Muge assassination: The powerful men he provoked Part 3

Tuesday, March 05, 2024

Why Raila and Azimio presser after summit meeting disappointed supporters

Why Raila and Azimio presser after summit meeting disappointed supporters

The Azimio presser on 5th March 2023 after a summit meeting (the Summit in Azimio is the highest decision making body within the Coalition) has left most Kenyans still confused.

Is there a deal of some sort between Raila and Ruto?

All the Azimio big wigs were present apart from Martha Karua whom we were told gave her apologies as she traveled to Dar-es-Salam, Tanzania the night before, according to Kalonzo Musyoka.

Azimio supporters at the announcement of this press briefing were initially very excited. And why were they excited? Because they were hoping against all hope that finally Azimio would clear the air of what is really going on in Kenya. Because although many people want to believe kumekucha, evidence is mounting to the contrary of what Kumekucha Chris has been saying.

For instance just recently, a cabinet secretary in the Ruto government Aisha Jumwa paid a courtesy call to Raila's office and it may be difficult to argue with the political analysts who are saying this is all evidence of a deal even if you don't call it handshake.

And so this a press briefing was supposed to put an end to this confusion. But alas, people ended up disappointed.

It was a strange press briefing where Azimio even praised some of the decisions of the Ruto government. However most of that statement was very hard hitting towards the government as Azimio even threatened the government in the statement. The message to Ruto and his government was that Raila and company were aware that there are some people within and outside Parliament who want to interfere or even kill the NADCO report, which is due to be discussed and finalized shortly. Indeed the NADCO document is already in the program of Parliament.

The Azimio summit team told Ruto’s brigade that the NADCO report is supposed to be passed as it is and any attempt to interfere with it let alone kill it will be met with very dire consequences from Azimio because this was a document that had been negotiated between both sides and those talks brought peace to Kenya which the government should not take for granted.

That was a serious warning to the Ruto and company, no doubt about that.

But then all this drama in that press briefing where does it leave Kenyans? Actually more confused than before. What is going on here, even I have to admit it is complicated. Although what I've said repeatedly on my channel is the true situation. And that is; there has been no handshake there is no cooperation between Raila's boys and Ruto’s side. There is absolutely nothing like that.

Blog post UP NEXT:

Top corrupt Kenya police cops told Kavuludi: Stop investigating us or we will kill you (they even delivered a "graphic message")

Watch full length video on YouTube now; Raila Azimio presser confuses Kenyans even with the threats to Ruto

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