Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Famous Books By Famous Kenyans Part II

How To Shut Down Annoying TV Cameras (with one swipe) By Lucy Kibaki

With Love From Armenia By Wangui Mwai

X-Files Terror At Harambee House By Prof Philip Mbithi

Gold(enberg)finger (latest 007 James Bond Thriller) By Prof George Saitoti

Operation Bikini by Nick Biwott (recommended thriller that makes Robert Luldlum put you to sleep in comparison)

How To Get a 100% Raise From A Bankrupt Employer By the 9th parliament (currently out of stock due to high demand)

Only Fools Pay Their Bills In Bars By Fred "Kaa Ngumu" Gumo

Carjacked by Mukhisa Kituyi

In Praise of Younger Men By Charity Ngilu

Client's Money Is Technically Your Money By Otieno Kajwang

Slap The Returning Officer, Win An Election By Fred Gumo

Memorandum of Understanding By Raila Odinga and Joseph Kamotho

Prime Minister Tales By Raila Odinga

How To Raid A Newspaper By John Michuki (recommended for governments with annoying press pests)

How To Steal An Election By Daniel Arap Moi

Diplomatic Immunity, The Best Law Ever Made By Gibson Kamau Kuria
(In the late 1980s lawyer Gibson Kamau Kuria escaped detention without trial by dashing into the American embassy in Nairobi where he was promptly granted political assylum and immediatly whisked out of the country in full view of security personnel who were powerless to act for fear of contravening the VIENNA CONVENTION ON DIPLOMATIC RELATIONS.)

Facing Land-Grabbing By Johnstone Kamau


Famous Books By Famous Kenyans Part I

Errant Buru Buru Husband Learns The Easy Way.

Kumekucha For President: Two Initiatives That Will Have Tremendous Impact On The Lives of Kenyans


  1. Innocent by association by Winnie Wangui (Mwai)

  2. Don't you think "The Big Frame Up And Picture Fabrication-By Winnie Wangui Mwai" is a bit more dramatic and will sell more books?


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