Muge assassination: The powerful men he provoked Part 3

Monday, January 15, 2007

How Will President Kibaki Finance His Re-election?

Since taking over the country in 2002 Kibaki has managed to increase his litany of rich friends all the while throwing caution to the wind and associating with fabulously wealthy individuals, some of them with dubious reputations.

Among those in the list of the super rich Kenyans that Kibaki has seen it wise to befriend is non other than the billionaire Juja MP William Kabogo who's brother has been accused on running a controversial import-export company that has been linked to drug trafficking and even murder.

The company is owned by Kabogo who is known for his lavish lifestyle including going out for lunch in Masai country with his personal helicopter and boasting that he is so wealthy that he cannot loose his parliamentary seat due to the development that he has accomplished in his constituency.

During the referendum last year in November, Kabogo came out very strongly in support of the Kibaki camp that was vouching for the new constitution and managed to ensure that the majority of Juja constituents voted for the constitution which was not surprising as majority of the constituents consists of the Kikuyu community, the presidents’ tribes mates.

Kabogo has also supported government motions in parliament all along and has not hidden the fact that he is a good friend and supporter of the Kibaki government in spite of belonging to the obscure Sisi Kwa Sisi party which has only two MPs in parliament, the other being Kangundo legislator Moffat Maitha.

It is interesting to note that the two legislators opted for the obscure party after they lost in the NARC nominations with both claiming that they were rigged out hence their defection to the brief case party who's officials are not even known by Kenyans.

It is common knowledge that Kabogo has no choice but to support the government as his business interests stand to suffer immensely if he does not co-operate with those in power. His company has been linked with drug trafficking at the port of Mombasa amongst numerous other shady deals.

His brother was arraigned in court last year for the murder of a senior police officer who was investigating the disappearance of containers At the Mombasa port and drug trafficking syndicates in Mombasa. The case is yet to be concluded.

Kabogo has also been held and interrogated by police on some occasions but has been released unconditionally mainly due to lack of evidence to support prosecution and it is also known that he is a close friend and associate of Joseph Kiragu, the man linked to the shs 6 billion cocaine impounded in Nairobi last year.

Kiragu is still holed up in the Nertherlands where he fled and the government is trying to have him extradited back to Kenya to face trafficking charges but that is another story altogether.

Kabogo is a brother in-law to John Harun Mwau another controversial figure also linked to drug trafficking with the latter having made a fruitless attempts to venture into politics in 2002 loosing the Kilome parliamentary seat.

The Juja MP is among the fabulously rich individuals who will most likely contribute generously to the Kibaki re-election campaign in a bid to ensure that his business does not suffer in the event of Kibaki loosing the presidency.
However, the million-dollar question is whether Kibaki is aware of the nature of business his so called business friends do and again if he approves of the sack loads of money that will come his way in form of campaign funds without asking too many questions, like where it came from.


  1. Think this issue of kabogo has gone to far so what if he has money its his not yours .Stop hating you probably dont have a a car he has two choppers pole .

  2. Kabogo is a drug baron otherwise how does he explain to kenyans how he got all that wealth?!! How can a case take more than four years in court(his brother) when even the blind can see that the port cop was murdered to silence him and make sure their business interests were protected. It wouldnt come as a surprise to find that they were in the middle of the 6b cocaine saga alongside high ranking govt ministers. call a spade a spade

  3. Kabogo is just a business man and not a drug dealer. Attempts to locate his drugs have failed. One thing I know about Kenyans is if a rumour starts about you, kwisha maneno. That will be your identity. Guys are just haters and Kabogo doesn't do drug traffic.


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