Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Elections 2007: Watch Out, Kenyan Voters Are Angry

George W. Bush's father George Bush Snr., would be the ideal person to lecture Kenyan politicians on the "angry voters" phenomena. As it is the poor guys have no clue as to what is in store for most of them.

Before him no American war time president had lost an election. We are of course referring to the first Iraq war which the senior Bush fought and won with very limited casualties in terms of American lives lost. Going into the elections, the senior Bush was extremely confident, more so as it became clear that a scandal-ridden candidate called Bill Clinton was the most likely to win the Democratic presidential nomination. A guy who seemed to have no qualifications for president except the fact that he had been governor, several times, of some small insignificant farming State called Arkansas, or so the senior Bush saw things at the time.

But he underestimated the anger of the voters. When people are angry, they are capable of doing anything. This blogger feels that if that anger remains strong on election day and it may just overpower the tribal demons that seem to have such a commanding stranglehold on the Kenyan voter and give us all the most shocking election results in the history of Kenya.

A recent survey carried out in Kenya by a company I have never heard of called, Strategic Public Relations and Research and another setup called The International Republican Institute, confirmed what many readers of this blog have been saying here for a long time. And that is that our politicians are in for the shock of their lives in the forthcoming elections.

In fact the survey was very specific in identifying that over a half (114 MPS) would lose their seats if elections were to be held today. This is about 54 per cent. Personally every indication is that it is going to be a lot worse than that.

Other key findings from this fascinating survey on the Kenyan electorate are;

- 39.2 % of Kenyans feel that their personal economic situation has gotten worse under Narc, while 37.2 say it ha remained the same as it was in the dark Kanu days. Only 21.5 per cent say that it has got better.
- Kenyans wish list in order of priority;

1) Government should create more jobs as a priority.
2) Reduce poverty
3) Revive the economy.
It is interesting that these are the exact priorities of presidential candidate Kumekucha.
- The government is not committed to fighting corruption and the various official inquiries going on will not be acted upon.
- The majority of Kenyans want to nominate their preferred presidential candidate through direct vote as opposed to the delegates system.

Rape in a matatu that changed a married woman's life

Kumekucha's Presidential Campaign 2007: We Need One Priority, We Need Lots of Creativity

1 comment:

  1. One thing I want from my Councillor, MP and Presidential candidate is a complete written-out document on what they propose to happen to our country.

    I say "written" because there is some accountability if & when they fail to deliver we have their promises in writing. A declaration that the words they say they mean...

    Can this Presidential hopeful give me that?


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