Muge assassination: The powerful men he provoked Part 3

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Unmasking Githongo's Blunt Warning on Growth Weaned on Corruption

Judging from the confidence and the salvos he fired during his first press conference, John Githongo appears to be privy to some form of protection we don’t know. Given the fact that the powerful political elite he brought down as still alive and with their connections intact, the former PS cannot afford the luxury of being naive to expose himself to these sharks who will not waste a second to wring his neck literally.

Granted, Githongo is many things to many people. To many he epitomizes selflessness judging from his readiness to bell the marauding big wild cats roaming our political lives. The guy is no typical Kenyan will readily turn the other way provided his comfort is guaranteed and the pocket taken care of. And to his detractors he is just but a simple headline seeker blowing his trumpet from the hilltops. Whatever you take, give it to the chap for the extraordinary courage to look at scoundrels right into the eye and calling their bluff. Kenya’s political landscape is still reverberating from his actions to stand for the truth more than 1000 days ago.

Without mincing words, Githongo has busted the myth that corruption does not really matter so long as the economy was growing. With DECEPTION and FRAUD as unique factors defining our political leadership, Githongo’s twinning of corruption and poor governance is going to generate predictable political heat. The script is so predictable so much so that in a matter of days the heat will be chocking the GCG. And there lies the political catch too.

Hunting dragon corruption
In his press release last week, Githongo initially indicated he was on a brief visit home as a KNHRC guest speaker. Now that has changed and JG has hinted he is here to stay for the long haul to continue doing what he knows best from within-hunting the corruption DRAGON. Come to think of it. The advertisements of senior positions at the PM’s office a few weeks back may not be mere coincidence.

It demands no fertile imagination to picture the political fireworks ahead were the present developments to prove more than a coincidence. Only time will tell but one thing is for sure; the political landscape is destined for vigorous tremors. What next then? Your guess is as good as mine on political grand scheming. Something is definitely cooking and soon the guns will be out blazing. Keep your eyes WIDE open.


  1. I’m not through with you yet, warns Githongo......

    While many are still reeling from Raila's latest political move, Githongo's first order of business - an informal interview session seems to have earned him a post at the PMs office.
    Kibaki and all the crooks must be s******* on themselves wondering what these two are upto. What is apparent is that there has been a lot of communication going.
    Meanwhile, the silence from certain quarters isn't surprising.

  2. I don't much about this story but its sound like Githongo has given these ODM mouth-piece a kick in their teeth. They have been barking up the wrong tree. Not I condone corruption but Raila molasses and his ODM basket cases are no better when it comes to corruption. How many corrupt individuals are there in ODM? Plenty!
    They are just an 'all mouth and no trouser' (talk a lot and does not deliver) and hopefully Githongo will give them a 'queer for their pitch'.

    And why would Githongo want to work in PM office and get paid peanut?

  3. The other half of the govt wrongly thought Raila would be a lame duck spending all his energy trying to get an office set up and have more staff hired.

    Raila as always outsmarted, the goons and went to work tilling the land with a fork and his bare hands, instead of waiting for the elusive tractor.

    BTW what makes you think Githongo would be paid from the GOK coffers?

    We have another 'dream team' in the making.

  4. Tell them Githongo!so called "Kazi", "10% economic growth" and "Vision 2030" without integrity amounts to an adult swimming in the shallow end of a pool with no water-WASTE OF TIME!
    It is self-deception and a WASTE OF TIME to define integrity as "the ability to act the same way you would whether or not you are being watched"-integrity is not something you do, it is who you are-ZING!hence the reason why forming a "clean-hands government" means different things to different people-the guilty are afraid even when no one pursues them

    This man Githongo has more integrity in his baby finger on his right hand than the entire 40 member GCG combined together collectively

  5. Raila had dick extension in-order to satisfy his Kikuyu mistress. FACT!!

  6. What is plain to see for anyone who cares for the better good of Kenya as a country, is that Githongo is talking about long term goals. He is talking about real changes. A cultural shift in how we look at a lot of things if we are to mature as a society.

    Case in point; I have never understood the affinity to one's tribe regardless of symptoms bedeviling the community and by extension affecting the rest of Kenya. You only have to read the posts regarding HIV with disparaging remarks to the tune of malaya Kikuyu girls and promiscous Luo girls and guys. Although some have termed these sentiments as mere juvinile cyberspace off the cuff remarks, I have to say that I find such remarks to be reflective of the true nature of how a majority of Kenyans look at issues. Am sorry to say that somewhere along the way we loose our ability for critical analysis of issues and settle for humorous edicts. On any given day you are sure to read statements on our dailies preambled with...mweshimiwa so and so caused laughter when...

    It is a bad and dangerous culture I tell you.

    Githongo obviously has been exposed to different cultures. My opinion is that this is an oppotunity for Kenya. Am not saying that Githongo is perfect for he is human; but it is an oppotunity to set precidence by having Githongo spearhead the war on corruption and public office ethics. But as pointed out before, this requires leadership and vision beyond one's kitambi.

    Lakini knowing some of my brothers and sisters, they will only be too quick to divide everything into ODM vs PNU camps and run with it.

    That saddens me...

  7. Well, I dont really know much about anything, but my very humble opinion has always been that inasmuch as John Githongo has shown rare integrity and faithfulness to cause, he has also been inflated by the press and some politicians. He is a great Kenyan, no doubt, but when you look at the amount of press he gets especially from some quarters, you ask yourself questions.

    Now, since he has decided to "stay", let us all pray that they give him a job. He is yet to prove to some of us that he is not a partisan political bullet. I know there is corruption across the political board (I have my opinion on which side has been most chronically afflicted) and I would be happy to see how he handles economic criminals on both sides of the so-called government.

    I watched with amusement as Prof. Makau Mutua, Gladwell Otieno and Muthoni Wanyeki showered Githongo with praises, but that also made me a little apprehensive about the whole thing. Someone used the words "the only hope for kenya" and I was like 'What'? What makes him so? My understanding of the movie called 'Anglo-leasing' in which Githongo so prominently stars tells me that the whistle blower was actually Maoka Maore. Why dont we glorify Maore without whom the scandal would probably never have been exposed? As in what sets Githongo apart? Is it the 'trumpeting', the ridiculous claims of threats to his life and the subsequesnt "exile"?

    There is more than meets the eye, there has always been.

  8. Githongo's utterances and the idea that he will be working in the PM's office merely confirms that Raila is making early preparations for war. The man is such a pretentious hypocrite. We are aware of his modus operandi and this time, he will get his comeuppance for keeping this country on a permanent war footing in his quest for absolute power.
    The pitifully naive Githongo may not be aware of it but he is just a mere pawn in Raila's wider designs of ascending to power between 2010 and 2012. Since when did a proven corrupt individual like Raila who just happens to cavort comfortably in ODM with former corruption exponents of the Moi regime like Zakayo Cheruiyot, William Ruto, Henry and Sally Kosgei and other Kalenjin thugs, corrupt conning black belts like Bishop Dr Rev Wanjiru etc., pretend to be a paragon of corruption wars? Who is the deception practitioner here?

  9. John Githongo should be consistent and question PM Raila Odinga on the shady Molasses deal he did with Moi, or lose credibility.

  10. i really hope Githongo gets a job as anti corruption czar and see how he handlers the corruption oozing from the mouths of ODMers since PNU has already been branded corrupt. How for instant will he tackle molasses muddle of corrupt deals, pentagon dirty masters in the name of ruto, mudavadi and mama HIV stolen funds?

    how comes he is always fast to criticize Kibaki and his side of gava but not the other masters of deceit and corruption during and after moi?

    molasses Raila may have dug his and ODM's grave....maybe he should have stuck to calls of circumcizing his luo brothers to reduce HIV/Aids in Nyanza.
    i mean the foreskin is not like u will use it as sukumawiki to eat ugali..its smelly and useless and makes condoms slip out.

    he should also dissuade the culture of wife inheritance, rampant icest and sleeping with the dead and finally fish for sex...
    luo's starting with sam okello, style up!!!!!!!!!!

  11. kenyans...we live of short terms excitements and hysterics.

    What a sad bunch. Sawa githongo, write a book and start a tv show now and make some money from the pot heads.

    By the way, was there not someone who wanted to kill you? how come you are back now?

  12. In todays EA Standard, of all papers:

    "Demonstrations by hostile crowds marred the visit by a Parliamentary Committee on National security in Mt Elgon District.
    Placard-waving crowds shouted down local MP Fred Kapondi, who is the chairman of the committee, during stopovers in Kapsowakwany, Kapkota army base and Kaprong area, on Wednesday.
    The team toured for the first time since the military operation against members of the Sabaot Land Defence Force (SLDF) began.
    “We want the military to remain in Mt Elgon. Kapondi has betrayed us and he should state his stand,” shouted the crowds in Kapsokwany and Kapkota......"

    Sooner or later the truth dawns even if to the most ignorant, and the TRUE DECEIVERS OF THE ODM will eventually be outed, even to their most ardent supporters, as demonstrated above. Are these not the same people who were calling Kapondi a martyr with determined Al qaedaesque zeal when he had been arrested on suspicion of being one of the sponsors of the SLDF terrorist savages? Was it not that too-clever-by-half Pentagoon called Ruto in the forefront of defending Kapondi and the SLDF thugs?

  13. the proof of Githongo's effectiveness is in the feather's he ruffles even when he is not firing any salvos or when he fires minor, camouflaged salvo's even trying
    He's like the headmaster in a secondary school who some students hate and others like but all are very respectful toward him because of his tough and well-known no-nonsense stance
    This is the type of person who is a powerful cleansing agent and his presence anywhere gives the clean rubber stamp of approval to Kenyans and the international community. This is both a good and a bad thing, it means he can't afford to rub shoulders with the GCG because they will bring him down to their basic theiving level-yet at the same time he needs to do what he does best and strike terror into the hearts of stammering thieves from inside the beast
    Whatever you decide to do John, don't lose your integrity-its the only reason Kenyans haven't confused you with just another Maore, Orengo or Namwamba
    Finding someone who is trying to do right thing in Kenya today is hard


    Interesting read.

    Fact or fiction?

  15. you people just cant help creating heroes for yourselves and worshipping them?

    Raila, ruto, githongo, pure blameless white knights fighting for the poor oppressed kenyan? hahahaha

    meanwhile poor jaoko at KHRC, under pressure from her tribesmen is busy altering her own report (sickening) to ommit names of these 'white knights' from being mentioned at Waki as sponsors of the mass murders earlier this year. Unfortunately, some anti democracy anti truth anti whatever rubbish ODM claims to stand for, leaked the initial report and now the poor bastard is stuck at the Waki commission trying to explain what happened to the long list of OD cabinet ministers implicated in the killing fields of eldoret.

    You poor things. You live in a la la land of make believe heroes and vallains. meanwhile did you know what percentage of Kisumu residents live in slums in that city? why dont you google that up in between posting praises of Raila and insulting kikuyus

  16. Githongo never stood for a popularity contest they guy just exposed some wrong doing....give him credit for that...the rest is porojo....

    He helped clarify issues on anglo fleecing....thats more than any of the thugs payukaring here have ever done for this country....your know making this into a silly polemic trying to rope in ODM and go do the job get the facts and send those ODM 'thugs' to court nobody has stopped you.

    This seems to me that if a PNU guy gets caught the the first oder of business is to make sure that an ODM guy gets caught that means if ODM guys can keep quiet and let PNU steal then PNU are willing to also keep quite while ODM steals....thats the messages some bloggers here sre sending.

    So realy its not a war on corruption its about lets rape kenya and lets all be quiet about it thats PNU style of governance.There true colours are now coming out....

    Neat picking on Githongo is so with the issues..
    PNUer's are setting up a trend that makes it difficult to fight crime in this country, that is one cannot report a crime by PNU unless they also find an equal or worse crime with an ODMer.....thats total trash sound like mafia protectionism......

    LAME lame lame......
    Pepo mabaya ashindwe.

    Sir Alex

  17. Sir Alex,

    when molasses raila was busy raping kenya with moi, when Ruto, Kosgeys and the rest of Kanu ODM thieves were raping the gava and bleeding Kenya to the ground, was PNU in the picture????
    or do u want us to forgive the yester thieves who have pending cases in courts (read ruto with hundreds of million case) and we hunt the media created thieves (Kimunya-how much did he pocket u dimwit). not every one is shallow minded like odm minions in Kumekucha so take ua worthless advice to orange house or kibera and tell them to uproot a railway line....

  18. Githongo's presence has really RATTLED the PANUA mongrels who visit this blog - the GUILTY ARE ALWAYS AFRAID and will spin all manner of stories to cover up their fear. It will not work, we can see thru you, fans of thieves. They are like protesting Flies (inzi) who can see that the dirty environment they like (CORRUPTION, DECEPTION, THEFT and FRAUD) is about to be swept clean. Nothing scares them more than this. This "dirty" environment is what they thrive in, introduce discipline and honest governance; they will start screaming for dear life: MWATHANI! NGAI FAFA! TUNAMALIZWA! UUUUUUUUIIIII!

    PUMBAFF!!! We are fed up of your theiving ways.

  19. Anon 2:16
    What I'm trying to say is this, nothing as stopped PNU guys prosecuting ODM guys for any crime......After all the control the judiciary and Ringera....

    Just stop whining cause Githongo busrted PNU guys.....its that simple. Don't give Githongo the burden of unearthing every crime comitted in this country...

    Do you part too nobody has stopped you Githongo reported what he saw ans heard...he sgould be commended for that and let that be that.......

    It is unclever to reason that PNU thugs are only guilty if ODM thugs are guilty....they did not go to steal together.....its not like the violence that took place after elections that invovled everyone....

    Don't blame kibera people for uprooting a railway line, they are simple uneducated people just borrowing that behaviour from UoN students who stone cars when rioting....they are just trying to act like the 'educated' guys.

    The other option wasto take up arms and go to has happened to in other African countries...heck it even happen in europe, hear of the french revolution, the russian revolutions
    people got guillotined sir....ur very lucky...count your blessings.

    Sir Alex

  20. It is a pity reading people tribal emotions, competing over who shouts the loudest. Comments attested to issues at hand are not worth pinning down, what I see is hopelessness, frustrations in our midst. If we claim to be panaceas of change or stand for middle class morality, then Kenya is doomed

    By and large, the posts lack academic/intellectual insights lest for ‘siasa ya tumbo’/’pesa nane’ /my person. I have not seen or witnessed any soul come with incisive suggestion/solution on malady in our midst what I read is chest thumping normally laced in poor English/grammar.

    In conclusion, we need to reflect and review what we stand for in our communities of practice. I have in numerous occasions seen people muddle leadership skills with power and authority. Often, none can work in isolation though Leadership drives and informs the direction we would like our nation to take.

    Kenya needs thorough re-examination of managing sustainable communities, where leadership, mentorship is vested on the community as they strive to steer off the doldrums. Faith communities, VCS, statutory bodies, public sector and private sector are the veins through which this metamorphosis will move to upstage realistic change for Kenya to reinvent itself.

    Digressing further, Kenya has this grandiose dream of vision 20/30, whilst its local strategic plan when pinned to service provision is in shambles. Should industrialisation start through visions/dream or strategies; how would they be influenced by locally available opportunities?

    Sustainable management of our environment is still and issue with piece meal commitment often observed. Take energy why should we think of nuclear energy when renewable sources of energy are available in abundance, namely sun, wind, solid wastes from the big cities. Switzerland has been using waste to generate electricity for many years. Bangladesh is another example where biogas is produced enmasse for cooking, other out puts for fertilizer.

    Back to transport, which is in a bizarre state, no Kenyan institution leave alone private sector, have invested in producing innovative mode of transport, bicycle are still made in chain (solar powered bike would be a boom). The answer to this would be partnership between the academia, entrepreneurs/banks and the government to invest heavily in R&D. The academia are largely to blame in this, producing graduates using outdated curriculum that emphasises on rote/theory learning not practical realities facing us.

    I would go on forever, agriculture is one area that is unexploited, how can you talk of industrialisation when our people are hungry, cannot produce to feed themselves? Food security policy is patchy that am left wondering where we are heading.

    I know I will be bashed for coming with empty rhetoric having fired the salvo initially, the answer is plan, plan, plan; consult; engage; include; review which leads us to :
    1. Constitution
    2. Governance
    3. Democratic space
    4. Sound policies/commitments
    5. Research
    6. Development
    I wished had the opportunity , unfortunately am busy helping some Western country succeed in what am preaching about

  21. when molasses raila was busy raping kenya with moi, when Ruto, Kosgeys and the rest of Kanu ODM thieves were raping the gava and bleeding Kenya to the ground, was PNU in the picture????
    or do u want us to forgive the yester thieves who have pending cases in courts (read ruto with hundreds of million case) and we hunt the media created thieves (Kimunya-how much did he pocket u dimwit). not every one is shallow minded like odm minions in Kumekucha so take ua worthless advice to orange house or kibera and tell them to uproot a railway line....

    Is the person who posted this note OK!!!!. Mr Kibaki was Mois strongest supporter up until after section 2a was repealed. The man is famous for coining the Mugumo treee phrase and yet you dare accusse great kenyans like Githongo for doing a good job. Unfortunately Kibaki's time at the top is quickly ticking and come 2012 his legacy will be up for craps for redicule just like mr Moi's.

  22. when molasses raila was busy raping kenya with moi, when Ruto, Kosgeys and the rest of Kanu ODM thieves were raping the gava and bleeding Kenya to the ground, was PNU in the picture????
    or do u want us to forgive the yester thieves who have pending cases in courts (read ruto with hundreds of million case) and we hunt the media created thieves (Kimunya-how much did he pocket u dimwit). not every one is shallow minded like odm minions in Kumekucha so take ua worthless advice to orange house or kibera and tell them to uproot a railway line....

    Is the person who posted this note OK!!!!. Mr Kibaki was Mois strongest supporter up until after section 2a was repealed. The man is famous for coining the Mugumo treee phrase and yet you dare accusse great kenyans like Githongo for doing a good job. Unfortunately Kibaki's time at the top is quickly ticking and come 2012 his legacy will be up for craps for redicule just like mr Moi's.

  23. It is a pity reading people tribal emotions, competing over who shouts the loudest. Comments attested to issues at hand are not worth pinning down, what I see is despondency, frustrations in our midst. If we claim to be panaceas of change or stand for middle class morality, then Kenya is doomed

    By and large, the posts lack academic/intellectual insights lest for ‘siasa ya tumbo’/’pesa nane’ /my person once dubbed moral profligacy bordering intellectual impotence. I have not seen or witnessed any soul come with incisive suggestion/solution on malady in our midst what I read is chest thumping normally laced in poor English/grammar.

    In conclusion, we need to reflect and review what we stand for in our communities of practice. I have in numerous occasions seen people muddle leadership skills with power and authority. Often, none can work in isolation though Leadership drives and informs the direction we would like our nation to take.

    Kenya needs thorough re-examination of managing sustainable communities, where leadership, mentorship is vested on the community as they strive to steer off the melancholy. Faith communities, VCS, statutory bodies, public sector and private sector are the veins through which this transmutation will move to upstage realistic change for Kenya to reinvent itself.

    Digressing further, Kenya has this grandiose dream of vision 20/30, whilst its local strategic plan when pinned to service provision is in shambles. Should industrialisation start through visions/dream or strategies; how would they be influenced by locally available opportunities?

    Sustainable management of our environment is still and issue with piece meal obligation often observed. Take energy why should we think of nuclear energy when renewable sources of energy are available in profusion, namely sun, wind, solid wastes from the big cities. Switzerland has been using waste to generate electricity for many years. Bangladesh is another example where biogas is produced enmasse for cooking, other out puts for fertilizer.

    Back to transport, which is in a bizarre state, no Kenyan institution leave alone private sector, have invested in producing innovative mode of transport, bicycle are still made in chain (solar powered bike would be a boom). The answer to this would be partnership between the academia, entrepreneurs/banks and the government to invest heavily in R&D. The academia are largely to blame in this, producing graduates using obsolete curriculum that emphasises on rote/theory learning not practical realities facing us.

    I would go on forever, agriculture is one area that is unexploited, how can you talk of industrialisation when our people are hungry, cannot produce to feed themselves? Food security policy is patchy that am left wondering where we are heading.

    I know I will be bashed for coming with empty rhetoric having fired the salvo initially, the answer is plan, plan, plan; consult; engage; include; review which leads us to:
    1. Constitution
    2. Governance
    3. Democratic space
    4. Sound policies/commitments
    5. Research
    6. Development
    I wished had the opportunity, unfortunately I am busy helping some Western country succeed in what am preaching about

  24. Good to have Githongo back, if we had just 100 men and women like him, Kenya would be very different.

    I like Kumekucha, i like the fact that there are Kenyans passionately monitoring and commenting on what is going on in the country. But whats with the tribal hate that comes up time and again?

    Lets keep focused on building this nation. Kenya is not for some wazee's it is not for Kibaki or Raila or Ruto, tis ours. We have to take it back to be ours.

  25. By the way, in what capacity will Raila be offering Githongo a job in his office? Is the Bondo Bumpkin not supposed to advertise for the position and then let Githongo compete with others equally qualified for the job? Oh, silly me, i forgot! It is a political appointment, given more for its political value than the competence of the holder.

  26. To all the Kikuyus that see the log in others eyes without removing the speck from theirs, here is something you might appreciate:


Any posts breaking the house rules of COMMON DECENCY will be promptly deleted, i.e. NO TRIBALISTIC, racist, sexist, homophobic, sexually explicit, abusive, swearing, DIVERSIONS, impersonation and spam AMONG OTHERS. No exceptions WHATSOEVER.