Thursday, March 01, 2007

ODM-Kenya Presidential Candidate Has Been Decided: And The Winner Is…

Kumekucha Special Exclusive

This writer has managed to make contact with ODM-Kenya insiders at the center of the ongoing negotiations and what has emerged are some startling revelations.

For starters the ODM-Kenya presidential candidate has more or less already been decided on. My sources say that all the other presidential candidates have agreed on this particular man, save for one major candidate. It is because of this major candidate that negotiations are still going on, otherwise they would have been over a long time ago. So the much-anticipated split in ODM-Kenya over the presidential candidate nomination has not happen and is unlikely to happen.

There is however a huge possibility that the one candidate who is yet to concur with his colleagues, could leave the movement.

So how was the ODM candidate arrived upon? It was really simple. The question was asked of all presidential aspirants; who was capable of delivering their community as a block to ODM-Kenya even if they were not the movement's presidential candidates. Of all the aspirants, it was quickly agreed on that only Raila Odinga was able to do this. And so it has been agreed by consensus that Raila Odinga is the man who will be the ODM-Kenya flag bearer in the forthcoming general elections.

However, as predicted in this blog, the effects of the Steadmann poll on the popularity of presidential candidates will not wear off easily. Kalonzo Musyoka still strongly feels that he would be the presidential candidate with the highest chances of delivering the presidency to ODM-Kenya and is still arguing to that effect even when the writing is clearly on the wall. Will he swallow his pride and back Raila Odinga? It is difficult to say at this juncture, but even if he does withdraw from ODM-Kenya, the damage will be very minimal because only the Akamba community will be missing in ODM-Kenya and it is highly unlikely that they will go to Narc-Kenya, which means that the impact on ODM-Kenya's bid for power will be extremely minimal.

Raila is the candidate that the president's handlers have been preparing for and regular readers of his blog know exactly what kind of tactics are going to be used. Basically we should expect a lot of very effective propaganda on why the Luo cannot lead. Tribal sentiments and animosity that was birthed during the Jomo Kenyatta administration will re-emerge with a vengeance. We will talk about this in more detail, in the days to come.

So the die has been cast. There is no turning back now. Raila Odinga will face Mwai Kibaki in the forthcoming polls. Just remember that you first read this explosive information here, in this, the most popular blog on Kenya.

A Kenyan safari of a lifetime at a price you will not believe.

Shocking Nation sex scandal dossier finally released.


  1. I hope this is true. Behind the innocent face of one Kalonzo Musyoka, there is a lot. He may not be able to swallow his pride but he has nowhere to go. Furthemore, I believe ODM needs him just as much as he needs ODM. But never underestimate the 2 Million Votes in Central Kenya combined with Kambas. Those in NARC Kenya( or NARC or DP or Kikuyu's whichever name you want to call it) will probably paint Raila as one who wants to settle scores with Kikuyus. Honestly, I believe Raila is the man this country needs. All the propaganda sorrounding him have never been proved- even the Molasses saga!

  2. Good analysis !

  3. Wow what a revelation. Might as well change this 'most popular kenyan blog' to LUO/RAILA for president.

    Truth be told I hope Raila is the candidate because it simply guarantees ODM-K will not win the election. And this has nothing to do with an anti Luo bias; it is merely factual that Kalonzo guarantees the most votes for ODM across all tribal lines.

    Raila will deliver all of Luo votes, but he will not garner as much votes in other tribal groupings as Kalonzo or even Uhuru.

    And pray to God that Kalonzo doesn’t leave ODM, even if he doesn’t join Narc-Kenya he will take away more votes from ODM than he will from Narc if he chooses to stand alone.

    So go ahead ‘Kenya’s most popular blog’ declare Raila the president but you have been warned.

  4. What the Shit? If Raila is the candidate then Narc Kenya can expect my vote. The writer of "The most popular blog in Kenya" must be getting Handsomely paid by Raila to tarnish the otherwise good name of Kalonzo. U Always come up with strange allegations that kalonzo's head has been poisoned by steadman. Dont u also think Raila'shas been poisoned by the standard and "The Most Popular blog in Kenya?" What a joke to have raila as the person u support for the presidency. I can only laugh at u. There are only two gentlemen who can beat kibaki in the entire ODM barricade,namely Kalonzo and Uhuru. Everybodyelse there is as corrupt as Biwott and Chris. And who said Kenya needs a Luo President. Let's get one and i will change my citizenship Yesterday (Of course apart from Jimmy Orengo)

  5. I like your confidence but I have a feeling it's based more on wishful thinking than on reality.
    In the final analysis, Kenyans will be the ones to decide - and yes - we'll remember you told us first - just don't go into hiding if you are proved wrong - which you probably will be ...

  6. Its about time that 'Agwambo' stood for presidency. Although he has done it before, i believe he is much stronger now than he was in 1997. However, i strongly believe that Kalonzo would have been a more acceptable choice for majority of kenyans. This should not be construed to mean that he would be the best candidate. Personally, Raila represents more of change than Kalonzo ever will. His only downside is the neature of his politics:too abrasive.

    Raila has too many sycophants around him, and as a result, i believe he would make too many blunders as President. His people cannot dare question him as an MP, would they do it as President? It is said that power corrupts, but absolute power corrupts absolutely. In the current constitutional dispensation, the presidency holds absolute power. Is Raila a person you can trust with such power? That is a question for the electorate to answer. Personally i believe he is a person who can easily mutate into being a strongman. Many Kenyans tend to think he would be a dictator. It is with this in mind that i would vote for Kibaki. Better the devil you know than the angel you dont!

  7. @ Anonymous said...
    What the Shit? If Raila is the candidate then Narc Kenya can expect my vote. The writer of "The most popular blog in Kenya" must be getting Handsomely paid by Raila to tarnish the otherwise good name of Kalonzo. U Always come up with strange allegations that kalonzo's head has been poisoned by steadman. Dont u also think Raila'shas been poisoned by the standard and "The Most Popular blog in Kenya?" What a joke to have raila as the person u support for the presidency. I can only laugh at u."

    I am really getting sick of this!*!@#!!

    I WILL GIVE KSHS 10,000 IN CASH to anybody who can find a statement anywhere in this blog saying that I am supporting, or this blog supports, Raila for the presidency.


    In fact I agree with the view that with a Raila candidancy in ODM-Kenya, Narc-Kemya are sure to win. That is the ugly truth.

    To put a stop to this nonsense, I will soon announce this blog's preferred candidate for president. We started off with John Githongo, but it is not even safe for this gallant hero to come back to Kenya to start campaigning. So I have come up with what I believe is the ideal candidate for President of Kenya. We will announce his name here in this blog on Wednesday 7th March and will give him a weekly column here to talk about his vision for Kenya.

    Meanwhile my 10,000 bob reward is still up for grabs. All you need to do is find a statement (excluding comments by readers) anywhere in this blog saying that this blog (or the blogger personally) is supporting Raila Odinga for the presidency. (To save you time, let me just inform you that you will not find any such statement).


  8. I have realised that despite of information freedon, some learned friends(mainly from central) still reason with a lot of tribal biasm. I thought kenya is past that and if you are one of the unfortunate mal-reasoners, kindly take your anti luo biased mind a notch higher.

  9. To those of you who are doubting the potency a Raila candidacy, you better think again. Kibaki is in power courtesy of Raila. Kenyan voters are much more in number and much more smarter than ever before.

    It is a disgrace that one anonymous can say Kenya does not need a LUO president and it is a great pity such remarks published on this blog. James Orengo did run for president in 2002. The provincial voting patterns then were very clear for all to see who is a tribalist. Even Kibaki himself did not get as much votes from his own backyard than from Nyanza province which led all provinces in percentage of votes cast in his favour. Who are the tribalist now? Dont forget Kibaki himself had run for president and failed on two previous occassions. Get real.

    Why not criticize the fellow on the basis of his public service record and not ethnic origin?

    I say to you Go ahead a move to planet Mars (if you change citizenship it will be good riddance) as I can assure you Kenyans will elect a president who will facilitate a new constitution, eliminate official corruption, guarantee press freedom and bring about effective economic growth without doctoring figures - and that president for me is RAILA ODINGA.

  10. I'm not moved. Granted that Narc-K is sure to win if this move is confirmed and I don't know if Kalonzo would be able to garner votes across the country and I don't care... Still waiting for a 11th hour miracle of a suitable candidate for me to vote. All the best to me...

  11. I am the anonymous who says that Kenya doesnt need Raila and a kihii for that matter. I still stand by my conviction that the only luo with a brain is James Orengo. All the others dont have brains,they have bloody fucking smelly foreskins. I am not a Kikuyu but who said only kikuyus hate the uncut,. I am kau n what I dont like is this posturing by the fish smelling luos. You guys fear Kalonzo so much that u are even crafting a blog solely to tarnish his name. Fine, one thing is for sure though,Raila can NEVER be my president or the president of non luos. This is not debatable anyway. All he does is claiming credit for every political victory. Sample this:
    1. He claims he led Kalonzo,Saitoti, Kamotho n Ntimama out of Kanu. Who the fucking hell is he to lead them.
    2. He claims he made kibaki president. Thia goes to show what an awkward lapse of memory he has. Kibaki got three times the votes the kihii got in 1997 (1.8 million against a paltry 600,000)
    3.He claims he won the referendum. What lies. He made the luos vote no. I voted No but this has nothing to do with Raila,just like the case in 2002 elections.

    He can only become king not president, and u know the name of the kingdom? UK---Uncircumsised kingdom

  12. Mr Anonymous

    You are a homosexual!

    Why should a man have such deep and passionate feelings towards another man's penis and blame it on politics.

    "they have bloody fucking smelly foreskins.".......Have you got close enough to smell those foreskins?

    Have you ever undressed a luo man to see the "kihii"ness which you so passionately feel.

    This is not the forum to battle your sexual orientation.

  13. I sympathise with anonymous whose has demonstrated intense hatred and phobia of uncircumcised people. Anonymous proudly proclaims that Orengo is the only LUO with a brain. Even Orengo himself would not agree with you on this. As a matter of fact, this is the worst form of racism and a sad reflection of the kind of treatment minority groups undergo in everyday life in Kenya. Perhaps anonymous should come out clearly and tell us how circumcision enhances one’s ability to effectively manage public affairs? Obviously anonymous lives in a vacuum and is not abreast with what democracy is all about. But then again, in a democracy you have freedom of speech and expression – however senseless. Anonymous, like the rest of us, you have only one vote and I urge you to use it wisely.

    It is a fact that Uhuru was imposed on KANU leadership by Moi prior to the 2002 elections and it is a fact Raila stood up against Moi before leading the rest out of KANU to form the Rainbow Alliance which later joined up with NAK to give Kibaki the boost he needed to eventually win the presidency in 2002.

    Right now Kibaki is leading a FRAUDULENT government in the sense that some of those appointments in cabinet government actually opposed him in 2002, whereas those who supported his candidature are warming the opposition benches. It’s a betrayal of those who voted for him on the basis of the coalition. One only needs to see how perceived traitors; like Muite and Koigi are treated to understand what kind of society the regime wants to promote.

    We must agree to disagree.

  14. This fellow ananimous is the kind that would sell his nationality for a bottle of water, guys i think we should not dignify his trabilist and hateful remarks with responses. this is a man who should be shunned by every peace loving kenyan, and by the way, shame on him!!!!!!

  15. i agree entirely, this man needs to be lignored and by the weay, kalonzo, just like kibaki has never had a stand.. and that is the last man kenya needs for president today, this country needs decisive leadership now more than ever.. i may not be a luo but i think we shud give raila a chance, in any case lets admit, raila has played a major role in kenya's democratic process...

  16. well i hav no personal beef with Raila. I think the true nature of a person is seen in the content of his charachter, so i will not judge the one Amollo according to who's seed he came from or the geographical location of his native home, this is where most Kenyans go wrong,i am a Kikuyu and i wonder if Bill Clinton was circumsized or George Washington for that matter, let me go to the Bible for reference, i belive when the gentiles as they were called back then asked paul if they had to do all that the jews did to comply to follow Christ, one of the things that Paul said wasn't necessary was the lack of a foreskin,its so unfair to judge men by their penises. plus i think all this xenophobia parochial nationalism is what makes countries like the great DRC wallow in such misery despite all their riches they hav, my friend must be one very narrow minded Kenyan. that said then let me state my opinion. Raila appears to me as a man who will go a great length to get power, he'll even wallow in a gutter if he thinks he will come out with the prize at the end...ever seen "the shawshank redemption". Here then lies the problem, Pre 82 Raila decided to get in the company of a few people who imagined they had the wishes of Kenyans to cause a lot of chaos that brought about a lot of ripple effects, if he was willing to go to that extent to get into power, how much more would he do to ensure he kept the power?
    secondly in a time when the Moi's government had Kenyas in the deepest of quagmires, the Hon Raila decided to join the cockrels, and at no time did i hear him talk about the corruption that was rife at that time...Goldenberg was well cooked by then....he gladly snuggled in the mix pamoja with Kalonzo and the rest. funny enough when Moi decided in his own discretion to not giv Raila or any one else the batton but Uhuru, suddenly Raila was up in arms, over what? why did he not complain about the nature of corruption like he had done when he was not in KANU? what made him so compliant? why did he join KANU back then?
    Strangely enough here they are again, the same lot they were back then, when Uhuru was proposed to Run for president, the same combination minus a few like Saitoti, wouldn't it hav saved Kenyans and themselves a lot of political hussle had they accepted Moi's choice and hav Raila wait for his turn next?
    Like i said it is the content fo character that matters, i think Raila's content raises a lot of questions, plus also allowing that outfit to gain power under the current constitution. who tells you that Raila will accept to remove some juicy pieces off his power plate when he gets power, think again...why isnt reducing the powers of the executive such a big deal in the minimum reforms or reforms fit for ODM (RFO)as i call them. I say hell no, let the delegates and Kenyans decide. We,ve had enuff of boardroom power broking to last us a life time....and why is he so against the investigation of the Molases saga?what is he hiding? We claim he has fought for democracy, well i'l partly disagree as i partly agree. Prior to joinig Moi i think he and the likes of akina Orengo were on the right path,but like i said i lost confidence in this man when he joined the Moi band wagon,so while he makes a good orator and has the capacity to mobilize people i think, he is just to nifty and unhonest, to me his profile as a man who has fought for democracy is more of a coat than a truth. He does well in the opposition than he would do in power.Who do i sugest for president how about Wangari Mathai for president! not coz she a kikuyu,it all about content of character.

    hav a rational and unsubjective one.

  17. am a kikuyu and we value circumcision as a rite of passage. but anonymous has no authority whatsoever to criticise luos on the basis of something their traditions does not value. if he had been born in luo nyanza he would also not be required to undergo the rite and this would really not dramatically change him from the person that he is.

    back to siasa, in my opinion what we need is president kibaki for another 5years. after that we the youth can stage a generation coup and replace or these pretenders to the throne with a 35 year old to a 40 year old in 2012.

    Am a kenyan kiuk for the peaceful co-existence of all our people . we are in the same boat and there is no need to sink holes in it . The vitriol poured out by Anonymus is dangerous and uncalled for .He cannot win votes for anyone and is doing a deservice to his country. You the chief blogger while campaigning for Raila commit the same evil by branding us kiuks as against Agwambo. He is a great man but lacks patience. Had he stayed in the Roads ministry and done his job like Saitoti ,Ngilu and others, we would have voted for him after Kibaki. He would still be our NJAMBA NENE. However he chose to antagonise the government and it is a tall order to expect loyalty when you be loyal. Can Raila be loyal to the constitution while he has shown loyalty to no one?.

  19. i truly think this country has more than 50 tribes and i think its wise ;to have a president that can unite the people of this land and thats why raila is most suited for this.



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