Saturday, March 09, 2024

Will Wanjiru's curse against Ruto and his family work? An expert view

Will Wanjiru's curse against Ruto and his family work? An expert view

Bishop Margaret Wanjiru right at the altar of her church, Jesus Is Alive Ministries, using very bitter words uttered curses to all those who were involved in the raid on her church. And especially William Ruto and the Kenyan Kwanza government and indeed their families. 

What does this mean? What kind of effect should we expect spiritually? That is the question on Kenyan minds. 

One of you shot me an email a short while ago, attaching the video where she uttered these words and I got the message immediately. Which is; "When is this Ruto government going away?" "Chris does this curse by Margaret Wanjiru mean they'll be gone like yesterday, please confirm."

Hilarious!! But I totally understand. I know how Kenyans feel about this government. The emotions against this administration are impossible to miss because those raw feelings of Ruto-must-go are very thick in the air. 

Heavy things we are going to unpack on how Ruto administration will implode

On my post today I'm going to break it all down for you and I just need to warn you well in advance there are some very heavy things we're going to unpack here. Please stay with me and you'll be able to get the full picture and also understand what is going to unfold next in Kenyan politics, as a result of this development. And also more importantly in my view why all this is happening especially so soon after the Benny Hinn mega crusade in Nairobi Kenya. 

But let us start this story at the beginning. All of us always talk about the blessings of our parents. What do we mean because blessings are the opposite of curses? Actually what we mean is that in this life you want to avoid at all costs, your parents cursing you. Instead what you want from your parents are blessings. For them to speak blessings upon you and your life. 

We humans are very interesting because virtually all of us are very concerned about blessings from our parents but when somebody brings up a topic like this one where somebody spoke at a church and cursed, that means nothing to us. Even that person who is cursing, their Ministry blah blah blah. 

It is very interesting because when we seek the blessings of our parents I've never heard somebody say I do not want the blessings of my dad because my dad is crooked, my dad is corrupt, my dad was in government my dad was a thief of public funds, and therefore I don't want their blessings. I've never heard anything like that. Have you? 

And this illustrates the first very important thing we should understand if want to understand this topic. Curses and blessings must come from an authority. your parents have authority over you granted to them by God Almighty. They are the ones who brought you to this earth they have authority over you therefore what they speak over your life is critical. This also goes out to those of us who are parents; we must always remember that what we speak to our children is critical. Please be careful if your child does something that really angers you. Cool down first before you open your mouth. It could affect the future of your child very badly. You see contrary to what most of us think words are things. Words are not just hot air. Words carry weight words.

Please allow me to tell you a story and be patient because this is very important. Not only are we going to learn what is going to happen next politically but it is also going to help us personally in our personal lives to avoid a lot of grief and problems.

Once upon a time I was in a church where I was learning a lot of very valuable spiritual things and in that church was a man who had been cursed by his wife. This man had started earning a lot of money from his job he was a loader in a lorry and the more money he earned the more he forgot about his precious family and his wife and children. He would come back from a long trip and the first thing he did was to entertain himself with friends including ladies. Oblivious of the fact that there was no food at home where they were still waiting for him. 

And he never wanted to be disturbed in his fun activities. And so one day his dear wife got very emotional and while crying she uttered the following words; Before you got this job we did not have any money but we were happy now since you have gotten this job we are really suffering you don't care about us. You don't bring food home. You send very little money and the rest of your big money you take to the bar with your women. You will lose this job and you will never ever get another job so that these tears I'm shedding you will also shed in frustration because you don't have any money, because you're hungry. And you will feel the pain I'm feeling right now." 

The man laughed it all off and went to have another drink and he continued this job for a couple of months and then one day he lost his job. But he was not worried after all he had good contacts and so he thought he could get another job very quickly. But strangely enough nobody wanted to give him a job. 

By the time I moved on from this church this man had been prayed for, he had gone through deliverance, he had repented, his wife had repented, he had done so many things. He had even fasted but he never ever got another job. He never ever came across that kind of money again. It was exactly as his wife spoke. Actually his wife cursed him. 

Couples please be very careful if you are a wife you have the authority to curse your husband or to bless him. But remember when you curse your husband you're really cursing yourself because the two of you are one. When this man lost his job and had no money guess who also suffered? The wife and the children. Guess who was forced to go out and hustle and look for money to feed the family? The wife. In fact in my opinion the man suffered but the wife who uttered the curse suffered more. 

Now with that brief background, let us come to this Bishop Margaret Wanjiru story. You know in recent times Kenyans have become very careless when dealing with these people called Servants of God. The other day I received a very angry comment from somebody over the video I made about Benny Hinn's crusade in the country and I understood them. What they wanted me to do was to launch a scathing attack on Benny Hinn and highlight the controversies surrounding his church and where he had gone wrong. Fortunately, and very fortunately for me, I understand I don't have the authority to do that. 

My very strong advice to anybody, even if you're not spiritual, please tread very carefully with Servants of God and even so called Servants of God, Why? Simple, answer; they carry spiritual authority. Even if they fallen off the way side. Even if they started well but later, love for money, love for this life, overtook them and they fell by the wayside. Even if that happened but they're still in office, tread carefully. 

There was a man in the Bible called Eli. He was a priest in the temple and Almighty God was very angry with him and had already dismissed him. If he lived today he would qualify to be called one of those fake men of God. However one day, a woman came into the temple and she was crying and Eli provoked her. "What are you doing in the house of God behaving like this? You are even drunk. You've come here drunk. And the woman whose name was Hannah humbled herself and pleaded with the man of God who had fallen and told him; NO, I'm not drunk I am crying to God Almighty because I have never given birth to a child. I am childless. And the fallen man of God blessed this woman with the words; go in peace and may God Almighty grant you your request. That was a blessing and within a very short space of time that woman who had been ridiculed always called barren got pregnant and she gave birth to a boy. Of course the boy grew up to be one of the greatest prophets. His name was Samuel.

Ogopa(fear) men of God even those ones you think are fallen. Even when you see them with somebody's wife. Stay out of it, you don't have the authority as long as they alive and they're still in office ogopa.

What am I saying? I am saying that those words spoken by Bishop Margaret Wanjiru, right inside an altar. Those bitter words, and there were tears in her eyes... OGOPA. 

Please allow me to give you another brief story about Words which are spoken from an altar. In the year 2000, a well-known Nigerian Church, whose founder I respect and have followed for years entered Kenya for the first time. And somebody's wife without fully consulting her husband or without fully coming to an understanding with he husband donated a piece of land for this new ministry to build a church. 

And the church went out and purchased some mabatis (corrugated iron sheets) to put up a temporary structure as they organized themselves to put up something more permanent. But this land that had been given given to the church was prime land. Prime commercial land and therefore somebody very close to the owners in conjunction with the owners decided to discourage this church. To scare them away from that property and so they hired goons who came in beat up the people, harassed them and took away the iron sheets and all the valuable material that had already been purchased. 

When the pastor of that church came back, he opened his Bible and he cursed all those who had been involved in that activity of taking the Church of almighty God backwards. It happened that one of the main people linked to this piece of land is somebody I knew personally. He had been very kind to me in the early days when I started my publishing business. He had offered me office space free of charge. He had really helped me. His name was David Kimani Kongo. 

A very short while after that prayer of cursing those involved, David Kimani Kongo and a man called Kuria wa Gathoni, who was then the director of planning at the Nairobi City council, were arrested and charged with the murder of a Ghanaian man who was called Charles Sosah. I knew for a fact that Kimani Kongo was innocent but circumstances conspired to have him arrested and he spend three long years behind bars as his case continued because in those days the charge of murder in Kenya was not bailable. If you were charged with murder, you had to spend time in jail until your case was determined. I was very distressed a few moments ago to discover that my old friend Kimani Kongo is actually no more. He passed on in February 2022 to be precise on February 5th 2022. Just 4 days after the funeral of my late wife. But it was only today when I was doing research for this post, that I got that information. 

Anyway, curses are real and curses that come from an altar, OGOPA.

Key political points in this saga

In my opinion there are some key points we need to take note of. Political points.

1. I don't think it is a coincidence that this has happened very shortly after the Benny Hinn crusade. And remember Bishop Margaret Wanjiru was one of the main people in the organizing committee of the Benny Hinn mega-crusade in Kenya. And my opinion it is very difficult not to see this as one of the responses from almighty God about the effectiveness of that crusade and what they did towards healing the nation of Kenya. 

2. And the following we have said on the Kumekucha Chris channel many times. And that is the Kenya Kwanza government is going to be felled from the inside rather than external forces. Infighting will do Ruto in. And this Margaret Wanjiru cursing saga is an excellent example of that. The Bishop has cursed her own political party and in fact one she helped found herself.

Judgement on the church?

There are some people who are saying that this is also judgment from almighty God. Judgment on the church because the church in Kenya forced in a leader who was really a wolf in sheep's clothing. They acted on thei own without fully interrogating what God's thinking was and what God's choice was. 

And of course the church was encouraged by the generosity of the UDA boss, and therefore what is now happening is part of the judgment of the church. 

I find it very difficult to argue against that view, but all I can say is let us wait and see. Because as time passes, this will become clearer and clearer to everybody to see.


Wanjiru's cursing words

Margaret Wanjiru cursed President William Ruto and his Deputy Rigathi Gachagua following the recent raid on her Jesus Is Alive Ministries church.

She also cursed the Kenya Railways chief executive whom she says Ruto used to execute the "evil" of attacking her church. "I pity his family," she quipped, "because as I cried yesterday and today, even his family plus yours are not exempted, my tears will pay."

Uttering the words from the altar of her church she said she was in pain and walking with crutches for the first time in her life. "I will count the steps that I will walk and somebody will pay for every single step."

"I want to say to our government and President William Ruto and our Deputy President Rigathi Gachagua we loved you, we voted for you, we supported you but you've rewarded us with broken legs, arms, hurting bodies. You truly have rewarded us with evil. A week ago we shared the pulpit at Nyayo Stadium repenting as the body of Christ because of the sins that were committed to our dear friend, good minister and father in the gospel Benny Hinn.

Speaking emotionally the Bishop put a curse on those who were involved and warned them that they would pay very dearly.

She reminded President William Ruto and his deputy, Rigathi Gachagua, that she campaigned for them only for them to repay her with broken arms and warned that if anything happens to her or her kids, they will be responsible. "Believe me, you will look for me. You went for Benny Hinn in America; you will look for me. And I am not moving, and I am not going anywhere. You have started a fight that you cannot fight. This one is in the heavens. We have lived in this community, but in all these years, we have never fought." 

"You are using the MD in Railways. I pity his family. Because as I cried yesterday and today, even his family plus yours are not exempted. My tears will pay," she said.

She underscored that the head of state would seek her out in vain, arguing that Ruto had started a fight he wouldn't finish. "Now let me tell you something, my President and Deputy President, from today, this Margaret Wanjiru that was beaten, my clothes were lifted up by young men who are police; they touched my thighs, a woman of God I want to make a sweet promise to you, believe you me you will look for me."

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