Monday, December 31, 2007

International Community Retracts Support for Kibaki

The US has retracted a statement congratulating Kibaki on his false victory. They now express overwhelming concern about "serious problems experienced during the vote counting process".

Even the Red Army could not muzzle the peoples voice for change. Let us not relent in providing Kenyans their rights. See following link:


  1. The US has cited serious flaws in the tallying process but has bestowed faith in whole election process. The US administration has supported the re-election of president Kibaki regardless of the flaws; which were already deemed unavoidable even before the election started. However, Mr Raila is welcome to request an audit of the vote but I don’t think that will change his own state of denial; together with that of his followers. Let the good work continue

  2. In regard to my earlier comments please observe the statement below from the US embassy:
    A statement from the US embassy said: "We ask all candidates to accept the Commission's final results and to urge their supporters to reject violence and respect the rule of law. Regardless of the eventual winners of this election, we call on Kenyans across the political spectrum to work together to advance democracy and national development."
    this is just an example.

  3. I call on all Kenyans abroad to continue protesting at our embassies around the world. And don't celebtrate the New Year yet. We will take a break after the people's president is sworn in. Six days to go!

  4. Six days to go, wasn't Mr Raila suppossed to be sworn in today. What king of leadership is this without any direction. It's even a joke that he was even allowed to become opposition leader.

  5. what is the weather like this thursday? I hope Raila and his entourage walk the streets of Nairobi, perfect day to catch some good bargains. i HOPE THEY HAVE FUN!
    ODM supporters never contemplated losing these election and it is about time they faced the reality. Kibaki is the president and he shall continue to be regardless of any ones opinion.

  6. Mr. Kibaki doesn't get it...

    "Kenya's reelected President Mwai Kibaki has vowed to crack down on rioters."

    I guess with John Njoroge Michuki as your Internal Security minister that's the kind of response to expect. Not that it will really calm the enraged masses.


  7. Kalamari you know as much as I do that the US has no moral authority to give us tutorials on how elections are conducted. If I remember well their ambassador in Kenya, a Rannenberger was in the news a couple weeks ago saying we have an Electoral Commission headed by a credulous lawyer with immense experience in matters elections. You cannot now turn around and tell me the credibility of the ECK goes down the drain just because someone has lost the elections. This is advanced double standards.

  8. Mr Raila is not seriuos! does this guy really need to go to Uhuru park, take a walk, blutter a few non-sensimble words, for him to realize he has lost an election?

    Oh, well, atleast we will have somebody walking the PARK THIS THURSDAY.

  9. In fact it is a disgrace that Raila Odinga would be allowed to become the leader of official opposition leave alone president. Someone who doesnt now there are two possible outcomes of an election (a win or a loss) is not mature enough to be put in any position of responsibility. This fellow is enabling idlers to commit felonies. He belongs to jail

  10. Just in by SMS from an obvious PNU supporter.

    See today's Nation Page 19. ODM regions voter turnout. Sigor 115%, Eldoret North 116%, Emgwen 103%, Narok South 120%, Bondo 102%, Kisumu Rural 102%. So who rigged?

  11. Vikii, they told that that there will be a swearing-in ceremony at Uhuru Park. In actuka sense, the old Kibaki government ceased functioning yesterday at 2:30pm and there was a power vacuum which was filled 6:30pm.

    As for the moment, people should forge other avenues. America can stay with their congratulations, any other person can keep his or hers and let us build Kenya. As Vikii says, Kibaki was elected by 4.5 million Kenyans. Period.

    US aka George Bush administration won an election that i believe went to Al Gore. Can they keep their mouths shut for the time being please. Let them resolve the problem in Iraq and Afghanistn before coming to Kenya.


  12. Someone please stop the killings!

  13. Silaha please confirm or deny if it that is true. You see we cannot keep crying when the ODM are beaten in their own game. I was a NO campaigner and we did the same shit in the Rift Valley. When we are beaten in our own game we should take a hike.

  14. Silaha, who rigged that. PNU, is it true. And we said it here. Oh, Oh, Oh. Tafadhali, there are things that people shoudl think hard about.

    As at the moment, let Kibaki settles and form a government. Is it only that when raila has won that there is democracy. If somebody else won the ODM nominations, there could have been alot of noise.

    He had an option then, of joining another party, now, let him bite the bullet and let us rebuild the country. So much has happened in the last three days.

    For HEAVEN'S sake. ODM. Get the people off the streets!


  15. This is just the icing in the cake. Mr. Raila's campaign was absolutely successful to the extent that there was a voter turnout in excess of 100% in al constituencies. How can this be practicable? His PR campaigns were even outstanding. He was able to shift election rigging focus to PNU even before the elections started. Does anyone see some anomaly here?
    is Mr Raila taking Kenyans for a ride?

  16. Kibaki lost the elections. He is not supposed to be allowed to take office. Why did he loose the elections? he stole votes! is this supposed to be allowed? this is why there is so much blood around Kenya currently.They came out voted enmase and their votes were stolen. Then why was the need for elections? If Kibaki continues in office you guys see what the future of Kenya will be. Steal votes and rule and no one will ask you anything! poor Kenya. we need to act now and stop this.

  17. To quote a businessman fleeing Kisumu:

    "Kisumu central business district is like a ghost town, it will take a long time to repair. I can't see there being any business for the next six to eight months, although my shops are OK at the moment.

    We hope the situation will settle down in the coming days. But it's hard to know what will happen."

  18. No Derek let them continue wasting time in the streets. They will open their eyes in due time and accept a straight electoral defeat. Like I said here yesterday the world is full of willing people, some willing to work, others willing to let them

  19. Vikii, why do you have so much venom toward RAILA? Let's be practical here, did Kivuitu do his job? I feel the likes of Kivuitu belong to jail. RAILA and KIBAKI are statesmen. I would not attack their character. They have proven themselves as our national heroes.

    What we have beef with is the fact that KIBAKI had votes tweaked in his favour. This is why we cry for our people's rights.

    And why did Kivuitu rush in declaring Kibaki the winner even though he admitted there were irregularities with the results?Top this, minutes later he's next to Kibaki cracking a joke.

    And what a coincidence! Minutes before Kibaki is sworn in Michuki deploys the homegaurd around Kisumu!

    Lord bless my beautiful nation!
    May we dwell in peace love and Unity after swearing in our democratically elected president!The Hon. Raila Amollo Odinga.

  20. @Anonymous, saying "the old Kibaki government ceased functioning yesterday at 2:30pm and there was a power vacuum which was filled 6:30pm" is not necessarily true, although I will grant that there is a case for argument.

    According to our Constitution
    - "The President shall hold office for a term of five years beginning from the date on which he is sworn in as President."
    but then it also goes on to say
    - "The President shall continue in office until the person elected as President at a subsequent presidential election assumes office."


  21. it does not matter which side of the political divide you are on. this is not rightand could have been avoided. we need to find means to stop this not inflame it further;_ylt=AoSobxySYvZbbMBk.8wnQDAV6w8F

  22. From the BBC today..
    About 100 people have been killed across Kenya in violence blamed on the disputed presidential election. A BBC reporter at a mortuary in the opposition stronghold of Kisumu saw 43 bodies with gunshot wounds. A witness said police had shot protesters.

    There were running battles in Nairobi slums, and violence was reported in the coastal town of Mombasa. Mwai Kibaki was officially re-elected president while Raila Odinga says he was robbed of victory by voting fraud.

  23. This is a new one from Likoni Mombasa. Kamba's are also targeted now because of Kivuitu. They have told them to wait for the night! It's now 8.50 and we're hoping for the best. Not a rumour. I've heard it with my two ears!

    Likoni - Mombasa.

  24. Hellen, I challenge you to confirm or deny that there was an above 100% voter turn out in a couple constituencies in Luo Nyanza. Can you tell me since when(Kutoka 1963) Ndhiwa constituency had a 93% voter turn out. You guys with all due respect are not being honest

  25. I strongly agree with Vikii's comments. We as Kenyans should continue the hard work and let the politicians solve their differences. This should not be at the expense of Kenyans. Mr. Raila has no mandate at all to call for chaos and bloodshed buy leading ppl to Uhuru park..

  26. Silaha, Muthai Ngunyi was being interviewed on KTN and said that, I quote "Kibaki government ceased existing at 2:30pm. He was sworn in on December 30 2002 at 2:30pm" That is even quotyed in some newspapers in Nairobi. I have yesterday Standard that a relative came with. There was a constitutional crisis!

  27. Silaha, Muthai Ngunyi was being interviewed on KTN and said that, I quote "Kibaki government ceased existing at 2:30pm. He was sworn in on December 30 2002 at 2:30pm" That is even quotyed in some newspapers in Nairobi. I have yesterday Standard that a relative came with. There was a constitutional crisis!

  28. Raila supporters continue to convince me that Raila should never in this world be let to asssume office. Why on earth should anybody targetKikuyus for perceived Kibaki's mistakes. Why should a right thinking person attack a kamba because of Kivuitu. These people may have many things but one thing they lack is properly functioning brains. They should be pushed to the periphery

  29. Paul, Kudos to you for your reasoned contribution. Vikii and Derek, let's join hands and help heal our wounded nation. We need a democratically elected president in office for peace to prevail on our streets.

    Could one of you call Kibaki and tell him Kenya is much more than him. The loss of life ain't worth it. He's a statesman and he ought to do the right thing for love of country!

    I've tried calling Martha Karua's, Tuju's, cells, but I'm not getting through!

    God bless Kibaki!

  30. Anyone who takes arms on their fellow countrymen is not patriotic and does not belong in Kenya.

  31. Hellen Okello, I really respect you for showing a genuine love for your country. What I dont agree with you on is this mentality that seems cast on stone that there was no way Raila could have lost the elections. If there was any rigging in this election, it was started by his people in his strongholds. Why are you brushing that aside if you have any respect for democracy? You see nobody is a fool. Kibaki's people are no fools either and the moment Raila discovers that he will stop wasting people's time

  32. The notion that our country is wounded is just absurd. Our country is hurting now, being dragged to the mud and destroyed by some power hungry ego maniacs. Raila should show some direction and follow the appropriate democratic steps to avoid a bloodbath. Kibaki has been elected as the ppls president and we should be looking at steps that will create some understanding from both supporters of the political divide. Period!

  33. "the U.S. is not ready to recognize any winner in the questionable election....I am not offering congratulations to anybody because we have serious concerns about the vote count," Casey said."

    Tom Casey is the Deputy spokesperson of the US Department of state

    see story on

  34. And who the hell is the US? Kenya not an American territory. What they are expressing are personal opinions which they are entirely entitled to. We also have our own opinion on the governance situation in the US.

  35. Silaha, you are very ignorant about the voter turnout in the ODM zones. What you are talking about from nation newspaper was a mistake and has been corrected today by Nation T.V news. All the figures you have mentioned should be less than 100%. Are you in Kenya or abroad? Don't be soo ignorant like that. Sorry.

  36. Vikii, case in point is Molo. Rigging proof was brushed aside as the world watched.

    If PANUA felt ODMer's rigged, why didn't they scream to the high heavens? Instead, Martha Karua was quick to request Kivuitu to go on and read the results and so was a Mr. Kilonzo Mutula.

    If they felt votes were disenfranchised from ODM friendly neighborhoods, they shouldn't have been in such a hurry to have Kibaki confirmed. ama?

  37. shame that some one who calls himself anonymous hides outside the country and celebs fraud, yet pple are dying. Kikuyus will always remain thieves coz that is what they are including Kibaki or not that is what they are.. and they shall be.

  38. let us agree to disagree. that's just politics.

  39. Becos PNUers are not born-hecklers. How about that for a tribal stereotype?

  40. But Hellen you forget that the best way to deal with people who think they are clever is to continue with the game of wits. The ODM have shown since the campaigns started that they have no respect either for the electoral process or for their opponents. Getting a taste of their own medicine is not too bad until such time when they grow up and be respectful.

  41. Viki, OK, let us say Raila also rigged. Deal: Let us recount the votes, OK? Why are you refusing the vote recount? Also, as a Kalonzo supporter, you can't apparently come to terms with how the tsunami has wiped you. Please support Kenya and not Kamba for the sake of Kenya.
    And for those who think the US may help, look @ Nigeria. Despite the massive rigging reported, they are moving on with it. The west and especially the US are only after their interest, when will you people realise this? As long as Kibaki continues to deport us to Africa's Guantanamo (read Ethiopia), then he is the 'legitimate' president.

  42. ODM fought tooth and nail (is that what they say?) to have Kivuitu ECK. If they can't believe their choice chairman,what are the chances that they would believe an angel telling them that they lost? That if if they did lose? See, I'm still giving you the benefit of the doubt.

  43. Nobody is refusing a vote recount bro, but because the elections have already been announced and the president sworn in, that can only be ordered by a court of law and I am sure you know that, dont you? Martha Karua called for a review of all 210 constituencies when the case of Nithi was raised and William Ruto said NO. Get your priorities right, ODM.

  44. Good point anonymous after Vikii (10:23am).I think we are now talking.

    What to say of the EU's perceived support for Raila? They actually want trade deals that essentially make us their modern-day colonies. Not to forget that Raila went to school in Germany and was campaining on the promise of Germany building roads for Kenyans, as if its free. Getting foreign support does not mean the foreigners care one bit for Kenya.

  45. Ok. Ok. Anonymous. About the vote recount. Kibaki has accepted a vote recount under condition rallied by Mr Odinga. There is your answer. But I doubt it will change his state of denial.

  46. I am a KAlonzo supporter and I will continue to be one. More importantly however, I recognize that Kenya can very much exist without Kalonzo and that's why me and KAlonzo have respect for institutions. Can you say the same about yourself and your leader. Definitely no. In fact you think it was JAramogi who made Kenyatta president and Raila who made Kibaki president. I do not expect you to see it any differently, believe you me I dont

  47. Kibaki needs to talk to Raila before the country reaches the point of no return.

    *How many more lives need be to lost while these two dig their heels?
    *What is so difficult about having a recount? Raila asked for a recount, let's do it.
    *What sort of president sanctions the indiscriminate slaughter his subjects?
    * Why does Kibaki look the other way as Kenya slides down a slippery slope to another Rwanda.

    PLEASE Mr. Kibaki talk to Raila and pull the Kenya from the brink.

  48. Hey Vikii, forgot to remind you, and I think you also forgot that you are a dumb bitch. KENYANS know Kibaki stole the election deep down I'm sure you do too, its just your stupidity forcing you to say foolish things!

  49. OK Anonymous I am a 'stupid fool' and you like all other Raila Odinga supporters are a very intelligent person who couldnt get a name. Does that make him president now. "How many times have we met mad men saying they own that shop and yet they dont even have a pair of pants. If I wake up and declare myself president., does that make me one?" Please for the first time stop heckling

  50. Vikii/Hellen: My own thoughts about this election are changing in interesting ways. I was incensed yesterday, but today my feelings are moving more towards sympathy to the Kibaki camp.

    First, Raila more than anyone else was stoking atavistic sentiments. He used words like adui and was telling people that Kibaki was planning to rig. He created a scenario where anything other than a Raila victory was unacceptable.

    Secondly, the numbers coming through that show that the "turnout" in many ODM areas was over 100%. So that means that ODM was not playing fairly after all. So, in my mind, even if Kibaki did not play fairly they were both cheats and Kibaki won.

    Third and most concerning to me have been the scenes of people looting generators and refrigerators in Kisumu (and trying on sneakers) under the guise of demonstrating. Then came today's pictures of demonstrators carrying pangas. I truly hope that the GSU shoots all those goons demonstrating with machetes. Peaceful mass demonstrations have a place in democracy, but orgies of looting, raping, killing and maiming do not, irrespective of your grievances.

    Fourth the pragmatist in me simply wants to put this behind us. We’re citizens in a country run by crooks and hate mongers so why would one be better than the other.

    So, to rub it in real good, Hongera Rais Kibaki. Kazi Iendelee

  51. And I am hearing of male bitches for the first time. How many of those do you have in your household?


    ps: even if the vote recount is not done the courts will effect it.

  53. And Silaha , do you want me to reproduce comments I made two weeks ago in this blog that I talked of Raila psychologically tuning the minds of his Too Believing supporters that they cannot lose so that when they lose they go on the rampage? I said it all here because that is what they thrive on; Violence and intimidation. But the good thing is that 100 times they have tried and 100 times they have failed. Like Kibaki says hata wako bado kujua kufunga kuku ule mzuri.

  54. Are all of you in Kenya currently especially Vikii? If this is what Kenya is made of then, am afraid to say that Kenya is going to the dogs! We should not allow such flaws to take place, period. whatever is on teh ground currently is The rest of Kenya versus Kikuyu. How long will it take to return the country to the old state that was messed up with about 1 person wanting to cling on to power? can you people please wake up and see between the lines? who is suffering the most? the normal poor kikuyu and of course the poor kenyan. The rich persons (Kibaki and cronies) are just deploying more forces to wait and see the calm going down. how many lives will we continue to loose?

  55. Silaha who posted above(PANUA), I hope you got me right. Nation newspapers today clarified from the Nation T.V news of the published errors in the ODM zones (Sigor, Eldoret North, Emgwen, Narok South, Bondo, Kisumu Rural). All the turnout in these areas were less than 100%. Investigate first before rumour mongering like PNUs.

  56. Paul, please do not be tribalistic. This is about kenyans and the way foward from here. Let democracy run it's course.

  57. Paul you are lying because I am not kikuyu. Ur camp kept lying to themselves that it was Kikuyu vs the rest of Kenya and that failed fflat on their faces. I am not a kikuyu and I maintain that i dont have to be one to be able to reason and respect the rule of law. We are not animals and so the jungle law has no room in a civilised society

  58. PNU and ODM are riggers, but someone wants me to believe that PNU is more riggerer than ODM? Even Kumekucha revised their numbers downwards when the votes were being counted. For the first time ever, the more the ballots the fewer the votes. No one addressed that anomaly when Agwambo lost, all the typical baby-crying resurfaced, only it was louder.

  59. What do people have to say about this?

  60. It would appear that regardless of which side did the rigging, there was plenty of it, disenfranchising Kenyans, the fairest options are clearly a recount or re-election, let both leaders put their "support" to the test again in a trully fair snap election.

  61. Four electoral commissioners have called for an independent inquiry into whether any of their colleagues tampered with presidential election results before they were announced in Nairobi. The four named Molo as one of the constituencies where the presidential tally could have been cooked.

    "It is noted that some of the information received from some of our returning officers now cast doubts on the veracity of the figures," the commissioners said. The group said statements made by observers and some political parties in relation to the figures "are of great concern and interest to us."

    It's time for Raila and ODM supporters to cool off and wait for the results of the enquiry

  62. Hello,
    COuld the moderator kindly check vikiis comments. I find them rather inciting and uncaring. Well i really do no care hwthe rit is raila or Musyoka or nazlim or kibaki who won the elections, as long as it ws fair. The good name and honour of our country is being drugged through the mad because of Raila, Kibaki nad Kivuitu. Well i pray that we be level headed and stop an us versus them mentality. It si the mentality taking Kenya down the drain. We may gloat in the safety o four palatial homes abroad, But mother Kenya is bleeding. We do not want to see Kenya becaome a souce of desperate refugees do we?

  63. I agree, Raila should wait for the results of the inquiry. This is just one of the few cases. Both parties are guilty of rigging (allegedly)

  64. Mike:

    You crack me up! I am not PNU or ODM. Even if I were calling me PANUA would not be a big insult. I am a simple Kenyan who simply wanted the electoral process to work flawlessly so that KENYA would win. I would have embraced Raila as my President. I just don't think he would have embraced anyone else as his.

    If my ODM turnout numbers, which I admitted above arrived to me via SMS from a PNU supporter, are wrong then I'll take that point back.

    The fact remains that Raila bears some responsibility for this mayhem for inflaming the sensibilities of his followers. How different is that rhetoric from that of Felicien Kabuga in 1994?


  65. Yeah, let there be a situation of peace and if that is verified, the electoral commission can file a petition in court. The court can then nullify the polls and call for a fresh poll. I am sure Kalonzo wont participate in that repeat. That way we will now know who of the two competing candidates has the support of most Kenyans. The problem is that even after losing, they will still yell.

  66. Sorry the one who is talking about independent inquiry being setup. What have the other inquiries done for us so far(Goldenburg, Anglo, Ouko, Ndungu e.t.c )? These are just PNU tactics. The judges are going to be PNUs. Sorry we don't need any inquiry.

  67. VIkii, must not be a Kenyan but f he/she is, must see politics through the prism of ADUI. that is whey he/she keeps referring to they? SO should i now seek refugee staus, because i have become a forigner in the eyes of my countman VIkii.

  68. Don’t you just love democracy? I hope Mr Raila and Kibaki solve their electoral issues in a democratic manner. Taking ppl to Uhuru Park is just a call for bloodbath. I’d urge Mr Raila to await a full audit of the vote as he requested. Kenya is a great nation.

  69. I still ask if those who participated in the (insert your number so it tallies with your count) liberation that brought in democracy knew what we were signing up for. In my opinion, democracy means that the voice of the simple majority be heard over the voice of the simple minority, number-wise. Problem is, we have a demographic majority voting block in Kenya. Which when coupled with small percentages here, there and everywhere, make up majority voters. Its a dead end, and its hard to swallow, but here's a dedication:

    Wape wapeeeee vidonge vyao, wakimeza wakitema ni shauri yao.

    Na Wakenya ni waongo nami si mmoja waooooo.....wape wapeee vidonge vyao, wakimeza wakitema ni shauri yao!

    Vidonge = Democracy.

  70. Ok, Mike so what do we need? Do you want us to take your wpord and Raila's as the gospel. The ECK has already announced the results and the president sworn in. What RAila and his little boys are doing in the streets now is wasting time, they should be filing a petition as a matter as urgency and then we go for repeat poll president over by The American Electoral Commission or The British one if they have faith in those. But before that is done, they need to commit themselves that they will respect the outcome this round

  71. Mike. no one is suggesting an independent inquiry. Mr raila has his options on how to carry out election audit. I believe a true democratic process is essential from the otherwise. Hope this is clear.

  72. Anonymous you can do what you want to do because I dont care. They (Third person plural) refers to those in the ODM who believe the election can only be fair if they win it.

  73. In this tense period, we should learn something from the experience of the United States and handle our electoral tension and final outcome with dignity. Granted there have been differences. The exit polls predicted President Kibaki would win and so did Gallup pollsters. Other pollsters predicted a tight race with Mr Raila Odinga ahead. The race was hard and tight and the tension is understandable.

    During the 2000 US Presidential elections, the suspense was even greater than what we are witnessing. However, Americans did not riot, throw stones, break windows, burn houses or challenge policemen. They did not congregate in their capital and town squares. They waited patiently for the counting to be done. Eventually, the final tally was declared and it was a very close election. George W Bush got 50,460,110 votes and Al Gore got 51,003,926, with Bush carrying the Electoral College votes.

    There were no killings and threats of evictions. Americans patiently waited for the courts to determine the case and declare a winner. Once declared, the entire country closed ranks and moved on. Why? Because Americans value political stability more than they value precision democracy.

    Our behaviour at this time will show not only how patriotic we are, but also how democratic we are. In a democracy, protagonists don’t resort to violence to resolve their differences.

  74. Ombati, you are the kenyan hero

  75. Point well taken. Thank you.

  76. Now, proud Kik if you are keen about world politics, you will realise that the EU is generally a bit more fair and vocal in as far as democracy, freedom etc is concerned. That is not to say they too don't look after their interest, in any case, they aren't foolish. But seriously, the EU always tends to be a bit more vocal than the US in this at least for few days. As for the US, it is all a different story. It is the voters who voted the Kibaki mess out, he brought back the mess with force and shamelessly swore in front of losers who the people rejected, and it is these same voters who will clear the mess. Trust me, we are stronger than the guns. But I am disheartened that ethnicity is so dangeorus that it even makes us lose our human feelings.

  77. Haki ya nani. ODM'ers never anticipated losing the elections. This is a behavioral challenge.

  78. Ombati, the US and Kenyan situation are far apart as the sky and ground are. In the US, there is no tribalism as is here. In the US, there is no a shoot to kill order when people protest. In the US, there is a court system that is at least seen as impartial. In the US, there is no kitchen cabinet. In the US, people see themselves as Americans first and then Democrats or Republicans. Here, it is Kikuyu first and then Kenya. Totally different situations. In the US, how long did it take for the matter to be resolved by the court? Are you aware that some of the disputed results of 2002 are still pending in court!

  79. Omabti, you are comparing oranges to bananas, the US is a mature democracy with very clear separation of powers between the judiciary and the executive. Am sure the same cannnot be said of Kenya, the court system is heavily laden with Kibaki friendly judges and Raila seeking that alternative is tantamount to suicide. The true face of Kibaki is being shown, am ashamed at this moment that am a Kenyan.

  80. Omabti, you are comparing oranges to bananas, the US is a mature democracy with very clear separation of powers between the judiciary and the executive. Am sure the same cannnot be said of Kenya, the court system is heavily laden with Kibaki friendly judges and Raila seeking that alternative is tantamount to suicide. The true face of Kibaki is being shown, am ashamed at this moment that am a Kenyan.

  81. abass, where do you live? you dont seem to know much about the US

  82. Abass, Kikuyu first and then Kenya? Yo are off the point man!

  83. Urban Kenya, you are wrong. Kenya needs to start somewhere, even US is not a mature democracy as some you follow US politics?

  84. We have been through tough times but I will state this now....


  85. Yes Omabti, I do follow US politics as I reside here, I know they have some flows but, we cannot compare their system to ours, no way!!

  86. Ombati, I don't live in the US but OBVIOUSLY, the US and Kenya are not comparable in all ways: politically, economically etc. Or you want to have me believe that Kenya and the US are the same? What I said is sad but true and I stand by that, period. I am tired of being deported to the African Gunatanamo (Ethiopia)

  87. This is for you Ombati:

    Ombati, you raise an important point n got me wondering about whats (more?) important; democracy, political stability or a good economy?

    Its definitely possible to have all three together, in fact conventional wisdom suggests that the democracy be there before the others can be present. But Newton 'didn't make it back to parliament' Kulundu raised that most important question of how America harps on and on about democracy and human rights when they are torturing humans in Guantanamo. You remember that time when the US ambassador to Kenya even (undiplomatically?) refused to shake Kulundu's hand afterwards?

    China on the other hand is politically stable, and their economy has grown in figures we can only dream about given where they are coming from. But they have poor PR when it comes to democracy and human rights. When China looks like they are more welcome to do business with Africa, the West rushes do demonize them on talking about their poor democracy and human rights record, and how they are the new colonizers of Africa.

    What do you say, Ombati?

  88. This is for Anonymous who challenge my view of the world powers that matter:

    I am default biased against the EU, they having colonized most of Africa. Forgive me if I read colonial interests every time they open their mouths to talk of trade with us or aid to us. It follows that I would have to take their word on the election outcome with a pinch of salt.

    What did the AU say.

    'Emancipate yourselves from mental slavery!' I know my songs so well today.

  89. We do not need to copy anyhing the US does. They have their own situational 'democracy' crisis as we have ours. We live in two different worlds. Regardless of what the US does,violence is outdated , period! "You cannot intimidate anybody to surrender a genuinely achieved electoral victory". I said this about two weeks ago and I still believe every single word in that sentence. Some people believe brawn will triumph over brain. I think the opposite.

  90. from the foregoing above, a significant number of contributors are young and may not have experienced or appreciated the full impact of social injustices from the mid 70s to early 80s which then abated for a while only to resurface mid 80s with different faces till 2002 and abated for three years and have now resurfaced from 2006 to present as manifest in these blogs.

    aside from over zealous contributions which spill over quickly to insults and attempts to commandeer opposition but by reading between the lines i see that there is extremely intelligent contribution which gets clouded in the effort to provide a crushing blow.

    you are the few brains in Kenya and have the political, economic and social muscle to influence progress. I would urge you all to make solid attempts to use your gifts more constructively without the abuse. Its sad when young brains resort to the same barbaric methods of advancing opinion when its possible to offer meaningful suggestions over an impasse or as in this case a highly volatile state of events. flexing muscles over ideology isn't always a mark of intelligence, but more importantly HELP STOP THE KILLINGS AND RISING TENSION

  91. Wow the comments on this blog are insane. I can't say I really care about the political situation in Kenya but I must say of all the comments I have read, Vikii's comments are the most logical. Who is the US or for that matter the EU to tell Kenya how to run their election process? Do you ever see Kenya overseeing the US or EU elections?
    Secondly, ODM and it's supporters are just showing what kind of government they would run if they were to take office. If anything this reaction negatively affects Raila's/ODM reputation. He should borrow a leaf from Al Gore and act a little more civilized.
    By the way, I realize nothing said here is going to change the unrest in Kenya. It's my personal opinion and there is no need for insults!

  92. Proud Kik, stability is more important than anything butfair stability. You know this election was more than what we think, it wasn't just a democratic exercise, it was more than that, it was a desire for change. It was the only way the people who felt let down, marginalised, deported to Gunatanamo could speak. Now if you promise me that there will be equality, that I shall not be deported, that there will be no marginalisation, that corruption is at least curbed, that there will be no shoot to kill order etc. You see, China as u said honestly is not democratic but they have at least an economy seen to benefit the people, the people aren't deported, the gov't at least shows some willingness to curb corruption. In Kenya, it is all different. The most important thing in Kenyan politics is ethnicity. Accept it or not, there are many ethnic communities in Kenya. People want to feel they are part of Kenya, people want to feel they are being valued, they are being heard. In China, we don't have this ethnicity that threatens us here. Trust me, if the Kenyans felt that they are being treated fairly and equally, they would never care about democracy. So, please don't compare Kenya with other countries. Our situation is more complex. It is more than democracy, it is more than freedom of speech, it is more than a 5% economic growth. Get it?

  93. @ PKW: I agree with u all thru and there seems a lot to be learnt. Kenya right now is in need of Economic Stability first---to be able to thrive, compete and just BE. Case in point, your example of China is excellent but why go so far? Just look@ Uganda..u think there is democracy there? what with Mu7 being in power since 1986 and conveniently changing the rules to fit his game? their govt is pseudo civilian-pseudo millitary...check them out, many of them are Gen. so and so. Look @ their economy and its growth + projected growth--enviable...
    Rwanda: Gen. President Paul "I didnt throw the president out" Kagame. U call that a democracy--please.!!!. Rwanda's economy just 13 yrs removed from the genocide?
    How about Kenya: If having a Kibaki govt is what kenyans need to pay for the economic growth like Ugandans, Rwandese et al...then hey!
    As Moi used to many sufurias of ugali?....
    Look at those who are being beaten by police--they are not MPs or local barons...just poor pple...while the rich are in Muthaiga, Lavington, Kileleswa, Karen, etc. What sayest thou PKW?

  94. Abass; I get it yet I don't. The part of a people feeling equally valued and represented I fully agree with.Trust me if I were the president, I'd make my government as equally representative as possible. And allocate resources equitably (not equally-you know that'd still lead to some crying foul).

    What I don't get is the benefits I've accrued in my 29 years as a Kikuyu, 24 of those under a Kalenjin president.I'm yet to reap the 'benefits' of being Kikuyu. I think that exists on Kumekucha.

    I really wanted Raila to win in this election so that the Luos can see exactly how much there is to be eaten from a Luo presidency. Trust me, there is little for people like you and me, and nothing for those innocent Kenyans who have been hoodwinked into believing that they are dying for Kenya.

  95. Why is Kalozno quite?

  96. Ombati: I say let the masses stay home, let Raila and Kibaki talk to each other throw stones at each other. Its the height of hypocrisy for Kibaki to thank Kenyans for voting for him when the vote was disputed and he was hurriedly sworn in. It is hypocritical for Raila to say that he is ready to pay the ultimate price for democracy when he is in a high-walled house knowing that he and his are safe. Its even hypocritical to his eyes to ODM's rigging and then cry like a baby (figuratively) when PNU wins.Its apparent that he thinks democracy could only have been seen to be in effect if he won.

    They each represent more than 4m voters let them talk to each other, or or have Ombati as a mediator.

  97. Exactly, Proudkik, there are only two tribes as Gitnogo said: Our tribe (which includes you and me) and the Michuki-Kibaki one. I agree that if you were the president, you would have being fair. But what can we do now this is the situation. Peopel will undoubtedly feel robbed, marginalised and Kibaki has shown total disregard for their wish by paradign losers during his swearing in ceremony. My point is. The situation in Kenya is more compley than teh US and China one. And time is also very important: time has changed. People aren't the same as the way they were during the Moi regime. At least, Moi was wise and knew how to deal with the situation. This is a test for Kibaki (I say so because he is the president though I know Michuki is the one behind this) and so far he seems to have failed. After the silence, the only message seems to be 'we will deal with you decisively' and you know how that can make people feel and react. It is god not to let them have it their way. Kenya is bigger than Michuki.

  98. What is the size of Kenya compared to that of Raila?

  99. @PKW...ur logic runs soundly these leaders need to sit down and TALK...we demand that as kenyans...they each got over 4million supporters...although some have died in skirmishes...
    PKW, your flattery runs as soundly as ur logic...however, I MUST decline the offer to be the mediator...many more qualified people abound....thanx anyway

  100. OK, since the American government and the EU feel Mwai Kibaki's victory was not in order, why doesnt Raila Odinga use them (especially the EU) to petition the results in The International Court of Justice since he is expresssing reservations with the autonomy of our judicial system. They surely can do this for him, cant they?

  101. Proud Kik, t is not a question of what is the size of Raila compared to Kenya. The over 150 who died are not called Raila. It is a question of what is the size of over 4.5 milion voters to Kibaki? I think you would agree with me, more than 24 hrs since he was 'installed' as the illegitimate president and with over 150 death reported, he didn't act the way he should have. Exactly one of the reason why he was voted out, see?

  102. Neither are the the dead called Michuki.

  103. A thief and dictator is sitting in State House - period.

    Unfortunately, Kenyans have always had to shed blood for political change; this is not new.

    Address the root of the problem instead of pouring vitriol on the aggreived.

  104. FOUR ECK commissioners disputed the results. The four commissioners — Mr Jack Tumwa, Mr Daniel Ndambiri, Mr Samuel arap Ng’eny and Mr Jeremiah Matagaro — called for a judicial review of the tallying and results in order to come up with an actionable report after serious doubts were cast on the process.

    "We cannot remain silent under the circumstances. Like all Kenyans, we are deeply affected," they said in a statement.

    "Some of the information received from some of our returning officers now cast doubts on the veracity of the figures," they said, while giving the example of Molo Constituency, whose results are said to have been inflated in favour of the PNU candidate.

  105. FIRST TWO ANONYMOUS POSTS: You are referring to the OLD statment. This is particularly clear in your second post - the statement was released before the results were announced.


    A vote recount will not do. We need a fresh election with filmed footage of vote tallies at polling stations.

  107. Yes, why is Kalonzo Musyoka quiet?

  108. My fellow Kenyans: NOTE THE ETHNIC MIX in the names of the Four ECK Commissioners in Abass' statement (story has also appeared in the Standard).

    That the elections were flawed is a matter of fact (accompanied by filmed evidence).

  109. PKW...truly spoken..what are these so called "benefits" that kikuyus have gotten from Kibaki? Maybe I'm missing something but I don't recall receiving any cheques or favors from the government!
    Kumekucha do you mind shedding some light on this? Pls do not talk about about the ordinary mwananchi pls....

  110. I'M TIRED. I think we can all agree that Kenyans wanted free and fair elections.

    That the elections were not free and fair is a fact. Can we stop the name calling and chart a way forward.

    My option on the table for discussion: let us have a fresh election. All documents that have anything to do with the 27th's election will not be trusted by either side.

  111. Yes, I am all for calling a NEW election in front of the international observers and the media houses. And BTW, I have one question: teh results that were announced both by NTV and KTN were putting Raila ahead, what happened? Were they saying sth wrong or what?

  112. And just another update: As you all know there have being some calls from different areas for reconciliation and talks between the Kibaki and Raila. Now, the opposition have set a very strong term for any talks: the resignation of Kibaki. Truly, Raila is a man. Yes, he looks uncompromising, why should he compromise? For the sake of Kenya? No, it is the other way, he shouldn't compromise for the sake of Kenya. There are times when being strong and uncompromising is what we need, this is one.

  113. In response to ABASS. I agree, particularly because the last thing we need in Kenya is a weak opposition - we do not need a de facto one party state.

    If nothing changes, Raila should maintain his rejection of the results and focus on the building of a formidable parliamentary opposition.

  114. stereotypes always have a bit or is it alot of truth in them ,8 out of ten car jackers and bank robbers come from one community and Kibaki has affirmed this stereotype even more by adding rapist, the act he as done is blatant rape to mother Kenya and her children what sad times we are in.

  115. I heard some rumor that Kibaki was actually sworn in during the day, yet ECK released the results in the evening.

    My source tells me to check the swearing in video to notice that it is during the day, much earlier than when Kivuiti "was told to" release the results.

    They say that is the reason why they didn't want any media coverage as the event was not "live". If that is true, then it means they didn't plan intelligently, like most of the rigging.

    Check the video again to concur or disagree with this statement.

    What a sad day for us all. I am so upset they even rigged in my beloved Mandera and NEP in general. How else can you explain the 3 votes that the PNU candidate won Garrissa and the statistically unlikey tie in Wajir North constituency. Yes, they say the 2 candidates got equal votes in Wajir North and that a by election will be done next year. Not that our numbers matter so much, but our voices haven't been heard.

    However, despite all the evidence that Raila is the legitimate president, I hope we give peace a chance.

  116. Vikii's comments seem to suggest that she is the kind of woman that forces a man to commit spousal abuse. Wish you were fully a man and not a hermaphrodite so I could smack the shit out of you!!

  117. Yours remains just a wish, faggot. I am not here to tickle your fancies.

  118. you go Vikii!

  119. Hey Abdi, hold on there. Your claims might just prove to be true. According to the footage which I watched from NTV, it looks as though it is very bright and it is in broad daylight. Could someone confirm when exactly the ECK released the 'results' LIVE on KBC? I guess it was around 6:00 P.M. Kenyan time and that surely must have being dark. Oh my God, hope this doesn't mean daylight robbery. Shame, shame on you, Kibaki, thief!

  120. That the ceremony occurred earlier in the day is not a wild claim. It is a pity Kibaki is suppressing local media. Even Moi towards the end of his reign was more liberal as far as the media was concerned.

  121. I am wondering why certain key members of the opposition (non-PNU) remain quiet. What are they waiting for? Cabinet posts?

  122. Kibaki(PNU)has support in two regions (central and eastern). Raila(ODM) has support in six regions (nyanza,north eastern,nairobi, western,coast,rift valley). To aviod all the problems,lets divide the country into two so that one becomes the president of his region.

  123. Mike,people here will start attacking you! but if one looks at you point critically what you are trying to say is that, Kenya has been robbed! Kenya needs to get back its will. And people should remember if this be allowed to stay as it is. In the future, elections will not matter. Just steal and stay in Power! poor Kenya where are we headed?

  124. The day Kenyan people will wake up one morning and think they are Kenyans, will be the day they will start thinking what neo-colonialsm is doing in Kenya at the moment.
    As my friend from the Caribbean told me, black people suffers from the effects of slavery, colonialism and its the high time "21st century" that we address this issue and stop thinking Jaluo, Kikuyu, Kalenjin, Kamba, Kisii the list goes on to Ibo`s and Zulus etc.
    Election only took a day, and the stupidness of uneducated in Kenya sorry to say and Intelectuals abroad have been compromised by two people, Kibaki and Raila "millionaires". They are now spilling poor people’s blood for their own selfishness, greed and power hunger. What do you think they want to accomplish? Protect their ill gotten wealth some of which have been stashed in foreign banks (safe deposits) while poor Kibera voters slaughter one another and others in Eldoret and Nyanza burn their loved neighbours houses, because they are from different tribes. And as we speak, Kibaki and Raila are tossing champagne and shouting loud "cheers". Probably with UK, US and Canadian Ambassadors. They all go to bed together. These guys are crooks, I quote John Kerry when Bush was declared the USA President the second time. After rigging Florida votes where his brother was Governor.

    KENYANS, I PLEAD WITH YOU. LET US WORK, STUDY AND GO BACK TO KENYA AND DEVELOP OUR NATION. KIBAKI IS 76 YRS come on, RAILA 62 YEARS hihi getting there, PLEASE GIVE ME A BREAK. These people have never experienced poverty and the people dying are hardly 30 years old. ARE WE BUILDING OR DESTROYING OUR FUTURE?
    These guys are senile, and the reason i`m saying that is because of the lifestyle they have. Ordinary Kenyans should come together as brothers and sisters and oust these guys out of office and out of our way and take charge of our country.

    They have so much money; they can live wherever they want in this world without working until they die.


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