Tuesday, February 13, 2007

New Sex Scandal Letter From Nation Media Group Posted Anonymously At Kumekucha

Despite rumours that 6 Nation Media group employees have been sacked in connection to the sex scandal open letter to the CEO posted on the Internet, yet another letter has now surfaced and this one was posted yesterday afternoon right in this blog's message area for reader's comments.

The letter writer clearly displays intimate knowledge of internal meetings and the goings on during meetings at the Nation Media group in response to the posting of the first letter on the web, which only a staff member who was present would have been aware of.

At one point they mention the editorial director breaking down in a meeting while explaining how his wife confronted him with the allegations of the sex scandal published in the Weekly Citizen that reproduced the letter published on the web. The letter says in part;

…"During the February 1 meeting, the entire floor burst into laughter when Mr Mwangi broke down when he was narrating how his wife had confronted him with a Citizen newspaper which carried a story on his sex life. Nobody sympathized with him because everybody on 3rd floor knows the truth.

The letter also reveals that Mr Wangethi Mwangi and other members of NMG's top management visited the Aga Khan in Paris as recently as between February 5th and 7th this year where to the chagrin of the letter writer or letter writers, no mention was made of the anonymous letter published on the web.

The letter goes on to emphasize that the end of February deadline given to both Wangethi Mwangi and Joseph Odindo to resign stands and that full exposure with all the details on the alleged sexual escapades of the senior management will be published on the web for the whole world to see come March 1st.

In part the letters says;

…"Our research and analysis team has completed its investigation and they have pieced together a detailed, accurate and comprehensive dossier on the sex scandals at NMG. The dossier will be made available in the Internet, the streets of Nairobi and other major towns, to the wives and children of the sex pests, the diplomatic community, religious organizations and all NMG staff."

The anonymous letter goes on to detail some of the salaries being earned by senior editors and management at NMG. Many are said to earn a whooping Kshs 400,000 monthly while others earn Kshs 500,000 to a million.

The contentious issue of university graduates reporting non-graduate bosses, is brought up again in the latest letter with what is clearly a lot of pain. The letter writer says;

…"It was also shocking to hear you and the other managers making a mockery about our degrees. Where else do we have Form Six editors in the newsroom apart from NMG? How can correspondents and reporters who are university graduates, some with first degrees and others with Masters degrees, continue reporting to Form Six drop outs? It’s the policy of NMG that reporters and correspondents should have a minimum qualification of a university degree. Why is the rule an exception to some of the editors? Mr Gitahi, you have no option but to respect our academic qualifications. Form Six and Form Four editors must leave our newsroom if you want peace."

The latest letter clearly shows that the issues within the Nation Media group editorial department are far from being resolved despite meetings to address it. And if it is true that 6 persons have been fired in connection to the letter, then this has done little to stop the dangerous hemorrhaging of sensitive information from the largest and most respected media house in East and Central Africa. And what is more this new letter on the alleged sex scandal at Nation names more names of those involved and gives a brief snippet of the exact information the writers of the letter have on the incidences alleged to have taken place.

Read the entire posted letter for yourself. Remember to scroll down to below the post to see comment with letter. Note the time and date it was posted.

The Terrible Truth: Masai African Tribe Sexual Secrets And The Impact On Tourism In Kenya


  1. In 14 days from today, the dark secrets that Nation Centre has concealed over the years will be laid bare to the entire world. From March 1, you’ll get a series of exclusive, comprehensive and accurate reports on sex scandals involving senior editors and managers that have left many female staff of Nation Media Group scarred, many homes broken and many hearts shattered. These are reports that will shock you and the entire world. They will keep you captivated to your internet for as long as NMG sex predators defy our calls to resign.

    For the time being, we are demanding the immediate resignation of the Group Editorial Director, Mr Wangethi Mwangi, the Group Managing Editor, Mr Joseph Odindo, the Group Human Resources Director, Mrs Helen Mbugua, and the Group Marketing Director, Mr Cyrille Nabutola. Our research, investigation and analysis team, which has been working closely with a highly-qualified team of private investigators, has put together a water-tight dossier on the sex lives of the four senior managers and it’s only waiting to roll off the streets and in the internet. The team is also working on the dossier of other top managers and we will in due course let you know who is next in the line. The war against immorality and evil is unstoppable. We want our female colleagues to work in a safe environment. Men who have wives working for NMG will not suffer anyone under our watch. If only carpets of some of the managers can talk. It’s time for managers who spend most of the lives beneath the skirts of helpless and innocent junior staff to be shown the door.

    Already, the NMG top leadership has been hit by a high fever resulting from panic. Almost three weeks, the Group Security Manager, Mr Sam Koskei, visited the offices of the weekly Citizen newspaper and offered them a huge bribe to kill a series of articles they had lined up for publication on the unfolding sex opera at Nation Centre. The trick worked since the newspaper has not turned a blind eye on the unfolding drama. Mr Koskei has been boasting to top managers how he managed to cover the lid. For how long are you going to succeed Mr Koskei? You are a trained prison warder and we only wish you can update your skills since you are not in touch with modern technology. The alternative press is only one weapon at our disposal and it’s less consequential. The other weapons we have in store will put to shame the prisoners’ training skills that you boast about. Are you listening? Please continue watching this space. You are so narrow-minded.

    NMG prides itself as the leading watch-dog of society and the truth is that the people we rely on to blow the whistle on all the rot that is eating away at our Kenyan society must be beyond suspicion, let alone reproach. Kenyans and the entire world have all the reasons to worry when senior Editors of a leading media house like NMG turn out to be badly rotten than the people they expose in our newspapers every day. We all know that office carpets in Nation Centre have some delicious stories to tell if they could talk. And how we wish Wangethi's carpet (retrenched reporter Claire Gatheru is a living testimony) and his green Mercedez Benz (Adhiambo, are you listening) can talk?

    We did not imagine the NMG management can be that scared of the truth. They are the same people who coined slogan Find the Truth in the Nation. But it looks like the truth is only sweet when told about other people who do not work in the Nation Media Group. If the managers can pay hefty bribes to kill stories about them, why should Kenyans continue relying on the NMG publications for the truth? Those of us in the newsroom who cares about their integrity and reputation must stand up to be counted. We must work in solidarity force the managers who have been using our fellow colleagues as sex toys to leave the company. If the stories on their sex lives we have been channeling out to the entire world through the internet are not true, why have they panicked and why should they want to kill stories in other newspapers? THE GUILTY ARE ALWAYS AFRAID.

    Afraid and ashamed to face his wife at home and ourselves in the office, Mr Mwangi has resorted to criss-crossing from Kenya , Uganda and Paris in the name of doing company business. It would be his wish for the Ugandan government to keep shutting down NTV Uganda so that he can find an excuse of being far away from his wife and us. After he returned from Paris with Linus, Mr Mwangi could not afford to stay at home. He sneaked into the office last weekend and locked himself inside hoping the heat will cool off. Woe unto you! Mambo bado. Things will get thicker from March 1.

    And have you seen the way Mr Odindo has been carrying himself in the newsroom for the past one week? The burden of evil has really weighed down his shoulders and he wishes the world would collapse on him. Mr Mwangi is so cleaver. When the scandal sex scandal was exposed, he found excuses of dashing out of the country at will. And who carries his burden? He leaves behind Mr Odindo to carry his heavy load. The way the gigantic Odindo has been dragging his feet, gnawing his teeth and walking with a drawn face in the newsroom in the past week is enough testimony that he is carrying a heavy load of sins. He, too, has resorted to running away from home and spending his weekends in his office. He found solace in his office the whole of last Saturday.

    Ooh poor Joe! How does it feel to share Buzz Editor, Adhiambo Odera, with your friend Wangethi? And how does it feel to share her with junior reporters and watchmen? The story around this woman who swags her huge bottoms around the newsroom and the men who have ever laid her in NMG will be the first to roll out on March 1. Joe and Wangethi, prepare your wives and other concubines for the battles ahead.
    Perhaps, Joe and Wangethi should arrange to sneak Adhiambo back to Malindi to wipe out their tears.

    In just 14 days from today, Nation Centre will never be the same again. . . . The internet and the streets of Nairobi and major towns will be abuzz with stories that will shock you and the entire world on the untold stories on the sex lives of our bosses.

    We must redeem the dignity and integrity of NMG and the journalism profession at all cost.

  2. The stories regarding the sex scandal at the nation are bound to make many physically ill. I for one practically vomited at the magnitude of depravity at the institution. I hasten to add that what makes this story disgusting, is not just the fact of people, whether managers or junior staff, sleeping with each other, because that really is their business and is best left entirely to their moral sense or right and wrong. At the end of the day if a man or woman is prepared to place the integrity of their family life at stake, that is up to them and their poor hapless wives/girlfriends. Equally those females who are prepared to offer themselves up at will, regardless of the fact the chances of women contracting HIV/AIDS is biologically higher than that of men, that really is a matter for them. Incidentally what is happening at the Nation is not unique to this institution but is in fact replete in as many such organisations. I am certain what is making the complainants in this case to be quite indignant about the sex fiesta is the implications this has on other workers. If one is passed up for promotion or any other advantage because it is awarded to another whose only merit was to engage in sex with the person awarding the promotion, THEN THERE IS A PROBLEM! No one wants to feel their skills, time, and effort is going unrecognised or unrewarded because they are not, or do not feel able to have sex with the awarder of the promotions. This to me seems to be the crux of the matter in this NMG matter. Equally, I am certain Nation staffers are aware, which is reflected in their first memo, that retrenchment, redeployment, downsizing and all such other staff reorganisations are inevitable in any organisation. Their claim is that if this needs to be done, it needs to be undertaken in a judicious and transparent manner that leaves all satisfied with the method used. Once again, if by some members of staff offering sexual favours to their bosses, results in them being safe from the chop, even if they meet the criteria for the chop, no wonder other members of staff are indignant, AND RIGHTLY SO.

    If I were a Nation staffer this is the angle I would pursue more than the sensationalism that is bound to arise from the publication of the sordid details of sexual affairs. For instance, Mr Wangethi Mwangi's wife, is in my view, unlikely to do anything drastic despite gazillion pictures etc. Yes, she will scream etc but that's probably about it. In fact, Wangethi and his accused cohorts might just wait out the storm, which may leave the disgruntled staff no better than when they started. I applaud the meticulous organisation that has gone into gathering the dossiers against the accused, that is after all PEOPLE POWER. I would like to see these issues converted into legal claims and brought into court. I believe they are likely to establish some proper ground rules to protect many workers who are, no doubt, in the same position. It is time for people's hard work, time, qualifications etc are respected by bosses for what they are, rather than any other considerations. On this occassion the issue is sexual malfeasance, but the effect is the same as that arising from tribalism and nepotism in the workplace. I would hope the NMG staff convert the issue into a matter of employment law, because what if after March 1 the wives, girlfriends, families etc are not moved by the dossiers? What if they still have to contend with the accused individuals at work? Wangethi and the others might emerge even much more strengthened than before.

  3. This is serious shit.Radio stations have been known to talk about peoples problems maybe this time they should talk about NMG problems dont think I want to walk on your carpets anymore they might be full of you know what

  4. what a fuck is going on in NMG? UNBELIEVABLE AND DISGUSTING!!!!!!. It is time people get promotions on merit rather than how wide they can open their legs, bounce arround or the wseetness of their smile.Both these bosses and their beneficialies should face the law at its full course for failing to plactice what they preach.I CANT WAIT TO SEE JUSTICE TAKE ITS COURSE....

  5. Jealous people talk themselves out and since its not healthy to keep what is buzzing you you got to spit it out.Who doesn't know adhiambo odera(our beloved one).she is a lady with integrity and focussed. If you think you got issues with her find a lasting solution.Who doesn't know that you (so called whistle blower wa NMG) have ever wished A.Odera could give them a minute of pleasure.Even if its just letting the small finger rub on her boobs.you guys have gone an extra mile to offering your whole salaries just to lay some people in bed or wherever and since no one is ready for your unchallenged sex styles that your wives keep on complaining about you've chose to taint images in NMG.People who are full of creativity stand a chance for professional advancements guys you read what they have written whose better?All we know is that you guys want some people out so that you can occupy there space.Give sold proof and i will lay low and agree with your claims.

  6. Wat tey do is there business,the whistle blower did not unleash all this venom withoutmalice but it is also disusting that such a media house does not respect its employees and that one has to resort to such sexual escapades to achieve success.....that the managers misuse their employees is completely nausearing,but just as oter scandals...nairobians will forget and nothing or little will be done

  7. le blower,its a gud thing u duin exposing the rot in so called creme de la creme in dis society i mean who wuld think dat someone like "da c.e.o"and crew wuld do these things they do deserve the public humiliation and all dat pertains to criminal justice because this is no different to the numerous sex crimes that are the norm in todays rotten society,the problem is doin it the way u duin it aint gonna help coz this guyz do hav the capacity to and indeed they will cover their tracks at whatever cost and this mr/whistle blower will help u not4watever it is dats driving your fight,so if u r doing it do it they do say indeed do strike wen the iron is hot.if not u and all the innocent will jus hav to liv wid this and gues who will be laughin?not you..u jus let us know that they are predators and we will jus b careful wit our wives,our sisters,our daughters,wat a shame nmg!!!

  8. as for adhyambo,even i hav hit it and trust mi it aint all dat gud,who don her kind..sadly dats how cruel lyf is gues mr whistle blower u duin gr8 tho u bin late comin..push on da fight comrade power,we nid all this hypocrites out of our way to prosperity,no wonder kenyans don endelea much wid the big fish having their way always.gudluck and all the best in the fight for justice

  9. probably the same thing happens in other media houses and even companies ......but am shocked its that serious at NMG.I dream to work with NMG and i can t let this shutter my tommorrow.Go ahead and expose them,let them learn a lessson and be an example to others!!!!!Am SURPRISED!!!!


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