Tuesday, February 09, 2010

Raila: Kenya’s Most Loved, Loathed Politician

By Philip and Anon
Yes you read it right, RAILA! See, reading that name has already sent your fingers itching to hit the keyboard with expletives or praise even before reading the first sentence.

Call it blasphemy if you wish but please decipher the figurative speech. Raila is to Kenyan politics what Jesus is to Christian churches - divisive and/or uniting. Granted, Raila is synonymous with our politics for the last many years and no discussion on Kenyan politics is complete without numerous references to the PM, both good and bad.

The late VP Michael Kijana Wamalwa aptly captured it by politically categorizing Kenyans either as Railamaniacs or Railaphobics.

The next 30 months before the next general election in 2012 will witness more political heat with Raila either stroking it or getting consumed by the same flames. Picture this, imagine the furnace with a sitting president and a former one leading the onslaught on Raila with a supporting cast of the present VP, Finance and Agriculture Ministers.

If an alien were to land on earth and log here onto Kumekucha, they would be left wondering who is this man called Raila? So who is Raila? Is he a demi-god? A witchcraft practitioner? A dictator? Is he an Obama in the making? Is he a nationalist? Is he a Hitler in Mandela's skin. Surely who is this man called RAILA?

Well, Raila may as well be all those things listed above and more.

Is he a demi-god ? Yes to all the intelligent poor kids who don’t have access to education when money is being stolen and the Mafioso’s kids are sent abroad and some are tutored privately with the stolen money. They just want a decent shot at life like everybody else.

Does he use witchcraft? Yes to those that is used to impunity and fighting feverishly to preserve that evil because they never thought the spotlight will ever shine on them. It’s perplexing to them that things can change so fast.

Is he an Obama in the making? That is yet to be seen, but HOPE you can bet your last Kenyan coin that he gives thousands, if not millions of down trodden Kenyans.

Is he a dictator? Yes, to those who think they own Kenya and never thought things would be different, Dictating on behalf of Kenyans, enough is enough of empty talk and commissions whose reports don’t see the light of day. Enough is enough of using poor Kenyans to protect personal interest and crying wolf and ”dictatorship" when your dirty laundry is exposed for all to see.

Is he a nationalist? Flash back to "Not yet Uhuru" to mainstreaming Majimbo today. The name Odinga is synonymous to National struggle.

Is he a Hitler in Mandela's skin? If we need a “Hitler” so that national resources can be distributed to the most deserving and will benefit from it, nipe Nyundo anytime. It is high time we have a "Hitler" to break the backs of all these "locally-born foreigners" who have been suffocating wenye inchi with smoke screens while stealing resources and murdering poor people who dare to protest.

He is all of the above and he does them with finesse - hardball or softball - take your pick. Yes, Raila is the enigma of Kenyan politics. Bring them on.


  1. Taabu,
    This is so gay! Have your brains being stolen?

  2. Agwambo owa'ga akinyi - President 2012. Whoever anapinga, ebu tell me who among the wanabees can match this great son of Kenya.
    No matusi please, think before you start haraing and tapikaring all over your keyboard eti RAO this, RAO that.
    And please....whatever names you float kindly mention any good they have done since the last elections apart from salivating at the prospect of State House and attacking RAO at every funeral and weekend function.
    By the way is wiper still holed up in his DC hotel room? the looming storm ha been the talk for a whole week and yet the idiot still hops onto a plane to come and brag about having attended the prayer breakfast 7 times. Eish, what a waste of a human being.

  3. What has Raila done to kenya during his 3 decades of politics?

  4. Raila's Hall of Fame:

    1982 bloody coup

    2007 ethnic cleansing

    Brainwashing some very stupid Kenya into a Raila doomsday cult.

    Sees himself like Jesus and sometimes like Nelson Mandela

    Obama's cousin

    Saved (accepted Jesus as personal saviour) through 'prophet' odour

    Publicly crying over executive tiolet

    Unrealistic unworkable communist ideologies

  5. Unrealistic unworkable communist ideologies

    2/8/10 1:14 PM


    Ah! Could you please educate us more on these "unworkable communististic" ideologies?

    And, before you tell us more, let us say this:

    Communism and neo liberalism (Western style capitalism) are all rooted in the Ricardian economics.

    Thus, these two ideologies are nothing but, a civil war among the followers of Ricardian economics. In this way, communists are Ricardian Left, and neo liberals (Cold war capitalism) are Ricardian Right.

    Now, educate us more please.

  6. RAO has had roadblocks put in his way ever since he joined active politics. Railaphobics are never in short supply as can be seen by the majority of comments thus far. When he was minister for roads, mwiraria and other kitchen cabinet members who feared his star was rising deliberately frustrated his efforts - even after people's property built on road reserves were brought down. Did this sink him politically like they hoped? NOPE.
    For you with short memories, the MAU issue is still fresh, need I say more? He was faught left right and center with the ever snoozing duly elected developing cold feet and snubbing Rao at the last minute. What they were hoping to be Agwambo's waterloo has instead endereared him to yesteryear Railaphobics - usiwachwe nyuma my friends.
    Haya, ask your central kenya brethren that have seen the light, what it is that is creating this sudden need to identify with agwambo. Why not the lazy fat sloth or the ever yapping kikuyu leaders who after all have all the powerful and influential ministries.
    Tell me which BRAVE politician HOLDS THE BULL BY THE HORNS even to the detriment of his plotical career and still gets away unscathed - forget the onew who hide in loos when real men are required to speak up and make tough decisions.
    Why is the fat sloth quiet when his own PNU ministers are messing his 'pet project'. Did it have to take agwambo to wake him up and does it surprise anyone that he has not done anything.
    FINALLY, WHO BROUGHT DOWN THE PROFESSOR OF POLITICS -If it wasn't for brave warriors like agwambo wouldn't you still be singing mtukufu rais tawala kenya tawala?
    Bure nyinyi, eti coup. Coup ya nini? take him to court.

  7. ....Raila's Hall of fame cont'd

    -Stealing of Kisumu molasses plants

    -Rapid and enormous wealth amassed during his tenure as Energy minister

    -Stealing land from squatters in Malindi

    -One of the wealthiest men in Africa while his constituency wallow in Africa's largest slum - Kibera.

    -Mocked his constituents about selling mandazis with them

    ...more to come, stay tuned!

  8. Why does Raila think Kenya revolves around him? It's like if he doesnt become PM/Prez Kenya will collapse or will slide into some abyss. LOL. Is this guy some kind of demi-god? He's just another useless politician who is corrupt and is takng Kenya nowhere. Some Kenyans allow Raila to fool them ati he is some messiah who will save them from all their woes.haha! Raila cant pay me to vote for him, he acts like he owns the whole damn country, bullying ministers, PS', whole communities.Its like if you dont support Raila, you are "status quo, or anti-change" what propagandist crap. Raila can go SUCK IT! I'm not a sheep to follow or worship him. Raila should understand that he'll never initimidate some of us into supporting him, he can go cry. Kenya is bigger than him, always was always will be.

  9. Take him to court, the competent judges work even at night.

    I wonder why he is still loved by the majority despite being such a BAD BAD BOY.

  10. INJERAZ, you sound like a very young kid. Are you 844?

  11. Mwarang'ethe and the need for education, the kind that is serious and proper. Well, where should we start?

    On the moron called Raila Odinga, you can only fool fellow morons. This idiot is all over himself demanding Prof. Ongeri's resignation yet he himself did not resign when he, his party deputy leader and his own son were implicated in the elaborate and coordinated maize larceny. Where were all these little lectures he is spewing today when they were auctioning the maize? Did he resign when the Presidential commission on illegally acquired land led by lawyer Paul Ndung'u implicated him and his family in 2004 as one of the country's big land grabbers? Should he not have stepped aside as a government minister to pave way for thorough investigations? And why would minister Ongeri have to do that?

    This is the exact kind of double standards that has no place in this 21st century.

    If people should step aside, Raila Odinga should lead the way. He should be followed immediately by those other ministers he nominated for appointment; yes the likes of Otieno Kajwang, Anyang Nyong'o, William Ruto and everyone else implicated. His director of strategic initiatives who doubles up as his attack dog, Mr. Miguna Miguna is today facing serious allegations of a questionable immigration status. He is rumoured to be working in Kenya illegally while being paid with tax-payer shillings. Has he asked him to sideline himself pending investigations?

    Granted Raila Odinga generates all this hoopla that Vice President Wamalwa spoke about. But the truth is that the excitement he generates is not issue-based; it is stylistic! The cheap politics he is playing will not take him anywhere. He has today been reminded by Martha Karua that Kenyans are tired of those silly little gimmicks. They want something fundamentally different and for a good reason!

  12. And that crap about "Raila-phobia" is just silly. Just because you don't support Raila means you fear him? what nonsense. I just dont agree with the man. It's like theyre telling you "kwani.. si you just support Raila what are you so scared of?" um, no I just dont like the dude, it has nothing to do with phobia. Dont fall for Raila-propaganda tactics people. He's very manipulative and cunning..especially if youre easily led and dont think for yourself.

  13. Vikii,


    Raila sucks and even looked more stupid pleading for support from the public about Ongeri. What a lame duck Prime minister assisting a lame duck President!

    This man really sucks! He complains even about a toilet and carpet in public like a cry baby.
    and yet his followers want us to worship him!
    Bure kabisa! he should go to hell!!!


  14. Trust Vikii and his choir to spew a lot of nonsence that has just refused to stick. Vikii can you for once try and avoid the nightmares about AGWASH and tell us some sweet things about your messiah/s kalonzo and uhuru. Who will stand down for the other...oh! ruto is also in the mix...poleni sana.
    BTW has kalonzo dug himself out of the DC snowmageddon(heheee... obama ja kogelo!!). He must feel so foolish travelling despite all the forcasts warning about the worst snowstorm ever. Nay, this isn't a laughing matter becuase it's my tax money paying for this wastage as the lazy bum - he who has a false sense of entitlement to the presidency whiles away days and night in some expensive hotel and making plans for the per diem earned from this useless trip.

  15. Oburu Odinga has not stepped aside for thorough investigations after his driver or official Kenya Government vehicle was arrested transporting an illicit package. Nothing wrong, just step aside, and when investigations are through, you come back and be Uhuru Kenyatta's deputy. What is fair for the gander is fair for the goose. Populist. Read the public mood but made the wrong move.

    I just noticed yesterday that Kibaki is actually the man in charge of government. So, ODM is just a partner in the coalition. How sad?

  16. Minister John Michuki has just realised the only way to contain Raila is to bring back Kibaki, he has rightly seen that of all the pretenders to the throne ,Nyundo will beat them pants down combined.

    Lakini this time , there is no swearing in at night.

  17. Deroo@2/8/10 3:13 PM

    " Oburu Odinga has not stepped aside for thorough investigations after his driver or official Kenya Government vehicle was arrested transporting an illicit package "

    Its amazing how somebody like Dero compares thousands of Kenyan childrens livelyhood to transporting an imaginary packet.

    Thats how clouded and confused we have become, that he can even but down on paper the thought is an afront to millions of Kenyans who are directly affected with the going ons at the ministry of education.

    The cover up has began, the figures could be a tip of the iceberg and we have not even started with the books. I hope you are paid well as a "home guard" and your kids - if you have any are getting a good education.

    Be very aware of these " locally-born foreigners " as somebody said here.

  18. anon 3:17,

    ala, you forgot to mention that team kivuitu has gone home so no more stealing, deception and fraud.

    Plus, the 2 million dead voters have been unearthed and will not vote pnu as they did last time.

  19. quite interesting post. I would love to follow you on twitter. By the way, did you know that some chinese hacker had busted twitter yesterday again.

  20. Double standards 100
    1a: Haraka haraka haina baraka
    1b: Ngoja ngoja humiza matumbo

    2a: Security in numbers
    2b: Two wrongs don't make a right.


    Lesson1: In every contest there often emerges two top rivals: serious title contenders and lightweight pretenders. The former is defined by vigour sewed in determination and the later by lightweight wishful artistry.

    Message1: When the human/moral face hits the toilet bowl, the bees have a free reign of the earth.

    Just put names to faces.

  21. Philip, you got carried away for some personal reasons and I beg to differ.

    Raila Odinga is to Luo politics what ethnic political lords are to their communities. He is a "Messiah" to his own people.

    History may repeat itself to the point where Raila Odinga may end up like Jaramogi Oginga Odinga, the one time King of the Luo people and a champion of Nyanza politics.

    I would like to know what Raila Odinga has done for "the intelligent poor kids" and residents of Kibera, and Nyanza since 1980s?

    Let's not forget the fact that Raila Odinga and his siblings were either sent abroad or attended some the best schools in Kenya?

    Who knows, some of the development funds (millions and millions of ...) from the USSR were diverted to that regard instead of being used on the intended projects in Nyanza. Your guess is as good as mine.

    Poor Kids:
    Don't you think that majority of the "poor intelligent kids" (Luo, KIssi, Kurua) in urban and rural Nyanza want a decent short at life as well? In the same way Jaramogi Oginga Odinga's sons, daughters, grandchildren and great-grandchildren had it in the last six decades.

    I wonder what happened since the days of the famous solgan "Not Yet Uhuru"? Is there Uhuru is Kibera and Nyanza as a whole? Let's ask Raphael Tuju and others.

    I am sure Raila Odinga does indulge himself in the craft of hocus pocus like many of his political peers in Africa, and Asia.

    There will never be any real change under Raila Odinga's watch, nor has there been any real democratic change in Nyanza politics since the days they were dominated by Jaramogi Oginga Odinga.

    Yes Raila Odinga has been known to be very ruthless at times. And when all fails, he resorts to pimping himself from one political party to the next, and he never fails to use his people as political fodder.

    I don't think so. Raila Odinga always depends on his ethnic base in order to advance his usual agenda, as well as a spring board when the going gets tough on the national scene.

    A Mandela?
    You must be kidding! How can one dare compare Raila Odinga to Nelson Mandela?

    Come on!!!!!!!!! Let's wait until Raila Odinag gets to be in his mid 80s and then evalute his contributions to Kenya, Africa and the rest of the world.

    An Enigma?
    Raila Odinga is not a bit of an enigma and he has never to Kenyans living beyond his domain, but he is a well known riddle that has been wrapped in regional politics since the 1980s.

    A kind of political onion so to speak.

  22. I have said it before and will say it again, Kibaki's incompetence and lacklustre performance is boosting Raila's popularity even in Othaya. When it comes to playing to the gallery, like or hate it, Raila is a pro to the fullest. Hate the game, don't hate the player.

    And that is why thousands will turn up in Murang'a when Raila pays a visit at the end of this month. Raila will almost certainly be endorsed by the great people from the House of Mumbi, mark my words. Even the revered Kikuyu council of elders has given the visit a clean bill of health.

    Why are the Agikuyu finally embracing this great son from the lake? The simple reason is that Kikuyus want to embarrass, rebel and revenge against the hopelessly incompetent Emilio stanley Mwai wa Kibaki, period!

    Kikuyus feel that the president has been a disaster to them and whole the country. He failed/refused to protect them when the post election violence erupted and two years later, thousands of 'Andu a Nyumba' are still stuck in IDP camps, living in squalor, disease and famine when they were previously hard working and rich farmers deep in the Rift Valley.

    Yet Kibaki had prior warning from the NSIS about eminent attacks on his own community before the elections. And still he had all the power and resources to protect the people but he hopelessly failed/refused to do the right thing. As a matter of fact when the country was burning, he and his rich Muthaiga golfing buddies were holed up in State House tossing to the good life.

    The other reason why Kenyans are supporting the PM in calling for greedy Ongeri to step aside is because this big scandal involves school fees of needy children. Now that's a very emotive subject and a taboo throughout Africa when grown folk steal from the vulnerable young kids. This scandal is much more sensitive than Maize, oil and Miguna's nationality scandals combined.

    Kenyans are so angry and rightly so when people result to stealing money meant to assist the innocent little ones, Raila knows this only too well and he's busy capitalizing on it, causing huge damage to the PNU side.

    By insisting that scumbags Karega and Ongeri quit, Raila is touching the very inner core of our souls and that's why it's so hard for even PNU big wigs to come to the rescue of the two useless professors. Who would want to be seen condoning corruption that affects kids when the election is just round the corner unless you are an obscure twat in dreamland?

    Kibaki as you would expect has gone into hiding as the damage on PNU continues. Raila the political shark knows that Ongeri and Karega are walking wounded. He can slowly pick the scent of the blood. It's just a matter of time now. And the whole world is watching. As I started before, don't blame Raila, blame the clueless Captain on PNU side.

    Good morning.

  23. The difference between Raila Amolo Odinga and Emilio Mwai Kibaki is worth Daniel Arab Moi's five shilling coin in 2010.

    The two of them are Kenya's real big problem, and they must be ditched at all cost in 2012.

  24. M-Pesa

    I like your arguement.

    Anybody could see that not long ago I was a critic of Raila, especially over the way he turned against the media, his sister was appointed as consular, his son Fidel was involved in maize scandal e.t.c. Even his baptism and getting born again couldn't change my mind. Is Kalonzo born again yet I loathe his behaviour?

    However the guy knows how to enter our nerves. He managed to pull many people to his side over the issues of Mau. Yes he lost Kalenjin votes but Kenyans are becoming more educated and these are the ones who he has managed to pull, and their number will soon overtake the number of Kenyan votes he has lost as a result of his stand over Mau.

    Generally Ruto, Uhuru and Kalonzo are relying on tribal votes to outwit the guy and that's why their alliance is inevitable. Will they really pull a stunt? Time will tell.

    Currently the guy is pulling my admiration for him over the issue of free primary education. If Raila is pretending over this move of facing Kagwe and Ongeri and telling them to resign, then I'm among the people he has managed to deceive, and I don't think I'll be convinced contrary to what I feel.

    Mudslinging is good in politics but if it becomes excessive the likes of me start pitying the guy who is being tarnished. One exaggeration that makes me to support the guy, sometimes out of pity or dissapproval of his critics, is by his critics putting him at the same level with Hitler. Really if you know what Hitler did, then you start likening Raila to Hitler, what do you think I'll think? I'll see you as a liar and not Raila. That's the effect critics of Raila has had it in me.


  25. OOOH my poor country...
    U shall never develop an Inch
    untill generation x > 60 yrs takes a dive 6 ft under.
    Kenya has its owners, like it or hate it. It's only going to take a
    "French-like" Revolution and the turning of the clock to 00:00 Hrs; Restart button for my beloved country to reset.
    I hate being a pessimist but Pessimism has always been closer to Reality much more than Optimism.

  26. More vitriol please those who hate Agwambo. Wapi Vikii? Can he please lead the choir. A trophy is on the way for your hard work and make it stink dem kochuodho. After all is said and done the jangos say nam okalo ayora.

  27. M. Pesa @ 2/8/10 10:01 PM

    ”Why are the Agikuyu finally embracing this great son from the lake? The simple reason is that Kikuyus want to embarrass, rebel and revenge against the hopelessly incompetent Emilio Stanley Mwai wa Kibaki, period!

    Kikuyus feel that the president has been a disaster to them and whole the country "

    Can this start to explain what Simama Kenya is all about? - If Agikuyu feel that way and the legacy of "free education" is in taters. How would the continuation of Kibaki name in Kenyan politics be affected? This would also serve as checkmating THE ENIGMA through western – a case of killing two birds with one stone ?

    " Kanga hazai ugenini "

  28. Vikii wrote:

    Granted Raila Odinga generates all this hoopla that Vice President Wamalwa spoke about. But the truth is that the excitement he generates is not issue-based; it is stylistic! The cheap politics he is playing will not take him anywhere.


    In 1997, NDP led by RO was the first political party to promise free primary education. What did MK and Kalonzo party promise then?

    In 2007, ODM promised comprehensive land reforms. What did MK and Kalonzo promise on this issue?

    Bwana Vikii, it is not about style, it is about issues that many support Raila.

    Mark you, that does not mean we worship him or agree with everything he does. Far from it. It is only that, he promises to address some of the issues cowards like Kalonzo and MK will never touch.

    Now, can you tell educate us more on Kalonzo policies?

  29. Those who have been following the political events can only conclude that there is panic in RAO camp. His base of 'supporters' has suddenly shrunk, and he has to do everything possible to regain some grip. First, the loss of Kalenjin and Muslim blocks is a severe body blow to the camp. Second, after telling us that 'Simama Kenya' was a passing cloud, Phil reacted with a full post on the outfit, (his first since 2008)a demonstration that it was causing some ripples in ODM. Then RAO had to be at a certain funeral recently to try and 'check' Wamalwa's influence.

    Faced with these difficult situations, he suddenly had to come up with some populist pronouncements to try and recapture national sympathy. It is a trick that has worked for him in the past. Why not try it once more?

    The free education funds theft story broke several weeks ago. Why start shouting about it now? RAO, Ruto and Fidel Castro were mentioned in the maize scandle. Did they so much as offer to 'step aside'? Kajwang caused the entry into the country of a known terrorist. Mum. Now Orengo is in the thick of a scandal to allocate disputed land to Kamlesh Patni. Again, silence. The conclusion can only be the noise is politically motivated.

    The latest is to woo central province into their camp. Hence all the noise around his visit to some village and the need to project it as an important political event. Am told the VP position is being dangled around. Probably PK? Will he succeed? We can only wait and see.

  30. Mwarang'ethe,

    Is Raila corrupted or not?

    Please answer that simple question.

  31. Vikii just loves RAO´s style.

  32. Blogger JEFF said...

    Those who have been following the political events can only conclude that there is panic in RAO camp. His base of 'supporters' has suddenly shrunk, and he has to do everything possible to regain some grip. First, the loss of Kalenjin and Muslim blocks is a severe body blow to the camp. Second, after telling us that 'Simama Kenya' was a passing cloud, Phil reacted with a full post on the outfit, (his first since 2008)a demonstration that it was causing some ripples in ODM. Then RAO had to be at a certain funeral recently to try and 'check' Wamalwa's influence.

    Jeff, spare us the nonsense.

    Why should ODM panic if it is (as has been since inception in 2007) the most popular party amongst Kenyans?

    Just like PNU, Simama Kenya remains as amorphous as they can get. Can you define PNu or Simama? Perhaps you are not aware, but it is now an open secret that the desparate VP and aimless DPM are planning a new party known as Peoples Democratic Party. This will be yet another dead on arrival (DOA) grouping. KANU and ODM-K are long buried and neither of the two KKK adherents can be said to be in control of their parties! No wonder their campaigns have never been driven by issues.....


    Blogger Jeff Continues.....
    Faced with these difficult situations, he suddenly had to come up with some populist pronouncements to try and recapture national sympathy. It is a trick that has worked for him in the past. Why not try it once more?

    Since when did the most trusted, most popular and most effective public servant seek to recapture sympathy? If those brothers and sisters in Central province suddenly woke up to the realities of democracy, how can you blame ODM for that?

    Kenyans have long been treated to retrogressive politics with boring clowns like Kibaki running the show. The PM in contrast is a breath of fresh air. Fresh air that is slowly finding its way to previously highly polluted GEMA areas, that have never seen any favours in the years they were purportedly in Kibaki's government.

    To be continued........


    Manic Railaphobia - The Burden

    Shown in graphic detail. There is an orgy to get ENIGMA.The issues take a back seat as the scramble for leftover’s begins in earnest.


  34. blogger Phil,
    A simple question for you:

    Is Raila corrupted or not?

    Please answer that simple question.
    Thank you

  35. Blogger Jeff continues
    The free education funds theft story broke several weeks ago. Why start shouting about it now? RAO, Ruto and Fidel Castro were mentioned in the maize scandle. Did they so much as offer to 'step aside'? Kajwang caused the entry into the country of a known terrorist. Mum. Now Orengo is in the thick of a scandal to allocate disputed land to Kamlesh Patni. Again, silence. The conclusion can only be the noise is politically motivated.

    Honestly speaking, I expected villagers like Derek and Vikii but not you to stoop this low and speak so ignorantly on what is public knowledge. I'll Keep it short.
    One-the National Strategic Grain Reserves - which sold the maize irregularly - is a department under the Ministry of Special Programmes and not Agriculture. Ruto issued a statement in parliament and no one has been able to challenge him on that to date! If you have evidence to the contrary, why not publish it here for us to see? Get serious Jeff.

    Two- Otieno Kajwang did question and challenge anyone to show him which law he had violated in issuing work permits to some clergymen....to date, nothing doing! He was in fact doing his constitutional work, ie issuing work permits to deserving immigrants!!!

    Three - And please keep this in your records, the Grand Regency was given to Libya after Pattni had been offered Amnesty by disgraced KACC Director Ringera....the hotel was a bribe from Pattni to Kibaki, and a gift for election support from Kibaki to Gadaffi. ODM had nothing to do with it. This should just go to show you land transfers can be effected at Ardhi house without the Minister, PS or even the Director of lands being aware!!!


    The latest is to woo central province into their camp. Hence all the noise around his visit to some village and the need to project it as an important political event. Am told the VP position is being dangled around. Probably PK? Will he succeed? We can only wait and see.

    Jeff can now call Muranga District some village, which Kibaki has never bothered to visit or launch any development program. In fact Kibaki was invited to open this tea factory and he declined. He would rather attend 'prestigious' functions like Kenya Open, right?

    Well apart from visiting to that the small percentage of voters who had faith in ODM amidst violence and intimidation, the PM is also intent on engaging directly with voters in Central so they can get to understand ODM and its aspirations for ALL Kenyans.

    Muranga is also home to one of the most steadfast statesmen and freedom fighters this country ever produced: one Bildad Kiggia, a personal friend of the late Jaramogi Odinga Oginga and founder member of the Kenya Peoples Union - may god rest the souls of these two gallant sons of Kenya in peace - was repeatedly persecuted and jailed by non other than Kenyatta for his independent views on matters touching on the common man!

    Kiggia is on record having refused to be bribed with huge swathes of land in Rift Valley so as to abandon his fight against social injustice by the Kenyatta government soon after independence. He was worlds apart from betrayers and collaborators like Koinange, Muigai and Michuki. You should expect the PM to pay homage to Kiggia when he visits Muranga and urge other small Kiggia's not to give up the fight. It has always been pure deception that Kenyatta and Kibaki was ever one of their own.

    And you know what? After Muranga, it will be Thika. Let UK be ready with his KKK brigade.

  36. Phil,

    Did Raila stole molasses plant in Kisumu or not?
    This is something that has tainted raila's name for so long, can you please shed us some light since you know so much about this man.

  37. Phil,
    What do you have to say about the un-budgeted Kshs 40million to deport the jamaican cleric? A clear indicator at the ineptitude of Raila's side-kick, Minister for immigration, disgraced lawyer and ODM follower Otieno Kajwang to secure Kenya's borders.

  38. It looks like Kenyans might elect Rao in 2012, but it will be a big, big mistake that we will soon after regret.

  39. anon3:09,

    Don't worry that won't happen! Kenyans aren't going to elect Raila in 2012. And if that happens, all measures will be in place to stop this man from ascending to presidency!
    Kenya cannot afford a dictator!

  40. Kenya is forced to mature politically very very fast. Issue based politics is taking root at long last. Tribal practitioners are scrambling to adjust, but alas with issue based politics - it’s all in the track record. Everything else is rhetoric.

    You guessed right another feather in the cap of .......jijaziye mwenyewe.

    ”Usicheze na simba, ukamtia mkono kinywani”

  41. Anon. 1.44, there are no plants in Kisumu called Molasses.
    Injeraz, Raila does not think Kenya revolves around him. He can't help it, Kenya just keeps revolving around it. It is a fact. He is a politician, but not useless, otherwise he would not have been the second Prime Minister in independent Kenya.
    Injeraz, are the ministers he is bullying innocent and blameless? Has he intimidated you? Really? You are so small RAO cannot recognize you...unless you have something you can offer this country.
    Vikii, two wrongs don't make a right. I had added expenditure on the two orphans whose education I do assist because FPE funds were not there. And you want Ongeri and Mutahi to sit pretty in their offices? Do the duo do it with your ....?
    Miguna Miguna is a Kenyan, what else do you want? Stop being cheap!
    And Martha Karua. Peremptorily good ol' Martha. You mean as long as she bashes Agwambo, you are cool with her? God forbid!
    RAO knows and we all know that the moment people will stop talking about this great son of Kenya, his time in Kenya's political stage will be up. RAO is the single fodder that feeds Kenyan politics. The rest are details.
    Malo Malo Owa'gAkinyi!!!!

  42. Raila's wealth:

    -Spectre International Limited (the holding company for Kisumu Ethanol Plant)
    Kshs 7 billion of which Odinga family owns 40 per cent whose value is approximately Kshs 5 billion

    -East African Spectre (the gas cylinder manufacturing plant founded by Raila's late father)
    Kshs 500 million

    -Raila's family home in Karen Nairobi Kshs 85 million

    -Runda House Kshs 35 million

    -Pan African Petroleum Company (the firm through which the Odinga family imports and distributes petroleum products)

    -Has had a turnover in excess of Kshs 900 million.

    .... he talks of wealth distribution, why can't he re-distribute his massive wealth to his followers or pump it into his constituency!

  43. Raila is a real pretender,heckler,populist,dictator and is taking this country for a ride.He is always playing to the public gallery

  44. OWA'GA AKINYI!!!



    Loosely translated: 'the hunch-back (rakuom) complains that this guy makes my chest feel stuffy and uncomfortable'

    the bald-head (rabondo)complains that the guy gives him constant headaches.

    Whatever agwambo does, the 'rakuoms' and 'rabondos' will never be pacified - for that is how they are.

    So guys, let us move on without the minority that will never see any good out of this great son of kenya. The ones that are finally seeing the light are free to board. However, the train is soon leaving the station.....hooohooo...


  45. Kenya has rotten, illitrate voters , always going for bad politicians.

    At the moment, there is only ONE Kenyan politician who is capable of changing at least something small in this sick country.

    This man is called RAILA AMOLLO.

    The rest of Kenyan politicians are joy riders and opportunists.

  46. in summary "Raila: Kenya’s Most Loved, Loathed Politician"

  47. Raila's wealth - my foot!!! does this even come anywhere close to what some of the politicians worshipped by these idiots own?
    why do some fools talk about raila distributing his wealth and yet the kikuyu elite who have been milking the country dry sit pretty.

  48. anon5.18,

    Raila is the one who talks about wealth re-distrubution and he SHOULD lead the way for others to follower!




  51. Folks,

    Please join other anti-Raila on facebook and "STOP RAILA ODINGA NOW"!


  52. Raila's Hall of Fame cont'd:

    In August 2007, a memorandum of understanding was signed by Raila Odinga and Shiekh Abdullah Abdi, chairman of the National Muslim Leaders Forum of Kenya which stated Odinga recognized that Islam is the only true religion.

    The MOU states Odinga agreed to rewrite the constitution to establish Sharia Law for the Muslims regions. The MOU also stated Muslims would be free from foreign governments laws and processes particularly regarding terrorism. It went on and on, all in favor of the Muslims. It also imposed an immediate ban on women's public dressing styles that are considered immoral and offensive to the Muslim faith whether the woman is a Muslim or not.

  53. If a lion roars once, dogs start backing furiously- moving forward and backward. They inspect whether the chicken leg they hid in the bush is still safe.

    Raila will bring back home what Kroll found (hidden by Kenyatta, Kibaki and Moi). Dogs have started backing.

  54. Who said this?

    1) We shall throw them away from Mau. I'll personally go there to plant trees. Jameni: Did he go?

    2) Even if it takes 1000 yrs, we shall find and charge the killers of JM. Jameni: has he started investigating?

    3) The culprits behind FPE will be charged. Have you heard him talk again.

    4)Ouko, come out of your hiding. We know where you are. Did Ouko come out?

    5)Narok county council gave me land to scare people encroaching into the forest. Why cant he give the 4000 acres back, now that the encroachers are nolonger there?

    6) Buddy go srow. This issue (Anglo-Leasing) is silious and can bring the gov down. Where is Mr Go Srow now? Is this the next AG of Kenya?...

    7) Why rape a hot willing woman? As next AG he must be knowing..

    8) 20billions is afterall equal to 1,2 billions. That was a typing error. Hala...Is this the next Kenyan President.
    9) I am a saint, a miracle man and a clean politician. I have done alit for Sudan, but nothing for Kenya. I dont want to stop fighting Raila, coz he stands on my way to State house. After succeedind, ill do wonders for Kenya. Hey... this is the right man to rule Kenya... He will do wonders.

    10)To be a president of Kenya, you dont need to be educated. You only need to be a Prof of politics. (PhD-Dissertation: Murder as a means of sustaining power in the modern-time Kenya: A case study)

    Kenyans these are the leaders you gave your votes and will continue to give. Moi and Kibaki are warming for 2012. God bless Kenya.



  56. MBAKA NDUNGU(the Fat cat)2/9/10, 11:22 AM

    Corruption in Kenya is a cancer that cuts right across the political divide,guys plesse spare us your holier than thou attitudes,we all know these are not leaders,they are pigs and all of them have their dirty snouts deep in the troughs and the occasional grunts you hear are from the well fed ones tyring to scare those just joining in.In my social time,I like chatting with the real people on the gound(unlike those who profess to do so yet are very ignorant of the real situation) and one day as I was talking to a middle level traffic cop who had just finished his shift,he told me something that makes sense to me even now.According to him,if cabinet ministers were on the take,what were was there to stop poor traffic cops who stand in the sun and clouds and the rain the whole day from demanding bribes from motorists?Stupid people,you can support the thieves you favour all you want but corruption in Kenya isnt going away anytime soon.

  57. Well, well, well. It's so easy and very convenient for some people to keep blaming Kenya's embedded political, economic and social ills on Mzee Jomo Kenyatta, Kiambu Mafia, President Kibaki and the Agikuyu in general.

    Yet the fact of the matter is that, the very same people (complainers and whiners 24/7) are their own worst enemy and a real heavy chokehold on Kenya's political progress, economic development and ethnic harmony.

    One only wishes that Raila had been given the 2007 presidency so that the rest of Kenya wakes up to another nightmare (after Kenyatta, Moi, Kibaki nightmares of course) and see what many have known for the last three decades, which is, Raila the emperor has always been naked in terms of what he will be able or unable to deliver with regard to raising the political bar, eradicating corruption at national, provincial and district levels, bridging the ethnic divide, as well as lifting Kenya from the current fistula abyss in the country's ano.

    Why are some segments of Kenya's society trying so hard to force Raila, his henchmen, political hang-ons and opportunists (hyenas) in the making down other people's throats?

    What would Raila have done differently in a democratic way from what the three previous nightmarish regimes?

    People, people, people! Hear yee, hear yee.

    Let's wait and find out whether Raila will be elected as president of Kenya in 2012.

    Otherwise, we may end up in the same pickle as Ukraine, where the Orange Movement was wantonly squandered ending in one political disaster after another.

  58. Raila is 65 years old - older than the average life expectancy in Kenya! Raila belongs to retirement home, not to run a country!

    Kenyatta, Moi, Kibaki, Uhuru, Raila, Kalonzo, Ruto - Different names, different tribes, same looting from wanachi!

  59. what did Kalonzo loot?

  60. What a blind mice.

    Kalonzo is not different from the average corrupt Kenyan politician. Here is man who continues to beg for international aid from well wishers and donor agencies, all in the name of building primary and secondary schools, three colleges, hospitals, roads, digging of boreholes, construction of windmills, security posts, shopping centers and an airstrip for medical evacuation etc in Kituiland.

    the list goes on and on. Yet when the funding arrives, it gets diverted to Kalonzo's private use.

    Here is man who shamelessly gave USAID maize, bulgur, beans, rice and soya oil to his people during the famine, took pictures as well as had a ten minutes mini-documentary made of the same and had it delivered to one of the Nordic country as prove that the funds for the needy (poor of Kitui) was being put to better use.

  61. Here is man who continues to BEG for international aid from well wishers and donor agencies, all in the name of building primary and secondary schools, three colleges, hospitals, roads, digging of boreholes, construction of windmills, security posts, shopping centers and an airstrip for medical evacuation etc


  62. Where is Mwarangethe who has been campaigning for Raila as the best alternative to convince us how he was never involved in the Maize scandal where his PA and son fidel have been mentioned in the report by KACA and Pricewaters???. Kalonzo stands out as the only clean presidential candidate. The 65 year old hair dyeing geezer belongs to jail

  63. Who called for the Price Waterhouse investigation ? And if Tinga resigns does that mean the end of the Gava of national unity and we go back to DEBE.

  64. Where is Chris aka Kumekucha?

    Chris, come and give us a post on Raila thieving of maize. The hottest news in Kenya now!

    He started this debate on corruption while he himself is more corrupt. There is a wise saying that goes "if you live in a glass house don't dare through a stone"

  65. Anonymous said...
    Where is Mwarangethe who has been campaigning for Raila as the best alternative to convince us how he was never involved in the Maize scandal where his PA and son fidel have been mentioned in the report by KACA and Pricewaters???.


    Yes, we maintain, at the moment, RO remains the best choice.

    Having said that, it seems you have not yet gotten Mwarang'ethe's views on corruption generally in Africa. You better read carefully.

    We have asserted many times here that, the idea of blaming individuals like Moi, Kibaki, RO for our ills is an illusion fostered by those who want to blind us to the real issues.

    It is for this reason we noted a few days ago that, the MODE OF PRODUCTION determines the institutions of a society. Thus, to change a society, its mode of production must be changed first.

    We then noted that, this fact which has been well known since Renaissance and Enlightment by the economists/jurists of that era, is now opportunistically forgotten by those who know these truths.

    Furthermore, if you remember, a few months we noted that, due to lack of PRODUCTIVE ECONOMIC STRUCTURES, the African elite can only get rich via:

    (a) Stealing from the poor,
    (b) stealing from aid from the West.

    What we are saying, and this is what those who study social sciences ought to tell the nation is that, corruption is a rational economic response to a socio - economic environment devoid of logic and clear economic rules. The question is, why is this?

    The answer was partly provided by Thomas Sankara in his speech at the OAU in 1987.

    After that speech, which no other African man dare make for we are a continent of cowards, his life was cut short by a bullet.

    You may see his speech here:


    Thus, without condoning corruption at all, it is better if Africans got to know the truth for Africans are not corrupt than any other race as we are led to believe so as to demoralise us in the long term.


    That report accuses people of writing mabarua. Let’s wait for the report to be published before we proclaim ”wiper” is the only saint...... aiiiiiiiiiii, si kwa ubaya the point is crying wolf is not helpful. People have been crying wolf mpaka sasa it has lost its bite. A toothless Wolf.

    Wolf kibogoyo …. Jameni give us a break!

    Let’s concentrate on fixing the problems at Education so as not to loose another generation not fulfilling their potential. Transport is also important and things are starting to move albeit slowly.

    This push back was telegraphed to come - the proxy war has gone media - a notch higher. Genuine wenye inchi have to identify with OUR national interest and when pull comes to shove we have to see this change through.

    Those poor kids from all over Kenya depend on your voice. If you cannot fight for your rights at least stand up and be counted, because the vulnerable little ones depend on YOU.

    ” Mpemba hakimbii mvua ndogo ”

  67. Raphael Tuju2/10/10, 4:24 AM


    We however maintain, at the moment, Kalonzo IS the best choice.

    He is the only presidential hopeful not tainted by any corruption or scandals!

    He is the 'Special One'.

  68. Raphael Tuju said...

    We however maintain, at the moment, Kalonzo IS the best choice.

    He is the only presidential hopeful not tainted by any corruption or scandals!


    That is very fine.

    All that remains is for you to explain/educate us, what are his policies on key issues.

    For instance, we have said that corruption is a problem due to lack of proper economic productive structures.

    What does Kalonzo propose to do on this issue?

  69. Mwarangethe,

    Since RO remains the best choice,
    can you please educate us what Raila intend to do with corruption? And we're not talking about preaching water while drinking wine! Corruption to Raila only apply when PNU is involved but when his son or aide are implicated it's not corruption. Domo Domo tu!!

  70. Anonymous said...

    Since RO remains the best choice,
    can you please educate us what Raila intend to do with corruption?


    Now, as Schumpeter taught us, there are always two answers to an economic question.

    One can get a simple, but useless answer or a useful but, difficult answer.

    Much of what you hear on corruption in Kenya/Africa, is nothing but simple answers. We shall give not a simple answer, but, a useful one. It is for you to make a choice which one you prefer.

    If you follow what we have been saying on this forum, you would have seen that, we have no time for so called "fight against corruption."

    Simply, as our economic systems are constituted, it is pointless to waste time and effort "fighting" corruption. Thats why we have numerous laws and bodies like KACC but, nothing is doing. We are simply incurring debts which will call for further taxation and more poverty to keep alive useless bodies like KACC. What can be more pathetic and illogial than this surely in the 21st Century?

    However, those who want to blind Africans to the real issues, want us to spend all time and effort "fighting" corruption.

    We intend to address this matter later, but, we may say this. You cannot expect a continent that specialises in activities that are subject to diminishing returns, technologically dead end activities to prosper. Never.

    It cannot because these activities do not raise wage levels and therefore, it becomes impossible to create national wealth.

    This being the case, we have zero sum game where corruption becomes the only way of life from the top to bottom. In simple words, under the current African/Kenyan conditions, corruption is the rational response. It is tragic, but, true.

  71. Mwarengethe,

    do you realize most of these folks you are trying to educate are semi-literate? even known haters like mnyonge vikii (a lot of kizungu but nothing sensible behind what he says).
    I suggest you find another forum like jukwaa where you will engage real educated folks. Hapa ni kama kupingia mbuzi guitar.

  72. Raila is a hypocrite. those who are not blinded can see through his shenanigans & rallies. Just a populist out to fool the masses. but you can only fool some people some of the time...

  73. Injeraz you haven't answered my queery of jana. You sound so immature and with raw village anger only that you vent it in some poor English. Are you 8-4-4? No you don't have to like RAO to qualify the stupidity, ama?

  74. Why do jaluos always find faults in others English? No wonder they cram Thesaurus just to sound educated or learned!! Stupid peep, they don't know writing or speaking English does not qualify one’s intellect. These jaluos need to go and live in England or Australia, two native English speaking countries where people are the worst in written English, grammar and spellings.

    "30% of freshman university students fail a 'simple English test' at top UK University (up from 25% a few years ago. Academic papers are riddled with 'cuz' (in place of 'because') and even include little emoticon faces. One professor says that students 'think commas are sort of like parmesan cheese that you sprinkle on your words.' At Simon Fraser University, 10% of students are not qualified to take the mandatory writing courses"


  75. Kibaki's office under huge spotlight

    Minister Ruto is absolutely right. This maize scheme was orchestrated from above and has nothing to do with him or his ministry. The widespread nature of corruption is patronized and blessed by the appointing authority who should take full responsibility - the president. From 2002 to this day corruption has been the defining feature of our country contrary to what we expected. The president should come out in the open and declare his position instead of lying low as if corruption is a non-issue.

    One wife/Two families was an issue to call for two press conferences.

    Mr. president over to you before things get out of hand!

  76. raila is simply ida's husband and a dotting father.A career politician and an engineer by profession. that's all.

  77. 'Even the revered Kikuyu council of elders has given the visit a clean bill of health.'

    Revered by whom? Just ask any Kyuk to name one of the elders. We don't do monarchy in Central.

    "Why are the Agikuyu finally embracing this great son from the lake? The simple reason is that Kikuyus want to embarrass, rebel and revenge against the hopelessly incompetent Emilio stanley Mwai wa Kibaki, period!"

    Which Kikuyus are these? Have you been anywahere near central province? I have no idea what you are smoking but its making you delusional. Raila is damaged goods in Central, he will never get support from there. Wanna test your theories, go to Kiambu, Muranga or Nyeri and extol the virtues of Raila.


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