Angry Ruto men vow to crush Gachagua BUT here's why the DP will win | Kenya news

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Leader's Curse: Damned for Action and Inaction

There is no honour among hyenas, and who cares? The PM Raila had no power to suspend a minister because he is not the appointing authority and now he is taking all the flack for same. Well, masters of impunity must be feeling like fish tossed out of water. Their political epitaphs were scripted with golden letters of constitutional promulgation on August 27.

President Kibaki suspended Hon William Ruto from the cabinet and Raila is paying the heavy backlash bill. And the whole saga gets even more paradoxical for Kibaki who would have been vilified if he did not act and just he is being criticized for his action.

Next neck on the chopping block is Foreign Affairs Minister Moses Wetangula following the damning parliamentary report on Tokyo scam. The committee's indictment is so damning on Wetangula so much so that his hitherto securely locked closet has left his Kanu-era worms crawling from the shelves.

After unsuccessfully attempting the typical Kenyan political gimmick of drumming tribal support to cover your stinking back, Wetangula has his head squarely placed on the block. But don't count on any consistency in suspension yet. This is Kenya and political premium reigns supreme. Wetangula will either go Ruto way or Ongeri way depending on his weight on the succession and political balance.

With no regard to morals, Kenyans have the leaders they deserve. Look no further than the bigoted comments in support or condemnation of the fraudulent politicians. Even the Diaspora are playing ball with pedestrian analysis of which political alliance will win 2012 elections.

A nation living in denial is one immaculately paving her path to self destruction. Ruto and Wetangula do not have to wait to be suspended if they respect the laws they are paid to make. But this is Kenya where politicians shamelessly on camera secure in the knowledge that they have their tribe in the pocket.

The new constitution may be better compared to the previously tattered on but both never condoned fraud. Until we reboot out national mindset and accept the simple truth that morals cannot be legislated, Wetangula and company will continue ripping us off collectively as a country as we cheer and re-elect them as our top most diplomats.

It is no coincidence that both Ruto and Wetangula were our chief negotiators at Serena following the 2007/8 near Armageddon. We only condemn impunity from others and not when two junior embassy officials (Mburu and Muchiri) masterminds such a gigantic national fraud and get promoted for the same.

Woe unto a people living a beautiful national lie of pretense.


  1. Until men learn to think for themselves, all they can exchange are prejudices.

    However, when they start to educate and think for themselves, they form opinions out of reason and reflection.

    Let us be clear. All these songs and toasts about "fighting corruption" are mathematical calculations to enslave and suffocate any reflection.

    Let us be honest. It is insane to expect clean water downstream when the poison is entering the stream at the source of the river.

    If you find a man/woman who wastes 50 years complaining about polluted water in the downstream instead of taking the boat to the source so as to remove the poison, you would think him/her insane. Unfortunately, this is exactly our situation.

    But, why this strange behaviour? It is this. Reason and ignorance which are opposite of each other, greatly influence the great bulk of humanity.

    If a man can render any of these sufficiently extensive in a country, the government will run very smoothly.

    This is so because:

    (a) reason obeys itself, and

    (b) ignorance readily submits to whatever is dictated to it by the Court.

    We are of the view that, our government machinery runs "smoothly" because of our slavish submission to whatever is dictated to us for want of reason.

  2. Meanwhile, the whites are laughing as "different kinds of niggers kill each other" hehehe

  3. Anonymous said...
    Meanwhile, the whites are laughing as "different kinds of niggers kill each other" hehehe


    Ati, they are laughing at us? Let them not fool you because, they are also SUBJECTS.

    If they are not, let us know what you make of this:

    "Queen's £38m a year offshore windfarm windfall - because she owns the seabed."

    "The Royal Family have secured a lucrative deal that will earn them tens of millions of pounds from the massive expansion of offshore windfarms.

    They will net up to £37.5 million extra income every year from the drive for green energy because the seabed within Britain’s ter­ritorial waters is owned by the Crown Estate.

    Under new measures announced by Chancellor George Osborne last week, the Royals will soon get 15 per cent of the profits from the Estate’s £6 billion property portfolio, rather than the existing Civil List arrangement."

    Read further here:

    All this when the retirees have lost almost 15% of their income through the changes to index used, the young children have lost their "benefits" because, in the words of Osborne, "we are in together."

    Yes, in all this, Nick Clegg says, there is "no alternative." And, you tell us these elections and voting makes sense?

  4. If ignorance is lack of knowledge (not being informed), then probably many uneducated Kenyans at the grassroots suffer from it. However, there is another category of people who seem to be well educated and not necessarily ignorant but generally suffer from stupidity. The RV MPS who have allowed an individual to think on their behalf are a perfect example of this stupidity. So are some contributors in this blog (the likes of ‘Oracle has spoken’)

    Or can anyone convince me that some of these guys are ignorant of the fact that it makes little difference when the president comes from your village. How much did the people of in Baringo benefit when Moi was in power for 24 years? Is Othaya a paradise now that Kibaki is the president? Yet here we are, all the time seeing a bunch of misguided and selfish bigots (who unfortunately call themselves leaders) leading their people astray:- IT’S TIME FOR ONE OF OUR OWN TO BE THE PRESIDENT! What a load gibberish.

  5. Raila should leave Ruto alone. Only the Kalenjins can decide who their leaders will be. Political tourism by Raila in the former RV will come to zero. He cannot herd the Kalenjins the way he herds the Luos and directs them to be circuncised. The Kalenjins do not walk around with hanging foreskins.

  6. Bravo Anon @12:53 AM. I could not have expressed it any better!

  7. Messrs Wetangula and PS Thuita Mwangi didn't even make the slightest effort to conceal this scam. Their fingerprints are all over the mess and as the lawyers will put it, this is an open and shut case. I really don't know what the moribund and indecisive General Kiguoya is waiting for before he sends the two scammers packing. When shall we ever see the big fish being tried, convicted and sent to Kamiti? Wake up Bwana PLO and do your job instead of being a talking head. Sending KACC officials to pounce on traffic cops is a bunch of baloney. We need the same happen to the big thieves unless they have managed to oil your palm!

  8. Anon 12.53 a.m

    We have been KK readers long before the likes of the "Oracle" arrived in the scene.

    You must be among the ones he "swept the floor" with and trying to digress from the topic of discussion or you will utter that ACCIDENT and ESSENTIAL nonsense.

    FOCUS! Or you want this post to receive record "hits", channel your anger and aggression towards your elected and "popular" leaders.

    Atleast for once the Oracle silenced the so called KK self proclaimed LAND experts leaving them utterly MUTE.

    For now lets discuss the issues at hand.

  9. Majiwa has been apprehended by KACA on the cemetery scam. That's a step up from traffic cops as another one bites the dust


  10. Anon 2.29 AM

    Two thumbs up!

    @Anon 12.53 AM

    We would all like to vote for the best man, but he/she is never a candidate.

  11. Mwarangethe

    Corruption is evil. Fighting corruption is beneficial to all of us even if we are not fighting what is leading to this corruption.

    Here in Nairobi most of us use mosquito nets to prevent us from mosquito bites, and thus malaria, and it has worked, yet we have never gone to destroy the breeding place of these mosquitoes.

    That's why I disagree with some of your arguement Mwarangethe. It's time you need to appreciate the good deeds happening in our society, however small they are.

    Your arguement implies that we are wasting our time fighting corruption. What do you think is the solution if we apply all the theories you have advanced here and people go ahead to steal wealth created by implementation of your theory? Will you say that suppressing those people from stealing is a waste of time?

    I think you need to improve on your arguement so that instead of criticizing fighting corruption, you need to criticize the system, which makes people to engage in corruption despite it being fought, but still, even on this poor system, fighting corruption is beneficial.

  12. Thuita Mwangi is notorious for misappropriation in his time in foreign missions, including, brussels, Nigeria and new York. its only that this time its coming to light. You can rest assured that he gave wetangula a quick fix to raising funds for a presidential campaign and the chairmanship of ford kenya. Such are the behaviour of people who have tasted the provincial administration and their excesses. he was the Principal administrative secretary Provincial admin before becoming PS. It seems wetangula will try pass this off on him. if so expect thuita to see a whole lot more scandals exposed on both of them as they try to heap dirt on each other..But wetangula will not survive this.

  13. Philip said...

    Corruption is evil. Fighting corruption is beneficial to all of us even if we are not fighting what is leading to this corruption.


    "Just as we may avoid widespread physical desolation by rightly turning a stream near its source, so a timely dialectic in the FUNDAMENTAL IDEAS of social philosophy may spare us untold social wreckage and suffering."

    Herbet Foxwell, English Economist 1899.

    We ask, is it sheer cowardice, stupidity and sheer lack of interest or understanding or just madness that, we mortally fear addressing the FUNDAMENTAL IDEAS of our social philosophy and there by, "enjoy discussing" the social wreckage and suffering instead?


    We live in an age of GREAT IGNORANCE. Since we have abandoned qualitative arguments which explain the process of economic development, we find refugee in foolish arguments that, poverty is as a result of corruption.

    We had in the Economist, 4th January, 1992 writing this:

    "... economists are interested in growth. The trouble is, that even by THEIR STANDARD, they have been terribly IGNORANT about it. The depth of ignorance has long been their best kept secrets."

    Those are not Mwarang'ethe's words.
    This ignorance is fortified by absence of historical knowledge and interest in PROVEN principles that have brought nations into properity in the last 5 centuries.

    Kenyan economy is nothing but, tribal fights over dwindling rent as described by the Muslim historian and philosopher Ibn Khaldun in the 14th Century. In such an economy, corruption is the solution, and not the problem.

    Unfortunately, our "governments" and masses listen to modern priests who call themselves economists.

    A good example of the ignorance in matters of wealth creation is about to shown to the whole world.

    We are reliably informed that, the USA Central Bank will need to print up to $ 4 trillion to "stimulate" the economy.

    This is inspite of warning by historians like Niall Ferguson:

    We shall address Malaria issue in the next comments.

  14. @Anon 12.53

    ..let me remain STUPID! It serves and suites me well, lets have your preferred candidate on the Dock so that we can "vet" him/her.

    But below you will see some even more STUPID bloggers on KK who seem INTELLIGENT..

    Moving on swiftly mmmmh! Ruto and Wetangula fiasco - my only point of interest - they all revolve around LAND!

    And why do I find it suspicious... That some Anon 4.44PM used the "N" word and got an immediate PATRIOTIC response!!!,mmh why do i say suspicious???...

    Bwana Mwarang'ethe you have all but quoted the works of THOMAS PAINE word for word from his book titled "THE RIGHTS OF MAN" - (The book can be found in Book Point on Moi Avenue for the avid readers)

    Thomas Paine did contribute to the American and French revolution and championed "popular" political revolution on governments that does not safeguard its people, their natural rights, and their national interests - just the kind of "warrior" thinking.

    Back to my point of contention..Why do I smell your "footprints" all over the Anon 4.44PM comment - its because Thomas Paine's constant attacks on the British Monarchy and the aristocracy.

    So it gave you ample opportunity to place your response on the Queen "perfectly" to seem as a response to the "N" word.

    Woof! Woof! - you can fool others but not me.

    Who is more STUPID now, ama utasema ni Fitina!!!

    The Oracle has Spoken

  15. Mwarang'ethe,
    Being simple is not SIMPLISTIC. You are trying too hard to be abstract and you know what, you are only impressinmg yourself. All you dole here are theories with no trace of practical solution.

    Stop burdening yourself with regurgitated stuff, be original for once and please spare us the Sumerian/Amurabic folklore. Stick to land/wealth/war and BM, will you?

  16. Philip wrote

    Here in Nairobi most of us use mosquito nets to prevent us from mosquito bites, and thus malaria, and it has worked, yet we have never gone to destroy the breeding place of these mosquitoes.


    Bwana Philip, according to the latest reports, Kenyan domestic debt has hit Sh 700 bn as government BORROWS to pay LOANS.

    In other words, we are in the phase of borrowing to pay old debts. An ominous sign if you understand the 8th wonder of the world, the magic of compound interest.

    Sample this statement:

    "It is estimated that this fiscal year, the government will spend Sh68 billion to pay interest on domestic debt compared to only Sh7 billion for external debt."



    Now, let us put matters into context. Some of these debts were incurred so as to buy mosquito nets and the CDF off course that you eloquently talk about.

    In other words, so as to avoid malaria and eat "that red, red stuff" i.e. a dish of lentils as Esau told Jacob, you think it is proudly manly to sell the birthright of your sons/daughters. We disagree.

    The truth is this. malaria was endemic in Europe for centuries which is documented from the Roman times. For instance, there used to be malaria in the SWISS ALPINE VALLEY and all the way to Kola Peninsula in Russia.

    How did Europe end this menace? Thru industrialization and development. More advanced and intensive agriculture, hydro power plants caused swamps to be drained.

    In other words, the type of stagnating water where malaria thrives was found incompatible with economic development.

    In other words, huge public works and eradication systems freed Europe from Malaria.

    When it comes to Africa, instead of them telling you what they did, or, if we know how to read, we read for ourselves, we get mosquito nets. And, like Esau, we say hallelujah!

    From such prostitute principles and such ignorance, May Good Lord deliver the world!

  17. All be damned! Who would have thought that Mwarang'ethe.....???

    May the real Mwarang'ethe stand up against accusations from the Oracle.

    Can't wait to see the response for this 'epic battle'

    Bring out your Popcorn people,There will be a show on KK tonight. Woohoooo!

  18. Please! Oracle is not new in KK!! Who doesn't know this idiot whether blogging anonymously or "King Charles", "Eric" na kadhalika...

  19. So it gave you ample opportunity to place your response on the Queen "perfectly" to seem as a response to the "N" word.

    Woof! Woof! - you can fool others but not me.

    Who is more STUPID now, ama utasema ni Fitina!!!

    The Oracle has Spoken


    Bwana Oracle, you are not stupid, but, you are pretending to be stupid. We will tell you some stories to illustrate.

    In the mid 1990's, a flying squad (read killing squad) was caught on camera killing a "robber" at tea room in Nai.

    As a result, this guy appeared in another town (name withheld) as a "stupid" Maasai selling maasai bokora and such stuff.

    What was interesting to those who know these stuff, was this. The "stupid" Maasai was always in a heavy jacket even when it was hot like hell. After all, what does a Maasai selling bokora know?


    Around 2000, there was an attempted robbery at the JKIA. However, since one of the guys was an asset, when the thugs arrived, there was fire works.

    What was interesting was this. The guy who shot dead the thug and an innocent guy at Forodha house, was a white guy.

    And, when he shot the thug, he picked his phone and spoke in a swahili that, few Kenyans can master. Then, he got into his S CLASS Merck and drove off.

    Thereafter, the people who call themselves journalists came and caught one of the senior police guys saying how his boys had exchanged fire. It was a lie.


    More so, one of the best known civil rights photographer, and who was always accompanying Martin Luther King in the 1960's is now known to have been an informer for FBI.

    "Civil Rights Photographer Unmasked as Informer."


  20. It seems like the The people with the biggest e-gos on KK are; Bobby6Killer, Mwarang'ethe and now The Oracle.

    Jana it was The Oracle hogging the headlines with Bobby6Killer trying very hard though unsuccessfully to 'tame' him, today its the EGOMASTIC of them all Mwarang'ethe trying to remain relevant and protect his 'turf' with the usual suspects of Bobby6Killer and Oracle in tow.


  21. @Mwarang'ethe,

    Your Maasai bakora story PLEASE!!! You have learnt the art of deception well from our "Modern high priests"

    "Was that your mathematical calculation to try suffocate and enslave our reflection???"

    Those of us who Know Thomas Paines literally works well had seen the tell-tale sign, you tried with your discernible change in writing style but; Thomas Paine +" N" word = Queen, Mwarang'ethe's foot prints all over.

    Like I said you can fool others but not me, sawa boss.

    The Oracle has spoken.

  22. Digression from the main Topic of Discussion.

    Mwarang'ethe no need to prove your 'innocence', the 'expose' speaks volumes. Bwana Oracle just to give you an ego lift Ashante sana!

    Can we know move on please!

  23. Poor Mwarang'ethe, you have been unmasked and exposed for your intellectual pretense. Your tendency to lurk in the shadows to pounce on anything and paint it as if you are the habinger of all knowledge has left your face plastered with eggs.

    You remind one of a 1st year POL100student who on hearinmg about Karl Max thinks s/he knows everything revolutionary even more than the professor standing before her.

    Ever heard of the OWL tale where all birds feared the horns until the unmasking? Now your misplaced quotes have been exposed. Please go Bob Marley and quit the intellectual pretense.

    Original thoughts please and no abbreviated Sumarian webpage references.

  24. Anonymous said...
    Digression from the main Topic of Discussion.

    Mwarang'ethe no need to prove your 'innocence', the 'expose' speaks volumes. Bwana Oracle just to give you an ego lift Ashante sana!

    Can we know move on please!

    10/25/10 6:39 AM


    Keep on trying to distract from real issues.

    As Kenyans, Britons give their "rulers" millions of pounds collected as rent from the sea bed and Upper Hill, Karen, Thika Road the Alaskan's are cashing their dividend from their land.

    You have to see it to believe it:


    What prevents Nigeria, Angola, Sudan, Kenya from doing such a thing?

    U need not distribute the money as Alaskans do, just use it to fund the government operations.

    Instead of doing what is so simple, we let our politicians run among selling and grabbing these lands.

    Once they have done so, we run around saying we are fighting corruption. What rubbish!

  25. Oracle

    I read your response on the last post. Unfortunately the issue of land has taken a backseat and I doubt if TJRC will deal with it. Many have chosen to ignore it thus postponing the problem.


    I've read your response and unfortunately it wasn't a response to my arguement and question. Let me put my question in another way.

    If we follow and implement your theory, do you think people will stop stealing whatever wealth has been created? Or maybe your system does not have a centralized place where wealth will be stored in form of money? Or it simply removes the issue of money as a legal tender.

    What is corruption? It's mostly stealing what belongs to the public, is it? Therefore, is fighting corruption a waste of time?

    Please answer my simple questions plainly instead of blurring them with a lot of quotes to the extend of changing their (my questions) meaning, then answering a completely different question that I hadn't asked.

  26. Philip wrote

    If we follow and implement your theory, do you think people will stop stealing whatever wealth has been created?


    If all land values were taken, as they should, it will make no economic sense to grab land for speculation.

    Thus, with that single and easy action, you remove the upas tree from the root.

    Even better, once you do that, you can remove wealth creation and consumption taxes that are the real cause of poverty.

    NB: Why do we insist on not discussing that which can end this nonsense once and for all??


    As concerns money, no one, would issue money without producing something. Just as the bill of lading is issued by the shipper, so, should money be created.

    U see, under the current system, all the crooks who run govts. do is to print or "borrow" from banks (which they create from the thin air) and they have money to eat and thereby, the endless corruption.

    Under such arrangements, the government would approach citizens and beg money for the simple functions of the government, which would be very cheap.

    If the government squanders the money, just as an employer would do, we would refuse to give them money and they go home.

    Today, there is nothing really we can do. We can only curse like the chicken curses the hawk after picking the chick.

  27. Bwana Philip don't expect to get any simple answer from Mwarang'ethe, it's all but a WASTE of time, just be ready for more theories and links.

    Can he give us examples where he himself has implemented his (original not plagiarism) theories ama he will shout FITINA!

    @ Mwarang'ethe,

    This is escapism at its finest, just another fabulous dreamscape like no other. The style is daylight clear and bright as the dream of our "modern high priests" pursuit of power.

    The Maasai story was rather bland and predictable, best suited for an audience of old maids back at your village.

    You have correctly stated that;

    "....economists are interested in growth. The trouble is, that even by THEIR STANDARD, they have been terribly IGNORANT about it. The depth of ignorance has long been their best kept secret." mmmmh what category would you place yourself, coz you only dole out economic statements?

    You have further reinforced this by stating;

    "..unfortunately, our government & masses listen to modern priests who call themselves economists" again well put, where do you stand LOL!
    As you want us to listen to you as KK's modern high priest.

    The problem of only relying on the Daily Nation, economist, renegade economist and standard webs for information is that you don't get the complete picture, do you know the complete list of the locals who sold their land in Upperhill, Karen and Thika road, and what about the percentage of local owners?? ( you can highlight the entire paragraph)

    Kenya is seeing growth in real estate since you left for the USA, just to use your words again.."You have to see it to believe it"

    You using the "N" word would have had you promptly arrested and hauled in court the following day and to borrow your words again " we have COURTS of LAW & not courts of JUSTICE"

    But in your case you would have received both correct interpretation of the LAW and due application of JUSTICE!

    You can try and stretch the truth from here to the USA but like i said again and again you can fool others but not me.

    Have a Denial day will you.

    The Oracle has Spoken

  28. Vote for someone whom all Kenyans can hope to profit from. He must not have started as a Y92, must not be a miracle man or is sitting on stolen Keyan land.

    The candidate must have participated in liberating Kenya by risking his life. I am thinking of a woman.

    Things are changing fast. The power of the president has been cut but the power of the governor will be too high and will be thoroughly felt.

    Therefore mind voting for your own (a good person) at county level. I doubt whether a person like Ruto, Murungaru, Kiraitu, Kajwang, Ongeri, Watangula, Uhuru kann be able to administer there own counties corruption-free.

    Let them go their counties before they think they can lead Kenya.

    -Arap Kip Kusila-

  29. Yes Arap, you have said it all. Let's vote in 'our own man' as a governor. If he is capable, then we can put him in the national lime light.

    I'm sure 3/4 of the sitting MPs would not make it.

  30. Anonymous said...
    Bwana Philip don't expect to get any simple answer from Mwarang'ethe, it's all but a WASTE of time, just be ready for more theories and links.

    Can he give us examples where he himself has implemented his (original not plagiarism) theories ama he will shout FITINA!


    Well, you are on the usual track. The founders of the USA faced same accusations, and this is how they answered people like thee:

    Madison answered this way:

    “But why is the EXPERIMENT of an extended republic to be rejected merely because it may comprise what is new?”

    George Washington answered this way:

    “The preservation of the sacred fire of liberty, and the destiny of the Republican (PLEASE NOTE IS NOT DEMOCRACY) model of Government, are justly considered are deeply, perhaps as finally staked, on the EXPERIMENT entrusted in the hands of the American people.”

    Jefferson writing to Governor Hall answered this way:

    “Nor are we acting for ourselves alone, but for the whole human race. The event of our EXPERIMENT is to show whether man can be trusted with self-government. The eyes of suffering humanity are fixed on us with anxiety as their only hope, and on such a theatre for such a cause we must suppress all smaller passions and local considerations.”

    Franklin writing to Dr. Shipley answered like this:

    “You seem desirous of knowing what progress we make here in improving our government. We are, I think, in the right road of improvement, for we are making EXPERIMENTS..."

    There you are, one of the greatest nations was founded as an experiment by men who could see beyond despotism of Europe and East.


    However, what we are advocating is not new.

    When we look at the USA old dollar note, we see these words:

    "This certifies that there has been deposited in the treasury of the United States of America ten dollars in gold coin payable to the bearer on demand."

    Without fully endorsing gold, there you have an example of HONEST MONEY which brought America to greatness.

    Now, look at the current $, £ or KES note and tell us what is written there.

    Once you do that, we shall continue our discussion.

  31. @Mwarang'ethe,
    FYI MOST people don't fail exams because they are stupid but answering the wrong question or worse still setting their own qsn.

    You are so obsessed with with your theories you recycle them inside you head have believed them. Woe unto anybody trying to challenge you and you ask where they studied. You are a great example of an intellectual pretender whose singular strength lies in Sumaria and Amurabic quotes spicing your singular source of info taht is daily newspapers.

    Whatever happened to original thought. And even if you are to serially quote why can't make effort to personalize and contextualize your cut-and-paste. Man you are such a shameless blogger who doesn't know when ooze wisdom in silence.

    You had hitherto convinced KK's intellectually lazy as the habinger of content until the OWL's horn were discovered to be feathers. Please know when to stop and reap benefit of doubt, will you?

    For a start please remove quotes and see if you still have anything to say. If not (the case here) then stop cheating yourself that old quotes exclussively makes an intellectual.

  32. Thank you! Oracle for exposing such LAND/TAX/BM/NERO-OBAMA Experts.

    We knew all along that he has been a modern high priest.

  33. Mwarangethe,

    Let me go sleep because it seems you are not going to answer my question, and you have gone ahead to blurred my question to look as if corruption means grabbing land for speculation.

    I have always been telling you that though I agree with some of your arguements, what I've come to notice is you don't appreciate even a little step forward we make as a country. That's why you see the current fight against corruption is a waste of time.

    I'll repeat again that you need to improve on your arguement and give credit to what deserves credit, instead of bashing everything under the sun.

  34. Philip said...

    Let me go sleep because it seems you are not going to answer my question, and you have gone ahead to blurred my question to look as if corruption means grabbing land for speculation.


    Are you suggesting that, Ruto and Nairobi mayor grabbed land to build a factory or a start farming beans?

  35. any kalonzo funs out there? what became of his much publicized launch of presidential campaigns? did the funds suddenly run dry-doubt it,the kalonzo household collects a lot of our tax money. can't stand the thought of that man contemplating being my prezzy.......uuuuiiii if he does i will run to tz.

  36. LOL! Philip I warned you that Mwara"N"g'ethe was going to dole out more theories, like a Japanese would probably say "Me Speaker No English"


    Ahaaa! I can still see that you are trying to master the art of pseudo-deception. You are just a guilty man trying desperately to deviate from the issue at hand. Mmmh! Woof woof! A perfect art of deliberate deceit.

    Trying to cover up your lies with and under the cover of irrelevant verbal statements, this is all but "signal-blunter". This to me is an unpalatable dish that I find hard to swallow, you are trying very hard to polish this skill, you go ahead and polish until it sparkles.

    You are the kind of economist who give the profession a bad name, the kind who we can't even entrust with a child's piggybank, let alone the world's economy.

    Letting loose theories and making wild assumptions and then torturing the same to try and prove a point is pointless. This is what leads to real world problems what you call ESSENTIALS.

    The way I view you now is no longer a matter of being STUPID!, but a matter of being so INCREDIBLY STUPID!!, you are just a blithering IDIOT!

    Am still waiting for your original theories that you have duly implemented, or atleast a research paper - after all economists are more recognized by the number of articles / papers they publish and I strongly believe that you are part of the economic woes the USA is facing.

    A wise man once said...." Maybe economists will one day learn that the proper subject of economics is not money, or mathematics or other economist. It's us.."

    You can highlight any paragraph above and let me have it, sawa boss.

    The Oracle has Spoken

  37. He he he today mwarang'ethe has been chapwad 10-0 to the point he tries to compare himself to the founding father's of America.

    Hitherto KK 'champ' has been exposed for what he really is. Handed a TKO it must really hurt.

    After missing out on the Nobel prize for economics, you can't definately miss out on the KK prize for economics hoax of the year award.

  38. This is what I think about Amurabic folklore high priest theories Zzzzzzzzz!

    Quoting the founding fathers of home of the brave out of context Puiiiiiiii! Prrrrrrrr.

  39. Mwarangethe might have a point. Ever wondered why there are some people in the remote villages owning large tracts of land, yet they can be described as poor poor. Mind you these people are very hard working. Day in day out they toil but eventually they die poor. Some even die prematurely because of biting poverty. Are they to blame? The answer is No for the challenges (read lack of market for goods, inaccessible roads, e.t.c) they face are not their own making. In simple terms, Mwarangethe rightly says that our land system does not reward labour.

  40. A wise man once said...." Maybe economists will one day learn that the proper subject of economics is not money, or mathematics or other economist. It's us.."

    You can highlight any paragraph above and let me have it, sawa boss.

    The Oracle has Spoken

    10/25/10 3:38 PM


    Yes, the wise man was right.

    The Central bank priests should stop printing useless papers as a hidden tax, and let us, who produce real wealth, issue honest money.

    More so, when economists will realise monopoly rents which have no production cost are free lunch, they will be thinking of us who work and create real wealth.

    And, if it is not so, can you tell us the cost of producing land at Upper Hill please?

  41. @Anon 11.42

    Amurabic folkore high priest pretending to be Anonymous, people never learn.

    Mwarangethe still trying very hard to make us forget that he called us niggers.

    Still smarting from being exposed and still trying to wipe the egg shells from your face. Thomas Paine must be turning and rolling in his grave.

  42. Still smarting from being exposed and still trying to wipe the egg shells from your face. Thomas Paine must be turning and rolling in his grave.

    10/26/10 2:30 AM


    Yes, Paine must be turning in his grave because USA has turned into the most corrupt and evil Emopire and thereby, corrupting the whole world with its pseudo economics.

    Have you seen the latest report by Neil Barofsky on the failure of TARP?

    Never mind, listen to this as you continue enjoying your ignorance:

  43. @Mwara"N"gethe,

    Please stop embarassing yourself. You cannot win all battles and you have lost big time here.

    I challenge you to stop quoting for once and see if you still have anything to say. How paradoxical to keep on yapping about founding fathers when convinient and bash the same when you are advancing you village high priest theories.

    You are a not-so-smart arm chair economist singuklarly obsessed with land and wealth which unfortunatety you don't master very well.

    Please try something original outside the Sumarian/Amurabic folklore, will you? And tell us where you studied the same.

    Defn 1 (Essentials): Practicing what you preach. you pay you rent in gold and bougt you laptop/PC using cowrieshells

    Def 2 (Accident): Self obsession with abstract theories you ill undertand and being the village high priest on the same.

    Please just do one post/comment without old quotes nor abbreviated. And while at it have your own original hanger for the story without pouncing on daily headlines. Over to you.

  44. Mwara"N"g'ethe,

    Mmmmmh! Just like a reptile trying to slither from a predator by trying to use handy laborious methods of churning endless theories out of thin air.

    You are just like a wounded man trying to slither your way on the blog hiding behind works produced by others.

    This is what I call "Mathogothianyo -economics", I guess you were less prepared to expose yourself to ridicule.

    The Ancient Sumerians would have speared your ass. 'Paine' must be feeling the pain of seeing his works massacred by you, and not forgeting 'Chang' who would have Kungfud your ass over plagiarising his policies.

    You already know what I think of you, so no need to repeat myslef.

    The Oracle has Spoken

  45. Tap-tap-tap, copy-paste, CTRL-C and CTRL-V, scroll scroll scroll, must be the sounds of the Keyboard and clicks of the mouse, as Mwarangethe works hard to try and redeem himself.

    LOL! You have been Kungfud.

  46. You are a not-so-smart arm chair economist singuklarly obsessed with land and wealth which unfortunatety you don't master very well.



    We know them by their fruits.

    Those who understand i.e. those who are not arm chair economists like us, and who are not obsessed with land and wealth are in charge of our economies.

    Let us thank the Almighty God for their wisdom as we blindly follow them as they "fight" corruption.

    And, the fruits will be these:

  47. @Mwara"N"g'ethe,

    He he ha ha ha! You are very correct for once when you say....

    "Those who understand i.e those who are not arm chair economists like us, and who are not obsessed with land and wealth are in charge of our economies"...

    And which ECONOMY is that ??? Don't tell me USA and neither is it KENYA? ... Like I told you no one in his right mind would even think of entrusting you to manage a toddlers piggybank let alone the world economy.

    Continue managing your Sumerian 'tablets' and Useless paper economy. Your "Yaki-yak" theories can only be applied in your economy as you apply COMPLEX mwara -policies to manage a roll of tissue paper here ,a loaf of breaf there and perhaps rent.

    We live In the present and contemplate the future with great interest and won't wallow in nostalgia, with self-centred vanity theories.

    One of your greatest weakness is living in the past. Thinking about "the good old day", complaining about how the world is deteriorating and criticizing any good coming out of Kenya while ranting and tucked away in the USA, this are sure signs of an early funeral.

    An old saying goes.."The naked ape will be a wiser and better hominid by the time he has thumbed his way to the end"

    The Oracle has Spoken

  48. Philip wrote:

    I have always been telling you that though I agree with some of your arguements, what I've come to notice is you don't appreciate even a little step forward we make as a country. That's why you see the current fight against corruption is a waste of time.


    “The efforts we have put in place to fight corruption seem not to have achieved the desired results.

    However, the new constitution has given Kenya a window of opportunity to complement reforms that will have an enduring effect in the fight against corruption,”

    Transparency International- Kenya executive director Samuel Kimeu said the traditional criminal justice approach has proved inadequate over the years as leaders politicise the push for integrity.


    There we are. Even the TI shares our views that, we are going NOWHERE in our fight with corruption.

    However, that is as far as we concur. When the TI says that, the new katiba gives an opportunity, we say, loudly, delusions.

  49. Oracle uko YU 2 sana, as they would say in MORTAL KOMBAT - "FINNISH HIM" and the finally "FATALITY" LOL.

  50. How can a non-appointing body be the cause of your suspension when you have a case to answer in the courts?

    And many of us (who even own PhDs) believe him. Where are we?? Is this why we are looked down upon by many people in the world?

  51. @ Mwara"N"g'ethe,

    After labelling us with the "N" word, you are still playing dodge the bullet.

    Am very curious, you are lucky you are in charge of your ECONOMY!!!

    Can you atleast share with us in KK:

    (1). Any ORIGINAL materials that you have published? Am sure its a masterpiece.

    (2). In which part of the world do they apply your ORIGINAL works, as stated in (1) above, to enable us use and apply the same models back home in Kenya.

    (3). Answer PHILIP's question without setting your own questions.

    And finally DONT be using the "N" word to try an further your modern high priest theories.

    Tick-tock, tick-tock, tick-tock the clock is ON we shall be waiting for your response, sawa boss.

    NOTE: Original works please!! The ball is in your court.

    The Oracle has Spoken

  52. @Mwara"N"g'ethe,

    If you answer the above questions you will have SILENCED me FOREVER!!

    Put me to SHAME!! MAN, This is your opportunity to get rid of me.

    We need ORIGINALS works!!! so that we can also join you in the league of extraordinary ECONOMY managers.

  53. @Mwara"N"g'ethe,

    Thats me as Anon 9.31 AM, put me to SHAME and dont let this opportunity pass you.

    The Oracle has Spoken

  54. Finally,after months of rambling monotony by Mwarangethe,the Oracle sends it/him/her/them scampering out of KK with the tail between the legs.Thanks to the Oracle and what good riddance.I only hope its final...!

  55. I am one of those observant Kenyans who shies away from making any contributions on the cyber discourses, lest they are post mortemed thouroghly by the likes of Oracle of KK, Oloo of Jukwaa and others, yet am quiet addicted to perusing through many Kenyan blogs.

    Hereby, I initiate myself into the contributing community of bloggers rather shyly though.
    What I would like to do is actually make a small interruption, unfortunately to the distaste of many. But bear with me, I will be outta here faster than I came.

    From an observer's lense, I wish here to make a short comparative analysis of some kenyan blogs, then make a suggestion - cyberactivism.

    Kumekucha was definitely quite invigorating during 2007/8 elections, PEV, etc. Its momentum to inform, to communicate and direct debate is unfortunately diminishing. The commitment by the bloggers to blog and set the agenda has emaciated. I thought this are the days of e-activism, where citizen-produced information, news, and discussion reconfigures the political landscape.
    And because of the 'anonymity' provided by KK,amplification of pre-existing polarisations and tensions in Kenya, a country with a long history of tribalism, civil conflict and politics of belonging, is vibrant. But i guess that is African version of liberal democracy.

    A blog like Jukwaa is also very interesting but seems to be ODM directed. However, if others from other political affiliations, joined into the Jukwaa debates, may be much of their discussions could be contributory. Nonetheless, Jukwaa is up to pace with the issues on the ground. They update their discussion frequently and unlike kumekucha anyone can start a thread.

    Now, what about mashada...the same is the case, whereby anyone can start a thread. I find this to be a fair platform as sometimes, not only the bloggers or contributors really know whats on the ground...Moreover, while KK and Jukwaa is overan by the Kenyans in diaspora, mashada is quite home based. The sort of discussions you find on mashada are brief, comment like, tribalistic or dividing too.

    On a general, the online debates on most kenyan political blogs, are well deliberated. Sometimes, they are hijacked by those not interesting on holding topic but only keen to interrupt with their egoistic blurb.

    All in all, its amazing how much pleasure (read..pleasure is not a friend but a habit that helps distract underlying problems)this new web 2.0 platforms give to pseudo-political pundits such as myself.

    I know many of you are ready to forage on me..but let it sleep. Instead, lets see what we can do, in order to change the course of politics and the dynamics of socio-political engagement in Kenya through the online spaces' Let us make significant impacts on our Kenyan politics through our online presence. Iran, Thailand, Burma, Spain, Phillipines and recently in Mozambique have shown the power of digital activism. Let us also bring democratic change to Kenya, in our own different ways. Internet, especially as it is accessed via mobile phones, holds much promise for the advancement of democratic culture in Kenyan societies. Remember Obama was elected largely because of his unprecedented success in utilizing digital activism. So, let us also fight corruption, impunity, abuse of power, economic and social inequalities through the power we have, the Internet (which has a large audience) especially as it is accessed via mobile phones by many in Kenya.

    And last but not least...
    I respect the ORACLE in KK; Surely, the man is very eloquent and knows his stuff. Infact, he understand the politics at home very well...except his politics can be discriminatory and maybe disuniting. But, aint that the way politics in Kenya is run? All rhetorics such as Mtu wangu, sisi tule pia, kabila yangu, tumechoka nawo, warudi kwao, etc.

    So, Netizens! Kenyazens! I hope you feel me.

    BTW, I will post the same to mashada and Jukwaa

  56. Can you atleast share with us in KK:

    (2). In which part of the world do they apply your ORIGINAL works, as stated in (1) above, to enable us use and apply the same models back home in Kenya.


    There are two ways of looking at the issues we face. You can focus on:

    (a) credentials, (credentialism), or

    For instance, the LTCM, which went down spectaculalry in the late 1990's was founded by two Nobel Memorial Prize in Economics winners.

    U can see the credentials and ORIGINAL PAPERS of the partners of this hedge fund here:

    We may also inform you this. In 1949, Nobel prize winner Paul Samuelson expressed the view in his ORIGINAL WORK that, free trade will tend to level out world wages. For this ORIGINAL WORK, he was awarded his Noble prize.

    In 2010, what do we see as a result of application of this ORIGINAL WORK? Soup lines in California as we see here:

    And, if you wanna see how 21st Century soup lines look like, listen to the Wal Mart CEO who said this a few days:

    "I don't need to tell you that our customer remains challenged…You need not go farther than one of our stores on MIDNIGHT at the end of the month. And it's real interesting to watch, about 11 p.m. customers start to come in and shop, fill their grocery basket with basic items – baby formula, milk, bread, eggs – and continue to shop and mill about the store until MIDNIGHT when government electronic benefits cards get activated, and then the checkout starts and occurs. And our sales for those first few hours on the first of the month are substantially and significantly higher."

    (b) the principles.

    As concerns the current topic, we have expressed this view. In a RENTIER ECONOMY, the only way to run it is via:

    (a) fraud, and
    (b) corruption.

    From the above, it follows that, since we have a RENTIER ECONOMY just like our "friend", the USA the days, to expect us to win against corruption and fraud is sheer MADNESS.

    Let us stick to this issue/principles and not personal issues.

  57. @ Mwara"N"g'ethe,

    Are you trying to tell us that you are AFRAID that your 'ORIGINAL WORKS' will eventually lead us to q in soup lines what hogwash!!

    Aaaaaaargh!, Now back to this RENTIER economy poop! Sasa sijui hata niseme nini... let me say this slowly " I - am - fed - up - to - here - with - you "

    You are the Kind of people who believe that there is only one way to signal YES and one way to signal NO - through the head nod and through the head shake.

    Hii E "con" omics yako imezidi , scattering your theories to AMPLIFY absolutely NOTHING! Most people's attentiveness just wanes because of your prolonged obsession with THEORIES!

    You are the kind of "teacher" who would make me gaze outside the window and count trees and hope that I would be rescued by the bell to save me from torture.

    There are still potential solutions to the problems facing Kenya today, in the same way ; 4x + 16 = 32 has a solution.

    Always Oh! USA this and Oh! USA that Noooooo! As Khalwale would say.

    Why cant you for a CHANGE depart from boring Sumarian folklore and maybe 'entertain' us with how economies of say Aborigines, Amazonian Indians or better still Eskimos worked - you never know they maybe the "Eureka" we need.

    If you can't depart, then my suggestion to you then would be to post your theories; without any viable solutions in BULGARIAN LANGUAGE! To save us from torture kapish !!

    The Oracle has Spoken

  58. Somebody seems to be deleting my comments

  59. @Mwara"N"genthe,
    Kwani you have no shame to realize that you have been unmasked as having no idea of your own except serial quotes?

    Please do a single post with your own ideas without abbreviated webpages and Sumerian folklore. You are a typical village vagabond (albeit exported) who mouths Bob Marley with aireh aireh rants without understanding any single word.

    And Nobe Prize for Sumarian folklore goes to ..........

  60. The current topic is "Leader's Curse: Dammed for Action and Inaction."

    Yet fire balls of ad hominen attacks and abuse continued to be hurled at Mwarang'ethe 24/7.

    Why? Because shooting the messenger is easier than having an intelligent rebuttal come from the same sources.

    Mwarang'ethe, whose goat did you eat last weekend? Or worse, whose bucket of muratina did you knock to the ground to deserve the ad hominem attack comments?
    The talented tentacled tipster died yesterday after failing to predict its own timely demise.

    The Oracle of Cephalopadi was so smart at predicting outcomes of various sporting events and political elections, but failed to predict one of the most important outcome of its life, which was, "when will the Octopoda of Cephalopadi meet its death-match"?

    It's said that oracles have relatively short life expectancy, let's hope that the ad hominem anti-Mwarang'ethe attacks coming from some species will not last for long.

    The Octopoda of Cephalopadi has not spoken and will not be heard from because it was stung by death.
    Back to "Leader's Curse: Damned for Action and Inaction."

    I am wondering whether some leaders like Kibaki, Raila, Uhuru, Kalonzo, Ruto, Wetangula (Takungulia) et al are just busy trying protect their INCUMBENCY or INCOMPETENCY

    Muru wa Gacii

  61. oracle ma fuckin foot!!! mujaribu raondii ghasia mafi ya kuku. bazookas drones are ready mutakipata ...we will drink tea in kericho tukiulizana krgit ni waaat

  62. @anon 12:37 nice analysis but I didn't see the same post on Jukwaa. @ anon 4:55 e-censors have been active since monday night. It seems a blackout is necessary to conduct an e-war against a prominent contributor. @ muru wa gacii the octopus could not answer that which it was not asked. Kind of the opposite of the predicament Mwarang'ethe finds himself in.

    Inspite of Wetangula's valiant effort to defend himself the question remains what is a minister's JD. As a political appointee who "implements policy" is he accountable for his technocrats actions? Who's policy does he implement if that is all he is there to do? How effective can he/she be as a minister if he/she doesn't have oversight of the day to day operations of his/her ministry? Hopefully there will be more political responsibility absorbed by the non-MP, CEO type of cabinet in the 2012 cabinet.


  63. @ Muru wa Gacii and Bobby6Killer,

    My response to you, though not negative, as to provide you with reasons for my ad hominem attacks have all but been DELETED.

    Perharps you will not even read the above.

    The Oracle has Spoken

  64. Oracle let's hope it's a glitch with blog server (google?). Usually the contributions end up being more interesting than the blog itself. It would be a pity if the administrators are actively censoring missives without providing a reason eg. "this is out of topic" or "this comment is bigoted" so that a contributor can then amend his/her approach. I'm for free speech, e-wars & all as they do educate especially when you get critical feedback.


  65. Mwarang'ethe, whose goat did you eat last weekend? Or worse, whose bucket of muratina did you knock to the ground to deserve the ad hominem attack comments?


    Hamna mbuzi tumekula.

    You see, modern economics is a religion which calls itself a science.

    To prove how scientific is is, it has imported a lot of terminologies from physics and mathematics to fool humanity since 1870's, i.e. physics envy.

    Just like religion, it is used to EXPLAIN AWAY the actions of its more powerful and to protect the interests of its most powerful patrons at the expense of the majority.

    More so, being an established religion, it is not in place to change a society, but, to maintain the status quo no matter the gap between its stated prostitute principles and the reality.

    So, when you question its stupidity, its priests jump on you while avoiding any discussion on the principles.

    A few months ago, we even had an economist from the corrupt and evil US FED writing that, no one without a PhD in economics should discuss economics. Thats how arrogant and ignorant these ancient Mayan priests have become.

    Unfortunately, even these modern priests do not understand the intellectual origins of the Neo classical economics. To trace the origin of this intellectual poison that continues to poison body politic, one must travel to 1870's.

    The primary founders of this ideology were men like Stanley Jevons and Leon Walras who were obsessed not with politics, but, with classical mechanics so as to look like scientists.

    Thats why Jevons would write this:

    "all branches and divisions of economic science must be pervaded by certain general principles. It is to the investigation of such principles - to tracing out of the MECHANICS OF SELF - INTERESTS AND UTILITY, that this essay has been devoted. The establishment of such a theory is a necessary preliminary to any definite drafting of the superstructure of the aggregate science."

    Whereas the Newtonian models were backed by a century of empirical research to identify the fundamental principles of the physical universe and then modelled them, Jevons and Walras set to define a set of ego serving a priori concepts which could be modelled like classical mechanics.

    Thats why Walras in his ORIGINAL WORKS would write this:

    "this pure theory of economics is a science which RESEMBLES PHYSIO - MATHEMATICAL sciencees in every respect."

    Driven by this deceitful mathematical formalism, the substance has dissappeared into formalist fog. This is not our view, it is held by many economists as we read here:

    ". . . economics has become increasingly an arcane branch of mathematics rather than dealing with REAL ECONOMIC problems"
    Milton Friedman

    “Page after page of PROFESSIONAL economic journals are filled with mathematical formulas […] Year after year economic theorists continue to produce scores of mathematical models and to explore in great detail their formal properties; and the econometricians fit algebraic functions of all possible shapes to essentially the same sets of data.” Wassily Leontief.

    “Today if you ask a mainstream economist a question about almost any aspect of economic life, the response will be: suppose we model that situation and see what happens…modern mainstream economics consists of little else but examples of this process.” Robert Solow

    "Existing economics is a theoretical [meaning mathematical] system which floats in the air and which bears little relation to what happens in the real world." Ronald Coase

  66. Why are comments being deleted?

  67. Thuita Mwangi has stepped aside to allow investigations & Kibaki has accepted the same. Things are looking very bleak for Wetangula's session in parliament later today.


  68. According to Mwarangethe:

    Driven by this deceitful mathematical formalism, the substance has dissappeared into formalist fog. This is not our view, it is held by many economists as we read here:

    ". . . economics has become increasingly an arcane branch of mathematics rather than dealing with REAL ECONOMIC problems"
    Milton Friedman

    “Page after page of PROFESSIONAL economic journals are filled with mathematical formulas […] Year after year economic theorists continue to produce scores of mathematical models and to explore in great detail their formal properties; and the econometricians fit algebraic functions of all possible shapes to essentially the same sets of data.” Wassily Leontief.

    According to me:

    You are suffering from what Wassily Leontief quoted. There was a time that I could start understanding your writings but recently you have complicated them to the extend that they have become incomprehensible and further one fails to understand what you really stand for.

    Once upon a time you said that issues of economy are so simple that even a child can understand, but do you think if a child could read your writings is going to understand?

    Fighting corruption does not end poverty but we know it's good and beneficial to all of us. If you are surprised by how we view issues of corruption then I'm also surprised that you don't see any benefits in the fight against corruption. Yesterday someone told me that corruption is a mentality and not poverty, I agree. In other words even if poverty is at zero we will still have corruption, that why its important to fight it. We know many rich people who are or were involved in corruption, including Ruto and Wetangula and that's why I repeat again, that I'm also surprised that you don't see any benefit in the fight against corruption. You need to be humble and accept that even if you are extremely intelligent, you can still make wrong arguements. Let me be humble and ask you, what did you mean in your arguements that implies fighting corruption is a waste of time?

    Unfortunately you haven't answered my questions and you won't agree with me.

  69. Or let me ask you again, is fighting crime a waste of time?

    Fighting corruption is not the best way to end poverty but it's among the ways, and not the only way, to end poverty. This is because one can use, for example, your theories, but then you find those who steal whatever wealth has been created based on your theory. That's what corruption does and can do. It also leads to stealing what is not yours.

    I believe there are several things you need to clarify first, or bring forth the assumptions you make before you say fighting corruption is a waste of time.

  70. Wetangula is NEXT!

  71. You are suffering from what Wassily Leontief quoted. There was a time that I could start understanding your writings but recently you have complicated them to the extend that they have become incomprehensible and further one fails to understand what you really stand for.


    Let us say this first. It is the duty of a social student to ascertain the CAUSE of our social evils and social difficulties (corruption).

    This being the case, to condemn Ruto, Wetangula, City Mayor is very easy and would amount to political violence.

    More so, it amounts to a doctor who, when called upon to diagnose a sick person condemns the patient because he is suffering from TB.

    A good doctor is the one who not only gives his patient the medicine, but, tries to find the cause of the disease.

    For instance, if he is suffering due to bad ventilation, a good doctor would recommend he moves from his house.

    It is exactly what we are doing with our very sick patient, the Kenyan nation and the Kenyan government and the State.


    "This is because one can use, for example, your theories, but then you find those who steal whatever wealth has been created based on your theory."

    We respond:

    If our land system was such that, there is no free lunch, there would have been no land grabbing. Mark you, it is land grabbing that gave birth to the corruption of the whole Kenyan society.

    When leaders started grabbing land and getting rich over night, the people below were watching. Seeking to emulate their "leaders," the whole nation descended into corruption and anarchy.

    By getting rich via capturing rent, rather than being PRODUCTIVE, we entrenched the culture that, PRODUCTIVE work does not pay.

    As such, why waste time strategising how to invent a new milking machine when you can grab land or start a bank and be rich? From this, it follows that, those who grabbed land and not the productive men who became/become the elite because they can use ill gotten wealth to buy their way up.

    This being the case, we have asserted this. The STRUCTURE of our economy is that, it can only work via:

    (a) fraud, and
    (b) corruption.

    It follows that, the solution does not lie in employing IDLERS like PLO Lumumba at the expense of suffering Kenyans, but, to restructure our economy so that, PRODUCTIVE WORK pays.

    Once you do this, those who will grow wealthy, will be PRODUCTIVE men/women. It will also mean poverty for those who are not productive.

    The consequence of this is this. Those who are productive will be the cream of the society (as leaders) as the IDLERS like Ruto, PLO Lumumba sink into poverty.

    This way, you purify our politics. Anything else is a mockery to the poor.

  72. Well-said Philip. The war on corruption is extremely crucial. I want to remind Mwarangethe that during the Moi reign, our revenue was way below what we have currently (By revenue, I mean what KRA delivers). One doesn’t need to be an economist to know that the so called ‘fat cats’ consumed much of the needed revenue. And do we really need complicated theories to know the devastating effects of such runaway corruption? The result was there for all of us to see: poverty, stalled projects, more debts, impoverished middle class e.t.c. parting shot: SOME COMPLICATED PROBLEMS IN LIFE OFTEN REQUIRE VERY SIMPLE SOLUTIONS.

  73. The result was there for all of us to see: poverty, stalled projects, more debts, impoverished middle class e.t.c. parting shot: SOME COMPLICATED PROBLEMS IN LIFE OFTEN REQUIRE VERY SIMPLE SOLUTIONS.

    10/27/10 4:39 AM


    In its weekly bulletin of October 15, the Central Bank says the government’s gross domestic debt increased by Sh39.4 billion from Sh660.3 billion in June 2010 to Sh699.7 billion by October 8, 2010.

    The country’s public debt rose by 22 per cent from Sh806 billion as at June 30, 2008 to Sh983 billion the same period in 2009.


    We are now into a trillion debt by 2012. What was the figure when Moi left in 2003?

    And, you are making a terrible mistake. DEBT is not wealth. It is SLAVERY.

    The beauty of a CREDIT BUBBLE is that, while it expands, both the creditor and the debtor believe they are getting rich.

    However, in reality only one party that is getting richer, the party holding the debt as an asset in his balance sheet, i.e. bankers.

    Sample this:

    "Equity Bank on Tuesday announced a 53 per cent pretax profit rise in its third quarter financial results."

    "Total operating income within the same period grew by 46 per cent from Sh11.2 billion to Sh16.5 billion, with the growth mostly coming from INTEREST INCOME which increased by 53 per cent from Sh7.84 billion in September 2009 to Sh11.98 billion in the period under review."


    Let us give u a hint:

    "It is estimated that this fiscal year, the government will spend Sh68 billion to pay INTEREST on domestic debt."

    Yes, the debtor may increase his purchasing power temporarily, but, once the cash is spent, the consuming party is left with a depreciating asset and a liability.

    When all this is going on, political benefits are being accrued such capital gains tax revenue, appointments to CDF's.

    However, when the envitable crush comes, the pain is passed to the poor via increased school fees (in the UK in 2010, reduced pension, reduced child benefit), in France (working up to 67 years), in Greece (reduced pension, job losses) etc.

    You may not realise this now as you enjoy asset inflation (land/houses etc), but, soon, you will learn the hard way like Latvia, Greece, UK and Japan.

    The problem is that, when the time comes, being a nation without sovereign currency and leaders who can think, you will be squeezed like an orange.

    NB: Please connect the dots and see what is unseen.

  74. It aint helping

  75. @ Anon 12.37 PM

    You said:

    "..except his politics can be discriminatory and maybe disuniting.."

    Where I am wrong I will humbly submit and agree, on that comment i'm guilty as charged. My tribal comments and remarks took my thoughts, emotions and moral reasons to another level and for that I apologize to all KK readers.

    Especially to the likes of Bobby6killer no hard feelings man, like I said you are probably more of a man of reason than myself and to the others that I may have wronged Poleni sana, except the KAF Camel Commander posing as Anon 9.20PM.

    You also said...

    " I thought this are the days of e -activism, where action produced information, news and discussion reconfigures the political landscape.."

    Again I totally agree with you, I was also shy like you to comment on any topic of discussion, because I noticed that there were some people likes of( CENSORED) who would be lurking in the shadows and put a chock-hold on other peoples ideas or suggestions.

    This kind would "bury" you while you were still alive and place a tomb stone on the ideas without any benefit of even giving you a Euology, and would be accompanied with grave diggers in tow who would hit your head with a spade to ensure the short life you lived on earth comes to an abrupt end.

    The grave diggers dont or let me say can't even decipher the SERMON delivered by the high priest at the funeral.

    People should feel free to contribute their ideas without fear of "High Priests" who would shout "Blasphemy"

    Now you have to forgive me because it's this kind who will be watching closely and Like Shaka Zulu would say:

    "Look me in the eye and tell me where you got that from" the same way we would ask the PREDATORS!...

    I Rest my case!

    The Oracle has Spoken

  76. Oracle jeeeeez tumekubali.

  77. Mwangi! will end up being sacrificed and Wetangula will walk after a brief suspension.

  78. Whats up with Wetangula and Crew?

  79. Oracle! well said, hope to know move on with the problems facing our country.

  80. @ Oracle,
    @ Oracle

    Being the anonymous who talked about e-activism and of course wrote
    "..except his (Oracle) politics can be discriminatory and maybe disuniting.."

    I feel honoured to have touched you in a way as to apologise to the KK readers. Notwithstanding, i also feel encouraged as you soldier me on to brave up and be able to write my thoughts, even despite of those who await to dismantle them.

    As for Wetangula, he definitely saw it coming, hence decided to bow out. I must agree that his way was better than than of Ruto, who even after chest thumping, he licked his own vomit..yack!

    Ni Mimi

  81. I am anon 10/24/10 4:44 PM and I am not Mwarang'ethe though I admire his reaearch and resilience. It is true that we are the laughing stock of the world. The "different kinds of niggers killing each other" comment is all over youtube and the rest of the interwebs. And the Oracle and his ilk with their demi-gods are the cause of this. If you must have a tribal leader then at least let him or her be a person of integrity. Yani the whole RV cant produce a person of integrity to lead you? I dont beleive that. So change your ways and begin scouting for an honest person. Soon we will have devolved govts, if anybody feels like worshipping someone who steals from them and lives a king's life while you live in squalor then go ahead. But now we still have a centralised govt and we dont want people who steal our meagre resources, be they my tribal leader, my cousin, or my father. Mwizi ni mwizi. Give your tribal leader all your savings if you want, but we want to use our meagre resources for DEVELOPEMENT and MOVING FORWARD. Capisci?

  82. @Philip,
    You now know better than ask Mwarang'ethe for any clarification. Any good teacher knows what is inspirational and compact is SHORT. Mwa's bravado and chestthumbing (WHERE DID U STUDY THAT?) speaks volumes.

    To the exported village high priest consistency is a curse: one time economics is cheap stuff next he waxes intelectual with Sumarian folklore how complex the subject is. When you limit and misundertand coruption to merely mean SOCIAL DIFFICULTY then the prretender in you is smoked out.


    1) Out of obtuse sense of self importance Mwarang'eethe never stops to reflecton challenges but fire salvos all of them

    2) Trying too hard to impress (e-fame) is a sword that you ofetn fall on yourself. The common thred is serial contradictions, e.g US this and US that only when convinient to advance a narrow theory

    3) Lazy bloggers (grave diggers) have robbed KK's High Priest and blinded with e-fame and he is shamelessly matching on to irrelevance under ego expansion

    4) The High priest has mutated into an intellectual cult leader for his lazy readers (grave diggers) who foams at the mouth shouting amen (and blasphemy) without listening to any of the serial quotes and abbreviated web references dolled out as SERMON. Well, the funeral is full.

    You can be a village genious who beat the local vagabonds (read Kibaki), but imagine for a second that you are the intellectuakl hero outside your locality (Kumbaff).

  83. ATTENTION: Commander in Chief President Mwai Kibaki and Chief of General Staff Gen Jeremiah Kianga

    "Honour" is a bedrock of military leadership. So, while we are still at it - dealing with corruption in high places - the general public would like to know what became of Duty, Honour and Country?

    The military honour code states: "An officer will not LIE, CHEAT, STEAL, or TOLERATE those WHO DO."

    In other words, military officers understand the real consequences of violating the honour code: "We will not lie, steal or cheat, nor tolerate among us anyone who does".

    Hence, senior officers who indulge in unethical behaviour of any kind should be held responsible - later relieved of command - after a through independent investigation has been carried out.

    Unfortunately, a culture of endemic corruption at the DoD has been allowed to fester for decades, costing the country (Kenya) losses in the tune of billion of dollars.

    Which gives the term 'Military Budget' a very different connotation.

    An army that should have been well equipped, ends up with ill fitting sub-standard military hardware that can never stand the test of time, or rise to the occasion when issues of national defense are on the line.

    It goes without saying that tolerance of a violation at the DoD or within rank and file should be considered a serious violation in itself.

    It's one thing to have corrupt politicians and civil servants looting the national treasury every which way, but it's another when military officers are found to engage in violating basic procurement procedure codes.

    That's one of the many reasons the following officers, Mr C k Muhia (Chief Finance Officer), Brigadier A N Owuor (Chief of Logistics), Brigadier K O Dindi (Chief Legal), Brigadier J Bukhala (Chief of Systems), Mr. E N Murimi (Principal Accounts Controller), Mr Z g Ogendi (C.P.O.), Colonel G G Kabugi (D.C.A), Colonel T C K Kipng'etich (C.B), Colonel H A Oduor (C.I.C.R.D), Major H Kiprotich (M.D) et al, should have been suspended by now, or expected to hand in their immediate request for leave of absence (IRFLA), or resignations as of last week, instead of being expected to hand in their signed statements by the close of business day - Monday.

    The public would like to know whether the Chief of the General Staff Gen. Jeremiah Kianga is still in charge of his troops, or wether he is being outwitted, outsmarted, outplayed and left in the dark - like many of his predecessors - while the wheels of corruption at the DoD continue to spin and gain mileage in the APCs contracts, among others yet to be discovered?

    Why should a developing nation like Kenya waste million of its hard earned dollars on purchasing "retrofitted 1959 BTR-60PB that were captured during the Cold War proxy battles in Southern Africa by South African Defense Forces during the 1970's and 80's?

    Muru wa Gacii.

  84. Poor Kenya, its trying to catch up after years of depending on trucks as personnel carriers.

    Uganda has had 20 BTR-60s in service 1999.
    Eritrea has 65 BTR-60PBs in service.
    Ethiopia has had 550 BTR-60PBs since since the 1970s, and only 80 of the BTR-60PBs are believed to be still in service.
    Kenya has only 3 in service.

  85. @Anon 6.29 am

    I have just mentioned the "grave diggers" see them in their undertaker suites as Anon 6.33 AM and Anon 6.52 AM.

    They only move away from your "grave" once they have seen to it that your "flesh" has rotten, and also rob you off your clothes to leave the "creepy crawlers" act on your bones.

    Soldier on man.

    The Oracle has Spoken


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