Monday, February 12, 2007

Province With The Highest Number Of Presidential Candidates Still Chasing A Mirage

Western Province has the most presidential candidates so far. Higher than even central province which has 2. Western province currently has Musalia Mudavadi, Cyrus "YK92" Jirongo, and Musikari Kombo.

Meanwhile there are still meetings on the ground and serious efforts aimed at forging Luhya unity. This talk of Luhya unity and Western province unity has conveniently ignored the fact that the province has other tribes in significant enough numbers that are not Luhya. This includes the Saboats who are Kalenjins and of course the Luo.

It is clear that what Luhya presidential hopefuls are insisting on this Luhya unity thing because they are licking their lips over the 1.4 million Luhya votes which if cast as a block are enough to see a Luhya candidate within striking distance of the presidency. But the truth is that Luhya unity remains a tall order. To start with there are in fact 18 different dialects or sub tribes that make up the Luhya community.

Clearly calling for Luhya unity is promoting tribalism. But still it is virtually an impossible task because there is no such tribe as Luhya that exists. What we have are the 18 tribes including the Maragolis, the Bukusu, the Isukha etc who all fall under the label called Luhya which was set up for administrative purposes by the Colonial government.

Voting patterns in the past have clearly shown that all Luhya sub-tribes are very independent-minded in their thinking. For instance the Bukusu who have more in common with the Luo than any other Luhya sub-tribe (at least in their stubborn way of thinking and sticking to decisions they have made and never wavering. They also have very strong cultural practices that they refuse to abandon.) have stuck with Ford Kenya since the advent of multipartyism and have stubbornly refused to change even as the party has continuously shrunk to the extent where it is now viewed as a mainly a Bukusu tribal party. The Maragolis have mostly been with Kanu until 2002 when the anti-Moi fever finally got through to them, especially after their candidate, Musalia Mudavadi was shoved aside in favor of political novice, Uhuru Kenyatta.

Still it seems that Luhya leaders are very determined this time round to forge some sort of Luhya unity. It will be interesting to see how far they go with this impossible mirage.

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