Sunday, December 30, 2007

Great Injustice To Kenyan Voters

Notice how the results were carefully announced late in the day so that Kenyans sleep on it and cool off.

But will they?

Let us wait and see.

I will be very surprised if this presidency lasts 3 days.

I am now signing off for a long, long time.

P.S. I expect that a "bedroom swearing in" (Mwai Kibaki's own words about Moi's swearing in in 1997) will follow tomorrow. Correction I have just seen Emilio Mwai "Stole the election" Kibaki being sworn in on KBC TV. God help Kenya.


  1. i have unconfirmed information that bedroom swearing will happen within the hour. Genral Coward at his very best

  2. Superb job keeping us updated. Truly appreciated. Sad day for Kenya!

  3. BBC report they are going to swear him in now... badness...

  4. Wrong--I'm reliably told IT IS HAPENNING IN THE NEXT FEW MINUTES!


    Chief Justice Gicheru in attendance and all former cabinet ministers in attendance.

    Kivuitu presents certificate to Kibaki.

    Kibaki just read his oath of office.

  6. The swearing in taking place right now at STATE HOUSE. Chris, this is my first post ever (altho' i have been reading your blog forever)I beseech u not to 'disappear'. We need the updates and the news from u. We are all disappointed and worried for our country right now and this is the time we all need to be vigilant and keep others informed so that we can weather this storm. Please do not sign off for a long long time.

  7. Ewe mwenyezi mungu nisaidie.... so swears Kibaki.

    Its over guys!

  8. swearing is immediately, not even tomorrow; what a shame and blatant rape to our democracy!!!

  9. Phil, Chris, thank you. You have done an amazing job. Overall kumekucha did more than nation and standard combined in terms of understanding that, "if it is happening, it is happening now and it is happening online."

    Its not over yet, please keep updating.

  10. Phil, it's not over!. We cannot let this happen to our beloved motherland. What happens tomorrow? Will Kikuyus let someone else take power from them in five years? No!
    For this reason RAILA cannot let this go. Everyone has to protest this foolishness.
    Lets boycott everything from the GEMA region. Lets bury their economy. Lets not engage them in our affairs. Let RAILA and team get to parliament and declare a vote of no confidence on this idiot. I hate to use this word!

    God bless our land!

  11. So much for tomorrow!!!

  12. Phil, the reading was on the wall on Friday night. Phil, yesterday morning, when the Armed Forces, Chief Justice, the AG and all Department heads were called to State House, it was Jim Orengo who stopped today's process. In actual sense, I am honest and believe that right things are done.

    PNU claimed that there was going to be an impasse in the constitution and today, did you realise that after the PNU press conference all of them left immediately?

    I accept things might not have been right, but take a lot of thought at the way the results were released. Released from one region first and delayed in others. It opens all avenue for claims of fraud and rigging.

    If MOi did it, there is no reason for it to be repeated. This one looked a little bit amatuerish.

    Phil, you know yesterday morning, PNU secretariate had this figures and Wachira read them, though there is a discrepancy in the Kibaki figues. Though the difference is small, it was was very similar to what Kivuitu read.


  13. Phil,

    Thanks for all the feeds your have been providing us. But it is not over yet. It is just the beginning. Remember that real change only takes place when road blocks are encountered to a process as it forces people to clearly make a choice. Right now people of kenya will be forced to make a choice either to accept or reject the official outcome of this vote. In someway it is a good thing that earlier this evening we were able to see inside the operations of the ECK through the eyes of a "whistleblower" and even a former MP of Juja Kabogo. Now people of conscience in GEMA will start to speak out. We have already heard from Wangari Mathai. Others will come. Remember that there were prayers at KICC by both Pius Muiru and Margaret Wanjiru, Ladies and Gentlemen, there is something that has taken place in the spiritual realm of Kenya in the last two days. More will be exposed. It is only after this process that healing will begin to occur. This has nothing to do with ODM or PNU but everything to do with what is right and wrong in Kenya. Evil has to be exposed by its exposure to light and this is what is happening. No amount of intimidation or coercion will make any difference to the process. What we can do at this time as believers is to not lose faith. Remember the bible says that a house divided cannot stand. Let us watch and savour this house built on lies come down.


  14. It is pretty sad the state of affairs as things stand.... & to hear Kibaki confidently declare his gratitude for being accorded a 2nd term!!!!
    God isn't asleep at all... All involved in ensuring this injustice & current chaos should get a replay of the prayer Bishop Margaret Wanjiru made.... & quickly go on their knees!!!!!

  15. Kisii 10 dead, Kisumu 1 shot dead, Kakamega 2 dead, Riots in Ongata Rongai, Eastlands, Mombasa and Kariobangi (Houses being burnt). Dont these old men have a conscience, why do we have to look for a place to run to. We the younger generation have done nothing to deserve a nation on fire. It is a shame for the clergy to condemn the violence in the country while in the same breath suggest the problem is with that community from areas like Kisumu, and Migori.

    Kibaki, has been chilling in state house all day with the chief justice wearing down the enemy (read the kenyan voter). Why were disputed results still announced, knowing fully that the situation is tense.

    I suggest for the next 5 (Kibaki) years, we start a systematic economic sabotage. Paralyse functions of government in a civil manner. This kind of disregard for the wishes of majority of the voter should never be allowed to happen in this time and age.

    Say a prayer for our nation.

  16. Derek is supporting the rigging and outright thuggery of a fossil element called Kibaki. What a shame. You mean this people (read Kyuks) have no moral beings in their midst?

  17. Jatinga and the other fellows advocating GEMA sabotage, u can go ahead and do it. I am not GEMA but me and my people will not snub GEMA. You guys can go ahead and do it, after all it is you who know why that should be done. As for me, GEMA people will remain buddies.

  18. Vikii, you can say more. Indeed I expected you to. You have an opinion of what has been hapeening that we need to hear. This is a time when all clear thinking Kenyans need to unite. It should have less to do with partisan politics. Kenya is at stake right now. GEMA voters are part of Kenya, and even there are some who disagree with the process of what has been hapenning in the last few days and especially today. What do you have to say about what is hapenning in kenya today?


  19. I wish to appeal to those of you in Kenya to send Txt messages to many people as you have on your phone to restrain themselves and be peaceful. Overeacting right now will not help our cause. The people of Kenya have won--even if at the moment Kibaki appears to occupy the seat of president. Our thinking, our resolve, our commitment, those things that drive us are still there. Let us draw deep from these and wake up tomorrow ready to face a new day. Our goal is the complete and total liberation of Kenya. This is not easy. There is a lot of entrenched interests. Those whose interests are to serve kenya will prevail. We have only started the journey. let us not give up! Already all media houses have been directed not to broadcast live news items. It is worse than Mois time. This is but a temporary roadblock. DO NOT BE DISCOURAGED! INSTEAD STAND UP!


  20. Hi cris, this is job well done. Please dont leave now. You can hide any where but once you get an opportunity, please update us.

  21. Jakatinga, wacha civil disobedience call. You will suffer. Just refuse to go to work for one week. They will; sack you man or refuse to pay your telephone bills. They will disconnet. Me i will obey the government of the day.

    Wacha hiyo!!


  22. So those blaming the Kikuyus and Gema, and asking, "will the kikuyus ever let any other tribe lead Kenya?", etc. This shows that this election was mainly a vote against the Kikuyus. Please dont hate that Kikuyu next to you, or that workmate kikuyu, or your neighbour kikuyu, he/she just voted for Kibaki just like the Luo next to you voted for Raila. I was withdrawing some cash from an ATM on Kenyatta avenue, when a huge dark fellow started chatting the guards as he waited to withdraw saying, "Sasa hawaoni 2002 tulikuwa leanient na tukawapatia power. Wakati huu si hivyo. Sasa wakikuyu watakuwa wakitembelea wapi?" I was puzzled by such a statement.

  23. Let us see how these boycott threats will succeed:
    1. You can all stop taking EABL beer....
    2. You may unsunscribe from Safaricom since you feel disenfranchised and don't even think about investing in the IPO
    3. You may henceforth fly SAA or Ethiopian airlines since KQ is directed by some kiuks or better yet stop going to JKIA coz Kenya Airports Authority is headed by a PNU guy
    4. Stop taking KCC milk coz of Matu Wamae - like he gives a shit if you don't
    5. Abscond studies (you and your children) at the University of Nairobi coz of the chancellor JB
    6. Do not transact business in International Life House coz DJ CK own the place - forget about all the visas you will need from the place....
    7. Quit your job from all Kiuk owned or directed organisations

    Do you believe you are all following a blind leader (Raila) who is only too jealous of what others have achieved and CANNOT ACCEPT DEFEAT.

    Like it or not it is a self-defeatist attitude.


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