Secrets of Ruto trip to the US and Gachagua rebellion | Kenya news

Monday, May 11, 2009

Saitoti, Ali In Plane Accident

Breaking News:

There was panic in Nairobi earlier today when initial reports filtered in that Internal Security Minister George Saitoti and Police commissioner Maj Gen Hussein Ali had been involved in a plane crash.

However later clarifications indicated that the police commissioner was only bruised and even talked to the press and that the internal security minister was in a seperate plane. News on the incident is however still scanty although the helicopter that crashed was carrying journalists as well on a tour of police stations in the Rift Valley.

Other reports say that Internal Security Assistant minister Orwa Ojode was badly injured in the accident.

The accident happened in Kapsabet, Rift Valley.


  1. You can imagine if it was Raila involved in that near fatal accident, Domo idiots would be screaming that it was a plot to "finish" the Messaih blah blah blah...puh-liz! These Domo freaks need that doomsday juju priest to baptize them all in a..... SWIMMING POOL! lol.

  2. it is interesting how the number of "plane accidents" has risen tremendously in kenya since 2007 and only occurs when ODM MPs are on board.

    Dont these idiots realise that even as they try to gain parliamentary supremacy (through killing of ODM MPs) they will permanently damage the integrity of a safe air-space for Kenya and which will take decades to restore.

    But dont bother, who cares anyway after all isnt that one of Kibaki's cronies at the Airports Authority, brought back by public demand aka senile sloth over at State House.

    If the police copters are so unreliable why dont they convert them into rental sheds for goats, chicken, etc


  3. M-Pesa

    Ask yourself, how come all plane accidents involve only ODM MPs?

    Something wrong with that scenario, notice how cleverly Saitoti "escaped" by using a different air-craft.

    THere can be no coincidence there at all.


    Even an idiot can tell that the number of fatalities from possible mischief targetting ODM MPs is no brainer. PNU need to cut down ODM and push forward some agenda items before the IECK settles down and brings in more ODM MPs

    Pure and simple.

  4. m-pesa:
    so funny, but so true.

  5. Let’s be honest with ourselves – Rewind! Rewind! Basic Accounting Standards and principles

    The nation’s books are the most critical instrument for governing. JUA KALI BOOKKEEPING is what has skewed development in our great nation. The results are now in the open for all to see and millions upon millions of Kenyans have given up trying to live but are “surviving “in what was once a shinning star in Africa and beyond. Nearly everybody has been touched by this and you know exactly how dysfunctional Kenya as a country has degenerated into. The jungle rules in TOTO put it mildly. We have concrete comparative countries which we were at par and even some surpassed in development terms during independence - not to mention big advantage in both human and resource base , then what ?

    The keepers of the national purse in so called “ Asian Tiger countries “ don’t have two brains as opposed to us, they did not go to special schools, they don’t follow their own accounting standards. They pride themselves with achievement and work hard to leave a LEGACY THAT SETS STANDARDS. In a nutshell they want to leave a mark, not with the how big their compound and how powerful their electric fence at home is, but what they leave behind for their children and grand children to inherit and build on. What they have is a sense of national pride, pursuit for achievement as opposed to entitlement. That’s the OPEN SECRET and it can be well quantified in Kenya today. National development verses private wealth.

    Reality check….. In computer terminology we have something called GARBAGE IN, GARBAGE OUT – the computer crunches the numbers that you feed it. It does not generate new numbers on its own. It produces what it has been programmed to do. Any decent off the shelf computer software has inbuilt checks which asks you not once but several times “if the numbers you have feed it are correct “ before it accepts them in the system. At treasury I would imagine that level of security would be second nature and tiered with checks at input level and a secondary double check at verification and even fool proof checks at approval level. The software at treasury I imagine is not off the shelf but one that is licensed from a reputable software company - updates, bug upgrades, support are included in such agreements. What kind of software is used at the treasury and the safeguards it provides can be checked right here on the internet to avoid confusion is somebody just tells us which one.
    The company providing it will most likely be happy to give a statement of the capability of their software to minimise human error.

    A computer error basically means that you don’t get out anything regardless of what you feed it. Was it a crash? Lets call that a computer crash. You fix it and you get out the correct numbers you feed in. An application error is another matter; depending on how the application is programmed there could be an error in the way the application is coded - “written” which produces wrong figures when they are feed in. That means that all the figures ever feed in using that faulty application have been wrong, which begs the question – How far back have this faulty application been used to produce the budget ? That should be a very very serious issue with grave and devastating implications for the common mwanainchi. If the “error “is due to an application fault – the whole chain would have to be looked at. WHO recommended the purchase of the application, WHAT was the basis of his choice. WHO are the suppliers and SUPPORT PEOPLE, WHAT test runs were done before rollout, what checks and balances are in place to mitigate human error. There are a thousand and one questions that beg to be answered – as any decent novice IT forensic auditor would tell you that.

    We have to be very careful indeed when we say that figures provided and vouched for by the MINISTER OF FINANCE in parliament can just be dismissed as “ computer error “ before we even ask what’s his interpretation of computer “ error “ what exactly happened to DUE DILIGENCE. Is this not the mantra of any self respecting treasury department / employee worth their name not to mention salary? Its seem like somebody come up with figures on the back seat of his chauffeur driven Mercedes when stuck in the famous Nairobi traffic, hands the figure to some “Computer Typist “and asks them to input and print the figures and then hand excel printout over to the Finance Minister who in turn presents them to parliament as a true verified statement of government procurement needs.

    Close your eyes for one minute and picture the scenario that somebody wants you to believe was due to “computer error”. Incredible … Billions of blue blistering binnacles. What BS, what’s going on here ……shame on YOU for trying , anybody buy that at their own and children’s peril.

    For starters I would like some help from readers of KUMEKUCHA, we have to show this for what it is. Can somebody PUBLISH HERE , the job description and duties of the BUDGET DIRECTOR and his subordinates or office, so that we know what he is responsible for – we should be past the stage where excuses like “ I was not aware “ , “ Its sabotage “ , “ A reshuffle will be done “ should be accepted as explanations and remedies. When you have a computerised department and these sorts of things occur – GOD HELP US ALL, there are no checks and balances that will save you. A good standard computerised system with fully implemented checks is almost fool proof. I repeat - The basic and most critical function of a decent financial computer package or system is to eliminate human errors and do the job faster – meaning you have more time for extra checks and verification.

    Without a proper INDEPENDENT forensic IT audit coupled with a proper verification of the roles – read job description verification of the “ ACTORS “ and I mean actors like in a stage. This kind of “negligence“ should not wash. Kenyans should not accept anything less. The level of nonchalance exhibited by the keeper of the national books is indefensible and we should make sure it’s corrected – not by the same people who have been part of it. Checks and balance should mean checks and balance – we should not accept our nation to be run with “ Mitumba bookkeeping “ - only a select few have the visibility of the facts and figures which they manipulate at will depending on what their “ entitlement priorities “ demand , instead of putting the national interest left , right and centre.

    It is instructive (read intrusive to parliament) that both CID and National Security Organ has been rapidly called in for investigation. These are organizations which investigate secretly and are not accountable to wanainchi contra Parliament – Very soon the paper trail will grow cold, as we speak the story is being co-ordinated and a united front is emerging. The message is being controlled. In stealth parlance command and control centre has been mobilised. We should start logging - WHO SAYS WHAT and ask them the facts behind their statements. Blind acceptance of statements by front men and sycophants should not be accepted. – These actions coincide cleanly with calls for re-shuffle. How can we accept re-shuffles without knowing the facts or the reason for re-shuffle? How will we know the people re-shuffled are trustworthy and should be not be sitting in JAIL instead of another air-conditioned office?
    What are the grounds for summary dismissal at the treasury? Whole departments should be in lockdown pending thorough investigation. We need facts not promises and thoughts. No more commissions that findings will be shelved never to see the light of day.

    What I mean by facts is WHO did what, HOW was it done, WHEN was it done and WHO SUPERVISED IT. The most critical question in this saga is the answer we will get from a very simple question if put to The Honourable UHURU KENYATTA , FINANCE MINISTER OF THE GOVERNMENT OF KENYA the question is - who told him that it was a “computer error “ and when did he know this . If nobody told him how did he reach that conclusion so quickly if he could not even see that the books were cooked? If somebody told him, WHO was it and what are the facts behind that conclusion and when did he find that out ?. If we follow this “computer error misstatement “to its source this whole sordid episode should unravel very quickly and we will begin the process of removing the rot and the underlying reasons why we look at the Asian Tigers with envy while our beautiful nation is sinking in faeces in Kanaro.

    Without answers and actions to these pertinent questions GOD HELP US ALL as we will remain forever a BANANA REPUBLIC pending a very bloody revolution as people who have nothing more to loose know no boundaries , at this rate we will get there very very quickly.

    Keep it here …. Simple and in a language everybody can understand.

  6. M-pesa, you are the kind who will zero in, descend on and swifly chop off Mwai "pumbavu" Kibaki's head and then blame it on "Raira"

  7. Seems Chris has decided once again to delete the critical voices in KK.

    I will say again,
    Why have you continued to bury your head in the sand as far as Raila's corruption is involved. We had Mau forest, that you ignored and deleted queries Recently, Raila's elder son, Fidel 'Mwizi' Castro together with the father (they say an apple does not fall far from the tree) and the aide were discovered by the parliamentary committee to have stolen maize and sold it to Sudan. Chris has been fighting this 'expose' in KK and has resolted to deleting comments raising these questions.

    You can continue to protect your political sponsors but the truth will always prevail. You want some more?
    Raila's younger son was involved in a car crash afew months ago. He was drunk, at 2pm and was driving a GK entrusted by the poor Kenyans to the 'nataka choo' dad. Is this not the FRAUD, DECEPTION, THEFT that Taabu always harps here?
    And where is Mwarangethe to fight for Raila?

  8. Come on guys, let's move on, no one died, what's all the hullabaloo? The accident is just another reminder of how cheap and refurbished planes are dumped on us thanks to our greedy politicians. How many more leaders will have to perish in air accidents before it sinks in their thick skull that corruption when buying aircrafts will never pay?

  9. M-Pesa

    Thats the attitude that continues to relegate us to the bottom of the development channel.

    No need to improve our lot unless we are visited by some monumental disaster. And of course should a disaster occur, looking at recent history, we shall then proceed to blame on something else like politics, tribes, corruption, or as in the case of the tanker tragedy a lesson to be learnt by those departed.

    When will we take responsibility and proactively seek solutions that prevent many of the disasters and stop the Kibaki knee-jerk reactive management by crisis incompetence.

  10. Let me share some sentiments about Kibaki and Raila penned by Ahmednasir, one of the brightest legal minds and columnists of his generation, on sunday standard of may 3rd page 13.

    "Raila to date has not internalised or come to terms, at a personal level, with the fact that he's not the President of Kenya.".....

    "Kibaki on the other hand doesn't genuinely recognise Raila as a Prime Minister with executive powers."........

    Neither has solid moral claim to the office he occupies. Both did not win the presidential elections. Both used force, the threat of more chaos and the spilling of blood to be where they are. Kenyans have sacrificed enough for these two ungrateful men"

  11. Anon 6.09 if we clear the MAU forest and Lake VIC runs dry ,whose lose is it. cos even now 98% of Lake vic is owned by egypt. so what is all this of raila and Mau

  12. m-pesa: once again very true--thanks for sharing. How i wish these feeble-minded odmorons would realize but such a simple truth!

  13. One Wife Man5/11/09, 7:25 AM

    Chris aka Chris,
    This sounds like it was a mysterious plot to finish Ali and Saitoti by ODM thugs in parliament-why wasn't PS Kimemia find out about this on time to prevent it from happening?

    It must be a contemptuos kikuyu kingdom that caused that plane accident

  14. This plane crash is a distraction from what is happening at the FINANCE MINISTRY - the heat is on and it will get hotter. The though of " loosing " that ministry will generate quite a lot of sleepless nights and "shocking activity"
    The end is near and only GOD CAN SAVE US NOW. The house of cards is imploding .

    If this sordid saga - LIVE ON TV for the whole nation to see is not investigated thoroughly and people responsible held to account, we will continue to live in a BANANA REPUBLIC - Bravo 4th Estate

    Keep it ALIVE , keep it here

  15. If anyone has empirical evidence (not colorful anecdotes)demonstrating that declining river and lake volumes are the result of deforestation in the mau, to please present it here or foreever hold their peace.
    I am completely fed up with those here that have advocated (like Raila) for the eviction of poor peasants without alternatives without due regard for their livelihoods and cultures. All Kalenjin MPs, led especially by one esteemed William Samoei Ruto, should resist this till kingdom come. Ruto and his cronies were right in indicating that many factors, especially including a changing, dessicating climate, are key to understanding the fluctuation in river and lake volumes. If Raila and the fish-eating Jaluos from the lake continue to insist, one esteemed Ruto should not give them time but should walk right out of ODM and into the 2012 presidency. He needs to distance himself from toilets (both stationery and flying).

  16. In fact, Ruto needs to think very carefully, seeing that Raila Odinga (and acolytes) has been at the forefront of incriminating him over maize (little did we know it was a cover up for Raila's spawn) and Raila too was very quick to say that Ruto carry his own cross over PEV, while we all know that Raila was the CAPTAIN sailing that ship. Ruto needs to be very careful and its gratifying that he has alternative plans in the works. He needs to completely avoid people like Raila who have caused the the deaths of more than 3000 people (this includes the botched 1982 coup)by using their wicked, running tongues for incitments and for directly financing such activities.
    I really hope that Ruto can distance himself from toilets--both stationary and flying ones!

  17. Folks,

    True - On Uhuru, it's not just the question of suspicion of theft, it's also that of sheer incompetence. And I've began to notice his streak of arrogant tone when cornered. I'll keep watching.

    If only we had more genuine MPs like Gitobu Imanyara, ready to work on behalf of Kenyans and not just sit in the House as tax evading ducklings, then Finance Minister Uhuru Kenyatta and his colluding junior officers’ thieving schemes would automatically grind to a halt.

    MPs must not take the matter of the inflated supplementary estimates lightly. This is outright conspiracy to rob and defraud Kenyan taxpayers and Parliament must get to the bottom and if proven, express outrage. They must not fail Kenya.

    Given that there was only over a month to the next budget, it is likely Uhuru Kenyatta was deliberately rushing the supplementary estimates and the consequent expenditures with hidden intentions.

    Why was Uhuru bringing these estimates so urgently that they could wait for the next National Budget next month in June?

    It is obvious that two ‘grabbing’ opportunities were being plotted, with the first one concealing 9.6 billion shillings. Who knows how many more billions the June budget was going to conceal?

    Of course in both cases, Uhuru suspected MPs would as usual be asleep on the job, but thanks God we have Mars Group and Gitobu Imanyara.

    Let us accept that the budgeting process needs total overhaul. Parliament must be involved and Kibaki had better assent to that bill now. Pressure is called for.

    Can you imagine that these MPs were given just a matter of hours to scrutinize and pass/approve Uhuru’s supplementary estimates containing over 12,000 budget line items spread across 43 Ministries and other departments?

    Is that really practical? Is there any Parliamentary oversight in the budgeting process in reality?

    This is exactly where corruption is bred, abetted and covered-up in reality. All those grand corruption schemes plotted at the OP, State House, Treasury, DOD, and Utumishi House are finally consummated during the brief parliamentary approval stage - with hardly no time to scrutinize anything.

    For example in the Office of the President, Uhuru introduced a completely new sub-heading called resettlement programmes which caters for only 3 line items worth almost Ksh 30 million to be spent between now and June (just over a month) – namely hospitality, domestic travel and research (broken down as Ksh 7 million for hospitality, Ksh 22 million for travel and Ksh 1.7 million for research). This can really hoodwink some to think IDP concerns are being ‘looked into’ at the OP lakini wapi.

    Uhuru is pretending that a few bureaucrats from the OP will be soon traveling around for just a matter of few days ‘trying to figure out’ how to resettle IDPs at a cost of 30 million shillings.

    In reality, there was nothing really like that in the main budget. This was 30 million meant to be pocketed. Pleeeaze Uhuru!!!!! Wacheni Wizi! Tally up your items and figures please.

    If MPs are to look closely the way Mars group did, they would have found similar payments allocated somewhere else. That’s how the stealing is being executed.

    Also in Uhuru’s supplementary estimates are also provisions for pending bills e.g. 400 million to a contractor for Mitihani House and 250 million to pay for ati legal compensation awards in the Office of the President.

    Why and under what circumstances were these not provided for in the 2009 main budget and why can’t these wait for the 2009-2010 National Budget? Your guess is as good as every concerned hapless Kenyan. Its robbery in broad daylight.

    Then on a good initiative which the PM burnt mid-night oil coordinating it’s design – the KKV initiative for youth, Uhuru puts in his supplementary estimates 49 million shillings for hospitality expenses for coordinating and monitoring the programme within the Office of the President - is this surely what the KKV is meant to be spending on at the OP?

    You know what the deal is with such figures ending with 9 – like 49 million. Si waseme tu wanaiba 50 million on this item.

    Now think about this. Uhuru had the audacity to line up items like...30 million at OP using the name of IDPs,....49 million at OP using the name of the youth (KKV),....and pending bills for 250 million for legal compensation awards at OP.... another 400 million for Mtihani House....then went on and on and on and on and replicated such items, line by line for MORE THAN 200 TIMES for a whooping TOTAL OF 9.6 BILLION then he want's to pretend that he can easily explain that DELIBERATELY CONCERTED EFFORT as a typing or computer error.

    Who will buy that? Especially after rubbishing off Mars Group and Gitobu Imanyara in parliament.

    Had Marende not taken this to the joint parliamentary commitees, probably Uhuru would have gotten away with a 9.6 billion heist from taxpayers to fund PNU's political activities.

    I know there is a deliberate desperation by PNU to get some big cash and start buying MPs and clip ODM's clout in Parliament. But not so fast amigo. Uhuru you've been caught this time.

    Which is why I insist ODM should be rushing up reform agenda in the house to ensure real reforms are on track before MPs start getting bought one by one.

    For Uhuru to simply think he will play with the intelligence of Kenyans thinking he will easily get away with it is silly. Let us wait for both committee outcomes in Bunge. It is this under-estimation of the intelligence of Kenyans that may hurt Uhuru.

    It is clear why Kibaki doesn't want to change this status quo (to give MPs more input) with regard to the budgeting process. It is because the status quo is littered with loopholes for looting. And the other status quo which some folks want to shy away from discussing - and I won't - is the status quo of maintaining the Finance Minister from the President's tribe.

    These are very relevant discussions to this Uhuru budgetary fiasco. It is not a distraction but in fact very related. When Uhuru himself claims sabotage within Treasury when he has been caught red handed, he needs to be reminded that the nation is acutely aware who his Finance PS and Budget Director are with no room for mischief. MPs must not fail to notice and debate the obvious links tying all these top Treasury officials.

    If MPs are seriously intending to help Kenya curb grand corruption, then they can use such glaring examples to propose reforms to give them more oversight - such as pressuring Kibaki to assent to the Parliament Appropriations Bill and also proposing legislation to administratively reform Treasury's top bureaucracy to limit tribal monopoly in appointments.

    That's how to progressively deal with a first acknowledging it,... discussing it, ...proposing reform,...agreeing on reforms.. implementing reforms, and folks move on for the better.

    Therefore all factors leading to loopholes for corruption must be discussed and sealed without fear or intimidation. This system must change to close all loopholes and give Parliament real oversight. It doesn’t matter who is milking the country. It must just stop.

    Lets go back to the last budget. If you remember, it was only discovered later that hidden in the document were provisions for paying many billions to fictitious Anglo-Leasing external creditors who are ‘under investigation’ by KACC (like Nedermar, Empressa and Navigia, for the infamous Navy Ship Jasiri and Project Nexus).

    Well it was too late and Walikula those billions and life went on. The Finance Minister just stayed put stiffly without batting an eyelid. His junior officers who were doing the actual execution and insertions of fictitious budget line items also get their share.

    It’s no wonder mid-level officers at Treasury are multi-millionaires – I know one who is very arrogant. He pretends to ride a battered car but owns mansions and rental flats all over Nairobi from Parklands to Karen. Another small detail – this civil servant never stepped the inside of any college after form six but has managed to pay for his wife and mistress (I don’t know whether she’s second wife) in the parallel degree (private) program at the University of Nairobi, besides taking his kids to Strathmore University and now one is here in the U.S.

    Such fellas can educate anyone else but can’t have time to themselves go for advanced education because they are probably holed in their offices busy graduating in how to ‘fix’ budgets for the corrupt bosses.

    These folks must really be rolling in their blankets during budget time coz successful insertions and concealments of fictitious items must reward hefty sums.

    You see why Kenya goes begging donors to help resettle IDPs. Aren’t these folks still stranded in showground tents? I mean 9.6 billion can settle the heck whole lot – with even land fully bought.

    I hope Uhuru’s being caught with his hand in the cookie jar will now elicit serious forensic audit and scrutiny to investigate all involved from top mpaka chini. I hear they’ve already started screaming witch-hunt just like their boss Uhuru. Maybe that fella I know is one of them.

    Let this opportunity now be used to dig through the external debt payments as well. External pressure saw three Anglo-leasing items temporarily removed from Uhuru’s supplementary budget. Can the same pressure be applied to ensure that the Ken Ren Fertiliser Co. payments which are still being made annually to Austria and Belgium be stopped forthwith.

    Parliament must insist that the external debt register is tabled for scrutiny in the house, before any further approval of foreign debt payments are made.

  18. Mutero Ngunjiri5/11/09, 8:40 AM

    I'm a Kikuyu so what I say I know to be true from a Kikuyu perspective. If Major Ali died in that helicopter mishap, our police forces would now be headed by a Mr. Kamau or a Mr. Maina or someone else from Central Province. It is after all, the Kibaki way. Any questions?

    As Rev. Musyimi says, this country is run by a Mt. Kenya cartel who set the agenda. Under Kibaki, we the Kikuyu will continue to entrench the culture of thievery in our community. By 2012, we will have stolen everything and will be wielding so much power that all the other tribes will have no choice but to succumb to servitude at the mercy of GEMA.

    Today, Kenya is a country where our most valuable credential is belonging to the house of Mumbi.

    That is how the Tutsi got their very privileged position in Rwanda. Let us not allow this to happen in Kenya. Please, let us share our wealth. I'm asking all Kikuyus to admonish and disassociate themselves from Uhuru right now. I'm a afraid that we are next. We acknowledge that we have stolen since the days of Kenyatta. It is our culture.

    Let us Kikuyu demand that all employment at important ministries be reviewed with a sense of making the terms fair for all Kenyans regardless of tribe. Let us try and arrest the hate that is being directed to us Kikuyus because of our leaders stealing 9.2 billion shillings.

  19. Blogger M-Pesa said...
    You can imagine if it was Raila involved in that near fatal accident, Domo idiots would be screaming that it was a plot to "finish" the Messaih blah blah blah...puh-liz! These Domo freaks need that doomsday juju priest to baptize them all in a..... SWIMMING POOL! lol.5/11/09 5:10 AM
    You wish! Its high time you guys stopped hallucinating with RAO. He's just human. Not a conman or a fraudster like the ones we know so well.

  20. Phil @ anon 8:57 AM,

    Why are you addressing M-Pesa anonymously, don't you want to share the platform with me or have i upstaged you?

    Yours and only,

    Phil's Mistress

  21. Mutero Ngunjiri:
    Go get your head checked. Silly.

  22. Mutero Ngunjiri or whoever

    You are not Kikuyu so quit the drama and address the issue without trying to spread guilt that only exists in your mind. Even in Rwanda, they never took the whole community of Tutsi's to Gatete courts because they are not as stupid as you seem to be. Crimes are committed by Individuals and responsibility is by individual.

    Your poor excuse at nationalizing blame cannot hold water. Crimes committed by Kibaki, Odinga, Uhuru et al are crimes gainst all of us committed by individual and not by whole communities.

    We need to break with this stupid myths of Kikuyu entitlement and Jaluo marginalization because at the end of the day they are just that - myths.

  23. Its just too funny when a blogger with a Kikuyu name writes something that goes against the grain to criticize members of the "House of Mumbi" how they come out to disparage the blogger and even disown claiming that said blogger cannot possibly andu aitu

    Neke jamba? Not all of us are hoodwinked by these octogenerians and some of us have grown and been assimilited into other more humane cultures so suck it up.

  24. Why waasn't saitoti aboard the plane?

    Folks, I have a horrible feeling that this 'accident' was supposed to be much worse. Remember, uhuru saga? another crisis has to 'pop up' so as to deflect attention.

    The whacking that the project's 'royal a@#$%' has had to endure for the past few days is certainly not good for his presidential ambitions.

  25. Mutero Ngunjiri5/11/09, 11:18 AM

    @ anon 10.52,

    Please be serius. We Kikuyus control everything in Kenya. Have you been to the treasury lately? What about the judiciary? It is all Kiambu and Muranga.

    It is not just our leadership. What do we talk about in our gatherings if not how superior we are to other tribes. It is a crime that we cannot see how guilty we are as a community. We continue to use deragatory words against other communities as if Kenya is personal property.

    We have bred this hate against us. Ask Muite, Kiai and Imanyara. These are the people we should be following because they do not see other Kenyans like toilet paper.

    How can we stand to defend Uhuru Kenyatta with his 9.6 billion heist yet we question when people attack us during elections?

    It is purely because of theft and dishonesty which we have all been taught is OK so long as you do not get casught. I grew up in Gathiani village and remebr how the known thieves were feted with glory.

    Fellow Kikuyus, we must change and chart our destiny away from thieves like Uhuru and Kibaki. If not, thenm let us arm ourselves to the teeth as we await the next elections because we will be attacked again.

  26. "It is a crime that we cannot see how guilty we are as a community."

    So, that's why that innocent little kid was flung back into the blazing inferno at Kiambaa. Ah, I see. As Vikii would put it--fuck you very much! Oh, and if you feel soo guilty and ashamed, you dont have to be kikuyu, you know, you can change. As for me and my house, proudly Kikuyu shall we remain. Eat your bleedin heart out.
    Oh, and let them (those nameless, faceless, ghosts) do what they wish as they wish when they wish. Heh-heh-heh. I'm shivering in my pants right now. Brrrrr.

  27. Why do jaruos like to comment on this forum pretending to be Kikuyus?

    Is it not the same Kikuyus you hate?

    As we salute Jacob Zuma on his inauguration as the 3rd Democratically elected President of South Africa, we must be all agreed that poverty is very rampant in Luo Nyanza. Is it not time enough we looked at the genesis of this poverty, the calibre of leadership that we have had since Independence, and chat the way forward? For development, is it not time we interrogated our leadership?

    If we decide to be honest in tackling this issue, as it is said in the Good Book, truth shall set us free. I bet it is time the people of Luo Nyanza faced the hard facts and lived with it.

    Just slightly before Independence, the Luo were marshaled for creation of an economic block under the aegis of Luo Thrift and Trading Company. The drive was a big success, not for the Luo, but for those who moved the agenda of Luo Thrift and Trading Company. That was slightly before and after Independence.

    In the early nineties, again, the Luo were moved under the aegis of some company that was fronting to buy the then moribund Molasses Plant. Again, like the Luo Thrift, this became a venture that put business, big business into the hands of the movers of this agenda. The drive was a big success, not for the Luo, but for those that moved this agenda.

    In the two cases, the Luo as a community was used as a door mat to enrich a cartel. The masses remained poor.

    Back to the period just before Independence, the British asked the Late Jaramogi Oginga Odinga to form government. He refused on grounds that the late Jomo was the light of Kenya and no leadership would be given to none other than Jomo Kenyatta. Mzee Kenyatta went on to become the first Prime Minister and later the first President of Kenya.

    Fast forward to 2002, Kenyans were ready and willing to remove Mzee Daniel arap Moi from leadership and the time was ripe for change. Hon Raila Odinga, son of Jaramogi, against all odds proclaimed Mzee Kibaki as Tosha. Mzee Kibaki went on to become the 3rd President of Kenya.

    Like Jaramogi was shunted from leadership only two years after Independence, Raila was also shunted from leadership only two years into the presidency of Mzee Mwai Kibaki. Like father, like son. They had their chances to lead Kenya, and they all shied away from leadership then the people they fronted, chased them away from leadership.

    Come to 2007, Kenyans overwhelmingly voted for Raila Odinga to be President of Kenya. The elections were kind of interfered with and Mzee Kibaki was declared the President and within 15 minutes, he was being sworn in at dusk. The irony was that many people seem to have been assembled to witness the swearing in ceremony. It means that it was planned.

    The people revolted and the world came to our rescue and gave Raila 50% of this government. He refused to take it and chose to leave the people behind as he went to government alone. He left his troops and moved into enemy territory. They terrorized him so ruthlessly that when he got some breather, he remembered the people. When he had the chance to move with the people, he chose to move alone. When things became elephant for him, he remembers the people.

    No. It is not done like this. Which honest General will forget his troops when food is on the table? You then think of your troops when you have eaten your fill and have nothing to give them? No. That is not leadership. That is puking on our shoes.

    With the afore going, can we as a Luo community look at the factors that are obtaining and come up with a clear approach to politics.

    I think we have been used. And I think the poverty in Nyanza is induced.

    Since Independence we have been religiously electing leaders every 5 years. What have these leaders done to help the Luo?

    With the biggest fresh water lake in the world bordering the Luo, what initiatives have our leaders made to empower the common man with the lake? What efforts have our leaders, since Independence, made to make fishing beneficial to our people? How can we harvest fish in Lake Victoria and transport the same all the way to Thika for processing?

    Do we need to blame the government for the ineptness of the leadership that we elect by ourselves? How come it is so easy to marshal the Luo to contribute to personal outfits like the Luo Thrift and Trading Company, and again for the purchase of Molasses Plant? But when institutions like Kenya Breweries and Kicomi are closed in Kisumu, the Luo are not marshaled to raise a voice! When the rice irrigation scheme at Ahero collapses, the Luo are not being marshaled to have it reinforced!

    No. Poverty is being used to subjugate our people. We are being fed on hot air as our leaders scramble for food. The Luo are being kept perpetually on political rallies at the expense of development.

    What efforts have our leaders made to open the infrastructure around the lake? What initiatives have our leaders made on irrigation? What efforts have our leaders made to marshal the people into co-operative societies? What efforts have our leaders made on education? What efforts have our leaders made to bring Rural Electrification around Luo Nyanza? What efforts have our leaders made to have enough hospitals built in Nyanza?

    I want to believe that time has come for the Luo to self liberate and partake of the National Cake. Our leaders have been eating on our behalf and they have eaten for so long that they have forgotten that we are out waiting. For how long will our leaders use the Luo as trading and bargaining chips?

    The Luo have had three wasted chances all begging for National Leadership and the people we fronted did not rise to the occasion. They chose the easy way out.

    If we can have two centres of power at the National Front, we can have the same at the Regional Front as well.

    If leadership means doing nothing for your people, then the Luo have a very long way to go. And do not blame it on Kenyatta, Moi, Kibaki or the government. Kikulacho ki nguoni mwako. [Garbage in, garbage out].

    Odhiambo T Oketch,

    Komarock Nairobi.

  29. Luos are left behind because they are power hungry. They feel if they can get power everyone will respect them like Sam Okello indicated on the previous post.

  30. Going back to the continuing saga at treasury, this reporter is widening the net, but cleverly creates a loophole exonerating our beloved House of Mumbi torch bearer

  31. Something does not add up here, how is it that Kenya Tourism Board has just been awarded an accolade in South Africa as best on the continent, and yet locally we have the top officials currently being hounded, and the Ministry received lowest marks in the performance review. Looks like much mischief is afoot.

  32. "No. Poverty is being used to subjugate our people. We are being fed on hot air as our leaders scramble for food. The Luo are being kept perpetually on political rallies at the expense of development."

    Tee, hee, hee. There are no individuals in Luo Nyanza, only massess of sheep follwing their dear leader. Heh-heh.

  33. Since no-one was killed or seriously injured in that plane mishap, can we now have proper news? Lets have news about Mau forest, anglo-maizing scandal and others.

    Btw, Chris, would U kindly ask Sam Okello if he have any issues or grievances relating to Gikuyu people, he should bring them to me first. This respect he is asking, can you tell him respect is earned and not demanded, and Gikuyu people will resist any kind of demand from anyone and especially that from uncircumcised philistine.

    Her Majesty
    Wangu wa Makeri
    The Queen of Gikuyu people.

  34. Okello Ogwang5/11/09, 12:48 PM

    This article makes a lot of sense. The political appointees that are ministers holding certain portfolios are just that, political appointees. The substantive appointees are the PS's and the battery of bureaucrats they command. A minister's competence is largely a reflection of the PS and his army of bureaucrats. I see no big problem with the typo as that is humanly possible. In fact I am puzzled why members of my Luo community would make such a big storm of this when similar issues are awaiting us in Land, Health and even in the maize that Fidel took to feed our brothers in Sudan. I think our community is being very shallow and myopic about this, especially since our party and leader is facing such grave challenges that make it even harder for us to imagine that we will snatch the presidency next time. I feel so sad for my beloved community, the train will keep passing us even if we uproot the railway every time we are unhappy!

  35. All hail your majesty, wangu wa makeri. I lie prostate before you. I thank you for your wise counsel that respect be earned. Grovelling for respect as does the Philistine Sam Okello is demeaning and embarrasing. He will not get the respect he begs for.
    All hail your majesty, wangu wa makeri!

  36. Anon 12:25 PM,
    You clearly dont understand how tourism promotion works so I will give you a re-education because you already claim to know.

    The people you are defending, PS Nabutola and Dr. Achieng Ongonga do not make the tourism promotion work. The incredibly hardworking people operating the businesses make it work. The government officials are only too happy to join the gravy train In London's World Travel Market and Berlin Tourism Fair and carry along their concubines.

    We have been losing to Rwanda as the No.1 exhibitor in East Africa both in Berlin 2008, London 2008 and Berlin 2009. However the likes of Mohammed Hersi of Coast does more more than Nabutola and Achieng combined.

    Now Back to PS Nabutola. She deserves what is coming her way. She "ate" Mukolwe, former KWS director by pushing for employment of more rangers than capacity and was the first to drop him like a hot potato, now the chickens are coming home to roost. malipo ni hapa hapa tu.

  37. In other words, these officials have nothing to do with tourism promotion just as Kinyua has nothing to do with the Anglo Leasing, and recently fictituous figures in the Supplemental budgets.

    Really, in any case your closing argument lends itself to witch-hunt.

  38. Why is Raila rushing to the airport to meet passengers on transit. Kwani yeye ni manamba?

  39. My point is, Nabutola should have been fired ages ago - abuse of office and any other term legal hawks like Mwarangethe can throw. Demanding people to carry their own cross is never witch hunt. Kinyua and any other person needs to.

    Are you trying to spread the guilt? because Uhuru is corrupt then it it is okay for Nabutola and the rest to be. Sorry, I dont buy into that. Kila mtu na mzigo wake and then again malipo ni hapa hapa if in doubt look for Michael Wanjihia of the Goldenberg infamy or Dr. Margaret Gachara formerly of NACC

  40. Anon that was a good one

    The preliminary search returns this "wanted" poster

    Ji-enjoy before its pulled down from the website.

    Is it coincidence that the following names appearing on the list, at top of the list is George Saitoti - who now in fact is in charge of Internal Security. Wow talk about installing pedophiles are dorm masters of kindergarten.

    Next skip to No.4 and we have Mutula Kilonzo who is now in charge of Justice and Constitution or basically the judiciary. At the bottom of the list are other notables, the Moi's whom Mutula has defended with every ounce of his breadth and are currently traversing Rift Valley "advising and reconciling" communities in readiness for the next general election.

    And this is our beloved country

  41. this is what the other kenyan blogs are saying about the trashy post from okello..

    How Can I get atonement for that original sin? How do you rectify a problem if the problem is you? I guess one answer is what happened in Kiambaa, Eldoret early 2008.

    There is no end to people's absurdity.

    This is the most repulsive retrogressive mindset a person can have.

    Following your rationale, you should'nt have a problem with someone associating you with any of the Black stereotypes because it's "really about the contemptuous Black people." An individual wrongdoing indicts a whole population!

  42. True - On Uhuru, it's not just the question of suspicion of theft, it's also that of sheer incompetence. And I've began to notice his streak of arrogant tone when cornered. I'll keep watching.

    If only we had more genuine MPs like Gitobu Imanyara, ready to work on behalf of Kenyans and not just sit in the House as tax evading ducklings, then Finance Minister Uhuru Kenyatta and his colluding junior officers’ thieving schemes would automatically grind to a halt.

    MPs must not take the matter of the inflated supplementary estimates lightly. This is outright conspiracy to rob and defraud Kenyan taxpayers and Parliament must get to the bottom and if proven, express outrage. They must not fail Kenya.

    Given that there was only over a month to the next budget, it is likely Uhuru Kenyatta was deliberately rushing the supplementary estimates and the consequent expenditures with hidden intentions.

    Why was Uhuru bringing these estimates so urgently that they could wait for the next National Budget next month in June?

    It is obvious that two ‘grabbing’ opportunities were being plotted, with the first one concealing 9.6 billion shillings. Who knows how many more billions the June budget was going to conceal?

    Of course in both cases, Uhuru suspected MPs would as usual be asleep on the job, but thanks God we have Mars Group and Gitobu Imanyara.

    Let us accept that the budgeting process needs total overhaul. Parliament must be involved and Kibaki had better assent to that bill now. Pressure is called for.

    Can you imagine that these MPs were given just a matter of hours to scrutinize and pass/approve Uhuru’s supplementary estimates containing over 12,000 budget line items spread across 43 Ministries and other departments?

    Is that really practical? Is there any Parliamentary oversight in the budgeting process in reality?

    This is exactly where corruption is bred, abetted and covered-up in reality. All those grand corruption schemes plotted at the OP, State House, Treasury, DOD, and Utumishi House are finally consummated during the brief parliamentary approval stage - with hardly no time to scrutinize anything.

    For example in the Office of the President, Uhuru introduced a completely new sub-heading called resettlement programmes which caters for only 3 line items worth almost Ksh 30 million to be spent between now and June (just over a month) – namely hospitality, domestic travel and research (broken down as Ksh 7 million for hospitality, Ksh 22 million for travel and Ksh 1.7 million for research). This can really hoodwink some to think IDP concerns are being ‘looked into’ at the OP lakini wapi.

    Uhuru is pretending that a few bureaucrats from the OP will be soon traveling around for just a matter of few days ‘trying to figure out’ how to resettle IDPs at a cost of 30 million shillings.

    In reality, there was nothing really like that in the main budget. This was 30 million meant to be pocketed. Pleeeaze Uhuru!!!!! Wacheni Wizi! Tally up your items and figures please.

    If MPs are to look closely the way Mars group did, they would have found similar payments allocated somewhere else. That’s how the stealing is being executed.

    Also in Uhuru’s supplementary estimates are also provisions for pending bills e.g. 400 million to a contractor for Mitihani House and 250 million to pay for ati legal compensation awards in the Office of the President.

    Why and under what circumstances were these not provided for in the 2009 main budget and why can’t these wait for the 2009-2010 National Budget? Your guess is as good as every concerned hapless Kenyan. Its robbery in broad daylight.

    Then on a good initiative which the PM burnt mid-night oil coordinating it’s design – the KKV initiative for youth, Uhuru puts in his supplementary estimates 49 million shillings for hospitality expenses for coordinating and monitoring the programme within the Office of the President - is this surely what the KKV is meant to be spending on at the OP?

    You know what the deal is with such figures ending with 9 – like 49 million. Si waseme tu wanaiba 50 million on this item.

    Now think about this. Uhuru had the audacity to line up items like...30 million at OP using the name of IDPs,....49 million at OP using the name of the youth (KKV),....and pending bills for 250 million for legal compensation awards at OP.... another 400 million for Mtihani House....then went on and on and on and on and replicated such items, line by line for MORE THAN 200 TIMES for a whooping TOTAL OF 9.6 BILLION then he want's to pretend that he can easily explain that DELIBERATELY CONCERTED EFFORT as a typing or computer error.

    Who will buy that? Especially after rubbishing off Mars Group and Gitobu Imanyara in parliament.

    Had Marende not taken this to the joint parliamentary commitees, probably Uhuru would have gotten away with a 9.6 billion heist from taxpayers to fund PNU's political activities.

    I know there is a deliberate desperation by PNU to get some big cash and start buying MPs and clip ODM's clout in Parliament. But not so fast amigo. Uhuru you've been caught this time.

    Which is why I insist ODM should be rushing up reform agenda in the house to ensure real reforms are on track before MPs start getting bought one by one.

    For Uhuru to simply think he will play with the intelligence of Kenyans thinking he will easily get away with it is silly. Let us wait for both committee outcomes in Bunge. It is this under-estimation of the intelligence of Kenyans that may hurt Uhuru.

    It is clear why Kibaki doesn't want to change this status quo (to give MPs more input) with regard to the budgeting process. It is because the status quo is littered with loopholes for looting. And the other status quo which some folks want to shy away from discussing - and I won't - is the status quo of maintaining the Finance Minister from the President's tribe.

    These are very relevant discussions to this Uhuru budgetary fiasco. It is not a distraction but in fact very related. When Uhuru himself claims sabotage within Treasury when he has been caught red handed, he needs to be reminded that the nation is acutely aware who his Finance PS and Budget Director are with no room for mischief. MPs must not fail to notice and debate the obvious links tying all these top Treasury officials.

    If MPs are seriously intending to help Kenya curb grand corruption, then they can use such glaring examples to propose reforms to give them more oversight - such as pressuring Kibaki to assent to the Parliament Appropriations Bill and also proposing legislation to administratively reform Treasury's top bureaucracy to limit tribal monopoly in appointments.

    That's how to progressively deal with a first acknowledging it,... discussing it, ...proposing reform,...agreeing on reforms.. implementing reforms, and folks move on for the better.

    Therefore all factors leading to loopholes for corruption must be discussed and sealed without fear or intimidation. This system must change to close all loopholes and give Parliament real oversight. It doesn’t matter who is milking the country. It must just stop.

    Lets go back to the last budget. If you remember, it was only discovered later that hidden in the document were provisions for paying many billions to fictitious Anglo-Leasing external creditors who are ‘under investigation’ by KACC (like Nedermar, Empressa and Navigia, for the infamous Navy Ship Jasiri and Project Nexus).

    Well it was too late and Walikula those billions and life went on. The Finance Minister just stayed put stiffly without batting an eyelid. His junior officers who were doing the actual execution and insertions of fictitious budget line items also get their share.

    It’s no wonder mid-level officers at Treasury are multi-millionaires – I know one who is very arrogant. He pretends to ride a battered car but owns mansions and rental flats all over Nairobi from Parklands to Karen. Another small detail – this civil servant never stepped the inside of any college after form six but has managed to pay for his wife and mistress (I don’t know whether she’s second wife) in the parallel degree (private) program at the University of Nairobi, besides taking his kids to Strathmore University and now one is here in the U.S.

    Such fellas can educate anyone else but can’t have time to themselves go for advanced education because they are probably holed in their offices busy graduating in how to ‘fix’ budgets for the corrupt bosses.

    These folks must really be rolling in their blankets during budget time coz successful insertions and concealments of fictitious items must reward hefty sums.

    You see why Kenya goes begging donors to help resettle IDPs. Aren’t these folks still stranded in showground tents? I mean 9.6 billion can settle the heck whole lot – with even land fully bought.

    I hope Uhuru’s being caught with his hand in the cookie jar will now elicit serious forensic audit and scrutiny to investigate all involved from top mpaka chini. I hear they’ve already started screaming witch-hunt just like their boss Uhuru. Maybe that fella I know is one of them.

    Let this opportunity now be used to dig through the external debt payments as well. External pressure saw three Anglo-leasing items temporarily removed from Uhuru’s supplementary budget. Can the same pressure be applied to ensure that the Ken Ren Fertiliser Co. payments which are still being made annually to Austria and Belgium be stopped forthwith.

    Parliament must insist that the external debt register is tabled for scrutiny in the house, before any further approval of foreign debt payments are made.

  43. It has stopped raining in Eldoret! Mahindi itakauka kwa mashamba. I told these people their soil is soaked in blood. Ruto must be crushing his teeth regretting why he listened to agwambo, who betrayed him and appointed his half cabinet full of luos. PLEASE REPENT AND SAVE YOURSELVES.

    FYI: I travelled home, in the heart of central, over the weekend and it reminded me of Rwanda. The country looks green and lush, looks we are going to have a good crop! God bless Kenya!



    AG disagrees with police over Maina Njenga
    Update 14 hours and 29 minutes ago

    NAIROBI, Kenya, May 11 - The office of the Attorney General has advised the police not to charge Mungiki chairman Maina Njenga with the murder of 29 people killed in Karatina because the charges - yet to be filed in court - are defective.

    Sources familiar with the investigations into the Karatina massacre told Capital News that the file which had been taken to the AG for directions was handed back last Friday rejecting the murder charges.

    “The police have been advised to either amend the charges or drop them because evidence contained in the files so far can not sustain a murder charge,” the source who could not be named because he is not authorised to speak to the media said.

    Police have however, insisted they will present him to court on Tuesday or Wednesday.

    Police Spokesman Erick Kiraithe who announced two weeks ago that Mr Njenga was being probed over the murder of the 29 people was not willing to discuss details of the case.

    “Investigations are almost complete and the suspect will appear in court very soon,” he said without elaborating.

    When Mr Njenga was re-arrested two weeks ago, Mr Kiraithe sent a statement to newsrooms announcing that Mr Njenga was to face charges of the 29 people who were hacked to death when members of a vigilante group clashed with the outlawed sect members in Karatina.

    He had then stated that police were privy to information that it was Mr Njenga who ‘personally authorised the killing of the 29 people while in custody.’

    At the time of the killings, Mr Njenga was in jail serving a five-year sentence over possession on bhang and a pistol but he successfully appealed and won, leading to his acquittal before he was immediately re-arrested.

    Capital News reliably established that Mr Njenga who has spent two weeks in various police stations in Nairobi was taken to Karatina where he would be held until he appears in court.

    Spokesman for the outlawed Mungiki sect Njuguna Gitau told Capital News the suspect’s family was finally allowed to see him at the weekend at the CID headquarters in Nairobi.

    “They (family) had never seen him since he was arrested but they were finally allowed to see him together with his lawyer,” Mr Gitau said.

  45. 9:58 PM
    The murderer that the world over knows about is Emilio two faced KIBAKI and the blood that is flowing thick " more than 3,000 executed youth by kibaki and cronies is in central.. the roads and the fields and forests in central are filled with innocent blood and bones" Rwanda wasn't as bad.. this is a kikuyu elite murderers named Kibaki, michuki, saitoti, uhuru and co

    I feel pity for you - i guess you like smelling the blood f your innocent executed brothers pole sana.. keep it up and kibaki will execute you next!!bure kabisa wewe..

  46. Lets take a break from this posturing and grandstanding and thank God:

    Thank you God for all the blessings we have as a country. Thank you for bringing the rains after the long drought that was killing our people. Sorry for doubting your Grace and thank you for the peace you gave us that healed our land. Thank you for all the tribes, may everyone excel exeedingly and abundantly in whatever they are doing. Please forgive us and all who have wronged us we also forgive. We ask you in a special way to remove the demon of tribalism and hatred as shown. The kind of comments by Sam Okello and many others on both sides of the divide can only be the work of the enemy, the devil. We bind these spirits in the Name of Jesus
    And everybody say Amen!

  47. ANON9:58 PM
    you mean central bloody ghost towns?? hey the crops must be lushly and fertile full of mungiki youth innocent blood...

    you are a disgusting human being and one day it will bite you back.. keep executing your brothers!!!

    Now I read hear Kibaki and cronies plan the execution of Maina Njenga (using other prisoners)

    why start a blood bath? why are they trying to distract kenyans? just like they did with the Eldoret church with the help of Moi( Moi sold in because he wanted protection from Kibaki.

    the burning of the church had Moi's and Kibaki's rubber stamp si they did the same in the 70's in turbo and Kipkaran ( ha! like kenyans have forgotten these beasts mark)

  48. anon10:09 PM
    you are the devil in disguise. shame on you.. go repent
    just the fact that you mentioned sam okello says it all shenzi wewe sana

    which gods are you worshiping?? even the mungiki thai thai true god than your devil- thank god they never give up on thier god and one day he will bring them peace and destroy all that execute them.. your devils!!

  49. anon 10.15 and 10.19 You are just the same village idiot. When will you grow up, better still grow a brain? Stop your ignorance, the only peron who planned the burning of innocent women and children in a church was Ruto under the instructions of your now baptised (formerly pagan) ape in chief. No matter how many times you repeat your lies they will not become the truth. Wewe ndiyo NGIRI MKUBA!

  50. Matako anon 10.19
    The only reason APES like you support mungiki is because the people being killed are Kiuks. Why didnt you support them when the burnt luos in Naivasha during PEV? You are just a simple baboon who is so easy to read like your ape in chief

  51. 10.08
    are you attacking anon 9.58 coz he/ she said Central is lush and green and that they are expecting a good crop? Is it because crop failure will happen in luo nyanza coz you planted late? Wacha wivu and go work your heart out like your god told you jana

  52. Kiuks like all other superior dominant tribes will continue to suffer jelousy of the uncircumsised palesines, nazis, hutus etc


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