Wednesday, January 17, 2007

William "YK92" Ruto And His Presidential Ambitions

On Monday, presidential aspirant William Ruto unveiled his blue print for Kenyans if he were to be elected president in the forthcoming general elections. In his well-crafted speech, the Eldoret North MP said that fighting poverty would be a priority for him.

What he did not admit is that he is one of the handful of Kenyans including other YK92 colleagues and Kamlesh Pattni who single-handedly made millions of Kenyans much poorer overnight by flooding the country with cartons of cash (mainly 500 bob notes) and is therefore a major contributor of the poverty problem. He further engaged in high level corruption during the Moi era.

Ruto is among the ministers in Moi's regime who became overnight millionaires by grabbing prime property in Nairobi and its outskirts and forcefully selling them to parastatals like Kenya Pipeline Corporation at inflated prices.

He is now talking about alleviating poverty and fighting insecurity by arming private security companies with firearms and does not talk of how they are going to control and regulate this considering that there are plenty of bad tempered and frustrated guards in the country.

Talking about bad tempers is synonymous with Ruto who did the unimaginable in State House, Nairobi a few years ago when he attacked and punched Reuben Chesire, an elderly man who could pass for his father. Ruto had accused the old man of going around and tarnishing his name by telling people that he was a con-man.

Ruto, the man who now wants to be president was also an official of the youth for Kanu 92 lobby group which dished out so much money to Kenyans in forms of bribes to ensure Moi's re-elected in the first multi-party elections of 1992. The inevitable effects of suddenly increasing money supply was runaway inflation, and was the point at which many Kenyans entered the deep poverty rut they are yet to emerge from today. That same Ruto now says reviving the economy and creating jobs will also rank high in his agenda.

The former cabinet minister who was very powerful in a regime that stifled the basic democratic rights of Kenyans like freedom of speech and association now says he will enhance and expand the democratic space and ensure Kenyans enjoy all their rights.

As Ruto was reading out his blue print, a lot of cheering was heard in the crowd which comprised mostly of his Kalenjin brethren who also greatly benefited from the Moi era.

The Eldoret North MP knows very well that he cant make it for the presidency but his selfish nature tells him that he has to do this because he wants to be in the high table when the cake is being divided by ODM-Kenya as and if they ascend to power.

1 comment:

  1. I see mass hysteria in the way our people are foolishly embracing this thing called ODM and the pipedream of Ruto leading this country come 2007. Although I never voted Moi or accepted lackwap Mama Ngina in the last elections. I belief Moi is right this time by stating that we should not kill KANU< I have heard him complain of our people being mistreated or sacked from Jobs while the Odimites are mute.

    Who are the ODM luminaries on our land ? William Ruto a savvy political master with a great PR outfit that hired old men to bless his presidential bid and manipulate the public opinion only tainted by YFK92, and crack down on pro democracy supporters as interior minister under Moi; Kipkalya Kones a political nomad who was at one time declared bankrupt only to be saved by Nyachae? he cant keep his finances in line so can you trust him with yours?; Franklin Bett an angry man without a firm political ideology, master in political theory inept in its machination , left Moi with rage, same thing with kibaki, a man with tantrums that beat those of a toddler...we hear he has influence in the smear campaign against ODM opponents which are made implicitly through a local media outlet, Joseph lagat , a smart chap and an ideal kalenjin politicians but a great liar who will not reveal his roots or how he amassed his wealth, we know he associated with biwott on dirty petroleum business then stole from him, married to a kikuyu woman who is the brains behind his success, lagat did not have a house in his rural home before 2002, a fast riser who benefited from the KANU's corruption. Musa Sirma the midget governor of Rift Valley, a greedy noise maker, an arch forest destroyer who corruptly did sawmilling in timboroa, and ravine areas, terrorized his brothers over family wealth, William Boit of Baringo North, a man who hides under religion yet was known for nepotism and ruining the standards of health sector as the MD of MTCs under Moi’s regime, boit used MTCs vehicles and other resources for personal uses. And what about Henry Kosgei? I leave that to someone else, master of bouncing checks, fleeced Kenya Re..

    Show me any ODM kalenjin luminary; they are just as dirtier as the old Kanu. Give me break fellows with this ODM hysteria and the false hope they are selling. I don’t endorse KANU either, but it’s too early to know who are the true leaders. Some good ones like Cheboi, Sudi, Kilimo, Tarus and Poghisho exist


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