Thursday, February 15, 2007

Unpredictable Ngilu 'Sleeps With The Enemy' Yet Again

Health minister Charity Kaluki Ngilu has pulled a fast one on president Kibaki and his loyal ministers yet again. She has joined her boss's critics, Raila Odinga and Paul Muite in agitating for minimum reforms ahead of the rapidly approaching general elections.

This is really no big surprise coming from the unpredictable Kitui central legislator who is known to once in a while discard the collective responsibility that all members of a cabinet have, to criticize and attack the government, which she works for.

Coming this late in the day, it is certain that Ngilu is playing her trump card prior to the elections and her move is widely seen as a way of getting president Kibaki's attention so that he could bow to her whims.

Those in the know say Ngilu is working hard to ensure that she becomes Kibaki's running mate and in effect, the country's vice president in the post election era next year if Kibaki manages to be re-elected.

However, this could prove to be more than a long shot for the iron lady from Ukambani who cannot be trusted by Kibaki's handlers due to her unpredictability and her open criticism to some of Kibaki's decisions, especially those that have proved to be unpopular with the masses.

It is an open secret that Ngilu has always been critical to Kibaki, after he trashed the infamous memorandum of understanding (MOU) soon after taking over the reins of power from former president Moi who had ruled for 24 years.

Kibaki worsened his relationship with the iron lady from Ukambani when he incorporated Kanu MPs into his cabinet yet people like Ngilu wanted nothing to do with the former ruling party. To Ngilu's chagrin she suddenly found herself seated besides them at the Thursday cabinet meetings.

Ngilu is annoyed most by the fact that Kibaki has chosen to establish a cozy relationship with Moi whom Ngilu has always loathed with all her heart and still hates to this day as a result of the harassment she underwent during the Kanu era.

Ngilu's attack on Moi during her days in the opposition were so personal and explicit that even the carefree alternative media dared not print what she had to say about the former president.

In many political meetings she addressed, Ngilu told her attentive audience that president Moi was a dirty, senior bachelor who preyed on secondary school girls whom he lured for sex using money and power.

She further justified her story with the fact that majority of schools, which the president raised money for were girls' schools and not boys' schools—why? She she posed dramatically. She also claimed that the headmistress's of these girls' schools doubled up as Moi's lovers and pimps who brought their students to him in exchange for large amounts of cash to buy their silence.

Most of these ridiculous utterances by Ngilu reached the president's ears through the special branch and intelligence service, which angered him, and he stepped up the pressure on the provincial administration and Kitui Kanu politicians to harass and intimidate Ngilu as much as possible.

To this day, the two cannot meet eye to eye and it is common knowledge that Ngilu has no time for the former head of state and if she arrives at State house and hears that Moi is around, she usually takes off and returns later when he has left.

Ngilu also has a plan 'B' where she could join the ODM-Kenya but again, she cannot add any value to the party as majority of her supporters have already crossed over to Kalonzo Musyoka's side. In other words, she has no gambling chip to dictate for a big slice of the cake if the party comes to power after the polls.

Her plan 'C' is to wait and join the third force that emerges after the fallout in ODM and Narc-Kenya ranks on completion of their party elections and selection of presidential candidates. But again the so-called 'third forces' may not make any impact as voters may consider them to be 'rejects'.

In simple terms, if the past events are anything to go by, Ngilu may find herself floating on the eve of a general election or worse still, find herself between a rock and a hard place.

The Terrible Truth: Masai African Tribe Sexual Secrets And The Impact On Tourism In Kenya

1 comment:

  1. This story about the Maasai is a lot of crap form a white man!


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