Muge assassination: The powerful men he provoked Part 3

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Enjoying Economies of Scale

Housing minister Soita Shitanda and his official car when he commissioned the Madaraka Infill Housing Project on Friday. Mr Shitanda said he cannot drive into a function in small car ‘‘similar to ones driven by teenagers’’. Photo/ETERSON GITHAIGA

I can not drive into a function with “a small car” belonging to teenagers


  1. My God!! Luke, where have you been? Jesus! I even forgot Luke existed!! Did you die and then came back?? Anyhoo welcome back mate!!

  2. Soita Shitanda just spat in the face of the millions of poor people in Kenya. and hell probably be re-elected

  3. @anon4:08
    thanking you very kindly.rumours of my demise were greatly exaggerated

  4. The MP has a point, but when the entire body politic is rotten to teh core, a dose of reality does not hurt.

    What exactly is UK up to?

  5. Karibu Ndungu Luke, na ule ushibe. This man along with Taboo must be counted amongst the great founding fathers of Kumekucha.

    We missed you terribly my dear brother, but "one wife one man" kept as company while you were away.


  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. asante sana Chris (pioneer 1) for the warm greeting and accolade-my sincere apologies for the prolong but now life must go on

    hii Kumekucha kweli imeendelea mbele sana siku hizi- eti mpaka watu wana tangaza wana mabibi ngapi? kwani hii ni statehouse?

  8. Luke welcome back! We had missed you around this place. This place has become a statehouse with two principals I tell you, one is "Urxlnc" and another is the "One Wife Man"-though this one resides in "Mijinjo" island and is constantly inviting Taabu to eat fish.

    Aki these Kenyan Ministers! Can someone tell them to resign if they want big cars! Seriously what is wrong with them?

    A government position is a public "service job!" What is it that they don't get about that? NO one forced them. If I were the President I would just ask those silly people like Esther Mirugi and this Shitanda idiot to give up their jobs, I am sure Wakoli and others would have no problem in those "teenage cars"

    What's more, don't they get that Kenya is a poor country? Where are Osama's people when you need them to exterminate this rogue pests instead of always killing innocent people in hospital? Stupid Kenyan goverment!

  9. Hear hear Mr Shitanda!! Why should you?! And I'm also quite sure while you are at it you are petitioning to stop thinking like a teenager, but then I'm sure all that shall be sorted out, for now there are bigger issues at hand, of course I'm not talking about hunger, corruption, illiteracy and all those other petty issues that the pesky media keeps shoving in your face (Surely these citizens, can't they just sort themselves)I'm talking about the priority level issues such as how you shall locomote from point A and point B, surely a man of your considerable stature needs proper transportation, we shall organize to get you a Mercedes tour bus, sir would that be adequately big to serve your purposes?!

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. Asante dadangu mama. that "one wife man" sounds truly a colorful character-lakini hajui Taabu vizuri

    beautiful women may be the face of a healthy economy but Shitanda knows the beauty of Kenya's teenagers is not wasted everyone can see them driving around in small cars 2000cc to functions like cultural night and Kalasha awards

    its your own fault if you use route 11

  12. Luke,
    This is the only site where people die and then re-emerge alive again!

    We've been crying over Chris for the last two weeks, and I tell you our prayers were heard! He had to come back alive as a result of our prayers and fasting!! Don't joke with Kumekuchans!!!

  13. Luke thanks. You made my day! Ati tumekwa statehouse! Marvelous! We didn't what we were missing till we missed it - you.
    This has made me chuckle! Am at work but I laughed
    "hii Kumekucha kweli imeendelea mbele sana siku hizi- eti mpaka watu wana tangaza wana mabibi ngapi? kwani hii ni statehouse?"

    And by the way has any of you realised that Kenya is the promised land? Ati promised land where people chop others' heads for nothing? Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
    I don't recognise it do you?

    Just read this...

    Have a lovely day.

  14. For those comments that Shitanda fella ought to have even the one Toyota Corolla taken away from him.

    Spitting on your own government's agenda like that should be intolerable

  15. Too bad the opposition to riding in small cars had to come from Soita and murugi.This is the kind of stuff we expect to hear from the overdyed group from orange.

  16. Kenya belongs to GEMA and Kambas only!! Anyone else is trespassing or have overstayed their welcome!

    Masaais and other Bantus can stay!!

  17. Who told Shitanda that teenagers like vehicles of 1800cc and below? Quite the contrary, they like big and/or fast cars. It is the wazees who like small, slow cars. Check on your roads and tell me whether the Peugeot 404s and original VW beetles are being driven by teenagers. Tell me how many teenagers present those vintage cars at Concour de elegance exhibitions. Those are the 1800ccs and below. Look again at your roads and check which vehicles teenagers are driving. Range Rovers, Prados, Land cruisers, Mercedes benz, Hummers, RAV 4s etc. These are the 1800cc and above.
    Instead of Shitanda complaining that his Ministry has been given a paltry 3 billions to build houses for the poor, he is bragging about being a senior citizen who should not be compared to the common man. Shitanda, there are people who have been living in TENTS for the last EIGHTEEN months. Are you concerned about how they can live even in mabati houses or in which vehicle you will seen in? Shame.

  18. I wonder if this man had a car before becoming a minister. As for this mirugi woman who is proving to be an embarassment - SHAME ON YOU!

  19. Someone educate me. Did Uhuru mean the Government will do away with ALL vehicles of 1800cc and above (including vehicles used by field officers and DCs such a Land Rovers, Isuszu Troopers, Pajeros etc)or did he only want the Senior HQ staff (who travel mostly within towns) to do so?

  20. Luka,
    Wacha kuonea WAZIRI. Can't you see those JAWS demand commensurate cc? You are just jealous with him.

    That said, better a teenager than behaving like one or even worse than one. Imagine a grown up spewing juvenile remarks on camera?

  21. I thought Soita Shitanda was one of the few decent human beings in that so called cabinet. It is,to say the very least, a big shame a minister of government contradicting what everybody agrees is sound policy. These morons should understand that even todate Vice President Joseph Biden (and he is a heart beat away from being the most powerful man on earth)still takes that train to Delaware. If "Joe the Veep" doesn't mind the train, who the hell is Soita or that village idiot called Esther Murugi to regard a government-provided vehicle demeaning?

    This is the same mentality exposed by the Standard last week. When we fall so clearly below the UN-recommended ratio of one policeman for every 450 citizens, our government still thinks it is ok for the President to enjoy the company of 200 policemen and the Vice President and Prime Minister to enjoy that of another 90. When marauders are slashing Kenyans heads by the hundreds, we have thousands of police officers joy-riding in Presidential and ministerial motorcades. What the hell is going on in Kenya? Is this not common sense stuff?

    Soita Shitanda is insulting Kenyans. He should understand that were it not for that ministerial position bestowed on him by the Kenyan people, he would probably be dead. Even with all that, he still looks like one who is plagued by ulcers or has jumpy intestines. I am sure he can even afford a jet with the kind of salaries they give themselves. Why not just cruise in your own ride if u want to roll?

    It is time President Kibaki provided leadership by not just ensuring the UK directive is implemented but also ordering the slashing of those motorcades all the way to his very own. We have to start living within our means!

  22. Vikii,
    Stop being SOO HARSH on waziri. It uis a tough job you know and how else do you separate yourself from the rest? You must have forgotten the Kenyan mentality of status and to belong, ama?

    Esther just got the Merc 2 weeks ago and she is enjoying it, leave her alone. Kwani the chase cars ni madoido? And as for HE, he has provided leadership from day 1-remmeber 'corruption will be a thing of the past'? He is yet to outdo that speech.

    Talk is cheap indeed and that includes UK's marvelous majombo budget.

  23. Why the outrage? These are the cretins you voted for. As $#@*anda said, he's simply expressing his constituents preferences.

  24. Victoria, you are right. But come to think of it, Shitanda recently collapsed into a diabetic coma while behind the wheel and was rescued by a good samaritan woman who sensed something was amiss. Maybe Shitanda needs to live a stress-free life and a big fuel guzzler fits the bill for him. I think, on humanitarian and health grounds, Shitanda can retain his vehicle. But akina Esther must relinquish theirs!!!

  25. People behave like their names. Shitanda literally means "Bed." And like all beds, Shitanda desires a thick mattress in a large airy room and 10 pillows to relieve him of the stresses of a Kenyan Minister.

  26. I think when Africans taste power, Taabu, it blinds them, makes them drunk on it. I was laughing out loud when the Prime Minister of Zimbabwe referred to the outcry about eviction of white farmers in his country as 'a big exaggeration'. What else would he say when his own niece is leading the craze? And you want to lecture me on "reforms"? Give me a fucking break!

    As for Mwai Kibaki, he talked of "clean-hands" ministers. to him, that means people like George Saitoti, William ruto, William Ntimama, Henry kosgei and the other fellas. I will never embrace this mediocrity, hata mniue!!

  27. It is easier for Obama to ride in a Matatu than for a Kenyan politician to drive a Beetle. What a shame!

  28. Kenyan Ministers are hypocrites. When Uhuru said he had come to parliament in an under 1800cc vehicle on the day of the budget, they all stumped their feet in applause. As soon as they stepped out of parliament, they rubbished his proposal that they too follow suit. HYPOCRITES.

  29. Vikii you forgot the other "clean hands" corruption figures in the cabinet: Kiraitu Murungi "ngo srow", Kimunya aka Angro Reasing, Mwakwere, etc.

  30. Just curious, has anyone looked into relocating to Arusha/Moshi area? I am sure Tanzania could use some highly skilled talent/investors.


    these people in central are crazy

  32. Luke

    Long time, welcome back

    Meanwhile back to this topic,

    When you read a story such as this article is when we need to really ask bw. shitanda and bi. murugi to enlighten on us on how these resources are put to use to avoid such terrible and yet preventable tragedies


  33. asante UrXlnc habari ya masiku?

    in the budget last week UK said beautiful women are the face of a healthy economy but actually the inverse is the reality as that story proved

    that the number of preventable accidents on our roads (teenagers with small cars) kills more people every week is no reason for our ministers to write-off by wrong comparison such cases of death by starvation as yet another regrettable but acceptable loss in the pursuit of visions


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