Muge assassination: The powerful men he provoked Part 3

Friday, December 21, 2007

Mupende Musipende, Kamlesh (Paul) Pattni Is Already In The 10th Parliament

…And He Could Bt The Next Official Leader Of The Opposition

Kamlesh Pattni, now known s brother Paul Pattni is believed to have been the main architect behind the multi-billon shilling Goldenbeg scam. Other tycoons who committed lesser evils like Ketan Somaia are now behind bars but Pattni continues to defy all odds and is now set to be a member of the 10th parliament.

Part of the reason why the man is not behind bars is because he is extremely intelligent and appears to have too much on former President Moi and his hand in Goldenberg.

So how is Pattni going to find his way into parliament even if he does not win a parliamentary seat? Actually Kenda is set to win a number of parliamentary seats countrywide and Pattni will have an opportunity to nominate not only himself but quite a number of other characters into the August house. It all depends on the number of seats that he will win and all signs are that his extremely well financed KENDA political party is going to win quite a number of seats.

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  1. A vote for Kibaki too, is a vote for Moi! Don't forget that! And we know what Moi stands for.

    Chief Hon. Dr. Al Hajj M.A. Nanga, MP.

  2. and this is just how silly we Kenyans are. This man should not even be walking the streets of Nairobi. The fact that the current government, law courts, AG and everyone else with power have not at the very least ensured that people like this should not get anywhere close to public money beats me....imagine Kenyans will be once again paying the people who made them poor...pattni, biwott, mois' etc...

  3. NEVER. Kenya will never have an Asian president. Sorry. Bring another one from NSIS or Nyatanga FM

  4. One of Kenya's best cricket players is Ravindu Shah was to ascend to the captaincy some years back. What was said publicly. NOT KENYAN and like Pattni - dual citizenship.

  5. Pattni is not only clever - he also demonstrates very clealy how stupid Kenyans are ......

    And this why he 'deserves' to be a member of the next Parliament - and if he does, I will tell you why ......

    It's an interesting story indeed ......

    One not only to be told in Kumekucha .... but let's start here.... because it's here where I trust people


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