Wednesday, September 17, 2008

News Round Up By Chris

It seems that the troubles of PNU are not ending soon as 8 MPs ditch PNU

Meanwhile Kimunya the former finance minister has taken to golf and winning golf tournaments

Did you know that originally the KICC was meant to be 7 storeys?

Now Mwatela's husband who is a politician speaks out


  1. Chris
    Have you stoopped that low , that you are now giving us stale news from the nation and standard?, use to be these guys picked leads and stories from you, what did those americans feed you bwana that you are not even willing to put in a days work are you too heavy on your feet from those mcdonalds burgers and antibiotic chicken?, common chris you can do better and you know it.

  2. The MPs may purport to ditch PNU, but the Meru people won't, just wait and see. It also just shows how ungrateful politicians really are. As a community, the Meru have been the single largest beneficiary of influential appointments in the Kibaki regime since 2003, far more than Kibaki's own Kikuyu community. People were even asking what it is the Meru had over Kibaki that he gave them so many appointments out of all proportion to their numbers, a mere 6% of Kenya's population. Now a bunch of too clever by half loudmouths purporting to speak on behalf of Merus are trying to blackmail Kibaki? They do not even have a name to their so-called party, which i suspect is non-existent in the first place, and will probably not fly once their true intentions are known. What a yawn. So typically Kenyan.

  3. Chris,
    go back to where you came from.

    oooooh kumekucha is going down the drain.

  4. Close but a more correct version of this story would be.

    At a full cabinet meeting sometime around 1965 Kenyatta suggested that a party heaquarters be built. kanu owned land in central business district but it was where the Police headquarters currently stands. opposite KICC. Maybe thats why the initial design was only 7 stories.

    Mboya was taked by cabinet to raise funds for the building. During this period a muzungu settled told Mboya he wanted to make a donation of land to the Government (meaning Kanu)The land he gave is where KICC currently stands. Mboya brough Kenyatta to the plot and immediately kenyatta instructed Mboya to move the project to this more central plot and make it bigger.

    Mboya sourced for the funding from the USA and raised up to 1 million dollars at the time. (this he did by agreeing to have the design of the building done by a jewish Israeili architect based in nairobi and as such the money was donated mainly by the jewish community in USA) I dont know where the norweigans come in.

    In order to be transparent Mboya asked that all the donations be channeled through the central bank who would also audit the project. Hence the misconception that KICC was built with public funds.

    This is what i know of this project. So that is the reason why Kanu came to regard it as their own.

  5. Chris
    Welcome back and good post -
    As for Karua she has backers like former governor of central bank of kenyan Duncan Ndegwa and crones..
    Note: This are Kibaki's very close friends ao what does that tell us?
    Kibaki is palying games with Karua and Uhuru or this central province mafia ring are being strategical!!

    As for Raila Odinga Chris your cheque will bounce at the bank if i took it- You have been away and I do not think you are aware of the realities on ground- put your nose on the ground and smell the wild roses.. Raila 's silence is more powerful than ever. the background willing and dealing has been known to produce big results..

    Don't equate Raila to PNU noise makers and side road politics...

  6. anon12:44 AM

    You PNU shiate do shut up and move on- who asked you to read or post on Kumekucha blog?? Chris ignore this PNU rats


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