Friday, December 28, 2007

Sour Grapes Or Sound Analysis Of Who Will Win Presidency 2007?

Remember, respected political analyst Mutahi Ngunyi? This morning he did an obituary of the Kibaki presidency on NTV. Obviously this means that he believes that going by the results so far and the trends, Raila Odinga will emerge winner.

Quite strange coming from Ngunyi who after the referendum was one of President Kibaki’s main advisors. Some analysts suspect that this could be a case of sour grapes, because President Kibaki trashed advice from some of the best political minds in the country and stuck close to his family and golf buddies with no political experience like Joe Wanjui. In fact if he loses these elections many of these advisors will be vindicated.

Others agree wholeheartedly with Ngunyi’s view and see no way of Raila losing his widening lead on Kibaki. Raila supporters are even distributing SMS messages claiming that Peter Marangi has been hired to paint State House orange. Hat cheek!

P.S. Linah Chebii Kilimo despite her late “acrobatics” in the run up to the general elections (implying panic) appears to have made it back to parliament. The good news is that all indications are that the 10th parliament will have a record number of women legislators (and not only of the nominated kind).

Also significant is Mrs Kilimo’s party- Paul Kamlesh Pattni’s KENDA. A party that has a chance of gaining a high number of parliamentary seats. Which means that Mr Pattni (actually Hon Pattni) will see the inside of the 10th parliament even after losing the fierce battle for the Westlands seat which currently has Betty Tett disputing Fred Gumo votes over some very, very, suspicious results from one polling station which seems to have been fiddled around with. The two are the front runners for this parliamentary seat.

Other reports just in indicate that Daudi “Anglo Leasing” Mwiraria has lost. WOW!!! Stay tuned, Kenya’s angry voters are not done yet. If you have a weak heart I advice that you take a trip somewhere far from any access to news on Kenya and return after a week prepared for anything

HOT NEWS just in: Paul Muite defeated. Harun "the boss" Mwau wins in Kilome.


  1. I Derek wish to state this.

    First, to the Kumekucha fraternity, reality has sunk home that I have lost after putting up a great fight.

    I agree that Phil's party has beaten my party of choice PNU and thereby offer to support him for the next four years before we start our official campaign. I hereby congratulate Phil and any other ODM supporter and tell them...KENYANS HAVE SPOKEN.

    It was all due to poor planning, lack of a party to counter ODM and the acceptance of Daniel Moi in our camp.

    With those few remarks, I offer to support Phil for the next four years and wish him well.

    From him, I exp[ect a good ecenomy, better roads, justice to all, healthcare to all and above all, security to myself, my property and my family.

    I hereby handover...


  2. If Kibaki loses, he should give a mean look at his kitchen cabinet chaired by non other than Mama Lucy the final lady and give them a hard finger salute. As a Kikuyu i was in denial all this days, its so sad that Kenyans have had enough while we continued supporting a failing course.

  3. I know you are busy right now. Please clear up something For me: Biwott's WIFE??? Which constituency?

  4. I hope someone is watching over Vikii. He might try to commit suicide after his scathing attack of ODM last week. Kibaki you have 2 days to pack your belongings and vacate state house.


  5. Chris, thanks for this update.

  6. Hey chris,
    I'm sure your lieutenants serve some sort of purpose but most of us come here to read YOUR posts -- more so now at this crucial time in our nations History. Hebu do us the honors and be more prolific and profound; and try cutting back on the filler posts from your other bloggers while you are at it. Thanks.

  7. reply to nilan:

    Biwott's wife (besides her he has a white Jewish and a Tanzanian one - so Total Man has three wives) is Prof. Margret Kamar - and she has won on an ODM ticket in Eldoret East - intelligent as she is, she decided to go under the ODM embrella knowing very well that she would not have won under KANU or PNU.

    So inspite of having lost, Total Man is still in - and then there is also his daughter Esther Koimet who has just shortly been rated as one of the most powerful women in Kenya.

  8. I think it should be when Kibaki has lost, he should blame himself for not reaching out to the 'oranges' after the hiding they handed him during the referndum. Kenyans have spoken give it up and go home.


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