Monday, March 04, 2024

Raila fake stories litter the media as Edwin Sifuna tops the list of those who may succeed Agwambo one day

Raila fake stories litter the media as Edwin Sifuna tops the list of those who may succeed Agwambo one day

The Kenyan media is drowning with stories about the succession of Raila Amollo Odinga.

Who will succeed Raila? Who is best placed to step into Raila’s oversized political shoes? The relentless headlines are screaming.

And honestly in my opinion it is all very disgusting and more importantly, it is also a strategic mistake for any person interested in stepping into the shoes of Raila. Indeed in most African Customs it is taboo to discuss any succession issues about your father when he's still alive and still seated at his post as head of the home.

Now, let us get something very clear from the onset. Raila is going nowhere and Raila has not run his course. Mambo bado. So it is not a problem if the Kenyan media continues to push the story that there's a handshake with Ruto that this and this is happening because there's a handshake with Ruto or Baba is warming up to Ruto, Nothing will change and it is all rubbish according to me.

More so because even as all this drama unfolds the person best placed to take over from Raila one day is very quiet and is not involved in the succession debate. Instead the man is very busy building up his profile and we're going to discuss him in a minute.

First of all I want to give you an important heads up. The Itumbi boys have been unleashed and I'm delighted that many regulars on the Kumekucha Chris YouTube channel have immediately recognized them. These are the boys who are paid 20K a month to disrupt political discussions on social media including on my channel.

For some time now the air in the comments area of my channel has been very fresh air. The Itumbi boys went missing because they were overwhelmed by the views of the majority. They were drowned by the views of Kenyans.

Let me explain. Itumbi’s boys thrived when people did not really have an opinion and those who had an opinion did not have emotions strong enough to take the trouble to express them. And then Ruto did something that caused everybody to come out and express their opinions. Can you guess what it is?

Let me put it this way; when the pockets of Kenyans remained untouched, people did not want to comment. Then Ruto touched people's pockets. Punitive taxes, high cost of living caused by this administrations’ policies. You know in this life if you want a reaction from somebody, simply touch their money. Even the quietest person who usually says zero, just try and touch their money and they will have a lot to say to you. You will see fire.

For that very reason Itumbi propaganda boys, and their fake social media accounts (about 100,000 of them purchase from India) could not work against the wave and Avalanche of angry Kenyans. But now they're back with a strategy to disrupt as usual and some of the tactics include convincing Kenyans that Agwambo has warmed up to Ruto. And also convincing Kenyans that Raila is leaving the local political space for the AU job or at the very least he is leaving for campaigns for the same AU job. Strange when you think about it, because those AU elections are in the year 2025, February 2025. And we are still in the year 2024.

To be very honest with you, I am fed up of those unpatriotic Kenyans who love money (20K a month) more than they love their country and so for the first time in my long career I am very busy with the delete button I am also very busy with the button to block people from making any comments on my channel. I just wanted to let you know about that.

Now this man called Edwin Sifuna, who is the current Secretary General of the ODM party has a very bright future ahead of him. In fact if elections were held today and in those elections Edwin Sifuna faced off with Kalonzo Musyoka of Wiper, Sifuna would win by a huge margin.

In my view Sifuna has very smartly lifted himself above that position of being seen as a mere Raila sycophant into charting his own political course. And unlike other characters being fronted to take over from Raila, Edwin Sifuna during the maandano was always there in the thick of things. Some very prominent people who think they are better than Sifuna were missing. And please don't throw any stones at me, I have NOT mentioned any names.

You know some political observers from the Mulembe Nation will definitely have noticed that Sifuna may be in line to be the man who fulfills the prophecy about the Mulembe nation getting to the presidency via Lake Victoria, that is from Luo Nyanza.

It is super fascinating that the rise and rise of Edwin Sifuna has happened at a time when the leading names in the Luhya Nation have let their people down very badly. People like Bonny Khalwale whom Sifuna has “destroyed” many times on local political TV shows. Luhya leaders that we thought were rising stars like Cleophas “Shackles of doom” Malala and others who have really let down the Luhya nation at a time of great need.

And so in this kind of environment of selfish Luhya leaders Edwin Sifuna’s star has shone much brighter and day by day it is becoming very clear that this is a politician to watch.

It is also not lost on keen political observers that the post of Secretary General of the ODM party has given Raila a big headache for many years until Edwin Sifuna arrived and sat on that very seat. Today this man is the face of ODM. Eloquent, wise, and he just doesn't shoot off his mouth carelessly. And in case you have not noticed Sifuna is also very strategic.

In my opinion if Edwin Sifuna is indeed the future of Kenyan politics then we are all in very good, safe hands. Even those who are not in ODM. Even those who do not support the opposition.

You know it really tickles me that Sifuna was born barely 3 months before a very major game-changing political event unfolded in Kenya. And this is the 1982 botched coup attempt. And so as Edwin Sifuna was in his diapers, barely 3 months old, another character called Bonnie Khalwale was making a big announcement on KBC supporting a short-lived military coup by the Kenya Air Force in August 1982. (And by the way that was not really a coup, it was actually an intelligence operation. Catch my very comprehensive video on my YouTube channel that gives you full details of exactly what went down and what it was all really about).

You see in 1982 Bonny Khalwale was a student at the University of Nairobi when Sifuna was developing his very first milk teeth. And so you'll understand why I get so tickled when on this very hot local TV shows Edwin Sifuna gives Bonny Khalwale some very interesting factual history lessons.

I can reveal today that in my political analysis I always take Sifuna's words very seriously whenever he speaks. Because he's an Insider and so far I have not made a single wrong step by taking Sifuna's word seriously. One of the things that Sifuna has repeatedly told us in recent times is that Baba is going nowhere. So for those of us who would like to stubbornly insist on believing newspaper headlines, maybe you should listen a little more to the Nairobi Senator Honorable Sifuna

And one more thing I like about Sifuna is that he has been a very patient man and has climbed up the ranks gradually. In 2017 he lost the seat for Nairobi Senator to Johnson Sakaja. Actually in the final vote count Sifuna had 674,000 votes and Sakaja had 811,000; that was 42% of the vote for Sifuna and 51% of the vote for Sakaja. But there are those who believe that those were not the real results in 2017. They believe that actually Sufuna on his debute running in a general election actually won those elections, but it was necessary to reduce his votes mainly because Raila's votes in Nairobi had to be reduced in order for that election to be rigged in favor of Uhuru Kenyatta of Jubilee. I'm inclined to side with those who are in this school of thought.

Anyway, in 2022 he could not be stopped and that's why he is the current Nairobi Senator and doing a very good job at that. He is very visible he and he is one of those rare issue-based politicians and not just a mouthpiece for Raila although he fully supports Raila.

It is my strong opinion that the track record of this politician is one of the reasons why Kenyans should totally ignore the rubbish political analysis we see in our media about Raila being out of the game.

A veteran soccer striker is about to score and yet people are busy talking about the person who will succeed him and some of the people who are very busy discussing this are supposed to be the defenders near the goal who are supposed to stop him from scoring.

NOT wise, not wise at all.


Top corrupt Kenya police cops told Kavuludi: Stop investigating us or we will kill you (they even delivered a "graphic message")

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