Muge assassination: The powerful men he provoked Part 3

Saturday, December 29, 2007

ECK Press Briefing Turns Rowdy, Breaks Down

16h00 local time

This blogger just witnessed the ECK press briefing breaking down after agents (mostly from ODM) demanded that the ECK Chairman should come down and announce the winner of the presidential poll.

It seems the parliamentary results being announced are deemed to be a way of building President Kibaki's votes towards overtaking those of Raila Odinga.

This blogger is genuinely afraid for this country - and only Mr. Kivuitu can save this country at this point. His arrival at the press conference is awaited.

Updates coming.


  1. 16h23: ECK Chairman still awaited.

    ODM pentagon members Balala, Nyagah addressing journalists and accusing ECK commissioners Mutu and Kigano of being used by state house to systematically increase Kibaki's presidential results in selected consituencies from a turn-out of 65% to 94%, even after parliamentary results are well known.

    Kivuiti, whon the ODM seem to trust, still awaited at press briefing hall.

    Kenya on the brink of disaster!

  2. 16h30 A calm looking Kivuiti arrives at briefing hall.

  3. Kivuitu says he doesnt have results and cannot read results which he does not have.

    He says he is ready "to burn with Kenya" and none of the protesters are more Kenyan than him.

    Surprisingly before the breakdown, Niithi constituency is declaring Kibaki got 95,000 votes, against 123, 972 total registered voters. A claim vehemently denied by ODM which is contrasting with what was announced at the grassroot, ie. 66,390 votes.

    ODM agents from Eastern and Central provinces on the way to Nairobi with their carbon copies of the initial results.

    16h35; Kivuiti fielding questions from the hall.

  4. WHat the hell is happenning in Kenya? The writing is on the wall. Does Kibaki want to go out through a people revoluionary power . A few [people will die .. but Kenyans will ultimately be free of these shananigans.
    Unfortunately iam away form Kenya in SOuth Africa.

  5. 16h50 ECK Chairman giving presidential candidates representatives chance to contribute toward resolving the impasse.

    ODM- our agent on the ground is coming.

    PNU - produce agents for all 210 constituencies

    ODM-K - follow the law and do not entertain side-shows

    FORD Asili - matiba complainedof similar fraud in 1992 nobody took him serious. He is on the way coming, and the party urges ECK not to fall victim and be used by people who never fought for the 2nd liberation of Kenya.

  6. please keep the updates coming!

  7. Hebu sort out the mess before usiku iingie! Coz stima ikipotea..!

  8. Still waiting. I feel for the country. I had conceded an early defeat. To talk to you people

  9. 17h20 Kivuitu ignores point of order pleases from James Orengo. Press conference in disarray. Kivuitu and ODM members are exchanging words.

  10. 17h33 press conference back in order.

    Guns had earlier been pulled when police invaded the press briefing.

    Kivuitu trying to explain his position and he has to follow the law.

    Vote result announcement has been suspended as the concerned partied debate.

  11. 17h33 press conference back in order.

    Guns had earlier been pulled when police invaded the press briefing.

    Kivuitu trying to explain his position and he has to follow the law.

    Vote result announcement has been suspended as the concerned partied debate.

  12. 17h37 Pastor (Bishop) Muiru himself a presidentialcandidate has conducted prayers.

    Kivuitu is also requesting for Nzimbi of the ACK church.

    Nazleen Umar, also a presidential candidate, has also arrived and is complaining about Kamkumunji results (together with Bishop Muiru) where they were both candidates.

  13. Nazleen Umar manages to convince Kivuitu to cancel Kamkunji elections. Elections will be repeated says Kivuitu.

    Maragwa results have also been rejected.He doesnt specify whether elections will be repeated or votes recounted.

    Justice Kwach has also arrived and is addressing the hall. Asking Kivuitu to verify presidential polls, before making any declarations.


  14. I'm so scared for my family. Guys, an election lost is better than a life lost, esp b/c it is unlikely to be a politician's or their kin's but an innocent civilian's. Whoever losses, please try to think along that line and concede with decency.

  15. Kivuitu's press briefing is over as at 18h00, with the agreement that the ECK is going to review all the complaints just raised, including that of ODM's concerns for the presidential votes allegedly marked-up from central province. Also announced that there is 18 constituencies yet to be announced and that the presidential result as at 14h30 today was:

    Raila: 3,880,053
    Kibaki: 3,842,015

    These figure will change depending on what ECK commissioners decide.

    Meanwhile Danson Mungatana raised concerns on behalf of PNU that as the ECK is meeting, other commissioners were meeting a presidential candidate at a city hotel.

  16. You've done us proud, Phil. We appreciate very much your timely updates. I believe in the long run the blatant vote-rigging that's taken place in much of Central Province and the NEP will be exposed. But one thing Kenyans must not allow to happen is accept a president shoved down their throats.

  17. Odinga had been used by Kibaki to boot out Moi in 2002. He never intended to work with him because he is a cold blooded USER. Kibaki has no respect for the rest of the voting population except those close knit thieves running his show behind the scene. Unfortunately, the common men being incited to the streets are the same ones who will lose their precious lives. They voted and now they are being told their votes are absolutely bullshit!!!!!! Raila became a convenient idiot supporting this guy in 2002. The voting public do not mean a thing to this group of people. To them, people looting Kenya by offering them bribes are their guys. These are the people they(Kibaki group) must protect at all costs, even if it means sacrificing Kenyans!!!!

  18. Guys,
    I support my party strongly but if it's win means violence, I would rather lose but the country enjoys peace. To all ODM and PNU supporters, you have a right to support whichever side. But should the (relative)peace and tranquility we have had - compared to our neighbors- be sacrificed?

    Once again, let's rise above these divisions and emerge strong.

  19. Will somebody please explain why the numbers are going down from approximately 4.3 m for Raila, 4.0m for Kibaki, .5 million for Kalozo to less than 4m for Raila and Kibaki and less than .5m for Kalonzo??? Eeh, could the ECK possibly be curving the results like they are an exam or something? Something fishy githeri-ish or muthokoi-ish must be going on.

  20. My thoughts is that they are being cooked.I did the following analysis

    1. From PNU numbers as read by Wekesa we have total votes of 4.2million for ODM,4.5 million for PNU and I’ll assume .5million for other parties –this is a total vote tally of 9.2
    2. voter turn out is thus .65(9.2 divided by 14.5)
    3. Difference between ECK and PNU numbers for two main parties is 0.32 for ODM(4.2k-3.8k) AND 0.67 for PNU(4.5k-3.8k) total 990 k
    4. Add total registered voters for approx 20 missing constituencies-approx 1.5
    5. expected voter turn out from #4 is 1.017(.65 of 1.5)
    6. 4 of these constituencies are in ukambani so we can assume they voted more for kalonzo(Kitui West,Kathiani,Mwala,Kibwezi)total registered 326k
    7. Give Kalonzo 70% percent of turnout from Ukambani aprox .148(0.7 of 0.65 of 326)
    8 .so balance to be shared by PNU/ODM in # 5 less #7 is (1.07-.148 ) which is .868

    9 technically #8(868k) and number 3(990k) should be close but the difference is 160k

  21. I am sitting in New York, watching the update from Nation website and all over sudden, I see Raila 4,046,010 reduced to 3,880,053. How could this happen. Earlier figure release by ECK for Odinga (177 returns - Raila (4,046,010); and kibaki (3,760,233), then 189 returns - Raila (3,880,053) and that Kibaki (3,842,051). So how the hell did Raila lose 165,957 after an additional 12 returns were added. Anybody with their proper understand that the worst case scenario after addition of 12 returns was for the figures to stay at Raila's figures to remain at 4,046,010,(Raila got 0 votes from those returns which is unlikely). I hate to say this, but someone messed with the figures and made with some cash from PNU big men. If Raila winning votes are genuine and from people of Kenya, he has constitutional right to be the elected

  22. The day Kenyan people will wake up one morning and think they are Kenyans, will be the day they will start thinking what neo-colonialsm is doing in Kenya at the moment.
    As my friend from the Caribbean told me, black people suffers from the effects of slavery, colonialism and its the high time "21st century" that we address this issue and stop thinking Jaluo, Kikuyu, Kalenjin, Kamba, Kisii the list goes on to Ibo`s and Zulus etc.
    Election only took a day, and the stupidness of uneducated in Kenya sorry to say and Intelectuals abroad have been compromised by two people, Kibaki and Raila "millionaires". They are now spilling poor people’s blood for their own selfishness, greed and power hunger. What do you think they want to accomplish? Protect their ill gotten wealth some of which have been stashed in foreign banks (safe deposits) while poor Kibera voters slaughter one another and others in Eldoret and Nyanza burn their loved neighbours houses, because they are from different tribes. And as we speak, Kibaki and Raila are tossing champagne and shouting loud "cheers". Probably with UK, US and Canadian Ambassadors. They all go to bed together. These guys are crooks, I quote John Kerry when Bush was declared the USA President the second time. After rigging Florida votes where his brother was Governor.

    KENYANS, I PLEAD WITH YOU. LET US WORK, STUDY AND GO BACK TO KENYA AND DEVELOP OUR NATION. KIBAKI IS 76 YRS come on, RAILA 62 YEARS hihi getting there, PLEASE GIVE ME A BREAK. These people have never experienced poverty and the people dying are hardly 30 years old. ARE WE BUILDING OR DESTROYING OUR FUTURE?
    These guys are senile, and the reason i`m saying that is because of the lifestyle they have. Ordinary Kenyans should come together as brothers and sisters and oust these guys out of office and out of our way and take charge of our country.

    They have so much money; they can live wherever they want in this world without working until they die.


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