Muge assassination: The powerful men he provoked Part 3

Thursday, December 27, 2007

Election Update: Raila Not On Langata Constituency Register

27th December 2007, 10h00 local time

Shock as Thousands of Names, including that of Raila Odinga, are found missing on ECK Register!

There was heightened tension this morning when thousands of voters were turned away at various polling stations in Langata constituency after their names were found missing on the voters register. Among those who were turned away were ODM Presidential Candidate Raila Odinga who immediately visited the ECK KICC office and lodged a complaint with Commissioner Jack Tumwa. According to Raila, most of the omitted names begin with letter A, O, R and W. He termed this omission regrettable and most unfortunate. The ECK, unable to explain this glaring mistake, has issued orders and fresh voters register specifically for Langata constituency was due to be re-printed. Interesting, Raila was accompanied by Westlands ODM aspirant Fred Gumo who complained of the same problems in his constituency.

International journalist from BBC, CNN and Al Jazeera, traveling in a single convoy of SW Land Rovers, were seen filming and interviewing voters who had been turned away as well as those who were allowed to vote.

Earlier youths in Kibera had formed vigilante groups which set-up road blocks along the main Kibera Drive and all vehicles driving into Kibera were forced open the cars for a thorough search. Matatu passengers were also forced to alight and walk to their polling stations. There were very long queues from Kibera Primary (where Raila is registered to vote) as well as those of Olympic and Ayany Schools, estimated to be as long as 3 to 4 kilometers long! It is clear that voter turn-out will outstrip previous elections.

As at the time of posting this, Raila had not voted and the ECK were addressing an international press conference to address the problem in Kibera. Local press reported that both Mwai Kibaki and Kalonzo Musyoka had already cast his vote in Othaya.

This blogger arrived in Langata at 06h00 and voted at 10h00.


  1. 27th December 2007, 12h00 local time

    ECK Chairman Samuel Kivuiti visits Old Kibera Primary School, confirms voter register re-prints on the way and that Raila Odinga's name is on tha register.

    Raila Odinga still awaited to return to Old Kibera Primary to cast his vote.

    TitBit: Former Mungiki Chairman, Ndura Waruinge real name is Noriega Hezekiah Waruinge and although he had dropped his bid in favour of Stanley Livongo Livongo (real name?), Waruinge's name appears on the ballot paper.

  2. 12h30, Raila returns to cast his vote. Large crowd of supporters and contingent of local and international journalists jam pack the Old Kibera Primary school. Some journalists unable to go into voting room.

    12h40; Ida Odinga emerge from polling station room spotting blue ink stain on her finger - a confirmation that she has finally voted! She is escorted by aides to waiting car. Raila still in polling room and crowd is getting anxious.

    12h45; Raila finally emerges from polling room to thunderous cheer from waiting crowd.

    Surrounded by aides and journalists finally enters his car at 12h47, Toyota VX, KAZ series. Large ODM chanting crowd escorting car out of Old Kibera Primary School.

  3. great job folks! keep us posted... we do appreciate it so much coz you are our 'eye' as we sit miles away anxiously glued to our screens.

    asanteni Kumekuchans!

    Columbia, SC

  4. 13h15. Kibera, Olympic and Olympic schools, ECK seems to have finally gotten their rhythm going and queues are moving as more people cast their votes.

    However, polling stations are still crowded as most people who have voted are keeping vigil within the polling stations until completion of voting. They are apprently way of possible rigging and want to supervise the physical counting of the votes and the announcement of the vote cast by the returning officers.

    Youths who had earlier been manning road blocks are also gearing in for a long stay at the polling station because the closing time has been extended to an unspecified time because of the problems with voter's register earlier today.

    Meanwhile, Mr. Livondo's whereabouts is unknown and most news channels have been unable to trace him and it is not known if he has voted or not.

  5. Phil,

    Thank yuou for the Agwambowatch. I think in the main post here you are just spreading fear among Kenyans. The same war-cry that has seen policmen lose their lives in Nyanza.

    Raila's name was in the list. He was there and I am sure he wanted tro make it known to the world that there was rigging. Period. How did he vote then.

    You say that Ndura's namae is in the list though he bowed out. This was done just two weeks ago after the voting materla had returned from London. You are wrong in your updating scheme.

    Your RIGGING, RIGGING, RIGGING AND RIGGING claims only serve one item. WARCRY. PLease maintain civility, afterall you said you are winning the elections.

    I voted in Catholic Parochail, albeit late, and I am only sure that democracy will win.

    Be a GREAT KENYAN. I am one and I have hopes and optimism for my motherland.


  6. This was a publicity stunt by Raila and all political commentators on TV have blasted him. His name was actually there but in a different room since voting is being done in alphabetical order. 75% of Kenyans have faith in ECK. I voted in LANGATA at Madaraka pri sch and except for the 2 hrs delay, everything went fine and by 2.30pm, only about 100 people are remaining to vote. There was anxiety when rumour went round that Livondo would vote there but so far he has not appeared anywhere. I'm sure he will vote at Madaraka at 5ish pm.

  7. International Media Reports on the Kenyan Elections, have been very fast in assuming that this 'incident' with Raila's name supposedly missing was a 'typical Raila Odinga Coup' to influence the voting in his favour .... and as one said 'He must have learned this when studying in the communist influenced former DDR.

    It seems that the truth about his name 'missing' has been that he went to the wrong queue - he should have gone to the one including all names starting with ' 0 '.

    "Maybe he should have told one of his aides to check before making such outrageous accusations. But obviously, he preferred to present himself as a victim just in case he is loosing", as one American commentator told his audience around the world.

    Not a very good publicity about a man trying to become the next President.

    It's a pity that Jeff Koinange is not reporting for CNN. I am sure he would have immediately told his Kenyan and foreign audience what has happened and maybe even have made a nice joke about it.

  8. Phil, you went mute after you noticed it was yet another of the DOMOBLUNDERS that Raila Odinga is fond of.

    I personally think he was trying to make the crowds worked up that he was being rigged out and make a potent claim for anarchy and riots.

    Anyway, at Catholic Parochial it was late but all is well and the ques are marvellous. I have been to City Primary, Polytechnic. Crowds are ecstatic.

    A friend tell me that in Uhuru Estate, the lines speak for them selves and in South C, Mambo iko sawa na Emilio.

    Now rushing the the Media Centre on Ngong Road for further monitoring. You said Nairobi is 20? Sawa. Tukutane kwa debe!


  9. Hey all:

    I am following the election live on KBC the URL is -- I am, unfortunately, outside Kenya right now. (And, importantly, I'm in a place with broadband).

    I spoke with some folks in NBO and the stream is only about 1 minute behind what they're watching.

    Obviously, I am not affiliated with KBC other than the fact that I own it -- along with 35 million other people (it is government owned.)

    I am also totally unaffiliated with JumpTV.

    This is one heck of an election.

    For those in Kenya, if you haven't voted already, GO VOTE! and vote wisely.


  10. Vikii my colleague in the seemingly forthcoming opposition, its 3am Kenya time and Raila is leading with a very comfortable margin. I think you should take back your words, or else!
    Niko hapa hapa tu, ni saawa tuu!

  11. Did the other person's name (who stepped down or Livondo) appear on the ballot? I think that whole stepping down came when the ballots had been printed.

  12. I fear Kibaki will be in the opposition. Ni Kweli


  13. hebu muniambie results --i am in UK

  14. Thanks PKW, its becoming difficult to update guys as vote counting means going through each ballot paper. Where's Derek, Chris and Taabu?

    However preliminary presidential polls:

    54% Raila (leading in western, Rift Valley, Coast, Nyanza)
    43% Kibaki (Leading in Central, Nairobi, Eastern)
    3% Kalonzo, trails Kibaki n Eastern

    This is 04h00 Kenya time. About 600k votes counted so far.

    Raphael Tuju, Beth Mugo, Mukhisa Kituyi, Raphael "crude weapons" Wanjala, seeminggly on the way out of parliament as elected members.

    Bishop Wanjiru and Maina Kamanda in tight race although bishop currently leading. Betty Tett and Fred Gumo also in very tight race - Betty Tett leading. Figures will be published after final vote tallying.

  15. Phil, iko wapi landslide ya 15%? Ngoja bwana. Inaiva.


  16. Its official. ODM has won the first, second and third parliamentary seats in Kisumu Town East, kapenguria and Ugenya. ODM in an unasailable lead in Gem, Langata. Starehe and Westlands are in a tight race. 5h15 Kenya time

  17. OK, Chris you were right on this: the mother of all elections. Still lets call it father just so I feel good :0)Its never been tighter.

    I feel like staying up longer but have gotta go to kazi. Anyone wanna chat on gmail? Proudkikuyuwoman.

  18. Congratulations Phi, I accept. Poor planning by Emilio. I accept. Can you shake my hand please.

    Signed on behalf of Mwai Kibaki


  19. For those in Kenya, please update me on how is Raila doing in Langata? and the former speaker of parliament.

  20. 12h15 local time LANGATA VOTE TALLYING on going

    Raila - 20,163
    Livondo - 3798

    Registered voters - 140,000

    Will keep you posted.

  21. 13h00 local time LANGATA VOTE TALLYING on going, 14 out of 21 polling centres already counted and tallied

    Raila (ODM) - 29,720
    Livondo (PNU)- 9,217
    Mbai (ODM-K) - 322

    Registered voters - 140,000

    Derek, your handshake is warmly and deeply reciprocated. Kenya remains one country and we shall always remain brothers regardless of our political inclinations. Elections like this one are a democratic process - NOT WAR as the Mois of this world have had people believe. More later.

  22. Phil,

    What is the latest on Lang'ata?

    We really want to know whether anything has come of Kibaki's rigging scheme.

    Latest is that Michuki has ordered GSU to be on standby while asking Muttu of ECK to "ngo srow" whatever that means.


  23. Latest 14h00 local time

    Raila 2.3m
    Kibaki 1.5m
    Kalonzo 200k

    Langata vote tallying not complete - but i can divulge that Raila has commanding lead - more than 25k votes ahead of Livondo. Expect Langata outcome before 5pm Kenya time.

  24. Phil,

    Thanks man. The Lang'ata vote tally is reassuring baring no foul play on Kibaki's part.


  25. PNU agents have not been allowed into the counting place in Kibera.....Rigging going on???

  26. Phil,

    What is the latest update regarding Langata?

  27. Please people... Please updates needed on presidential tally!!

  28. Any update on the results? Also, is it true that there are riots in Nairobi and Kisumu?


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