Friday, August 03, 2007

Ngilu "Fixed" By Cops

Despite the fact that Health Minister Charity Ngilu has spent the better part of today in police custody at CID headquarters as well as yesterday afternoon, police commissioner Major General Ali had a clarification for the press today during a heated press conference session.

The Minister is not under arrest and neither is she being detained by the police, he said. She is simply assisting the police in investigations.

This is a new revelation by the police commissioner which means that next time the men in blue pick you up at the local kiosk with sukuma wiki bread and milk in your hands and ask you to accompany them to the police station (so that you can bribe them for your freedom) and you are as principled as Kumekucha is and spend the night in the cooler, don't tell people you were arrested by police. Tell them you were assisting the police with investigations.

So why has Ngilu been "assisting the police with investigations" for the whole long day? There are different stories the police are giving. One says that...

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  1. Script well rehearsed except you forgot the refrain 'DON'T TRY THIS AT HOME'. Ngilu is a heroine and a stunt puller depending on which side of the fence is safe for your taking. She took the bulls by the horns but she is no ordinary folk and trying her heroics can make you stop a bullet. And the cops will promptly claim you were aiding a susspect flee. The best we can do is to wish her and all the victims well. Kudos Madam Minister.

  2. On this unfortunate Ngilu incidence, I support General Ali and his police force 100%. I know police can sometimes be unnecessarily brutal, and I was once a victim some in 1998, but let us just imagine what Kenya would be if every Mutisya, Njoroge or Atieno did what Ngilu did every time they thought someone has been "unjustly" arrested by police... our beloved Kenya would be in a state of anarchy.

  3. I'm sure the Health Minister is happy that all "good" things come to an end-though in this case the end may not yet be in sight...

    On the plus side for me, the police actually were brave enough to make sure she was called in to give account for her actions-wow...the law in Kenya is finally beginning to be applied indiscriminately- albeit half-heartedly-but its plain to see that the HAVEs in our society continue to instill fear over the HAVE NOTs, meaning that the full force of the law cannot yet be brought to bear irrespective of whoever breaks it

    I still believe whole ministers should not be pulling stunts such as these when they have the power to make laws about these things-there is another way

  4. Kumekucha,

    What you are preaching here is anarchy. Is our legal system that bad for us to take the law in our hands? Please also go slow on the speculations as they are not based on any facts(remember Raila making an overkill with statements like "her life is in danger", "she is being forced to sign this or that", "she is being punished for meeting us"). Her statements after she was 'released' did not point to any of this. Where does the Ouko issues or other past and future issues come in? Surely you can't use other issues for your justifications. I think you are mixing issues here. Did she break the law or did she not? Period!

  5. This is all political opportusim which apparently is the only thing people like Ngilu are known for. When you combine this with Raila Odinga's pettiness u get plain madness.


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