Muge assassination: The powerful men he provoked Part 3

Sunday, December 30, 2007

Breaking News: Government BANS All Live Media Broadcasts

The Government of Kenya (sic) has banned all live news broadcasts with immediate effect.

Information PS, Bitange Ndemo, issued a statement a few moments ago indicating that the GoK has banned all live news broadcasts with immediate effect. Directive was issued by the Minister of Internal Security - obviously in anticipation of an ODM press conference due shortly, with regard to the Kivuitu circus and the Kibaki swearing in. Will a curfew be declared next?

All live press transmission by NTV, KTN and other independent media have been stopped.

Violence is getting worse in Mombasa, Kisumu and Eldoret, practically police have been overwhelmed all over the country.

Regrettably, No reasons whatsoever, were given for the government BAN.

Election observers, diplomats and the Kenyan public are now worried for the safety of ODM pentagon member and other independent bloggers like Kumekucha who has to keep moving to avoid security forces.


  1. I am a Kikuyu (Hate the term kyuk, read Britain's Gulag to know where it came from)and I supported ODM. Even though I vcouldn't vote because I was abroad the whole of my family, I mean the nucleus one in Mombasa, voted ODM. I wouldn't like to see them hurt or their property destroyed after voting ODM!
    There are many kikuyus who voted ODM. Even the majority who voted PNU were in their rights, as Agwambo said, and they shouldn't be punished for it. Those who should be brought to justice and be made to pay for the lives lost and those that will be lost due to their selfish and inhuman acts are the organisers of this sham. with time they shall be found out and they shall pay, like the organisers of clashes i mt. elgon, likoni, molo, kuresoi and the murderers of Ouko muliro etc and the perpetrators of goldenberg, angloleasing etc. All these are crimes against humanity the same as cheating in these elections. Rest assured you beastly dinosaurs that you will pay, that is if you don't die first because you are fast approaching death de to old age.
    Kenyans stay calm please the demos must be peaceful!! Shun violence as it will only lead to destruction of life and property and nothing else. when revenge killings start we will have an all and out civil war which we should avoid at all coasts.
    Long live a peaceful kenya!

  2. Chris,

    Kindly allow for free interaction and relay of messages on the forum. Just for a few days to allow Kenyans pour out their frustartions. I only hope that you can give it a considerationc for a week before it returns to the moderation process.

    Just a word of advice, given that there is alot of censorship.


  3. Am doin this frm my fon. Kibaki has jus taken kenya 20 yrs back. I jus cant stomach it. Kakamega is a battle field as i write this. Live bullets r being fired at kenyans onsite.. For the last one br we've literally beard gunshots nonstop. A small towns-khayega, makunga, kabras r all chaotic. Many guys here r waitin for raila to give direction.

  4. William Ruto was complaining today. There is a Swahili saying that MUOSHA HUOSHWA. Today he feels what Kenneth Matiba felt in 1992 and what Kibaki felt in 1997 after he (Ruto) played part in the Kanu regime.

    Ruto should just concentrate on developing his constituency.

    From Kibaki I expect a good economy. He must make sure that the three days of loss in the country's economy in compensated immediately in the first month.

    We dont want cowboys in the government this time and powerbrokers should keep off.

    To Emilio, all the best. Tafadhali as you promised, Kazi iendelee...


  5. just as expected.
    Al jazeera just had a live story direct from kenya! i don't know if they are covered under this ban.

    but this is so shameful! unfolding events were carried live

    media houses have invested alot in OB vans,satellite space ,equipment etc to allow live coverage. including the new Jeff koinange station K24, which is barely a month old

    very sad that the illegitimate govt is scaring away investors.

  6. just as expected.
    Al jazeera just had a live story direct from kenya! i don't know if they are covered under this ban.

    but this is so shameful! unfolding events were carried live

    media houses have invested alot in OB vans,satellite space ,equipment etc to allow live coverage. including the new Jeff koinange station K24, which is barely a month old

    very sad that the illegitimate govt is scaring away investors.

  7. Kumekucha we pray for your safety wherever you are.

    Please if you can, try to keep updating us as with the new Ban on live broadcasts, we have no way of knowing what is going on.

    I believe this thing will be fought and Kenyan public shall come out triumphant with the leaders we deserve. Kibaki seems to have forgotten that this is a different Kenya. Wananchi have woken up big time.

  8. just as expected.
    Al jazeera just had a live story direct from kenya! i don't know if they are covered under this ban.

    but this is so shameful! unfolding events were carried live

    media houses have invested alot in OB vans,satellite space ,equipment etc to allow live coverage. including the new Jeff koinange station K24, which is barely a month old

    very sad that the illegitimate govt is scaring away investors.

  9. ODM to form a new govt on Monday at Uhuru Park

  10. Kibaki DID NOT IN ANY WIY RIG THE ELECTIONS!!!!. You all need to accept the will of the Kenyans. Kenyans have decided and we need to move together as a country.
    I can tell you now that the Editor of Kumekucha and his inside Source at Nation Media House need to stop their biased reporting. Please stop intoxicating Kenyans.
    Think about it.....How come Raila new Kibaki was going to rig this elections even before it started? Raila was trying to shift focus from himself and WE have evidence of ODM rigging these elections.
    As a matter of fact, Raila's name was in the ECK register during polling day and that he had gone to the wrong spot in the polling station. There was a reason why Raila complained of why his Name was not on the register. How can an opposition leader be missed out in the register? If Kibaki was trying to rig these elections, he certainly did a good job at making it very obvious!!!!!!
    Have a fearless day.

  11. How can the economy grow when the country has been shut down or is burning to the ground. Are those who are still talking about the 'economy growing' that willfully blind that they refuse to acknowledge the reality that the country is on the brink of a civil war? What economy will exist under those circumstances?

  12. Mgash,

    can you keep off this place. we are in a healing process and we do not want careless talk. Keep to reading comics and cartoon strips. sawa.

    You might be right about the rigging, but it was both ways. If you remember Raila Odinga going live on TV to urge people to vote for while after he allegedly said that his names was missing from the roll, that is rigging. It was election day. Second, his name was there and he played a role in provoking the situation and yet I (persoanl opinion) believe he knew his name was in the list.

    It was a PR plot. He only wanted to make a point and the tv stattion fell for it be even allowing him to speak on tv. It is against ethics to do that.

    sasa. Lets take the path that leads to the healing process.


  13. Mgash,

    You are defending the indefensible. Rigging will not be tolerated by Kenyans. Kivuiti and his coterie of jesters have denied Kenyans a chance to keep Kenya on a path to solidifying the democratic gains of the past few years. But an idea whose time has come cannot be buried. Read my lips, the new Kibaki government will not survive seven days.

  14. The result is what Kenyans have decided. There is no healing process just a matter of reconcilation as kenyans. It is a good day for kenyans that we have a president that is able to deliver the results and make the country prosper. Kenya is better off now than 10yrs ago. We do not need ODM change. Change for what? Let the good work being done continue and let us learn from our mistakes.

    How can we trust our economy with presidential candidates who have no credibility? Think about it,
    • What has Mr. Raila Odinga done for the country let alone his constituency while as minister or Member of Parliament? The Kibera slums have been there for a while now and still going strong.
    • As member of Langata constituency he has not been able to advocate or represent the people of that location in ways that would benefit them. The question is, how will he be able to advocate or represent the wider Kenyan community? Can we trust him to deliver the results? Is he an agent for change or we going to dig our own grave yards?
    Look on the brighter side:-
    • Our economy is getting somewhere and the past two years we have seen a lot of investments both internationally and locally.
    • Kenyans were beginning to find some confidence in the economy. Although the rate of unemployment is still high the prospects of getting a job now are far much better than it was before. Of course, I don’t need to remind Kenyans about that famous brown envelope that used to be prominent in every job-seeker in town.
    • The city is clean and crime is at an all time low.
    This is not about tribalism; it is about our future as Kenyans. There is a lot of rumor out there pointing to Mr. Odinga as being the next President. This rumor comes with a heavy price and we have already seen critical investments pull out as a result of this rumor. Big Companies and multinationals have already started planning exit strategies that will lead to heavy job losses. Most of these companies are relocating to Tanzania. At the moment, we are not experiencing a brain drain to western economies but now we are losing our professionals to our neighbors. Tanzania is in the middle of an IT boom and it could be witnessing the biggest ever resources boom in the whole east African region. There is a lot of talk in the international media and multinational interests in prospects of mining in Tanzania.
    All of this is not by chance but as a result of good economic management by the Tanzanian government. Not only are they welcoming these mining prospects but they are formulating policies that will ensure jobs will go to local people. Therefore, these policies create jobs for the wider communities and not for profiting the government or the multinationals.
    So can we really trust that Mr. Raila will be able to drive through such policies and pick up from where Mr. Kibaki left of? Or is he going to sit down and hope all will be well. We need a leader who will take initiative. An initiative that will not only benefit a smaller segment of the community, but the wider Kenya.

  15. Mgash, you are right. Just like your dictator elect-President! Oh, I beg to correct myself the Commander-in-thief.

    How would you feel if the tables were reversed and you were the one whose vote was disenfrachised? My friend, I know you are an insider in the government. You cannot touch Chris. If you do, we'll come after you big.

    You've succeeded in causing a blackout within the Kenyan media fraternity. Congratulations. The Good Lord Almighty is Watching you.

    So, Mr. gov't inspector, good will see light at dawn.

    God bless our land this our nation.

  16. Again I ask, what economy will exist under the current conditions in the country. Who worries about clean streets when we are on the brink of a civil war. People are dying in Western, Nyanza, Rift Valley, Nairobi and Coast. How exactly will this economy function when people are too afraid of leaving their houses?

  17. Sam Okello, how is the new book coming? the book about the Official Opposition Leader called RIALA ODINIGA?

  18. Get over it, the elections is done and kenyans have decided. Please don't waste time posting backward blogs. Our Nation needs positive thinkers.

  19. Mgash the election is over and we should be addressing the resultant claims that both sides rigged, not campaigning for or against any one 'leader', unless there is a run-off.

  20. Mgash, whoever you are and wherever you, I think you should be a little bit ore realistic, to say that there was no rigging shows us more about the arrogant kind of behavior that has gotten into a particular class o Kyuks, the whole country is distancing themselves from te Kikuyus, unfortunately many innocent Kikuyu lives are being lot as you are talking there, the fact is you are all alone against the rest of the country, and who knows, the next blood which will be shed will probably be yours or of a member of your family, with that, some sense will get into your head, may be you have not known what death is all about or to lose a close member of a family due to such kind of heinous acts that your community is subjecting Kenyans to

  21. Massive sms going round Nairobi that both Raila and Ruto have been arrested.

  22. Without doubt,rigging happened.

    Where are ODM leaders?

    Any internet communication?

    What are they planning?

  23. I have given you this message like five times today but for reasons known to you, you are unwilling to publish it. You are irresponsib;y fuelling fire and if Kenya sinks, we all sink with it. I would not understand why you would fear for your safety when you are at the thick of things fermenting ethnic intolerence. You are not special and if you think you are, continue advocating for chaos and see whether you will not suffer the same fate with millions of Kenyans. The Railas, Rutos, Kibakis and Michukis of this world will be enjoying life in western capitals while you will be living in a refugee camp if violence escalates. PLEASE STOP THIS ANIMOSITY AGAINST PEOPLE WHO VOTED FOR KIBAKI. THEY ARE KENYANS TOO! Since you apparently think you are an opinion insinuating that your life is danger.....please get in touch with Raila and let him know that there a avenues of addressing his grievances. The High court is a few meters from Uhuru Park and a lot more would be accomplished without loss of life than at Uhuru park where believe you me,innocent and gullible Kenyans will loose their life. I am George Wahome and I beseech you to be a voice of sanity.
    Many thanks.

  24. RAila Odinga rigged in Nyanza and I challenge you whinners to prove me wrong.

  25. What are the options? Excluding violence and the long court process? I wish we could look at any effective, lawful and reasonable course of action.


  26. We keep talking about economic forgetting that 5 years ago during Moi's time the economy was plugging down and any President with encourage and supported development would have helped. Kibaki did exactly that but lacked the leadership that saw his henchement in many corrupt deals. The rigging of this pools says it all. Kibaki is economist and that is good, but not the leader who is suppose to motivate kenyan and community to higher levels of performance and better returns. The future if Kenya is with the young, not the old dudes like Kibaki, Moi, Nyakiamo, etc. He lost, he should have let go and let kenyans draw from his experience as economics. Rigging this election is clear that the guy does not care what happens to a common kenyan - this is the same practise we witness during Moi's time. No wonder Moi campaign for him. Kibaki/PNU actions is not fair and not justified in today's Kenya. Kenya is a developing country and the society is yarning for a fair environment which foster entrepreneurship, investment and hardwork - not stealing, not bribery, not lying. Kibaki has lied to Kenyan people by put ECK in a very difficult. Where is this guy's conscience!

  27. Kibaki.. weww na huyo rucie wako ni pubavu kabisa. Bloody bure

  28. just as expected.
    Al jazeera just had a live story direct from kenya! i don't know if they are covered under this ban.

    but this is so shameful! unfolding events were carried live

    media houses have invested alot in OB vans,satellite space ,equipment etc to allow live coverage. including the new Jeff koinange station K24, which is barely a month old

    very sad that the illegitimate govt is scaring away investors.

  29. All his pointing of fingers is not productive. Emotions are high and the ignorance in matters concerning the mining industry in Tanzania and Kenya borders on the absurd. It is evident to the world that Diamond deposits are in abundance in Tanzania, NOT Kenya should not be denied. The fact that these resources have been selectively prospected by a select few is no secret either.

    Minerals deposits in Kenya, are in abundance. Since independence, these have been prospected by a select few OLD men who have been positioning themselves from independence times and probably still are, is no big secret. Please pay a visit the the Environment and Natural Resources Ministry, Mines and Geology Dept (Opp DT Dobie workshop) in industrial area and see for yourself.

    Chinese and Japanese investors are falling over themselves to be allowed a chance to propect iron ore in the Kishushe Area (Close to Voi), Gypsum (Baringo), Rich ruby deposits in the Tsavo National Park (Which by the way is a preserve of the family of a former president, immediate or otherwise not withstanding).

    Brain drain cannot be blamed on our generation. We seek greener pasture because we would like to get on with and add value to life. I by the way have lived, worked and VOTED in Kenya all my life, but learnt how not to comment on MATTERS I have little if any knowledge of. Nothing personal mgash, but I think you need to tone down and observe what goes on around you.

  30. is it true that ODM Pentagon members have all been arrested?

  31. We are all Kenyans, i personally voted for a Kenyan who i thouhgt was a patriot but it didn't matter. I have now realised that i should have voted someone from my tribe. But any way that is all behind us. We are all Kenyans one people one Nation. Kamau, Ouma, Wafula,Wambua,chirchir,Makori,Nyaga,Muthamia,Serempo, Omari, Kadzo, to name just but a few of the 42 we all share a Nation, a root that if we destroy today, the generations to come will curse us. Lets stop pointing fingers and blaming one another. God is the ultimate judge. Leave it to him.
    Remember our Motto of PEACE, LOVE and UNITY.


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