Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Ministry of Finance, Kimunya's Girlfriend And Where All The Corrupt Deals Are Authorized

Take a quiet moment to really think about it and you will quickly realize that the ministry of finance is perhaps the most corrupt ministry as this is where millions of shillings is released for payment in dubious deals hatched by all other ministries and government departments.

It is also common knowledge that if the treasury 'smells a rat' in some financial dealings other ministries have got involved in, it has the authority to refuse to release the money until the matter is investigated and found to be above board. This has hardly ever happened.

It is due to this fact that finance ministers have always found themselves on the receiving end when scandals in government are unearthed just like the multi billion shilling Anglo Leasing saga that is still haunting the Kibaki administration to this day. The same is true with the Goldenberg scandal before it.

When the Narc government assumed power at the end of 2002, it was widely believed that looting of the treasury would be a thing of the past especially when one Daudi Mwiraria was appointed finance minister.

All was well at the treasury at the start when Mwiraria, a known workaholic went about cleaning the mess left behind by the Kanu regime which had, as expected, looted the treasury prior to being voted out in those elections.

It was common for the diminutive Makerere university alumni to work well into the night and in some occasions leaving the treasury at about midnight as he 'burned the midnight oil' in his bid to put back the country's finances in order.

What many did not know is the fact that as he was doing this, he also discovered that there was a way for making lots of money in a scheme hatched by Kanu and unknown to Kenyans.

The rest is history as millions and even billions of shillings was paid out to non existent companies in the Anglo Leasing scam that will probably cost Kibaki his re-election later this year.

When Mwiraria left the treasury at the height of the scandal, many thought that the new minister, one Amos Kimunya would turn around the ministry and give it a good name.

It has now emerged that Kimunya is worse than Mwiraria as he has brought in the ugly head of tribalism and nepotism to the treasury and has more often than not failed to successfully defend the fight against graft that the government claims to be waging war against.

Kimunya's shortcomings are published in the Kenya gazette number CIX-No 12 of February 9, 2007,notice number 952 where one Agnes Wanjiru has been appointed as director of Central Bank of Kenya. Who is Agnes Wanjiru?

Wanjiru is basically unknown in financial circles and according to an alternative press publication notorious for being used by politicians to settle scores against each other, Wanjiru is said to be a lover and golfing partner to the minister who is facing so much opposition at home that he may not make it back to parliament.

Two days ago, the minister was heckled and booed in his constituency when he tried to muscle the selection process of members of the Narc election committee with others getting so enraged that they climbed the table on which the minister was conducting the meeting from.

It is now rapidly becoming apparent that probably the only way to successfully tackle high-level corruption is by having someone like Ndingi Mwana'a' Nzeki appointed finance minister or better still, the incorruptible John Githongo.

The Terrible Truth: Masai African Tribe Sexual Secrets And The Impact On Tourism In Kenya

1 comment:

  1. But above all the guy brought immense dev,he catered for so many issue infrustructure,piped water...


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