Muge assassination: The powerful men he provoked Part 3

Sunday, June 02, 2024

Ruto sabotage talk and scary 2024 predictions | Kenya news (Kumekucha video summary)

This year 2024 is bound to be very eventful and already as we were ushering in the New Year Ruto made a statement that provoked a lot of emotions actually a lot of emotional reactions to what he had to say and in my opinion these remarks by William Samoei Ruto also very neatly summarized and Illustrated his presidency yeah the style the approach the thinking the Deep inner thinking and everything on my show today we shall not only focus on this thing that he said which is my “plan is being

00:01:15 sabotaged my plan for Kenya my plan for a better Kenya my administration's plan is being sabotaged”. And remember this is not an ordinary Kenyan speaking this is the Pok speaking president of the Republic of Kenya so on my show today we shall not only analyze this but we shall also try and get a very clear picture of what kind of year 2024 is going to be so my strong advice please stay with me to the end so that you get a better grasp because 2024 everybody saying all the people who should know all the people are

00:02:11 predicting are saying 2024 2024 they're saying scary things and from an analyst point of view it is very easy to see these scary things coming to pass indeed from analysis A lot of these gloomy predictions can easily be confirmed through analysis of the facts of Kenyan politics although it is true to say indeed it should be very clear by now that out of all the presidents we have had in Kenya Ruto is the biggest failure Ruto is the man who has great L most greatly underestimated what it takes to be president of Kenya it is

00:03:06 also true to say that every other man who has taken over as president since the 70s has always greatly underestimated what it takes to sit on the seat. Please allow me this brief history because we will then be able to understand why case Is tragically different from the others because the others recovered but it seems the fifth president will never recover will never settle in and there's a very clear indicator when you compare him to his predecessors when Johnstone Kamau better known as Jomo Kenyatta led Kenya into

00:04:03 Independence there is a lot of evidence to suggest that he believed it would be more or less a walk in the park even looking at his predecessor the Queen's representative governor of Kenya governor of colonial Kenya it must have appeared that governing Kenya was not such a big deal. But just a handful of weeks into the job there was a very rude awakening yeah a very rude reality check and history even very clearly records the event that proves all this an emergency cabinet meeting at the president's office at Harambee house.

00:04:56 The agenda? The shocking coup in Zanzibar led by mere Ugandan policeman called o you know it is super fascinating that a subscriber on this channel was actually there and witnessed with his own eyes Jomo Kenyatta and others rushing, with horns blaring siren blaring to that meeting at Harambee house shortly after that big Zanzibar announcement had been made. But to understand it all we must know what the big deal was all about and this is something that is not often talked about the big issue with what had

00:05:54 unfolded in Zanzibar was the foreign assistance the foreign influence in making that particular Zanzibar Revolution but the which was very very bloody in other words it would never have happened let alone it being successful it would never have happened without that foreign influence and those who were there had no option but to quickly remember what had happened to other Africans shortly after they had gained independence yeah and the perfect example was Congo yeah which had gained independence and a

00:06:47 patriot man of the people Patrice Lumumba and so what was ushered into the Kenyan presidency was something very dangerous yeah something called fear okay your president and you're just imagining things going south and you and your precious family being harmed yeah and that one of course keeps you very much awake all night it is my belief that it was at that emergency cabinet meeting that the plan was first hatched by the Kata Administration to deal with all present midterm and even possible future

00:07:42 threats to the security of the state which really is to the security of the president to the safety of the president to deal with all of them quickly and decisively it is important to note that in this context security of the state is not for the good of the people of Kenya it is not for the good of the longsuffering W no it is for the selfish good of the leader and the reasoning is if you do not have a stable leadership then the people will also suffer so by extension the excuse is security of the state is also security

00:08:35 of the people because they will be affected if you do not have a stable leadership now that one is very debatable especially because you can have a parliamentary system where all the power is not concentrated on just one man yeah and that one becomes very difficult to interfere with very difficult to make unstable especially espcially by powerful outside forces and so Joo kinata finally settled into the presidency after the massive 1969 operation that included blood ODS at eacha yeah very demonic very satanic

00:09:20 things and was followed by a purge of the Luo Community who were seen as a threat to the presidency and the way this was done was by dealing with all the main leaders from the Luo Community Jaramogi Oginga Odinga was put under house arrest Argwings Khodhek was assassinated Thomas Joseph Odhiambo Mboya was assassinated and Kisumu was purged through the Kisumu massacre. Now my apologies I'm trying to go very quickly so you may have to catch up with my earlier videos that talk about these events in great detail right here on

00:10:12 this channel. When Moi took over the presidency in 1978 he had a very huge problem settling in into the job first of all it took a long time for him to internalize and realize that he was actually now Pork (president of the Republic of Kenya) believe it or not he had to be persuaded and some of the things that were done included getting F5 fighter jets to escort him back into the country to escort his commercial Kenya aircraft back into the country immediately it came into Kenya airspace a very expensive

00:11:02 unnecessary sometimes even dangerous exercise that had to be done to help Moy settle in but even after he had settled in he got this determination to lead Kenya by being a Mr Nice Guy president but sometime in the Year 1980 reality came knocking there were still k happening all over Africa some of them very bloody foreign interests were still in Fierce competition for Kenya the Soviet Union saw it as an opportunity yeah to recover what they had lost under Kata and especially the influence they had enjoyed in Kenya when

00:11:51 we had the nonaligned foreign policy not aligned to the west or east Super Wise foreign policy in my opinion in those days and the Russians had even financed and built the main hospital in Kisumu yeah which old the Kenyans still nickname Russia to this day the Soviets and this was during the Cold War US versus the Soviet Union or Russia even pushed for a political comeback of Jaramogi which Moi supported initi Mr Good Guy president had no problems with it but in 1980 reality check and this is what led to the 1982

00:12:43 event yeah to secure the Moy presidency the coup or rather attempted coup that was never even a CO that was never even an attempted cool I've done a major video on that with great detail right here on this channel and overnight Moy magically changed from the Mr Nice Guy will never do what Joo did President into the Draconian feared dictator Moy who ruled Kenya with an iron hand for 24 long years when the third president of Kenya mbaki took over in 2002 in what many Saw as the second and final liberation of the country called

00:13:45 Kenya he too like his predecessors did not understand what the presidency was all about many older Kenyans will never forget the statement by some of his cocky cabinet ministers like K murungi who said that Mo should retire to his kabarak farm but keep his TV on and watch and maybe take notes and observe how a government should really be run they called the mo presidency the Moy era not ER but e r o r makosa mistake the mo mistake the Moy error and the intelligence Community were instructed to keep a very close eye

00:14:42 on retired Moy yeah so that he does not sabotage the new Kenya kibaki handlers even attempted to jail Moy for his sins during his era his 24 year era of Terror in Kenya there were stopped by the most unlikely person you'd expect to stop the Kaki regime from this big ambition determined ambition they had guess who stopped kibaki from jailing Moy Raa amolo odinga yeah again I have videos on this channel that talk about that in great detail especially the why but even after all that drama it was not

00:15:38 long before M Baki ate Humble Pie yeah went looking for Moy and begged Moy please help me please help me to be president of Kenya it seems that I do not understand I I have no idea please assist and mo assisted and the Kaki presidency stabilized when the fourth President of the Republic of Kenya uru M kyata took over it has been recorded that he made frequent visits to retired president Daniel to of Moy yeah and Moy once again assist a president to settle in into the presidency and the huru presidency was

00:16:38 stabilized but something happened which many Kenyans are still not aware of by this time Moy was getting old he was losing it it became increasingly difficult to communicate with Moy and to get his GES of wisdom and so when 2017 came along and huru kinata had to prepare for his reelection bid the mo resource was no longer viable but founding first lady of the Republic of Kenya M kinata new people yeah and assisted her son to get the right councel and I believe one of the first major pieces of advice that huru

00:17:34 followed was to distance himself and to be very wary of his Deputy President William Ruto and we know what happened after the 2017 presidential elections and we also know that huru kata's second time was stabilized shortly after the handshake with Raa amolo odinga now first forward to the present and I will start by asking a very simple question joh moata Daniel too Emilio Stanley mbaki had no idea they needed help so in your opinion do you think that William Ruto is so special was so special that when

00:18:28 he took over the the presidency he would not need any advice to settle in into the presidency tell me what you think in the comments area Below in my opinion there was even a bigger problem a much bigger problem with Kenya's fifth president and it has a lot to do with his character you see Ruto did not get into state house just like like that no he used his own craftiness he used his own brains he did not take advice in his climb to the top so would you expect such a person once he has reached his goal he

00:19:19 has become president of Kenya to start looking for people to advise him to help him stabilize his presidency do you expect that to happen of course not I go to where I am using my own brains and therefore I will govern very easily using my own brains because after all governing surely cannot be as difficult as the many many difficult things have done in order to reach this place that was clearly the thinking and this is the thinking that has culminated in these remarks by Ruto that have caused a storm in Kenya

00:20:06 and by the remarks to Asher in the year 2024 where whole Pok tells the country my plan is being sabotaged by the opposition and many people quickly see this cannot be true why what opposition is he talking about out because the finance bill 2023 was passed why because state house bought the opposition they bought enough support to get the finance bill this thing which damaged Kenya to sail through Parliament Ruto tells us that he has been sabotaged his big perfect plan that will take Kenya very far has been sub Ed

00:20:59 by court cases yeah and those close to him have told us that these court cases are being financed by huru m Kenyata president huru M Kata fourth president his predecessor and again any right thinking sober Kenyan knows that that is not true for the simple reason that you cannot take anything to court that before any Court in the Republic of Kenya accepts a case and agrees to sit down and listen to that case it must first and foremost be proved that there's a case they look at the Constitution what does the Constitution

00:21:48 say and only when they're satisfied will they say yes we believe they may be a case here that we should listen to in other words what R is saying is that his plan is being sabotaged by Kenyans who want to follow the Constitution and the laws of the land how ridiculous is that which means this plan for a better Kenya must be unconstitutional yeah it is being forced through with the attitude that the Constitution and the laws of Kenya are just something annoying an obstacle that is very annoying an obstacle that slows down

00:22:44 this big grand plan for a better Kenya that is really what it is in a nutshell the president accuses a divisive opposition hostage taking vested interests and privileged Elite of persistent litigation to derail his administration's radical policies intended to uplift the majority and in my opinion I avoid kizungu mingi because in 90% to 100% of the cases when you see somebody introducing kizungu mingi osid folks we should know that we're in very serious trouble when going on to 2 years of the rout presidency we are still being told

00:23:53 the problem is former president uru mu kyata we have a major major problem and there's something else very disturbing okay this statement from Ruto has been interpreted by some analysts yeah as a very clear sign that rut has given up clearly things have not gone that we expected and when we go back to human nature you know somebody has given up when they start blaming everybody else except themselves I would have succeeded in business but my wife frustrated me I would have passed my exams but all this

00:24:44 noise my siblings were making is what has frustrated me what has stopped me from passing my exams etc etc excuses k in the year 2024 there is no reason to expect this to stop and therefore you should expect more and more excuses more and more reasons why these Grand plans of the rout Administration are not working but I will tell you the thing that scares me most about the year 2024 more than every everything else we have discussed so far and that is 2024 appears to be the year of the climax of

00:25:43 judgment over the nation called Kenya and we have seen more than enough signs I mean think about it whoever imagined that in the year 2023 people would start digging back into things Kenyans had forgotten the assassination of Tom Bo the assassination of P Pinto which was the very first assassination in Kenya in 1965 the assassination of Jacob Juma and very shortly and remember that you heard about it first on this channel very shortly we will start seeing and hearing mindblowing Revelations of the events of the Year

00:26:34 2007 the clashes do you know to date the issues of 2007 have never been settled there are people who lost their farms and to this day have never recovered them they're not able to go back to their ancestral f arms Yes you heard me say ancestral people were born maybe they don't come from that Community but they were born in that farm in the rift valley they don't know any other Home many lost their minds they are no longer mentally stable yeah and I happen to know at least one person personally

00:27:22 who was going through this as a result of the events of 2007 who is digging up all this D from the past answer nobody it is just happening it's happening all over the place it's popping up all over the place like popcorn in AIA Po and there can only be one reason why this is happening judgment judgment it is here with us and therefore in the year 2024 we should expect many terrible things to happen to people which when you look at it to be able to understand it will be nothing else but judgment you murdered people and you

00:28:22 sure you got away with it I'm sorry actually you didn't because there is another judge there is another judgment system which you overlooked which never misses anything and which I believe is the reason why all this D from the past is being dragged out into the open the scary thing here is that many things changed in Kenya in 2023 Kenya changed a lot lot in the year 2023 indeed I can even say Kenya is now unrecognizable as a result of the events of 2023 well this unrecognizable Kenya of 2023 when the year 2024 is

00:29:22 done you will not be able to recognize this Kenya of post 2023 you will not be able to recognize it Kenya will change even more in 2024 than it changed in the year 2023 I believe as we go deeper into the year 2024 it'll become less and less about the failed administration of William Ruto and more and more about the root problems facing the country called Kenya and of course to go to the root of a problem you have to go back into history to the beginning 1963 and even earlier folks my dear friends that is what I

00:30:15 believe the year 2024 will be all about that is my 2024 prediction you know even if you don't care for history in the year 2024 you have no option mm you have no other way out you must understand the history and I'm not forcing you I'm not threatening you I'm just telling you the truth that is really what it is is and it is not me who created that situation and so because of that I cannot be threatening you and one very good way of ensuring that you have a very firm grasp of the history of Kenya especially.

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