast. Add to that the over 80% average turnouts in Central and Eastern where, unlike Kibaki in the ODM strongholds, Raila barely scratched the surface. The rest is by all truth common sense. Any statistical breakdown of all the numbers actually puts Kibaki ahead by more than 300,000 (not 230,000). I believe this became very painfully obvious to ODM as soon as they realized they were not sweeping their strongholds clean and they panicked. So what to do? Seek to poison and malign Kibaki's new presidency term by making it look tainted. That's when they took to childishly distracting the work of the ECK: Shame on Ruto and company behaving like 4 year olds in a supermarket. Thank God you are no where near my government.

    ODM can cry, take to the streets and in short throw all the tantrums as they wish. Truth will remain that the world knows the truth lies. The usually conservative U.S. government was quick to accept and congratulate the Kibaki government for one. In future, Kenya will remember Kibaki as the President who defied a tribal isolation and as one who received a SAVING HAND FROM THE noble KISII, KURIA, LUHYA, MAASAI, AMERU, AEMBU, AKAMBA, ALL MIJI KENDA, SOMALI, POKOMO, TURKANA and a host of smaller groups along with his POPULOUS KIKUYU people in order to amass the votes that he needed to win. For Raila, putting together the LUO and KALENJIN votes along with elements of others across the country did not quite match up to Kibaki's same vote composition. This simple truth will supersede personal ambition.

  100. This is the saddest day in Kenya's history. KM you have done a great job covering this event, and we hope you continue to do so for the sake of Kenya and its democracy and justice.

    I am very impartial to who should be elected as the president of Kenya. However what Kibaki has done is a 'slap in the face" of democracy. Let's look at some facts here:

    (1) Vote counting was delayed for days?
    (2) Why was Kivuitu holed up in Statehouse?
    (3) Why does Kivuiti need to take orders from Statehouse, when he is the only person to make the final decision based on the actual audited results?
    (4) Why were audited results of the elections not published?
    (5) Why did Kibaki hurriedly swear himself in?
    (6) Kivuiti addmitted he has no idea of his election commissioners whereabouts? How is that possible in this day and age?
    (7) Observers have cried foul over the process of ECK and it handling of vote counting?
    (8) Why is Kibaki afraid of a recount? Even Wangari Maathai has suggested this should be the way to relieve any doubt.
    (9) How can a presidential candidate win just from 2 constituencies in Kenya?
    (10) Why ban the media from covering events in Kenya?

    The factual evidence is all to see that these elections have been rigged beyond any doubt, and they should have nullfied the results in view of such anomalies. That would be the best verdict for all Kenyans.

    What we now witness is not a democracy but a totally political dictatorship that is controlled by the few elite in Kenya. The people of Kenya should stand up for this injustice, and make the government fully accountable and produce the results in an open and transparent manner. Let the world see. If Kibaki has genuinely won this election, then why does he need to be afraid to show such documents.

    Kenya has always been an example of a peacful and democratic country in Africa. However, what has happened infront of the eyes of the world is shameful and unacceptable by anyone.

    If this country has to be governed in peace, then results need to be recounted, verified and audited or the elections must be held again. Kenya is bigger than any individual, and there is no way that a government should be elected if the voting population has not given its mandate legally.

    Unfortunately, there will be a lot of bloodshed during this process, as democracy comes at a price especially when the elections are not fairly and honestly won by any party.

    We as Kenyans want peace, and no one should be hurt or die in the process, but if the parties involved in this process are not honest about its intention then we Kenyans will have to suffer the longest.

    The country has taken 10 steps back, and if we want to move forward, then justice must prevail at all costs!!!

    God Bless our beloved country and the people of this country, as the Kenya from yesterday has changed forever.

  101. conspiracy theories are always entertained but I realise that before long this blog may lose it's purpose. My advise to the writers, keep to the journalism, blogs are unchecked and personal opinions.Anyone can write anything and claim it to be truth, don't you love the freedom pf expression. Don't get paranoid, why do people think the govenment controls everything? I realise they can monitor a lot but I challenge them to track me via the linux box. Stick to reporting about Kenya, govt agents masquerading as bloggers, long shot.

  102. Keep your idiotic opinions about the purpose of this blog to yourself, it is none of your business. Stay away if you don't like it here, with your dead conscience and leave us alone. Or join your like-minded friends who think they can arrest over 4.5 million Kenyans who want change now.

    Chris please start moderating comments again and keep this nonsense out of here at this crucial time in the history of our country.

    Also emphasize that this is not about Kikuyus. It is about Kibaki stealing an election with the help of his croonies from many different tribes, including Luos and Kalenjins.


  103. The day Kenyan people will wake up one morning and think they are Kenyans, will be the day they will start thinking what neo-colonialsm is doing in Kenya at the moment.
    As my friend from the Caribbean told me, black people suffers from the effects of slavery, colonialism and its the high time "21st century" that we address this issue and stop thinking Jaluo, Kikuyu, Kalenjin, Kamba, Kisii the list goes on to Ibo`s and Zulus etc.
    Election only took a day, and the stupidness of uneducated in Kenya sorry to say and Intelectuals abroad have been compromised by two people, Kibaki and Raila "millionaires". They are now spilling poor people’s blood for their own selfishness, greed and power hunger. What do you think they want to accomplish? Protect their ill gotten wealth some of which have been stashed in foreign banks (safe deposits) while poor Kibera voters slaughter one another and others in Eldoret and Nyanza burn their loved neighbours houses, because they are from different tribes. And as we speak, Kibaki and Raila are tossing champagne and shouting loud "cheers". Probably with UK, US and Canadian Ambassadors. They all go to bed together. These guys are crooks, I quote John Kerry when Bush was declared the USA President the second time. After rigging Florida votes where his brother was Governor.

    KENYANS, I PLEAD WITH YOU. LET US WORK, STUDY AND GO BACK TO KENYA AND DEVELOP OUR NATION. KIBAKI IS 76 YRS come on, RAILA 62 YEARS hihi getting there, PLEASE GIVE ME A BREAK. These people have never experienced poverty and the people dying are hardly 30 years old. ARE WE BUILDING OR DESTROYING OUR FUTURE?
    These guys are senile, and the reason i`m saying that is because of the lifestyle they have. Ordinary Kenyans should come together as brothers and sisters and oust these guys out of office and out of our way and take charge of our country.

    They have so much money; they can live wherever they want in this world without working until they die.

  104. While Kenya continue to be in chaos, this is what some bloggers are writing on jaluo dot com.

    It`s a pity...!


    Wed, 2 Jan 2008 08:05:02 -0500
    From: Maurice Nyaware

    It’s right to keep each one of us in Diaspora who has access to our beloved web “”’’.As you know we are all astonished with the self declaration of Jaraboun’s win.What I can say is that some of the reliable source back from home says that, the peoples President is not locked in and his fellows like Ruto and Orengo Jimy is also not in,they are all expected to hold THE PEOPLE’S PRESIDENDT INAGURATION at the venue that have not been mentioned at 2pm, so far it is that the deaths fom Dagoreti.Mathare, Kariobangi, Kayole and some other estates in Nairobi may be 50 in number’s there have been fights through out the night since Kibaki imposed him self yesterday .The forces are also devide and this is said to couse more havoc scince the majority of the foces are wakale and this are pro Aguambo. Otherwiase this is the time when force should be implemented to achieve the demand of the people as it is said when diplomacy fails Force should be implied, the reasone why am saying this is for the reason that the Court will not solve this situation and if some body is thinking of international community this still will fail couse Okuche as you know they are nincompups who do not look at this as a national concern but away of making more “”Mbesha”” .this is way I say lets find a way of making use of our forces THIS IS THE ONLY WAY OUT.

    Listone O


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