Sunday, July 29, 2007

Blog Under Attack By Porn Poster

My dear brothers and sisters,

Over the last two weeks or so, I have appeared to be a little paranoid to many of you and some of my actions here have puzzled many of you. However today, what has emerged is the clearest evidence so far that I have not been boxing with mere shadows.

Somebody has been very busy today posting pornographic posts here. It seems that because we have managed to smoke out the guys with some strange objectives, they have now come up with a Plan “B”.

Today alone I have deleted about 4 pornographic posts so far.

As it is, it looks like I will soon be forced to moderate all comments, which will greatly reduce our enjoyment of this blog and probably help these people achieve their objectives. I am still monitoring the situation closely.

What do you guys think? Any other ideas of how we can fight these people?

One thing I can assure you. They WILL NOT WIN.


  1. Can you please stop posting pornographic posts with my name on it. Please stop it. Derek

  2. Chris, can you please check the Raila Corruptible story. Someone has posted a pornographic post with my name on it.

  3. To anybody on this site who feels that he can tarnish one's name by publishing dirty post. You are, if anything, doing Chris alot of deservice. Chris' blog is supposed to be visited by all and sundry, young and old. What thrill do you get when you publish a post not fit for the family?

    I have also come to realise that DEREK is being used for one reason or another. For everybody's information, I don't visit porn sites. I live in a country where these things are monitored and my laptop will always 'flag' when pornographic content is noticed, with a message about reprisals from the authorities. Meaning, that my career and reputation will not be put on the line for such a reason.

    Kindly, if you think you are doing yourself a favour by publishing porn on this blog, you are simply detenting Chris' reputation. I visit tens of blogs but only contribute in this one and my office onedr.

    Sure, I said last week that this is a bad precedent being set, using people's names to post porn. You are doing more damage than favour to a blog that recieves visitors of a family shade. KINDLY STOP IT. It costs nothing.

  4. Poor Derek original, your clone is back with a vegeance. But take heart the chap is on a desperate and failed mission. Fighting him is to warrant him undeserved publicity. Just ignore him and he will dissolve in his own shame.

    The goon can continue abusing Chris' generousity and all of us here. But alas, we are not leaning leave alone falling for his cheap stuff. FYI it is the same balderdash of few weeks ago about things can only excite a high school teenager.

    Chris must protect us from these scavangers and not wait for the crap to appear first and then delete latter. If he has to sieve and censor comments before they appear SO BE IT. That is a price worth paying when faced with such lunatics. Over to you Xris.

  5. My heart goes out to Derek and Chris. Derek please take heart and know that we are intelligent enough to differentiate this kind of hopelessness from your positive contribution to the blog and to the country. I am surprised you are spending so much time trying to fight off the guy. Let him do his thing and believe me the best treatment u can accord him is to ignore him.

    Now you all know we have seen a lot of hooliganism in our politics. Derek so far is the only major consistent Kibaki supporter in this blog. Why should we not read the hooliganism associated with some hysterical political supporters? I will not be surprised if the next casualty will be Vikii. This is all intimidation derek and dont take it lying down. Again we are together in this and u can be sure the sobre minds of Taabu, Kalamari, Phil etc are with u in this. It is kiddish to bend that low but let it not bog u down.

    Chris, this blog was beginning to gain lots of credibility. I respect the 'Nation' as one of the most credible (if not the most) newspapers in Africa and if they can quote ur blog, then that's a sign of good times ahead. Dont be bogged down either. Just delete the posts without making a big fuss about it.

    My honest interpretation of the situation is all politics. Someone has just realized that Derek is a hell lot politically aware. People are afraid of the truth and when they come across someone who has it in his fingertips to back everything he writes down, they feel threatened. The idea is to kick Derek out for very backward reasons. Dont let it happen Derek... Stay put yaani kaa ngumu.

    Will refusing to read the other side of the story change anything? kenya's political fate will be decided in the ballot and not in this blog. Its time people understood that.

  6. I have a little assignment for you Chris. Let us shut all anonymous bloggers out. I am thinking about an arrangement where we all have to register as contributors and different unique handles given to different peple. Anybody who wants to impersonate vikii will have to hack and get my password. That way we can block all impersonators.

    About vulgar comments, the only way out is to keep deleting them everytime they get posted.

    Any better solutions?

  7. I noticed one of the posts Chris is referring to earlier and alerted him by his private mail.

    The thing is GO EAST, GO WEST, KIBAKI IS THE BEST. I WILL VOTE FOR EMILIO STANLEY MWAI KIBAKI. CLEAN STEADFAST AND SO FAR THE BEST. Changing me is harder that cutting a mugumo tree with a razor blade.

    Did you read the Nyatanga is a chain of salons and might soon be a conglomerate sprawling Nairobi and diversifying into other businesses. It means that jobs (part of the 500,000) have been created, City Hopper, Road Constructions and many more. Jobs all over. Even a double intake for cops very soon. Youth Fund, KMC, NBK, Good Economy. We have delivered choice!

    Hapana siasa ya kelele, siasa ya maendeleo.

  8. Enderea 'Vile vile tu'. Don't get distracted.

  9. Derek its true Nyatanga is a chain of salons, but a point of clarification. It has been there before Narc came into power. It will not be easy for them to be a conglomarate and diversify into other businesses with demolition of kiosks. Renting the permanent structures would be expensive for them.

    City council and the government should encourage such enterprenures by building better structures for them.

  10. How can Derek attempt to link Nyatanga to Kibaki's government? Does this government even know that 700,000 of its citizens, including children live in such deplorable conditions in the first place?

    Infact the future of the nyatanga next to the railway bridge wont last because Rift Valley Railways (RVR) who took over from Kenya Railways will soon be demolishing any structures that are within 100 meters radious of the railway line. This action will directly affect the livelihoods of thousands in Kibera. It will also leave thousands more homeless. I have heard the world bank and other donors are prepared to finance the relocations but it has been a loud silence from the Gok because Kibera is considered a hostile territory because of links to Raila Odinga.

    At least Moi commissioned some public bathrooms and piped water projects! Let me challenge GNU enthusiasts here to tell us if there has been major project that benefits the community that the government has undertaken in Kibera in the last 15 years?

    These people have been not been treated like human beings by any government since independence. It is actually an equivalent of a death penalty to be born poor in this part of the world.

  11. And talking of Rift Valley Railways giving a demolition notice, it shouldnt be lost to us that 20% of RVR is owned by a company known as Trans-Century which has developed a reputation for acquiring high value stakes of state corporations and it is owned by a group of Kikuyu businessmen who are very close to the Kibaki regime and Kibaki himself from his days as a regular at the Muthaiga Golf Club. They are James Gachui (Chairman) Zaph Mbogua (Vice Chairman), while directors include Peter Kanyago, Robin Kimotho, Joseph Kamau, Kariithi Njogu and Joseph Karago.

    Trans-Century has been the best bidder at all state assets sales and it has grabbed most in very controversial circumstances. These businessmen are clearly reaping Kenya off!

    There is a connection to Trans-Century to all major acquisitions in Kenya over the last 5 years. East African Cables, Firestone, Kengen, RVR, Equity Bank, etc.

    The same group is now targetting the HFCK, Kenya RE and Mumias Sugar, KPRL, ..etc etc.

    Where is all the big money coming from? These guys are not taking any loans or talking to big time financiers? Anglo Leasing?

  12. U have some valid arguments Phil. Dont u also thinl we need to know what the area political leadership is doing towards this end? No matter how little the Lang'ata Constituency Development Commitee is capable of doing, what has it done? The patron should iniate some development projects instead of engaginging in endless meaningless story telling. I think its time people understood what leaders are for. Football commentry is certainly not one of their duties.

  13. Thanks Phil, I believe the group is also targetting Safaricom.

  14. Who killed Railways, Opon Nyamunga, Odette Joseph and their ilk. Now LDP MP!

  15. Phil, did we talk TRIBALISM? If yes, then all people you are mentioning despite being Kikuyu are Kenyans, eligible to work in Kenya, own business and even invest anywhere they want.

    I wonder if the area MP for the abode that Nyatanga is premised takes her wife there. Or Musalia Mudavadi's wife. I bet the cheapest they go to is Ashleys.

    Then if iot is wrong for a rich Kikuyu to own busniess, why do you allow that foreign investors to bring their capital into Kenya,

  16. Firestone? That is Merali's company. Didn't know Merali was a Kiuk...
    HFCK? willing seller (CDC, GoK) willing buyer (Equity & Britak and not TC)
    KenGen? goK owns 70% and Tc is not even on the top 10 shareholders
    Equity? Very little of it is owned by TC (that is unless Jimnah Mbaru's investments (1.5%) represent TC which is not necessarily true)

  17. Trans-Century was incorporated ONLY in 2003, after Kibaki assumed power! Its first major acquisition was EA Cables. It has since acquired a stake (major or minor) in Development Bank of Kenya, Kenya Power & Lighting Co., KENGEN, Kenya / Rift Valley Railways, Equity Bank, etc, etc. This list is not exhaustive because of the secretive manner in which these guys operate.

    MainaT, are you aware that the Kenyan public once owned 49% of Firestone EA Ltd through the ICDC, and Naushad Merali (a one time Financial Controller at motor vehicle assembly company) acquired these shares in very very controversial circumstances. HFCK, they tried and failed, but are back again through the famous Equity Bank, where NSSF, NHIF, Youth Fund, Womens Funds are all major account holders! Kenya Re is on the cards as is Safaricom.

    If you take a close look at the business activities of personalities behind Trans-Century, you will not fail to see the connection of conflict of interests by people in government and public parastatals as well as in the Nairobi Stock Exchange.

    All Kikuyus, plus other Kenyan tribes, are allowed to trade and invest anywhere. The basis of the original post is not to highlight their ethnic origin, but it still remains a common denominator. If these are honest businessmen, congratulations are in order! Are they obligated to tell us where Billions of dollars the are spending are coming from? Is it in order for one company to be allowed to make major acquisitions from public companies spread over nearly all sectors of the economy, even if they can afford it? I dont know!

  18. Phil, you don't seem to have read my comment. Merali who owns Firestone is not part of TC. TC has been around since 1996. As I mentioned Jimnah Mbaru owns shares in equity. He is not TC. Jimnah Mbaru has of course been at NSE since early 80s.
    I really don't understand what your issue is.
    KRe and Safaricom are being offered to the public i.e. you and me. So you can also own a piece of the same. This ofcourse unlike the previuos regime where as in the case of safaricom, GoK fans were given companies as part of kickbacks.


Any posts breaking the house rules of COMMON DECENCY will be promptly deleted, i.e. NO TRIBALISTIC, racist, sexist, homophobic, sexually explicit, abusive, swearing, DIVERSIONS, impersonation and spam AMONG OTHERS. No exceptions WHATSOEVER.