Friday, February 19, 2010

Kibaki Leads from in Front, Declares No Crisis

Annan ni nani? Well, there must be ANNANMAGIC, just mention Kofi's name and things start moving or so it seems. Now this mongrel called dialogue has been invited to the top table on Sunday.

While all Kenyans get consumed with cheap politics, HE Kibaki has reminded those who care to listen that THERE IS NO CRISIS. President Kibaki has reminded all and sundry that his priorities remain fighting corruption (since 2003) expanding programmes to create jobs for the youth (since 2003) and singular focus to address the needs and improve the welfare of all Kenyans.

Above all else Kibaki has staked his glittering legacy on a new constitution. What more can you ask of a selfless leader? Speak of leading from in front and my example and that is Kibaki for you.


  1. That is TRUE LEADERSHIP. Wengine waendelee na domo, sisi kazi iendelee.

  2. What kazi are you talking about. Stop lying to yourselves. This old cobweb is so annoying. Since when did he start fighting corruption. Has he just woken up now to what he promised in 2002. TIme ticks and you are soon going to the dogs. You will be held responsible when the time comes anachronistic cobweb.

  3. Of course there is no crises according to him.

    He slept through the whole thing!

  4. Money is changing hands big time to invite likes of Ruto and his cronies/ODM rebels like Kutuny, to vote and side with their PNU cronies. Why? PNU is ready to protect the land Ruto grabed belonging to Wilson airport where he is building a 5 start hotel. If there is no crisis, then why are they stopping the IDPs from grand matching to Statehouse to petition the president who happend to speak the same language yet cannot settle them? When they are caught wit their hands in the cookie jar, they ran back claiming people are out to finish their communities yet now their communities need their help to settle the IDPs, they are nowhere to be found. Hold on. They are holding tribal press conferences to protect the corrupt. When have they ever held a press conference to call for the IDPs to be resettled?

  5. I agree with Kibaki. There is no crisis. Kazi iendelea, meaning stealing to continue.

  6. Kweli kabisa - kazi inaendelea no wonder the kids have no books in school, IDPs are on the streets marching ..wacha wapige DOMO, read - who cares about the kids , the IDPs etc etc

  7. Is something wrong with Esther?

  8. Hehehe Taabu.

    Mambo bado.

    Did I hear loud chest thumping coming from PNU's NEC meeting yesterday?

    Did I not see Ongeri and Ruto categorically dismiss their suspensions?

    Well well. The so called appointing authority has had to swallow his pride and make a call to Tokyo. If only the PM could cut short his visit.

    What should we expect?

    Coming up shortly in my next post!

  9. Question: When do you know that Kibaki is lying to the great Kenyan public?
    Answer: Every time he opens his lips.

    Come on Rt Hon....When will you ever grow up and realize Kibaki will never change? That he's the same old trickster who cheated on on the MOU when you declared Kibaki Tosha? You simply can't teach an old dog new tricks! Brace yourself son, bumpy road lies ahead. More banana peels being set up on your path by devious Panua. Wise up and up your game!

  10. Phil in your next post please answer this question. Was there inter party consultations before the last appointements of the PSs?. Things seems to be going wrong somewhere in all this set up. It seems something is really up more so with lome around you can but take a guess. And where has tuju disappeared to!

  11. What baffles me is why PNU is exploring the option of quiting the coalition. Usually they call for ODM to quit why the change of tact. KUMEDHOKA NINI?

  12. Equalizer where art thou when we the people need you most in 2010?

    Hear our cry! Hear our cry! For how long will Kenyans have to wait until Mr & Mrs. Vifo Mortos Deaths helps some of these same old same old gizzards exit the never maturing wooden stage of Kenyan politics?

    Thanks for being a permanent friend of Mobutu, Idi Amin, Obote, Siad Barre, Joseph Kabila, Kamuzu Banda, Savimbi, Botha, Obacha, Samuel Doe, Sankoh, et al.

    Our open invitation is still open to you and you are welcome at any time.

    Jambo Bw. & Bi. Vifo Mortos Deaths. Karibu Kenya Kuna Matata becuase of cheap politics.

  13. The old man will have gone completely senile by 2012. I even wonder if the poor chap knows what goes around.

  14. Phil,

    Stop your DOMO DOMO here at Kumekucha. Raila phoned Kibaki from Japan to ask for an appointment on Sunday. That was after the new PSs were appointed without him being consulted. He had also been urged by Annan to reach out to Kibaki and stop calling the international community every time he staggers after stepping on a banana peel.

    The point is, for now, Raila is in a septic hole and he needs to stop digging. Period.

  15. A disagreement doesn't become a crisis because Raila says it. Never. As it is now abandantly clear this disagreement was manufactured and baptised a crisis by ODM strategists so that the party mandrins can riggle out of the Naivasha constitutional accord. This type of dishonesty is what Kenyans hate most. The accord was reached by PSC members where ODM delegation included their two deputy leaders (Mudavadi and Ruto) and top notch lawyers (Orengo and Miguna). In negotiations no party gets everything they want. And to manufacture a national political crisis in order to get a reason to get out of an agreement reached through consensus is POLITICAL THUGGERY and amounts to extreme reckless disregard for what is best for the country. ODM party leader, Raila Odinga, must put the interests of the country FIRST when it comes to the new constitution.

  16. Next week, the ODM smelly butts boycotting Cabinet meetings will be busy warming their Cabinet chairs. Haki, these are not ministers, they are just sorry soggy pants.

  17. Raila Odinga is an intellectually below average human being. He forgets so fast what he signed before the very eyes of the sympathetic foreign governments he had invited to help him get ushered unto the governance table.Moi tortured off the bigger testicle (and cut off the smelly foreskin) and the onus is now on Ruto to chip off the remaining smaller testicle. Ruto just asked Francis Muthaura for the fucking burdizzzo and he is asking the motherfucking Jaluo to say his last political prayers before he presses the damn burdizzo! That should explain the litttle kumekucha cry-baby posts!

  18. Taabu,

    There was no crisis - only in Raos mind and his side kick - Musalia. Mass action will not work this time round. He has just isolated himself and he has to find a good way out of this. Phil - Rao called to book an appointment, not the other way round. Don't you know Kibaki bwana. Rao strategy and actions have backfired badly. His PM job could be next online. Check this space.

  19. Kazi ya "kutoba" Raila inaendelea.

  20. Raila has finally realized that surrounding with fellow Jaluo advisors is inviting political incest to finish your career. He has recalled Mr. Lone from exile. Will it work or has the incestious relationships already dealt a death blow to his political welbeing?

  21. On 28th Feb, Raila heads to Murang'a. The children of Mumbi will welcom him as a visitor and call him njamba; but the burstard will confuse it for being adopted as a son. That day the people will expect to be entertained with drama from Kisumu before they return to their daily hard work. Let Raila not dare disappoint the proud descendants of the indomitable Mumbi.

  22. i am shocked the senile president has not said a word on the 2 soldiers that got killed near Sudan border. Hopefully they did not die in vain. but truelly would any sane adult or child argue this useless creature is in control of the country let alone knowing what his role is?
    only the benefactors of corruption like vikii/his father, status qoist and myopic people would answer yes.

  23. In 2007, Raila came between the Kikuyus and Kalenjins and farted. The Kalenjins are mad about it and the Kikuyus are waiting to fry the Buta with its oil. Just wait and see the drama unfold with the climax timed for 2012.

  24. With all the polical nonsense going on in the country, Kalonzo looks like the only adult left standing.

  25. This blog is not worth my time....Bure kabisa

  26. Maina, sorry but we have no president in kenya. We asked for one in 2007 but we got an old dog instead. Come rain sunshine it stays at the door. Says nothing does nothing. However the only time it shows life is when there is something to eat. And yes it consumes its share plus its grand childrens. The education fund is the latest exemple.
    Unfortunately such dogs dont die easy, thats why we have to live with it.

  27. when is the Cry-Baby Raila going to come from his global loittering. The word from his Kavirondo surrogates is that he is going to reject the consitution draft that was agreed upon in Naivasha by the PSC.

  28. Vikii,

    naata yu? being gay,an idiot plus a tribalist is such a dangerous combination. What are kalonzo's plans? forget agwambo he is heading nowhere and i wonder why you keep on repeating it to the converted. Who between kalonzo your god, uhuru, saitoti,ruto etc will be the pnu candidate?

  29. Raila is dangling Pentagon position to every Kikuyu leader who happens to say Hi to him. But nobody wants to join the meaningless Penta-GOON positions.

  30. Whatever goodwill Raila had built in Mt. Kenya region was flushed down the toilet by his antics in the last two weeks. The way he went about "fighting" graft looked like he was more interested in illegally grabbing power from Kibaki than catching the thieves. He is all tactics but no strategy.

  31. 411 on the composition of Pentagon


    Its 4 against 2. Majority rule dictates that Raila should realise he has lost control of ODM. Let him call a delegates conference and he will lose his PM position in a blink of an eye.

    Baba Fidel should resign because of Maize scandal hatched in his office by him, his PA, PS and son fidel.



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