Thursday, July 06, 2006

Why Kituyi Was Violently Car-Jacked

What do you do when exactly what you want to write is written in a post by a reader?
Answer: You save energy and paste it where you were going to write your post. See end of this post for more details...

Yesterday Trade Minister Mukhisa Kituyi was violently car-jacked. I don't feel sorry for him in any way...

The only thing I have to say is had Mr. Kituyi's government given those 500,000 jobs that they promised those two "menacing young men" would have had other means to make money.

Until you, Mr. Kituyi and your government takes steps to keep their false promises on job creation...
then Sir, you, me and the rest of Kenya will never rest easy from crime, rape, robbery, poverty, illness, ignorance.

I hope this hopeful presidential candidate "means what he says" and "says what he means"

This post made on behalf of Kumekucha by one of our most faithful readers Vee.

1 comment:

  1. The truth has a way of transending personal expression... that's why it must be told.


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