Muge assassination: The powerful men he provoked Part 3

Friday, December 28, 2007

Breaking News: Raila Reclaims Langata Seat

ODM's Raila Odinga is the MP-elect for Langata constituency and seemingly headed straight to the presidency of Kenya.

Results just announced at Nyayo Stadium by the Langata ECK Returning Officer shows that Raila garnered 59,416 votes against his closest challenger Mr. Stanley Livondo of PNU who garnered 23,919 votes. Ms Stella Mbai of ODM-K emerged a distant third with 1342 votes. A large crowd of mostly Raila's supporters, including this blogger and some members of the ODM presidential campaign team , have kept vigil at the Nyayo Stadium tallying centre for the last 24 hours. There is a strong contingent of the dreaded paramilitary GSU and regular police providing security for the ECK returning officer and the various party agents.

There was initial speculation locally and internationally that the ODM presidential candidate Raila Odinga would lose the parliamentary seat and therefore be lawfully disqualified from assuming the presidency which requires that the president must first be elected as an MP.

Since the vote counting started last night, there has been anxiety considering that Raila is President Kibaki's leading challenger and that there has been allegations of massive voter importation into Langata principally to frustrate his presidential bid.

Presidential results as at 16h45 local time show that Raila is steadily widening the gap as media tallying show Raila at 2.9m against Kibaki's 1.9m, while Kalonzo is trailing a distant third with 279,000 votes.

Most ODM MP elect have already started arriving in Nairobi in readiness of what Pentagon member and Eldoret North MP-elect says is "the inauguration of our candidate as the 4th President of the Republic of Kenya."

This blogger has not yet declared Raila the overall winner of the presidential poll, but all indications are that ODM will not only have a majority in the next parliament, it will most likely also be forming the next government.

Meanwhile disturbing news emanating from Kisii say that former legislator Jimmy Angwenyi has shot dead one person and seriously injured two others in his rural constituency in post election violence. The results or despute, if any, are still unknown. More on this to follow.


  1. Lates presidential results;

    Raila - 3.1m
    Kibaki - 2.0m
    Kalonzo 305k

    As at 17h50 local time 28th December 2007.

    Kibaki's cabinet in disarray as 18 ministers shown the door by voters. Latest casualties include Mwiraria, Obwocha, Kulundu, Prof. Kibwana and Mutua Katuku.

    Langata voters is street celebrations around Nairobi West area.

  2. Phil and all the others at Kumekucha: I am joining you in celebrating .....

    I had a dream - and this dream has come true.

    Marianne Briner

    (and don't mix me up with ' mb ' - because I found out that certain contributors to this blog have used these initials during the last days pretending it's me ..... I am sorry for this inconvenience and will from now on send my mails under my google-account and signing with my full name - I think that times are too serious to allow certain people to make such 'jokes' .....

  3. Lates presidential results;

    Raila - 3.268m
    Kibaki - 2.278m
    Kalonzo 356k

    As at 18h30 local time 28th December 2007.

    Vote counting/tallying suspended in Starehe amid massive rigging by agents believed to be Maina Kamandas (PNU). Those of Kajiado North and Kamkunji have also been suspended awaiting decision from ECK.

    Uhuru Kenyatta re-elected on KANU ticket by a landslide in Gatundu South

  4. Provisional results announced by KTN 21h00 local time:-

    Raila 3.412m (58.7%)
    Kibaki 2.716m (39.0%)
    Kalonzo 456k (2.0%)

  5. The Party of national Unity has this evening categorically stated that IT WILL NOT ACCEPT Langata results because the ECK had apparently lost control of the vote counting process prior to Raila being declared the winner.

    In a strongly worded statement read by KANU's Uhuru Kenyatta, the PNU alleged that ODM agents and supporters had hijacked the vote counting and tallying process and the sheer numbers of the ODM crowd led to the ECK losing control of its mandate. The statement was read at PNU headquarters but it is unclear whether a formal complaint has been lodged with the ECK.

    Is this to be taken that PNU's only strategy on winning the elections was to block Raila's re-election in Langata, and nothing else?

    Meanwhile, the latest presidential votes as at 22h00 local time

    Raila 3.556m
    Kibaki 2.935m
    Kalonzo 510k

  6. Meanwhile, the latest presidential votes as at 29 September 2007 at 04h30 local time

    Raila 3.7m
    Kibaki 3.4m
    Kalonzo 525k

    Parliamentary Seats so far:

    ODM 88
    PNU 29
    ODM-K 12
    KANU 7
    Safina 4
    FOAD 3
    NARC 3

    Meru are have not yet sent in results and ECK Chairman Daniel Kivuitu admits he has not been able to communicate with his returning officers in this area. There are reports of a power blackout in the last 3 hours in Meru and ODM have formally protested to ECK. Next press briefing in 2 hours at KICC. Fears of rigging in Kibaki friendly areas who have been sending in parliamentary and civic "results" that have been unsigned by ODM agents, while presidential results from the same areas are not being sent in, sparking widespread apprehension in ODM and across the country. The country is not sleeping as the president is NOT known as at the early hours of Saturday morning.

    Meanwhile ODM has won 5 and PNU 2 out of the 8 Nairobi parliamentary seats. Bishop Wanjiru is the new starehe MP and Maina Kamanda the latest Kibaki cabinet minister to see dust.

  7. Phil, Chillax, I understand its tight but this is 29 DECEMBER.

  8. Phil,

    Thanks for the updates. Can you please post info on which provinces have completed vote counting if possible? It is impossible to find this information online and when it is, each outlet has different numbers.

    It's no surprise that they take issue with Raila's re-election given that rigging him out and buying voters was the main tricks expected to win them the election. I wonder why they are not concern that Saitoti was caught red-handed trying to deliver votes to a polling station.

    I really hope the issue you raised re: Meru is not true. Just when I thought that Kenya was going to see a fair election involving an incumbent, the games have began in full force. It is however suspect that they are not releasing the presidential vote stats. Me thinks they are waiting to see how far they are behind in order to figure out how many "votes" to add to their tally!!!! I hope the voters voices will prevail.

    Peace to all Kenyans


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