Angry Ruto men vow to crush Gachagua BUT here's why the DP will win | Kenya news

Wednesday, July 05, 2006

The Amazing Kenya Prophecy

The really amazing thing about these predictions that have been made about Kenya by a Bible preaching prophet, who is not even a Kenyan is that they have come true with such amazing accuracy that it is almost unbelievable.

Thomas Manton, based in the UK, is not even a Kenyan.

It starts with the prediction of a Kibaki victory in what it calls an "upset victory regardless of any powers that be" and moves on to predict that Kenya's GNP will rise tremendously over the next 5 years (from 2002). At the time the prediction was made Kenya had gone through a number of years of negative growth. Kenya's GNP has shown impressive growth over the last few years averaging about 5% annually.

Maybe the most amazing of the predictions on Kenya by Mr Manton was that of another terrorist attack in Kenya, but this one with fewer casualties. This actually came to pass in 2003 in the Kikambala bombings in Mombasa at a tourist resort run by Israelis.

"You'll even be the envy of other nations. They'll say; "Why Kenya? What is it about Kenya?" The Lord says My favour is coming upon you, O Kenya, for you've found favour in My sight!…"
-Prophet Thomas Manton-

Mr Manton goes on to make other amazing political and economic predictions that are yet to happen
· There is going to be an unprecedented increase of produce from the farming industry.
· A genuine, true, born again Christian will become president of Kenya.
· A new "middle class" will emerge where after many years through great reformation, it will be possible for many common businessmen who start off with nothing to greatly prosper.
· Corruption will be broken up. The new breed of Kenyans who will break it will not even be frightened for their own lives.
· True justice will come forth as never before.
· A new government will come forth with radical new reforms and strategies that will usher in 'the day of the people' and 'the day of the common man.'
· However before the new comes, there will be great conflict and adversity in uprooting the "old order." Manton says, "the resetting of the bone must happen after it is broken."

Read the full Amazing Thomas Manton Prophecy on Kenya.


  1. Well does that mean kibaki will step down? or is he the one who will rule kenya after the election fisco?

  2. i first heard of this man thro a mashada forum just before the elections and googled him. he had these amazing predictions posted above. i revisited his site a few times thro that time. however he posted his 2007 prophecy on the elections AFTER the results had come out. though he claims to have already "prophecised" if there's such a word, about the outcome in march 07. if you ask me, he should have done it before so that he would appear to have some legitimacy. i think he's a fraud.we'll see if the rest of his predictions came true ama he's one of those imposters God talks about coming in the last days.

  3. ha ha. now he has taken the 2007 prophecy off the web. dyou think it has anything to do with the violence etc and things not going according to plan? makes for good reading though. and hey, just cos im cynical doesnt mean i dont hope that these prophecies do come true!! God has used apparent adversities for the good of those who love Him before....and even if this man is a fraud and not of God, he may still be used by God, albeit unwittingly.

  4. the information is still there.
    He has not removed it. Here it is

  5. The prophecy is still there. Let’s not be quick to judge. Its a prophecy. If it’s true, it will come to pass, if it’s false, it will not. No need for too much talking. You might be talking against a true servant of God. The Kenyan future is in the hands of God. He will come through for us. Amen!

  6. ********************BULLSH*T*****************. Period.


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