Muge assassination: The powerful men he provoked Part 3

Friday, December 28, 2007

Reactions on Biwott's Loss

I've just received the following comment from somebody who knows Nick Biwott very well;

Nicholas Biwott has lost. But I am sure, his wife will make it to the 10th parliament - and he must have seen it coming for him, so she enters instead. This man is really clever.

My Comment: Let's wait and see, as I have said, Kenyan voters are in a very very bad mood.


  1. You guys are peddlers of very wise street widsom. Prof Kamar (not the use of her maiden name and not Biwott=TM) is NOT total man's wife. TM only took advantage of and her parents (Kamars) after the young lady failed with division 3 TM took their land and took her to India in return after which she sojourned to Toronto (UBC to be precise). With a PhD and lacking a son why not try planting for one?

    Kamar has been desperate to break free of TM's spell/grip and what a better way than seek public office? Mark you TM has a village WIFE and the official Jewish one. Get the drift? Well let power go to the people and kazi (isi)endelee.

  2. Prof. Margeret Kamar has been going around when being a member of the East African Parliament claiming to be TM's wife even saying that he took the white Jewish one afterwards - so she is the real legal wife - TM then took also a Tanzanian wife when he started to set up his business there - so in total he has three wives although in public during his time as a Member of the Moi Cabinet he only appeared in public with the white one. At that time other Ministers like Eliah Mwangale and also Charles Njonjo showed off with their white wives.
    Knowing Prof. Kamar she has been very clever to 'join' ODM since she must have known that she has no chances in KANU or PNU - and then there is still also Esther Koimet - TM's daughter rated just shortly as one of the most influential women in Kenya.


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