Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Probes that Enquire Loudly into the Obvious

The three commission set up to enquire on DECEPTION and FRAUD are measuring up to the written script. From Cockar to Waki, the commissioners are attempting to justify their pay by revisiting the very old and tired lines albeit with a sprinkling of legal lingo. It is typical Kenyan way to buying time secure in the knowledge that Kenyans have perishable memories.

While Majid Cockar and his team are getting superlative entertainment from legal busybodies who are synonymous of fraudulent regimes, Waki is apologizing to bullet and rape victims promising them no repeat of their traumatic and shattered lives. The Cockar-led commission is another window to showcase Kenyans professionals hawking their expertise to the most fraudulent power brokers. In their twisted minds, the Masikas of this world shamelessly feign ignorance when their services were sourced by the best scheming fraudsters hell-bent on milking cow Kenya to the last drop of blood.

Judge Kriegler must be enjoying every act of the show from his VIP seat as the cast from besmirched ECK outdo themselves in sanitizing the stench they invited upon themselves. You read about former PPO Matagaro wax lyrical in his defending the indefensible and wonder whether he is reading straight from comments in Kumekucha. The besieged ECK have fallen to such predictable lines that one is left wondering where the thin line between them and propaganda-laden politicians lie.

Calling thieves' bluff
The common thread running through the duplicitous Waki-Kriegler and Cockar commission is the intention to sanitize DECEPTION and FRAUD. Only in Kenya do scoundrels have the luxury to constitute probes to investigate themselves with predictable reports that will never see the light of the day. Meanwhile the poor IDPs remain the collateral of the whole scheme of deception personified.

But just wait a minute! Imagine the consequences of Judge Kriegler muddying the waters by calling the scoundrel’s bluff. Caging the ECK for bungling the polls would definitely lead to some form of fall out and the attendant bean spilling from one Sam Kivuitu and his bunch of incompetents. That may be a wild thought but were it to happen Kimunya’s script of resorting to drumming tribal support will reach a crescendo. We surely live in interesting political times. Na bado.


  1. Mmmmhh, well, may be may be not!

  2. A thieve is a thieve and the committee are being paid by kenya tax payers to sell lies!! Kimunya was put in finance to cover up and help loot from government so what is new???

    If Kimunya is not punished then expect the looting to continue and my point is why do we have a coalition of a corrupt government??

  3. Probes that are useless and waste of time to kenyans?? the money they are wasting to pay the probe committee members- they should ask any ordinary Kenyan from teachers, carpenter, students, doctors, even housewives on who is looting and stealing from the government or who is involved in Anglo leasing or Grand Regency Thieving!! they will have straight facts as answers for anyone ready to listen and you don't have to pay them for this facts.....

    That money they are paying all this probe committees could be used to resettle the IDP's -since when did the probe committees become more important than our IDP's who are cold and hungry????

  4. Taabu,

    I don't see why there should be a general apology to relatives of the thugs shot by police in the post-elections anarchy. Most of those thugs were shot dead while either committing or attempting to commit the heinous crimes of arson, rape, and murder. It is these relatives who should be apologizing for raising and unleasing barbarians on innocent Kenyans. The police did the right thing - they sent them to hell with one way ticket. Although the police were initially slow to react, for once I was proud of them when they begun to act, and was happy when they were awarded their hardship allowance for silencing EVIL. When General Ali says that he would do the same thing if need ever arise, I am reassured!!!

  5. anon@4:20:

    Right on!

    For all the fuss surrounding these commissions that are of dubious value, we have all but forgotten the tragedy that are the IDPs. Is anyone listening?

    Now, I have a small observation on your comment, annon4:20. You mention "even housewives." I get the impression you've singled them out as somewhat different from the other groups you name, but I'm not sure what the substance of that difference might be? Perhaps I'm reading too much. Just curious.

  6. As an aside, when is Raila being installed as a Kikuyu elder. I have already ironed my orange kitenge for the occassion and set aside some money for my bus fare from Kisumu to Nyeri. Somebody out there with any updates.

  7. anon4:51 PM

    not really- i mentioned housewife's :) I think this are the most hard working individuals running their homes just like any CEO runs a company or any manager or officer running a department- I guess i just feel sometimes housewife's are overlooked when in fact they are a source of information...

  8. anon4:33 PM

    Yup Spoken like a kibaki clone - shoot and kill as many innocent kenyans you can find and when asked say they are thugs.... as for your Ali "shifta Mavi" he will soon be handed over to the Warlords in Somalia- they are dying for his ass he knows why!! as for YOU AND YOUR KIBAKI SENILE FULL OF ALZHEIMER MURDERING GOON- HIS DAYS ARE NUMBERED

    even Saddam Hussein thought he was un touchable and guess what he is dead... many presidents have killed their citizens in cold blood using government machinery but in the end they pay with their life's like dogs.... kibaki will be me!! i hope you will join him in the same 6ft shiate hole too.

  9. anon 7:15 pm. Such passion...careful you dont burst a vein and not live to savor the thrill of the deaths of those you so zealously want to die.

  10. When RAO set up a 2 week deadline for investigations he delivered dead on time. Koffi Anan also met his timeline. Why is it that this Emilio keeps on extending timelines?


  12. 11.33, The 'Caps Lock' key on the left side of the keyboard is on, you fool. Must you always shout?

  13. Taabu,

    According to me all those commissions are what i call rubbish infact.

    Look Lawyers are up in arms and soon a commission may be setup to probe the conduct and person of Gicheru which will actually reinstate him!

    Rubbish i tell you!

  14. Kwani Kriegler has also been caught up with doing things the kenyan way, fraud and deception.

    Knoppix it has been a while, yaani wacha tu....5th ammendment

  15. What a bunch of dishonest, malevolent and spiteful twerps.
    A professional and reputable realtor like Masika says that his valuation for the Grand Regency was 1.7b, but because Kimunya got 2.9b for it, then Masika is a pawn of fraudsters.
    I am SO GLAD that the Bondo bumpkin and his evil, shrieking, screeching minions, such as those who permeate this blog, never made it to the house on the hill. God knows that this country would now have been in the throes of a convulsive, utterly destructive civil war.

  16. What the heck? ati ever junior level employee earns a cool 15m per year and the middle level earn 20m per year. Ei Taabu i dont need to be an accountant...A cook will do just fine ...pls put in a word to Wetangula i desperately need a job...A Cook

    Then we say we dont have money? LOL

  17. Ivy,
    Did you say COOK? Watch what you wish for. It may come to pass or worse still USED against you. Otherwise I have set up another commission to push the commission which will RECOMMEND you to Weta. You know I have to look for the right LIPS to persuade the LEARNED PAL.

    Kwani you have graduated into a coward to be dethroned by the CLONE. Do what you know best and ashame the devil.

    Meanwhile it is two days to go na ole wao Magpies (Newcastle). Last time it was 6-0. Berbatov is soon here at OT in few hours time and the fireworks galore.

    Say high to Deco and big Phil. The Champions cup still smells traces of Terry's tears-they are BLUE in colour.

  18. Taabu which country are you at?

  19. Taabu, are you married and do you have children?

  20. Marriage=EMOTIONAL SLAVERY or better still contract for leagl rape.

    Kids=biological accidents minted from emotional escapades.

    Take your pick and indulge.

  21. Taabu so you are gay.

  22. Gays=people with impaired emotions that with a penchant to abuse HOLES. Human beings have 12 ORIFICES (holes), seven above the neck and five below. Obsession with the wrong ones is emotional insanity.

    You have had enough free-infotainment and STOP the line please. Back to the post on useless commission WILL YOU?

  23. Taabu and Anon: You guys are hilarious.
    The cock up commision, yawn, is a red herring like all others.

  24. Taabu, sawa sawa. I like your answer at 3.45. I like your thesis on Bodily Orifices too--very hilarious. News: Frankie Lamps just committed the rest of his career to the Blues. It is just a pity he is not the highest paid, but they say the contract will, in the long haul, equal JT's. Let's see if luck will once again save you.


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