Thursday, August 14, 2008

Of Schools' Unrest and Playing Dice with God

Whoever said religion is opium of the people won’t be more right. Only that in Kenya we have taken to smoking religion literally. So Kibaki is urging our ETHNIC-based church to help stem the unrest in our secondary schools. Given the sectarian nature of the present church, such a paradoxical request amounts to entrusting a flock to the care of marauding wolves.

The Catholic church has a reputation of sponsoring and founding top performing schools nationwide that were hitherto unique for their sense of unrivalled discipline. But not anymore if the recent spate of violence is anything to go by. All the catholic parishes are headed by locals who have fallen to such low levels so much so that they would as well double us village councillors. You can bet you lunch that just like Kibaki is only comfortable touring Central and Eastern provinces, Cardinal Njue would find it very difficult to preach objectively in Mogotio.

Mocking God
Kenyan politicians have serially abused the pulpit as a launching pad for politics. Add to that their penchant to prey into our collective insecurity while sacrilegiously invoking the name of God in vein and you get a nation knocking incessantly at the door of hell. We better stick to our two traits of deception and fraud and localize it all the much we care. Extrapolating to the high heaven may just earn us God’s singular wrath.

Religion has been used the world over to unify people for its selflessness. But in our shores the tribal cancer has gnawed the fabric leaving our clergy shameless political cheerleaders bereft of any moral upper pedestal on which to offer hope and guidance. By challenging the church to review its role as sponsors of learning institutions, Kibaki is being typical Kenyan leader who is uniquely defined by our immaculately he clothes deception disguised as offering leadership. Well, lies never hurt but self-deception can be morally very fatal.



    Like you don't know what religion Kibaki is in?? "hint"who make sacrifices and worship money.....

  2. isn't Kibaki and most of te Mt. kenya Mafia Freemasons?? they worship the dark side- "Devil" and sacrifice humans- so i wasn't surprised when kibaki ordered his police force to shoot and kill innocent kenyans! it is his way of paying homage to the devil he worships.

    Watch who and what the Freemasons si all about and how they worship the "DEVIL" AND MONEY!!

  3. What is wrong with us kenyans?

    We are still talking of PNU and ODM politics when the real owners ( infact BENEFICIARIES)are buddies.
    What has Kamau,Otieno,Kipruto,Wekesa or Mohammed gained from this called Coaliation Government?

    Can't you kenyans open your eyes and ears( but do you have them?)for once and see Kibaki,Raila and Kalonzo are only using you poor people?

    How many of you have been compensated for fighting for these 3 mercenaries despite sacrificing your time,money and even life?

    Forget these people for Peace to return to our motherland.

    What would you loose as an individual if Kibaki,Raila or Kalonzo died today?

  4. What is wrong with us kenyans?

    We are still talking of PNU and ODM politics when the real owners ( infact BENEFICIARIES)are buddies.
    What has Kamau,Otieno,Kipruto,Wekesa or Mohammed gained from this called Coaliation Government?

    Can't you kenyans open your eyes and ears( but do you have them?)for once and see Kibaki,Raila and Kalonzo are only using you poor people?

    How many of you have been compensated for fighting for these 3 mercenaries despite sacrificing your time,money and even life?

    Forget these people for Peace to return to our motherland.

    What would you loose as an individual if Kibaki,Raila or Kalonzo died today?

  5. What is wrong with us kenyans?

    We are still talking of PNU and ODM politics when the real owners ( infact BENEFICIARIES)are buddies.
    What has Kamau,Otieno,Kipruto,Wekesa or Mohammed gained from this called Coaliation Government?

    Can't you kenyans open your eyes and ears( but do you have them?)for once and see Kibaki,Raila and Kalonzo are only using you poor people?

    How many of you have been compensated for fighting for these 3 mercenaries despite sacrificing your time,money and even life?

    Forget these people for Peace to return to our motherland.

    What would you loose as an individual if Kibaki,Raila or Kalonzo died today?

  6. There were days when you went to church just after the post-election then after the pastor finished praying...The next question people would ask will be what is the name of that pastor not because they were really interested in knowing the man but so as to know from "what tribe"...Goodness we had sunk so low


    You did warn me but it was too late...So as not to make any assumptions i am not an accountant and not anywhere near being one i only know how to interpret my ka small bank statement, count my change, and fill in my tax return form....That is all
    One doesn't suffer from low self esteem just coz they cook, i do cook cookies for me from time to time and dont worry they don't allow orange kitenge in our office except the day we have cultural day...otherwise i would be putting it on everyday.
    Leave Museveni out otherwise i will tell some of you to go back to Congo, some Sudan...Then who will be left standing in Kenya...Jijazie

  7. ua molasses god was consecrated by a hundred pastors all over Kenya and the likes of Deya, wanjiru etc as the next president of Kenya in 2007. well he is still to spend a nite in state house so if taabu u want to bring crap start with ua mollasses fool.

    if i were to ask, whats the harm of the church intervening if it can bring a difference? what will we loose for trying?
    but poor taabu has to criticize everything the gava does. kula wembe.

    ivy, just stick 2 ua molasses worship and see how soon ua bank statement improves. wear orange kitenge every day and only the dress maker and the kumekucha fools (i hear u are quite generous down there) banging u will take notice.

  8. You misquoted Marx.
    "Die Religion ... ist das Opium des Volkes....."religion is the opiate of the masses."

  9. Ivy So cooks have offices and wear Kitenges?

    I will contact some Oga for the long tandaruas they put on for my watchie job!

    Shiko Msa welcome back but your disappearing acts are way too much.Please give us post restante!

    Good day!

  10. Knoppix, are you aware there was rumours going on last weekend about you and ivy as an item, can you confirm or deny this.

  11. the schools unrest is linked to the signing of performance contracts for teachers. The teachers have not had their salary agreement made many years ago implemented. They are upset that the government is moving the goalposts by forcing them to sign performence contracts yet is has not done what it promised in contract to do. additionally they feel that with the daily struggles the face, poor housing, etc why should they be bothered with other peoples children yet they cannot look after their own some of whom are the sons and daughters of big people in government who go home with millions every month. They have decided that the kids can do whatever they want. the teachers dont care and they will not excersie any oversight over them Them. The children feel the teachers frustrations hence the riots.

  12. Taabu,

    Yes, these men/women of cloth are nothing but ethno-political cheerleaders. They are of no use especially in Mogotio where half-naked rapists patrol village paths with bows and arrows looking for "kabila adui yetu" to rape. Instead of this stale Kibaki song, let us, as an experiment, replace bibles in Mogotio schools with Raila's biography and impose orange kitenge uniforms. That might work, who knows!

  13. When are the ODM mandarins going to pull out of the govt as Mr. Payuka Nyong'o keeps on threatening. I am itching to vote for Brother Kalonzo. Kenya deserves to have a God-fearing leader.

  14. Anon 11:26 .....It is too early man/woman...Ei yawa what is your beef today you woke up on the wrong side ama?

    By the way are you bothered or concerned?

  15. anon@12:55
    hahaha-good one! i think you mistook "money-respecting" for "God fearing" its an easy common mistake in Kenya i forgive you
    you also mistook "brother" for "doesn't care about you other". anyway, keep indulging

  16. The catholic church is a waste of time, its tribalist to the core.

  17. Taabu, I have got something I want to ask you, I know its irrelevant to this post but it has left me puzzled. How come you know about CELLULITES? I have seen few of your comments with that word. Are you a woman coz this is a woman problem. And if you are please don't talk about it here. We women don't like to talk about our beauty problems (excessive fat!) in public. Keep it out please!

  18. Mama Njeri even if Taabu is not a woman, as a man he may be married to a woman who has cellulite and maybe he is sharing his experiences with her-no problem there is there?
    Looking at your blog you are also offering unsolicited advice to all and sundry about pre and post childbirth so should we stop reading your blog just because we are men?
    please stick to the post "of schools unrest and playing dice with God" leave Taabu alone

  19. 11:26

    To deny or confirm anything is in itself making legitmate you warped,twisted and dweebish thinking!

    I have ignored such crap coz those that post it are narrow minded like you might be yourself.Just because we get along or share ideas with Ivy doesn't amount to nothing.Why aint you saying the same of Taabu.Perhaps i will marry Taabu,oooh yes ooh yes Taabu and i are an item.Happy? If not go sit on a pin twat!

  20. Thanks Knopps. I'll post soonest. Let me acclimatize.

  21. Ooops i meant Anon 11:55

    Sorry about that oversight!


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