Monday, January 22, 2007

Information On How Two Presidents Of Kenya Accumulated Vast Wealth And How The Third Broke A Promise To Stop The Madness

It is said that birds of the same feather tend to flock together. Thus it has not surprised anybody that families of the two first presidents of Kenya, namely President Jomo Kenyatta and President Daniel Arap Moi have been very close for sometime now. But what has worried, shocked and really puzzled many is the recent developments that have seen a president elected by Kenyans mainly on the promise of dealing with the political ruling class, now openly warming up to them and their ways. It should be obvious that you do not deal with corruption without touching on the political ruling class.

It raises questions on President Kibaki that will probably be best answered an analyzed when he is out of power.

However for the record, Kenya's first president accumulated land like there was no tomorrow and his kitchen cabinet dealt ruthlessly with anybody who dared stand in their way. That was why many Kenyans supported the ascending into power of a simple former Kalenjin teacher who had to be persuaded for days on end to enetr politics in the first place. Many saw Moi as the sort of character that would never fit it with the emerging political ruling class, and therefore one who would break the country out of the dangerous foundation of looting laid by the first president. Alas, it was not to be. Where the first president had an appetite for rich fertile land (the old man would lick his lips whenever he talked about arthi yenye rotuba meaning fertile land) the second had an insatiable appetite for companies and businesses.

Here is a transparency International list of companies still owned by former President Moi and his associates and proxies;

1.Hostrade World (K)

2.Sian Roses Ltd

3.Mugoya Construction (recently placed under receivership)

4.Chemusian Company

5.Fresh Produce Ltd.

6.Equity Stock Brokers

7.Kent Ship Maritime

8.First Force Security Service

9.Regent Management

10.Signon Freight Ltd

11.Cartrack Kenya Ltd

12.Trade World Kenya

13.Sielei Properties Ltd

14.Giant Holdings Ltd

15.Revak Ltd.

16.Sunbury Investments

17.Sadburu Investments

18.Giant Forex Bureau

19.Westfield Intern Ltd.

20.Chesco Ltd.

21.Ha.mpstead Enterprises

22.Metipso Services Ltd.

23.Maternity Shop

Companies owned by The President's key advisor - Nicholas Biwott
1.Kobil Petroleum

2.Barsirim Investment

3.Kipsinende Farm

4.Rono Ltd


6.HZ Construction & Engineering

7.LZ Engineering

8.Yaya Centre

9.Uhuru Highway Development

The President's son - Raymond Moi
Hamco Ltd

The President's son - Philip Moi
1.Paradise Holdings

2.Sheraton Holdings

3.Kahuru Investors

4.General Commodity Dealers

5.Kiharu Investors

6.Concord Holdings

7.Panafcon Engineering

8.Tiger Farm Ltd

9.Ecta Kenya Ltd

10.Syndicate Industries

11.Jutila Enterprises

12.Kimunyu Coffee Plant

Former President Daniel arap Moi

2.Bain-Hogg Insurance Brokers

3.Lion of Kenya Insurance Company

4.lnsurance Company of East Africa (ICEA)

5.A ranch in Laikipia

6.A large farm in Eldoret

7.A Dairy Farm in the Rift Valley

8.American Life lnsurance Company (K) (ALICO)

9.Kobil/Kenol Petroleum

10.Nairobi Airport Services

11.Transnational Bank

12.The Standard Group Including Kenya Television Network

13.Farms in Kabarak, Sacho, Cherengani, Kilgoris, Mau Narok and Trans Nzoia

14.Rai Plywood of Eldoret

The fascinating thing about this list is that it is not complete. It is estimated to cover only about 30% of the full, complete list. Secondly it is useful to remember that Raila Odinga is on record for defending former President Moi when the then new Narc government wanted to recover most of these assets on behalf of the people of Kenya.

Search engines can give you huge traffic. Here's how a Kenyan company can get thousands of visitors to their site daily.

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