Tuesday, March 07, 2006

President Kibaki: The Tell-Tale Signs Were There Right From The Beginning

Kenyan voters feel cheated and disgusted with the Kibaki administration. Yet the signs that all was not well were all there loud and clear right from the beginning;

• As President Moi sends the GSU to disband Bomas constitutional review delegates in early 2002, Kibaki declares that although he is for a new constitution, he is in support of going into the elections with the old constitution. Few people take note, after all he is not even a presidential candidate at this time, at least not officially.

* During a meeting with a Christian lobby group, then opposition candidate Mwai Kibaki emphasizes how he lives in Muthaiga and has lived there for many years.

Recent terse statement from The American embassy prove that the honeymoon with the Kibakis is over.

• On winning the elections, President Kibaki abandons the memorandum of understanding with mainly LDP.

• President Kibaki becomes the first Kenyan President to live in State House. The last ruler in Kenya to do this was colonial era governor Malcolm MacDonald.

• Hawkers who had been promised allocations in strategic streets in the city are suddenly told that they will have to move to a place reserved for them in Parklands in the city outskirts.

• Kenyans are told that they should approach banks for loans since the government has worked hard to reduce interest rates.

• The government announces that about 500,000 jobs were created in its’ first year in power. Kenyans desperately glance at the calendar believing this to be an April fool’s prank. But the announcement was NOT made on April 1 and what’s more the government keeps a straight face and sticks to its’ “figures”.

• Kibaki’s appointments puzzle many Kenyans. Some of his appointees are even called out of retirement. “old is gold” hasn’t really jelled very well in Kenya in recent years. If anything multinational raking in billions in profits are being run by younger Kenyans who for instance don’t panic when they come anywhere near a PC. Kenyans should have known then.

• A commission of enquiry into Goldenberg scandal is appointed when there is enough evidence gathered over almost 10 years to go ahead with prosecution. Patient Kenyans however give the government the benefit of doubt. The entertaining commission with star performances by Kamlesh Pattni and Ketan Somaia soon help Kenyans to quickly forget.

• Kenya Times journalists arrested. Most Kenyans think to themselves, “wacha Kanu wakione” and let them have a taste of their own medicine. Kenya Times newspaper is owned by former ruling party Kanu. Little do they know that this is only the beginning?

• PS Githongo seeks political asylum in Britain. Hey, wait a minute I thought Kanu and Moi were out of power? Kenyans are shocked beyond belief.

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