Monday, December 24, 2007

My Holiday Wishes To And Appreciation Of Kumekuchans

The year is drawing to a close. 2007 has been an excitement- packed year mainly due to the elections that are due in a couple days.

My interaction with each one of you has been something that has left me a better person. It has been an interaction that I can call fruitful albeit fiery at times. It is with this in mind that I take this opportunity to show my appreciation to you all.

As we usher in the New Year, I am seeking forgiveness from anyone that I may have hurt in any of my animated comments. It has never been my intention to hurt anyone, no, never. I have tried (may be without success sometimes) to respect each one here and elsewhere and that is why I am explaining myself. Likewise, I expect respect from all those I respect. I still hold the same opinions I have had all along and will continue to hold them. I once again express my respect for each one of you and their opinions.

I wish all of you a merry Christmas, a very beautiful 2008 and of course victory in the elections.

Where did you go? I hope to see you around more often next year.

You are my guy Kalamari, believe it or not. I have enjoyed each comment by you. We may have had one or two stand-offs but believe you me I cherished all you had to say here. Your humor always left me in stitches. The way you blend that with serious stuff like those Italians and our little sisters in Malindi cannot go without mention. It is for that reason that I am wishing you more happiness and more importantly, prosperity.

I think I have told you everything there was to say in private. You have been my BEST FRIEND in Kumekucha. Your grasp of issues and belief in yourself are what distinguish you. I have enjoyed everything we have shared and if there is someone who has benefited from your contribution here, it is Vikii. Once again I am wishing you and your family a merry Christmas and beautiful times ahead. One love Derek!

Wewe ni wangu na unajua. Ha-ha-ha. You are in a class of your own. Like I told you and as you know that I don’t lie, you have been one of those who keep me coming back to Kumekucha. You have been such a blessing here. I don’t believe your pride is all you have. You have much more than that lady. Believe you me major success is awaiting you. I am wishing you a very enjoyable festive season lakini ukumbuke Sio Lazima. I know you have decided to chillax but I hope to see a rejuvenated PKW here next year.

And who are you?—Kidding. Thank you very much Chris for giving us a forum to air our views. That was very kind of you. You know where me and you fall out, don’t you? I will lobby for your appointment as Dr. Mutua’s replacement. You are a smart spin doctor bro. I have admired the pride you have in your family especially H. Once again say hi to them and tell them I wish them more happiness. Please do not run away after losing the elections-ha ha ha. Merry Christmas.

Wewe ni mtu wangu. I want you to live to be the oldest person in the world. You are a NICE person Luke. I have at times gotten highstrikali accompanD by Essau ukhunayanyi, sorry I only instated that jokly because you are my cuSin. Bro you are an amazingly cool guy. Let me go straight to the point without bleading with you; Thank you for being the neutralizing person in this blog. You are one of those I will miss most if I quit reading Kumekucha. It is for that reason that I am wishing you a long life full of happiness.

Do you have an idea why I called you Mwalimu? Because that is what you are. You have not been an ordinary e-cop but a fatherly one. Thank you so much for being my BB. I know I have been wayward at times but you always had a way of reigning me in. You are the most valuable blogger here Taabu and I am not flattering you. You are not only that but also a friend to me. Mungu akipenda tutagongana and don’t forget you will be the Logistics Manager in my 2012 campaigns. I wish you and your family very happy holidays and prosperity. May God bless you.

We need many Sayras here. Thank you so much for sticking around. I am embarrassed the first comment I read from you was an attack on my person. I am proud your last comment on the blog is an endorsement of my views. That just shows how much we have come to understand each other. I am wishing you success in all your endeavors. And by the way, ummmhhhh—never mind.

Acha kupotea hivo wewe. Merry Christmas and happy new year.

No doubt my second BB after Taabu. You have always been there to draw our attention to the things that matter like the HIV/ AIDS scourge and integrity in both our personal and public lives. You have on a number of times gotten me asking whether I am on the right path.I wish you and, why not, your wife, a very happy life. Have a very happy holiday and remember that Kenya needs you. Thank you bro.

I know what you think but believe me Susana, you are one of those I respect for taking a position. I like the way you have stood up to be counted. I am wishing you and your family a merry Xmas and I hope to see you back in the hood in January regardless of the outcome of the election. Sawa?

Wewe ni mtu wangu wa nguvu. You have an unshakable faith and I am very proud of that. Our clashes here and there may appear to some people as animosity but will you believe me you are one of those I hold dearest to me in Kumekucha? Remember you promised me some Nyam chom and I want to have that immediately after the announcement of the election results. You just remember you have to top it up with 48 bottles of Tusker Malt—They have those in Kiboko pub ha ha ha. Anyway bro, keep the faith. If all young people were as politically aware as you, Kenya would be miles ahead. It is clear to me you love your country and that’s major. I wish you and those dear to you very happy lives.
Eh and by the way, if those ODM guys don’t pay you, I have Mutula’s phone number. Sawa?

All The other Friends
I used Chris’ list of contributors. You are all awesome people. I wish each one of you a merry Christmas and a happy new year.
All Anonymouses, tafadhali tafuteni majina, ama vipi?


  1. I'm glad to be part of the Kumekucha virtual family. I know wengi wetu watasoma hii after Dec 27. My hopes are hight that we will remain tight no matter the election's outcome. Have fun with your real families and/or loved ones, everyone!

    Merry me,

  2. Happy Holidays...

    I hope this blog stays alive next year, so that we can continue sharing our views about the next government.

    Our contributions on here will help in shaping policy and creating awareness in Kenya one way or another.

    One People,One Kenya

  3. Vikii, tuko pamoja man-man. Likewise, I agree that it's the spats that make things interesting sometimes. I wish you the best.

    That said, I'm looking forward to 2008….with glee.

  4. Asante sana Bw.Vikii kwa kusema haya maneno mazuri machache juu yangu. nakushuru sana-wewe ni mtu wa akili werevu na roho nzuri. ubarikiwe sana

  5. E-cop and Vikii's BB couldn't put it better. Thanks bro for the compliments. It is long since I was that flattered. Happy 2008 and will be hapa hapa to keep tabs as usual, sio kwa ubaya lakini.


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